Silent Reading

Chapter 8: Yu Lianqi

Lang Qiao carrying a folding umbrella, rushed into the city office office building in three steps and two steps, leaving a long string of wet footprints.

When she went upstairs, she was slipped on the floor, nearly five bodies were thrown into the ground, grabbed the handrails in a hurry, looked up, and saw Luo Wenzhou coming down from the floor of the director's office.

Luo Wenzhou and her looked at each other with rare dignity on her face.

Lang Qiao reached out and twisted Liu Hai, who was stuck on his forehead: "Boss, what's wrong? I'm a little panicked if you are so serious."

"Tao Ranhe's small glasses, according to the clues given by He Zhongyi's roommate, inferred that He Zhongyi might have contacted a mysterious figure before his death," Luo Wenzhou whispered. "It is said that the person was in He Zhongyi for some reason. He had a conflict with him during his working hours, and later apologized for the injustice and sent him the cell phone. "

Luo Wenzhou had long legs and walked very fast. Lang Qiao had to trot all the way to keep up. After hearing this, she felt that her brain was almost evaporating out of her wet hair, and she repeated it a little slyly: "A bit conflict I just sent a cell phone? Then I clashed with people on the subway every day. Why was n’t anyone sent me? "

Luo Wenzhou did not pick up her joke: "Tao Ran re-examined the distribution point where the deceased worked, visited him around the delivery line, and finally found witnesses in the storefront of a chain of cafes- Witnesses said that the other day, when He Zhongyi was ready to leave after delivering the goods, he actually had a physical conflict with a person not far from the store entrance, and the store's monitoring just took the license plate number of that person. "

During the conversation, the two of them went outside the interrogation room and saw a young man sitting opposite Tao Ran across the single-sided glass.

The man was in his early twenties, his hair was dyed linen, and he was full of colorful brand names, and he could see that he was desperately squeezing the fire, and the suffocation was almost out of Qiqiao.

"Yes, I may have beaten this silk, so what? I have beaten many people, but this matter really has nothing to do with me. Don't believe you asked Fei Du, am I with him that day? Police officer Tao Let me tell you, if it's not for Faye's sake, if you guys hold me in this way, I'm **** ... I'm early ... "

Lang Qiao stared blankly at the arrogant young man inside: "This is the second suspect? Why did you bring him back to the city bureau on purpose?"

"On the night of the deceased's accident, he said that he was going to a place called Chengguang Mansion. The man in the place happened to be in Chengguang Mansion that day." Luo Wenzhou sighed. "This man's name is Zhang Donglai, which is quite famous in the local area The son of an entrepreneur. "

"Oh, rich second generation." Lang Qiao blinked, "So what?"

Luo Wenzhou: "He is still Zhang Ju's sister-in-law."

Lang Qiao: "..."

Before she could restart her dead brain, a police officer on duty ran over and whispered to Luo Wenzhou, "Luo team, a person with a surname Fei came, and said to find Vice President Tao."

Fei Du politely thanked the attendant who poured water for him, took a sip and set it aside-the coffee they poured was actually instant, and there was a strange smell of sesame oil in it.

He looked around the interior decoration of the city bureau, and felt that the taste was really worrying, and it was crudely made. The paint ideas at the corner of the table were still fresh, probably freshly brushed, and smelled carefully.

Luo Wenzhou walked in from outside and saw Fei Du carefully studying the texture of their table. He frowned, his eyes were very gloomy-if the table was hollow, the team almost felt that there was a corpse hidden underneath.

Fei Du saw his eyelids as if he was not surprised, and simply nodded at him: "Sit."

Luo Wenzhou: "..."

This kid takes this as his home!

Fei Du stirred the sesame-flavored coffee with a plastic spoon and asked, "What about Tao Ran?"

"I'm busy." Luo Wenzhou pulled out a pen, spread out his notebook, and didn't have a few words of shameless nonsense. He opened the door and asked, "Do you and Zhang Dong come with you on the evening of the 20th? Do you want to come? . "

Fei Du leaned on the back of the chair, slightly raised his head, and his two long legs were crooked Erlang's legs. Although his sitting posture was not called "not sitting," he felt inexplicable that the place could not fit him.

He looked at Luo Wenzhou with a smile and asked, "Is Luo Suspect a suspect?"

Luo Wenzhou gave him a cold look.

Fei Du spread his hands indifferently: "Then you'd better be polite to me, I'm not a suspect, and criminal interrogation is not mandatory, I can go at any time if I'm not happy."

"Oh," Luo Wenzhou let go of his pen, "I have to coax you to be happy first, okay? Let's say, how can you coax, shall I sing a song for you now, or go out and buy you a bag of sugar?"

Fei Du, who had just been issued a toffee card by Police Officer Tao the previous night: "..."

The torrential rain outside the window rattled the window lattice, and the two people in the room sat silent with each other.

After a while, Luo Wenzhou may feel that he was a bit naive, and he chuckled. He took out the cigarette case and stunned it at the corner of the table.

"Mind," Fei Du said, without asking, "I have a little pharyngitis recently."

Luo Wenzhou smiled and said without a smile: "If you are dumb, you are not far from world peace."

