Silent Reading

Chapter 146: Edmond Dontes (seventeen)

It is normal for an adult to not remember that he was ten years old. For example, Luo Wenzhou has always insisted that what was "the kid holding a toy while occupying the coal pile" was scammed by Comrade Mu Xiaoqing- — But what is abnormal is that Fei Du remembers the details before and after, including the tone of Fei Chengyu's voice. Why did he forget this paragraph alone?

However, Fei Du's situation was obviously unsuitable for further questioning. Luo Wenzhou had no choice but to pause for a while and explored his temperature. He also suspected that it was only too much trouble that had left him cold. However, the real-time thermometer shows that the temperature in the floor heating house is close to 27 °, and it is not cool to wear short sleeves. Luo Wenzhou was puzzled. In the end, it had to be attributed to one reason-Fei Du may be a tropical fish.

It may be that the body is too tired, Fei Du's always too active spirit is not willing to stay in the still body honestly, wandering aimlessly in sleep.

He first dreamed that he seemed to have taken out a can of cats, but forgot to open the pot, and then he dreamed that Luo Wenzhou didn't know why it was unpleasant, and how he coaxed him into ignoring him; in the end, it seemed as if he returned to Tao Ran to be pushed into the hospital That day-strange to say, in the real world, when Fei Du and Luo Wenzhou arrived, Tao Ran had been pushed into the rescue room, and they only glanced into the ward after the situation stabilized.

But in the chaos of dreams, Fei Du felt like he was seeing Tao Ran covered with blood, and his bones pushed out of his body against the broken meat. Tao Ran's face became red and purple, his eyes narrowed, and The paraquat is dying.

Fei Du opened his eyes warily and woke up.

His eyelids were a little heavy, but only the moment he opened his eyes, the chaotic thoughts were immediately trained to forcibly return to the cage. Fei Du frowned and recalled his chaotic dream. He felt a bit wrong, because Tao Ran's injury was caused by a collision. Yes, so why give him a suffocating face in his dream?

Does not seem very logical.

But even Hawking was probably unable to ask himself to talk about logic in a dream. This question flashed through Fei Du's mind, and then he felt a bit uncomfortable. He had a soreness like a posture that had been maintained for too long. Fei Du gently moved Luo Wenzhou's slightly tight hand and turned over, but the soft and comfortable mattress seemed to suddenly turn into a cement board. He felt his cheekbones when he turned it, and only a little weight of the air conditioner was pressed. He was a little breathless and couldn't find a comfortable position anyway.

Just when Fei Du turned over for the third time, Luo Wenzhou, who was usually thunderous and unshakable, suddenly turned on the bedside lamp: "What's wrong?"

Fei Duo was too lazy to talk, most of his face was buried in the pillow to avoid the light, and he shook his head at him.

Luo Wenzhou reached out his hand, and Ji Ling sat up and said, "It's all burned into a radiator, and he shook his head!"

Fei Du opened his eyes a little blankly, and saw Luo Wenzhou rushing out to find the fever medicine.

When Luo Wenzhou lived by himself before, the most commonly used were safflower oil and Yunnan Baiyao. Band-aids and iodine had been beaten for a dozen. The rest were basically expired medicines. Willing to stop, I don't know where to get a box of canned food. I planed on the ground and bite again, and threw the canned food box into a "ding".

Luo Wenzhou "shushed" it and whispered: "If you make another noise, close you on the balcony!"

Luo Yiguo canned food, staring at him indomitably, with a strong intention to fight him to the end.

Luo Wenzhou ignored it, and finally pulled out a box of antipyretics. After reading the manual and the production date at a glance, he found that it had not expired yet, so he quickly took it to Feidu.

He asked Fei Du to take the pills in his own hand, but couldn't help but sigh: "General Fei, talk about it, can we go out tomorrow and take a little activity every day, healthy and restful?"

Fei Du didn't have much energy to talk to him, but just vaguely said, "I'll be fine tomorrow."

