
A great departure from the world!

The atmosphere at the voting site was eerie and creepy. Representatives of the major families didn't speak and looked at the four brothers standing together quietly.

The scene is magical.

Even Chu Yang had goosebumps all over his body, fearing that he would mess up the whole thing on a whim.

But fortunately, the development of things did not exceed the trajectory of fate, it was just a little deviation.

Except for Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama, only some people voted for Uchiha Madara.

Those people were all arranged by Senju Tobirama in advance.

Everything is according to plan.

Uchiha Madara was a little disappointed with the result. He knew that his reputation among the people of Konoha Village was not as good as Senju Hashirama, but he did not expect that there would be such a disparity.

But in the end, he chose to accept it calmly, and even Uchiha Izuna didn't have any objections.

"Madara..." Senju Hashirama looked at his friend apologetically.

He seems to feel sorry for becoming Hokage.

Feeling Senju Hashirama's true gaze, Uchiha Madara sighed and said: "Hashirama, this is everyone's choice, including me, you don't need to feel guilty."

"I chose you because I believe you can achieve our ideals."

At this point, Senju Hashirama no longer gave in. He was grateful for his friend's advice. Surrounded by everyone, he announced that he would become the first Hokage of Konoha Village.

While many family representatives and people came forward to congratulate, Uchiha Izuna slowly walked to Senju Tobirama and stood side by side with him.

"I can now understand why eldest brother can become friends with him." Uchiha Izuna said sincerely: "He... Hokage-sama does have a special personality charm. I hope that Konoha Village will get better and better under his leadership."

Qianju Tobirama nodded and said: "Brother will not let anyone down, you can rest assured."

Suddenly, Uchiha Izuna made an action that Senju Tobirama did not expect.

He stretched out his hand towards Qianju Feijian and said with a smile:

"Let's get to know each other again, the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Izuna."

Qianju Tobijian was stunned for a moment, then took a deep look at the other person and stretched out his hand, "Qianju Clan, Qianju Tobijian."

As representatives of the main war faction of their respective families, the handshake between these two people was even more eye-catching than the handshake between Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara on the other side.

Chu Yang, who was standing outside the crowd, watched this scene with interest, but suddenly felt the affirmative gaze from Qian Shu Feijian.

It means "Boy, your conspiracy is quite effective."

Chu Yang: "..."

Because of Chu Yang's push, the development trajectory of Konoha Village is slightly different from the original plot.

The Uchiha clan and the Senju clan have also entered a honeymoon period of development that is unheard of in history.

As time went by, major events happened one after another in Konoha, which were enough to affect the development of the entire village.

The first thing is that under the leadership of Senju Tobirama, Konoha officially established ANBU!

Everyone originally thought that Senju Tobirama would naturally become the head of ANBU, but no one expected that he would actually give up this crucial position to Uchiha Izuna.

Senju Tobirama took the next best step and became the Hokage's assistant!

Everyone thinks that Senju Tobirama made a sacrifice, including the Uchiha clan.

It seemed that only Chu Yang knew Qian Shu Feijian's intentions.

First of all, the first priority of the Anbu organization is to protect the safety of Naruto in secret, and secondly, the special assassination tactics unit is responsible for sniping important enemy figures.

Reconnaissance of enemy situations and prevention of foreign enemy invasion during special periods are the lowest priority responsibilities.

Protecting the Hokage was a top priority.

Not to mention anything else, entrusting the safety of Senju Hashirama to Uchiha Izuna has already expressed Senju Hashirama's trust in the Uchiha clan.

This can greatly gain the favor of the Uchiha clan and even Uchiha Izuna himself.

There is no doubt about it.

Are there any risks in this decision?

Of course there is.

However, the risk is still within the acceptable range, because Uchiha Izuna is not strong enough to threaten Senju Hashirama. Even if he rebels, he cannot hurt Senju Hashirama.

Senju Tobirama has already considered this.

Then, at Chu Yang's suggestion, Senju Tobirama himself planned to place a special team inside the ANBU to secretly monitor the entire ANBU's actions.

This is the [root] that Shimura Danzo will later establish.

Based on these two points, Senju Tobirama would give up the position of head of the Anbu to Uchiha Izuna. Of course, he would have other arrangements in the future to ensure that nothing goes wrong.

What really makes Chu Yang feel wonderful is the position of Hokage's assistant.

Who has more power, the Hokage's assistant or the head of ANBU?

Most people would choose the person in charge of ANBU!

Isn't the Hokage's assistant just someone who runs errands for the Hokage? What power can there be?

But don't forget that with Senju Hashirama's character, he will definitely put all matters big and small on his brother Tobirama's head.

And Senju Tobirama will become the actual controller of Hokage's power.

Everyone thought that Senju Tobirama sacrificed his deserved power for the peaceful and stable development of the village, but in fact, the power in his hands was not less at all, it was just hidden.

Uchiha Madara might see the clues, but he would never think too much about it, because the ANBU, which has a transcendent power and position, is already in the hands of his younger brother, Izuna.

Moreover, he knew Hashirama Senju very well and knew that he could not handle those headache-inducing official duties and would definitely delegate power to his younger brother.

After the problem of the Anbu was solved, the second thing was the establishment of the Security Department.

It was still because of the Anbu that Tobirama Senju handed over half of the power of the Security Department to the Hyuga clan.

As a large clan with power second only to the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan, the Hyuga clan had weight and reason to share a piece of the power cake.

The Security Department, which should have been controlled by the Uchiha clan, now had a force that could check and balance them.

Even so, the Uchiha clan still did not lose.

And Tobirama Senju also took the opportunity to win the hearts of the Hyuga clan.

With this arrangement, the Uchiha clan gained a lot of benefits, but Uchiha Madara, as the clan leader, only obtained the status of a senior consultant without any actual benefits.

The terrible thing is that no one thought there was a problem!

Even the Uchiha clan had no opinions.

In addition to the above two major events, the third event is of long-term significance to the development of Konoha Village.

The establishment of Konoha Ninja School!

It is the common wish of Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara to give children who have suffered from war a place to grow up healthily, train them, and have the ability to protect themselves.

Senju Tobirama, who is good at teaching young people ninjutsu, was also elected as the first principal of the school.

Chu Yang, as the first generation Hokage and the direct disciple of Senju Tobirama, became the first teacher in the school.

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