However, he put down the lighter and turned around his fingers with the unlit cigarette: "Zhang Dong said that he received you at the entrance of Chengguang Mansion at about 8 o'clock the night before, and you didn't leave until midnight. Can testify to him. "

"I arrived before eight o'clock, and left at ten o'clock. Indeed, he greeted him at two o'clock," Fei Du said faintly. "The activities arranged by the host are very 'rich'. If he is always with me, It's illogical within sight and you won't believe it. "

Luo Wenzhou yelled at the cigarette paper: "Why, haven't you been fooling around all the time?"

Fei Du propped his elbow on the table, leaned forward slightly, and a stream of cologne smelled with moisture swept by the rain: "Because I don't like sharing a partner with other men-Luo Team, if you ask such boring and fake questions again, I have to say goodbye to you. "

"You can't see that you're quite particular," Luo Wenzhou didn't raise his eyebrows, mocked the official business, and said, "That is to say, you can't prove that Zhang Donglai didn't kill at the Chengguang Mansion that day."

"I can't, but someone can. If necessary, I can let everyone who came in contact with him that night come in two hours. One person and one handbag should be enough for them to run errands."

Luo Wenzhou poked the tip of the pen on the table: "You are suggesting me that you intend to use fortune trading to forge witnesses?"

"Why, a few small models do perjury, will the elites still worry that they can't be tried?" Fei shook his head. "No, I'm telling you why Zhang Donglai cannot be a murderer."

Fei Du leaned back on the chair again, and distanced from Luo Wenzhou, dragging his unique idle tone, saying, "If it is Zhang Dong, it is obviously unwise to do it by himself. He can find someone to tie the dead back, illegally. Either detained or killed in secret. Anyway, there are migrants everywhere in the Western District. Every day, countless people leave without saying goodbye, and one person disappears. No one will find it, even if they call the police.

Luo Wenzhou listened to his remarks without king law, his palms irresistibly tickled, and he wanted to scum with the surname of Fei, and he could not resist it. The pen tip pierced the paper. "Pull it," leaving an angry spit: "Murders are usually not 'wise' when it comes to killing hands."

"Oh, you say passionate killing." Fei Dudun paused. "Apart from the stunned one, is there any other blunt injury?"

Luo Wenzhou: "Are you asking me or am I asking you?"

"It sounds like" No "," Fei Du said in a rather calm tone. "Passionately kills people. The murderer's emotions are explosive, and his anger rises to the apex in an instant, and then he usually explodes like a vent. A faint Victims without resistance on the ground should have their heads smashed into rotten watermelons-strangled? "

He propped his elbow on the armrest of his seat, supported his chin with his fingertips, and laughed: "Strangling each other is a kind of tricky and enjoyable killing method, and sometimes it even brings a bit of 'that aspect'. A Would someone with a thirsty throat smoke sit down and sip tea? I personally think the process is not natural. "

Luo Wenzhou sank his face: "You think that killing is 'tasting tea.'"

"It's just a metaphor," Fei Dushi shrugged, "Zhang Donglai won't kill people. Even if he kills people, he won't throw corpses. Even if he throws corpses, he won't throw them into the narrow alleys in the West District that he is completely unfamiliar with. This is from a rational point of view. From an intuitive point of view-Zhang Donglai's scum that ca n’t support the wall, he is mad at cursing the street, he has no courage to kill.

Starting from sitting there with the surname Fei, only the last sentence sounded more like a human tongue.

Zhang Donglai is the eldest son of Zhang Julai. He is an old son. He has good family conditions, is not used to it, and is coquettish and wasteful. Luo Wenzhou has seen him several times, and he really doesn't think he has the courage and psychological quality.

As for other matters, they can only be verified by the police. Nothing can be asked from Fei Duo. Luo Wenzhou closed his notebook and stood up to leave.

"Hey." Fei Du suddenly said in the back and stopped him.

When Luo Wenzhou turned his head, a small thing flew towards him. He reached out and copied it subconsciously, and found that Fei Duo threw him a USB flash drive.

Fei Du said: "In criminal cases, there are several situations that are likely to attract public attention. First, the scale is large, such as terror / terrorist / attack, which is news; second, the means are extraordinarily weird or serial killers and the like This is an event with urban legends. Third, the victim belongs to a low-risk group, such as students and office workers who live regularly, and a middle class who is safe and secure. This is a group panic caused by the victim. Fourth, Resolving some long-running social contradictions, such as social elite events involving public power, privileges, and lack of morality, this is the topic-in this case, you have not touched either side, but you have been unusual in the beginning. s concern."

The muffled thunder of a dying flag sounded vaguely in a very distant place, adding an endless end to his words.

"After a brief abnormal attention, it stands to reason that people will soon lose interest in this, but at this time, Zhang Dong came and got involved again." Fei Du stood up, walked to Luo Wenzhou, and passed by, gently. Say, "It's a coincidence or is someone trying to fix you?"

Luo Wenzhou's eyes were frozen.

"No thanks, I am Chong Taoran." Fei Du raised his umbrella, stopped looking at him, and left.

"Fei Du," Luo Wenzhou said suddenly, "Is it next week? After seven years, you should start again."

Fei Du ignored him, keeping an even pace, and left without looking back.

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