Other students immediately expressed their opinions.

Some said there was a monster in the lake, some said there were ghosts in the black lake, and some said Malfoy and his friends just couldn't swim, and they made up the monster lie to cover up their embarrassment.

Professor McGonagall was very unhappy with this phenomenon, and immediately stopped them, saying: "Quiet!"

Once the serious Professor McGonagall got angry, the deterrent power was quite large, and all the freshmen shut their mouths almost at the same time.

Professor McGonagall coughed lightly and asked: "Where is Hagrid?"

Harry in the crowd replied loudly: "Send the boy to the infirmary!"

"Infirmary..." Professor McGonagall's forehead outlined a deep ravine, she pondered: "I have to go over there to see how the student is doing, you wait here for me to come back."

After Professor McGonagall left, a group of freshmen became noisy again, and everyone began to share their own gossip about the sorting ceremony.

First, Ron said confidently, "I have five brothers studying at Hogwarts. They told me that the Sorting Ceremony is very strict. If you don't meet the standards, you will be kicked out of school tonight!"

Someone in the crowd exclaimed, "Aren't we already enrolled? How can we be expelled? Didn't we buy the things on the list in vain? That's a lot of money."

Ron, who boasted too much, touched his nose awkwardly and said, "I heard it from Fred and George. They always like to tease me, or maybe they are lying to me."

At this time, another student said, "I don't think they are lying to you. I heard that the Sorting Ceremony is to fight a giant monster, and the house is sorted according to the results of the battle. In previous years, many freshmen have died because of this!"

Another exclamation came from the crowd, "No wonder some people always say that Hogwarts has a certain number of death quotas, and students die every year!"

And some timid girls heard their discussion and began to tremble in the corner.

Hermione interrupted the boys' imagination impatiently and said with reason: "How can the wizard's sorting ceremony be so barbaric? We are wizards, not warriors! How can we be asked to deal with creatures like trolls at the beginning of school?"

"Real wizards rely on brains and knowledge! So, I think the sorting ceremony is actually an exam, and the colleges are assigned according to the scores of the exam!"

"Otherwise, why did the school remind us to buy textbooks a month in advance? Isn't it just to let us prepare for the exam earlier?"

Many freshmen nodded in agreement after hearing Hermione's explanation. This statement is much more reliable than fighting trolls.

But many people frowned and sighed. They have never read any textbooks, and some people don't even know what the books they bought are.

"It's over, it's over! I will definitely get zero marks!"

"My books are still on the train, can I go back and get them?"

"It's too late, the luggage has been sent to the dormitory now!"

Listening to the groans coming from all directions, Chu Yang shook his head helplessly, thinking that these little brats are quite good at scaring themselves. They would never think that they only need to put the sorting hat on their heads to complete the sorting ceremony.

Ron pulled Harry's sleeve tremblingly and asked: "Have you read the textbooks?"

Harry shook his head and said: "My aunt and uncle didn't want me to study at Hogwarts. They tried their best to prevent me from getting the admission letter. It was not until a few days ago that I got the opportunity to go to school with the help of Hagrid. Do you think I have read it?"

"That's fine. It seems that we will definitely be assigned to the same college." Ron was relieved immediately, and even had the mood to wink at Harry.

"You have a really good attitude." Harry was amused by Ron, then turned to look at Chu Yang and said enviously: "Chu Yang will definitely get the highest score."

"That's right, Chu Yang's brain is not comparable to ordinary people. I think only that girl can catch up with him." Ron smacked his lips and agreed with Harry's idea.

Hermione also had the same mind as them. She looked at Chu Yang seriously, and said with some resignation while being unconvinced: "You will probably get first place in this exam, but it's only this time. I promise that my score will be higher than yours in the next exams!"

Although he knew that Hermione guessed the sorting ceremony wrong, Chu Yang still felt a headache because he couldn't give in on this issue.

Hogwarts's favor for geniuses is very obvious.

The aura of excellent learning ability and the first in age can help Chu Yang get some small privileges, such as reading books that ordinary students cannot read in the library.

Moreover, professors and teachers in the school are more willing to give special treatment to genius students, which can help Chu Yang learn a lot of knowledge.

Just as the freshmen were thinking wildly, Professor McGonagall hurried to the infirmary and saw Madam Pomfrey, the head nurse, treating Malfoy, while Hagrid stood by with concern.

"Hagrid!" Professor McGonagall called out to him softly after entering the room.

"Oh! Professor McGonagall!" Hagrid was startled and felt guilty and didn't dare to look Professor McGonagall in the eye. After all, strictly speaking, this was his work mistake.

"Ms. Pomfrey, how is the child?" Professor McGonagall walked slowly to the head nurse and asked worriedly, "Does he need to be transferred to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries for treatment?"

"Professor McGonagall, don't worry, it's not that serious." Madam Pomfrey smiled and said, "The freshman just drank some dirty water and caught a cold. He will be fine after resting for two or three days."

Professor McGonagall breathed a sigh of relief, and then she turned to look at Hagrid and asked, "Before I came here, I heard some ridiculous stories from those kids. Can you tell me what happened?"

Hagrid scratched his head and said, "When I turned around, he had already fallen into the lake. As for how he fell in, I didn't see it, but there was something in the lake at that time!"

Professor McGonagall said confidently, "We all know that there are magical creatures in the Black Lake, but it is definitely not in that area. The fixed protection zone is a contract that Hogwarts made with them a long time ago, and they dare not attack students under Dumbledore's nose! "

"Compared to this, I suspect that someone used magic. Casting offensive magic on classmates is a very serious misconduct."

Hagrid immediately shook his head and said, "Professor McGonagall, I was nearby at the time and did not feel any fluctuations in magic power. Moreover, the wands of those students were left on the train. You don't think any of them are strong enough to cast spells without a wand, do you?"

"Hagrid, not everyone will follow the rules and regulations." Professor McGonagall took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "After the sorting ceremony, I will check them one by one to see if they have hidden wands. "

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