Silent Reading

Chapter 7: Julien Liu

"Tao ... Tao Tao Deputy Team!"

As soon as Tao Ran turned back, he saw Xiao Haiyang, the wonderful “irrigating mouthpiece” glasses, rushing over to him.

Xiao Haiyang's glasses were broken yesterday, and he didn't bother to change to a new one, and fell to the bottom of the cheekbones crookedly. He stood still in front of Tao Ran, out of breath, and took a few breaths, looking very severe Tao Ran followed a little tightness.

Xiao Haiyang's face was stretched as if he had just finished skinning, and he wiped the sweat from his heart to his pants, righting the lingering glasses. Then I could clear my throat and pull out my mobile phone memo from my pocket: "Deputy Tao, I want to report something to you."

Tao Ran waited for his breath to calm down: "Don't worry, say something slowly."

"That's it. When I visited the Western District yesterday, I found that they lived in a very mixed place, with strong mobility and seasonality. It is common for tenants to change jobs and move away, not so much as renting a house. In fact, it is more similar to a small medium- and long-term hostel with bad conditions. Therefore, the relationship between people is not very close. Unless it is a fellow countryman who cares for each other, colleagues have been busy for a day yesterday, and there is not much useful information. "

Tao Ran nodded his head with encouragement: "Hmm."

"But one of the people who lived with He Zhongyi came from a province with him. This person is called ..." Xiao Haiyang flipped the memo, "Called Zhao Yulong, and had a good relationship with the deceased. It is said that He Zhongyi delivered the goods. He introduced his work. Ma Xiaowei said that he had returned to his hometown in the past two days. "

Tao Ran raised his eyebrows in surprise, he just wanted to contact this person.

Xiao Haiyang: "I found the person in charge of the coffee chain's distribution point last night. I want to get the contact information of Zhao Yulong. After hearing about it, he promised to take the last long-distance bus back to Yancheng last night. See you today. "

Tao Ran looked at him thoughtfully: "I thought the focus of the investigation of the current bureau was on Ma Xiaowei."

Xiao Haiyang's face was tighter and he pulled his shirt hem subconsciously: "I ... I always feel that the mysterious figure given to the deceased's mobile phone is a little problem. Now I believe that Ma Xiaowei is the murderer, and there are many doubts ... I also told our captain about this situation ... He said that I should not always be self-righteous, nothing to do. "

When Tao Ran heard this, his face sank, his mild smile disappeared: "What time did you meet?"

"Oh," Xiao Haiyang looked at his watch. "If the long-distance bus is not late, it will be an hour later."

Tao Ran immediately said, "I'll go with you and go!"

As grassroots policemen walked the streets against the sun, Fei was leaning against the soft leather swivel chair in his office.

He touched his finger lightly on his forehead, and on the screen of the notebook next to his desk was He Zhongyi's brief and lackluster life. Fei Du pulled out a contact form from the address book and called in the past.

"Hey, Brother, it's me," Fei Du said while listening to the other end of the phone. "Well, I'm sorry, I really want to ask for your help."

Fei Du successfully got what he wanted in less than half an hour-the record of all the surveillance cameras in the vicinity of Chengguang Mansion on the night of opening.

During the lunch break, Fei Du heated a can of sweet milk in the microwave in the tea room, praised the figure of the secretary, told her to eat well, and stopped losing weight, and then locked the door of her office and put on headphones. Looping through the song on his car, he pulled out a piece of a4 paper.

He drew a simple topographic map on paper with abstract drawing techniques that only he could understand, then turned the pen, pondered for a moment, ticked a few circles on it, and wrote "20: 00-21: 30 "Then, with a nib, he changed:" 20:00 "to" 20:30 ".

Fei Du picked out a few from a large number of monitoring records, put them together, and selected a period from 8.30 to 9.30, and watched it with fast forward.

Several groups of pictures flickered back at the same time, he leaned very lazily on the back of his chair, his energy seemed to be concentrated in his eyes, staring at the screen motionlessly.

