When Uchiha Izuna returned to the clan, his mind was filled with Chu Yang's murderous and heart-wrenching words. He was not convinced and wanted to persuade Uchiha Madara to overturn the agreement.

Uchiha Madara was silent for a long time, and only said, "Go to the clan yourself and see how the clan members react, and then come back and tell me your decision."

So Uchiha Izuna had to walk around the streets alone. In order not to disturb the people, he also used the transformation technique.

It was already approaching dusk, and under the setting sun, smoke was rising from every house.

Smelling the smoke of fireworks, Uchiha Izuna's nerves, which had been strained by the war in recent days, gradually relaxed.

He heard laughter.

Uchiha Izuna turned his head, and a group of children ran past him while playing and laughing.

Laughter comes from children playing.

But it’s more than that…

Clan members were coming from all directions with smiles and passed by Uchiha Izuna. They were talking about family and family affairs while laughing intermittently.

Like a melodious ditty, it slowly enters the ear and makes people feel relaxed and happy.

This was a scene that had not appeared in Uchiha Izuna's memory for a long time. He originally thought that the Senju clan would have to be completely defeated before such a scene would appear again in the Uchiha clan.

However, in fact, after the news of the two major families ending the war and forming an alliance spread, the shadow of the war on people was quickly fading.

Uchiha Izuna stood there blankly.

Feeling the bustling traffic around me, all kinds of feelings came to my mind.

He realized that he might be wrong, and if he persisted, his enemy might not be the Thousand Hands Clan.

It was the tribesmen around him who had longed for peace.

Uchiha Izuna, who originally opposed the alliance, could only bow his head under the heavy public sentiment.

He no longer prevents the alliance between the Uchiha clan and the Senju clan.

It didn't take long for the news of the alliance between the two families to spread throughout the entire shinobi world, causing shock to all forces.

The two families put aside their prejudices, worked together, and began to build the first ninja village in the history of the ninja world in accordance with the ideals of Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara.

But new trouble is coming...

While the construction of Konoha Village was going on, major families and ordinary people were also busy voting for the first Hokage of Konoha Village.

Of course the people's will is Senju Hashirama.

But Chu Yang gave Qianju Feijian a different opinion.

"The clan leader will definitely vote for Uchiha Madara. Teacher, you might as well do the same and vote for Uchiha Madara." Chu Yang looked at Senju Tobirama with a smile, like a little fox.

Senju Tobirama was immediately alert and said: "Boy, do you know what you are talking about? If something goes wrong and Uchiha Madara really becomes Hokage, the Konoha Village that brother has worked so hard to build will be over!"

Chu Yang explained: "Teacher, you should have investigated the internal evaluation of Uchiha Madara within the Uchiha clan. It can be said that it has hit rock bottom. If the clan leader had not repeatedly emphasized the significance of Uchiha Madara's status in Konoha Village, I am afraid that he has already reached the bottom. I can’t suppress those tribesmen.”

"In this case, how many people will choose him to become the first Hokage? The vote of you and the clan leader is just giving timely help!"

"To say the least, even if you really want Uchiha Madara to become the first Hokage, the people below will not agree. The first ones to object are the Uchiha clan members who want Uchiha Madara to step down."

If Senju Hashirama wants to give up his position, the people below will never agree, and will only keep him in a high position. Isn't that why the yellow robe is added to the body?

Senju Tobirama pondered for a while and asked: "Is this also part of your plan to win people's hearts?"

Chu Yang chuckled and said: "We can win over some Uchiha people, accelerate their internal divisions, and isolate Uchiha Madara, and then accept him and let him find a sense of belonging with us."

Chu Yang nodded, and then whispered: "A Uchiha Madara who is trapped in Konoha Village by family and friendship and works hard without complaint is much better than an Uchiha Madara who betrays his family and leaves with hatred, right?"

It was like a gust of cold wind blew by, and the hair on Qianju Tojian's body stood up instantly.

He understood that Chu Yang wanted to use emotional shackles to tightly lock Uchiha Madara.

Will this work?

Senju Tobirama is not sure, because Uchiha Madara is a very ambitious guy, but there is no doubt that this plan will be beneficial to Konoha Village and the Senju clan without any harm.

Even if they couldn't achieve the desired effect on Uchiha Madara in the end, they still won.

After Chu Yang's instigation, Senju Tobirama found Senju Hashirama, who was having a headache about the election, and told him that he wanted to vote for Uchiha Madara.

After hearing this, Senju Hashirama looked at his younger brother as if he were a stranger, "What's wrong with you? This is not like your style..."

"First you released the Uchiha clan members early, and then you asked to vote for Madara. What do you want to do?"

Some of Chu Yang's words flashed through Senju Tobirama's mind. He twitched his lips unnaturally, squeezed out a smile that didn't look like a smile, and said, "I want to use this to repair the gap with the Uchiha clan."

"Although the Uchiha clan surrendered, their strength still exists. They are the most powerful clan besides the Senju clan. If the Uchiha clan cannot integrate into Konoha Village, it will cause a lot of trouble to the village in the future. "

"Therefore, I want to repair the relationship with them as soon as possible and find ways to help them integrate into the village."

After saying this, Senju Tobirama himself was almost moved, not to mention Senju Hashirama, who has been working hard for this, but not everyone can understand him.

What other power can compare to the support of relatives?

"Tobirama, I'm glad that you think so, let's work hard together!" Senju Hashirama patted his brother's shoulder happily, and the psychological fatigue was swept away.

The two brothers didn't know...

In fact, at this time, someone outside the room just happened to hear their conversation.

The person who came was Uchiha Madara. He originally came to Senju Hashirama because of the selection of the first generation of Hokage, but he "accidentally" heard the conversation between the two.

Uchiha Madara didn't expect that Senju Tobirama, who had always been hostile to the Uchiha clan, would actually do such a thing for them.

As for Senju Tobirama, he mentioned that the Uchiha clan would cause trouble to Konoha in the future.

In this regard, he, who was isolated by his clan members, suddenly felt that he could understand Senju Tobirama's thoughts.

Some characteristics hidden in the Uchiha clan cannot be eradicated and will grow wildly in a certain period of time.

For example, betrayal.

Uchiha Madara was deeply shocked and told his brother Uchiha Izuna about it without hesitation after returning home.

The latter was also shocked.

Thinking of the change in attitude of Senju Tobirama before, he felt mixed emotions for a while.

The next day, with the witness of other families, the Senju brothers and the Uchiha brothers did something that shocked everyone.

They voted for each other!

Please read and recommend! ! ! Comments are also OK, brothers

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