He reluctantly drank half a glass of water, pushed the glass upside down, and tapped twice on the back of Luo Wenzhou's hand to express his gratitude, and he couldn't stand still. Fei Du is usually good at being a demon. After learning that he is sick, he is honest. He seems to be very organized to count his limited energy and intelligently minimize all kinds of activities. system.

Luo Wenzhou watched for a while uneasily, and found that the patient was completely able to take care of himself and did not cause any trouble with the quilt. Suddenly he felt his hair with a little distress: "Who took care of you when you were sick before?"

Fei Du wanted to say "It doesn't matter if you are minor, go to the hospital if you are seriously ill." However, he just moved his lips and did not say anything. The hypnotic effect of the antipyretic medicine was menacing. It quickly turned into a haze. Fei Du took this sentence without having time to answer, and was dragged into sleep forcibly by the drug, and the restless question was detached from his consciousness and devoted to dreams.

He dreamed that the bedroom he had lived in when he was a child-the entire villa was decorated according to Fei Chengyu's preferences, as were the rooms for women and children. Those heavy-colored furniture always brought their own gas fields, which put pressure on the young occupants. There was nothing left, it was cold everywhere ... except that the window was facing south and the lighting was good.

Fei Du vaguely remembers that once he leaned on the bedside, most of his body was shrouded in the Yangguan Pass, and he was forced to bed because of a sudden cold and fever.

While Fei Chengyu was not at home, he secretly unrolled the small note in his pencil case.

There are three strings of passwords on the note-there are two cases of stealing the forbidden land. Fei Du spent nearly half a year, watching every day Fei Chengyu quietly, and quietly collected Fei Cheng in daily life. Other passwords that Yu has used have made a simple summary and statistics of the coding rules, analyzed several rules from them, and tried to infer the passwords in the basement.

He had no chance of trial and error, because he would call the police if he entered the wrong password, and he would be notified immediately no matter where Fei Chengyu was. Fei Du finally locked three kinds of password combinations that Fei Chengyu might use, but he was really uncertain about which of the three.

At this time, someone knocked on the door, and Fei Dupan hurriedly shoved this "big injustice" note back into the pen bag, and his mother came in with a cold medicine.

She gently replaced the hot towel on his forehead, and wiped him with a towel soaked in cold water. The whole process was like a robot. Things were thoughtful and methodical, but he refused to have any eyes Looking at each other, as if extra touches would bring disaster to them.

Fei Du wanted to speak to her, "Mom". When she reached her throat, she got stuck again, but just opened her mouth.

The woman wiped him carefully, and looked a little bit more deadly than before, and even walked a little lightly. Tipdu wanted to talk to her without knowing where to start. Seeing that she was leaving again, he quickly Stretched his arms to reach her. The unzipped pencil case on the knee fell off, and the note full of passwords slipped out.

The air seemed to freeze.

After a while, the woman bent down to pick up the pen bag, picked up the small note, and Fei Du held his breath subconsciously. The woman finally looked up at him, her eyes were so complicated and difficult to discern, the boy failed to discern her meaning, and tightened the quilt nervously.

Will she tell Fei Chengyu? Do you suddenly go crazy?

As his concubine continued to rise, the woman seemed to be incomprehensible, and if nothing happened, she slipped the note back into the pencil case, gently put it back on his lap, kissed him on the head again, and turned away.

After the door rang, Fei hesitated to open a note full of passwords, and saw a nail print under one of the passwords.

Three days later, after learning that Fei Chengyu had gone to the field, he used the password to open the heavy door in the basement. The basement was like a forbidden space. The staircase was narrow and winding, and no head could be seen from above. The dim wall lamp flickered with dim lights, and the dragons on the wall paper opened their mouths to indulge, as if hidden inside. Only a monster, Sen Ran opened his mouth wide.

In the dream, Fei always felt that when he went step by step, his mother was watching on the second floor. He pushed the door open, and the cabinets and table cases were shrouded in a layer of fuzzy black mist. He hesitated near the desk case, where he saw a stack of printed papers.