At this time, Luo Wenzhou was wearing a briefcase, wearing sunglasses from his bag, walking around a traffic hub in Huacheng District, and beckoning the taxi passing by the road from time to time. Unfortunately, none of them ran past. Seeing this, a special product of Huacheng District-a group of black taxi drivers stopped by the road collectively invited him.

"Is the handsome guy in a car?"

"Handsome guy, where are you going?"

"Cheaper and faster than a taxi!"

Luo Wenzhou picked the black car army, and finally stopped in front of a young man with a flat head.

The young man was very obedient and immediately drove the door for him. "Where are you going?"

Luo Wenzhou didn't say a word, and sat sideways in.

The flat-headed young man turned on the air conditioner for him, and drove the car out of the fleet smoothly: "Handsome guy, haven't you said where you are going?"

"You just drive forward." Luo Wenzhou took off the sunglasses, sharp eyes looked at the driver through the rearview mirror, and the driver froze inexplicably.

"I have an anonymous report here." After walking for a while, Luo Wenzhou unhurriedly opened the briefcase, took out a copy, and turned it around. The driver's face immediately changed, and almost happened with the car next to him. Alas, I heard a long whistle, and Luo Wenzhou didn't move, "I'm not your branch office, don't panic, then go ahead and ask you a few words."

Tao Ran and Xiao Haiyang successfully met Zhao Yulong, a fellow of He Zhongyi, and the three of them went to a small noodle shop together.

Zhao Yulong was a middle-aged man and worked in Yancheng for many years. Although he still had a hard time gaining ground, he looked much more decent than the young people everywhere. The man was tired of sitting in the coach for more than ten hours, blinked hard, and his wide eyelids were crumbling: "I didn't expect him to have an accident-police officer, can I smoke a cigarette?"

No one in the noodle shop implemented a smoking ban. Everyone was full of smoky and foggy men. Zhao Yunlong took two sips and rubbed his face: "Loyalty is a rule child. Many people go to the billiard hall chess room when they are free. Drilling, he never went to work to save money, said that he was going to take home to see his mother, he did not steal or rob money, not to cause trouble, why did it happen to him-you two want to ask What, as long as I know, I will not hide it. "

Tao Ran looked at Zhao Yulong and found that although he used his right hand to eat chopsticks, his smoking hand and the handle of the tea cup were all on the left side. In the old days, parents were afraid that their children would "fight" while eating at the table. They would forcibly "correct" left-handers. This situation is quite common.

Tao Ran took a picture from his wallet and took the pair of shoes worn on the deceased's feet: "I would like to ask, did you loan this shoe to He Zhongyi?"

Zhao Yulong lowered his head, his eye circles almost turned red, and the soul absently bowed his head: "It's mine, is he ... did he walk in these shoes?"

"Yes, these shoes are very important," Tao Ran said. "Do you know why he borrowed these shoes?"

Zhao Yulong was a bit at a loss, thinking about it, "I said I was going to meet someone in a very high-level place, called ... what kind of light ... is Chengguang Building or a villa?"

Xiao Haiyang sat upright: "Chengguang Mansion!"

"Yes," said Zhao Yulong, "this is the name."

"Who to meet? What's up?"

Zhao Yulong shook his head: "I didn't say, I asked, the child had a good idea and his mouth was tight."

Xiao Haiyang hurriedly asked, "Mr. Zhao, He Zhongyi has a new cell phone, right?"

"Ah, there is one," said Zhao Yulong. "Is that white? He usually doesn't want to use it. The old one is still the old one. Sometimes he takes out the new cell phone to see it, but the film is pasted several layers first. "

Xiao Haiyang: "Do you know who gave the phone?"

Zhao Yulong frowned slowly.

Tao Ran asked, "What?"

"At the beginning, he said that it was sent by a fellow villager. I felt strange at that time, because I hadn't heard him mention any local acquaintances before, and I was afraid he would have no heart and lungs, and then meet any bad person. I bought it for you for no reason Isn't such an expensive thing dedicated to diligence? "Zhao Yulong played the soot." I chased him without asking, and he said to me that one day there was a conflict with someone when I was delivering, After a few hits, he didn't fight back. Later, I didn't know whether he regretted it or what happened, and apologized to him.

Tao Ran and Xiao Haiyang glanced at each other-this situation has never been heard before when visiting.

Is there anything to hide from a conflict with someone who later apologizes?

If it is true, why is He Zhongyi's language unknown, and he pretended to be an acquaintance?

He Zhongyi lived with so many people, and no one could see that he was beaten, indicating that the physical conflict was not serious at the time. Why did the other party send valuables at the same time as he "apology"?

Suddenly, this seemingly investigating the deceased's personal relationship could detect the murder of the murderer inexplicably.

Zhao Yulong did not know the exact source of the mysterious mobile phone, but provided an approximate time for the conflict. Tao Ran and Xiao Haiyang had to follow this clue, and found the distribution company where He Zhongyi was working, searching for clues.

In the afternoon, the sky was clear and the face changed without warning. The arrogant sunlight was surrounded by dark clouds from nowhere, and the damp wind brought the tide, and there was a sudden shower.

Luo Wenzhou got out of the car near a subway entrance, but didn't leave. He reached out and pressed the door, and glanced around. A bread that had stopped at the intersection suddenly moved when he glanced at him. Drive away slowly.

Luo Wenzhou bent down slightly, and was attached to the driver's ear across the half-open window: "Someone is staring at you, be careful, if there is any situation, please find me at any time."

The driver of the black car was blowing cold air conditioner, still sweating, and nodded quickly.

Luo Wenzhou gave him a deep look, turned and walked to the subway station, and just after the security check, his cell phone rang.

"Tao Ran, how's it going?" He said as he swiped into the station, and then stopped suddenly. "What? You repeat that name again."

Fei Du's office didn't have another good window, "snapped" and was closed by the wind. Several pieces of paper fell to the ground. At this moment, his hand holding the mouse suddenly moved.

Fei duo fixed one of the monitoring pictures, zoomed in and turned it back, and found that the time was about 8:50 pm.

It was a very peripheral camera, and it was almost no longer within the scope of Chengguang Mansion. It was a stone path.

Due to the proximity to the water system, even in early summer, there are still a lot of mosquitoes, few people pass by after dark, and even occasionally there are people walking in a hurry-and a hesitant shadow, hovering under the street lamp for a long time.

From the lens, only the man was seen wearing a rough and uncoordinated dress. He was not tall and a little thin. He stood in place and smoked several cigarettes in a row. He held a kraft paper bag tightly in his hands, and looked up from time to time for a moment. For a while, he seemed to have received a call and spoke a few words to the person on the phone. .

Fei Du watched this video several times, not sure if it was the deceased who had a relationship with him. He grabbed the car key, closed the computer and went out.

Forty minutes later, Fei Du came to the Central Business District in Huacheng District.

He glanced up at the gloomy sky, took out an umbrella from the trunk of the car, and walked to the landscape area near Chengguang Mansion.

Fei Du ’s sense of direction is very good. He hardly took a detour and found the position of the surveillance camera.

The water vapor in the air was already strong enough to be low. He took a closer look at the monitoring position, remembering the direction in which the person in the camera had been looking, and turned around—at the end of the path, just to see the shadowy Chengguang Mansion.

Fei Du's gaze fell on the trash can next to it-smoke extinction stones, lying a few cigarette butts alone.

There are few people here, and the trash can is clean. There is hardly anyone throwing anything in it. The cleaner will come to clean up about ten days and a half months. Fei Du found a silk handkerchief from his pocket and carefully pinched the cigarette butts. .

At this time, his cell phone suddenly rang.

Fei Du wrapped his cigarette **** in a hurry, and then found out his cell phone. At first glance, he smiled without saying a word: "Why, have you suddenly missed me as soon as possible?"

Tao Ran's voice was quite serious: "The night before yesterday, are you in Chengguang Mansion?"

"Yes," Fei Duo said, "What's wrong?"

"Are you with someone named Zhang Donglai?"

Fei Du stunned, before he had time to talk back, a thunder exploded, and the heavy rain "huh" leaked down.

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