The next dream suddenly became confused, and the ink on the paper suddenly expanded, and blood stains spread out from the paper. Then, the space he was in was about to collapse like a turbulence. The ceiling and the floor were broken together. The sound of glass, the horror of footsteps and the scream of a woman suddenly struck him, making him breathless. At the same time, it seemed that a man said in his ear, "My picture album plan can be started." ...

Fei Du, sweating coldly, sat up whimperingly, and then felt that the sky turned round, fell back, and was caught by Luo Wenzhou.

"Don't lift the quilt first." Luo Wenzhou dragged him back and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, feeling very relieved that the temperature did drop, so he kissed his horn gently, "Did you have a nightmare? Eating fever Medicine is really easy to have nightmares. I waited for you to wait for the night. Come to me for comfort. "

Fei Du's intense tinnitus faded, he hesitated, and whispered, "It's not a nightmare, but there are some wonderful plots."

Luo Wenzhou: "... wonderful plot? For example, by train to heaven?"

Early in the morning to open the yellow cavity with the patient, there was no lower limit, and Fei dumbfounded him with his elbow.

"For example, when I cracked Fei Chengyu's password once, it was actually prompted by my mother." Fei Du said, "And ... Fei Chengyu seemed to tell someone who said" my picture album plan "... "

Luo Wenzhou said, "You don't remember how you opened that password door?"

"Remember, I remember I summed up a few possibilities, and then tried it. Fortunately, the first password I tried passed ..." Fei Du's voice suddenly paused, and he felt a violation, He inferred his mental state as a child from the perspective of an onlooker, thinking that he did not dare to run the risk of angering Fei Chengyu anyway, and rashly took a bunch of completely uncertain passwords to try.

So he really gave him a hint at the time?

Why doesn't he remember at all?

Luo Wenzhou reached out and covered his eyes: "Sleeping for a while, it will hurt you when you are sick."

After settling down, Luo Wenzhou quietly got up, put the hot breakfast into the insulated lunch box, and left a note. He went to the archives room by himself, and the formalities of the file transfer required formalities, especially some archived files. During the period, he could not find anyone who could sign the procedure. The administrator smoked countless boxes of cigarettes and opened him with one eye closed and one eye closed.

Luo Wenzhou looked around. Sure enough, he couldn't find anything of value. The "Picture Book Project" only had a thin pamphlet, which contained some very introductory words, and several articles that were painless and itchy and looked completely everywhere. Copying and pasting the rushed out thesis, the picture book project was led by Professor Fan Siyuan of Yan Gong University at the time, but in the final collected paper, neither the author nor the instructor had his signature.

Fan Siyuan's personal file content is also very poor. He simply included his work experience and published papers. It ended abruptly thirteen years ago, and his death record was strange. It was ten years ago-Lao Yang Vaguely mentioned that this man was dead, Luo Wenzhou always thought that he was guilty of suicide or something unexpected during the arrest after the incident of the album window plan, but he did not expect that the fact was not.

It was early in the morning that the administrator and Luo Wenzhou explained to the squatting toilet. Luo Wenzhou took the opportunity to quickly make a copy of all the researched files included in the first album plan. The business was a skilled thief.

Before leaving, his eyes stayed on Fan Siyuan's work experience for a moment, and a sudden flash of light in his mind--

By the way, Lu Bureau said that Gu Zhao once went to Yan Gong University to study a postgraduate student after work!

At the same time, Xiao Haiyang rushed to the detox center early in the morning. The detox center did not come like the people's park. He waited uneasily for more than half a day before finally meeting Ma Xiaowei. Xiao Haiyang was secretly relieved-there were too many accidents during this time. He was afraid that as soon as he found a clue, Ma Xiaowei was also killed.

Ma Xiaowei is a little bit fatter than before, and has no such addict, but his mental state is a bit sluggish, and that bit of sluggishness disappears the moment he sees Xiao Haiyang, and the whole person is tense.

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