Silent Reading

Chapter 145: Edmond Dontes (sixteen)

"Boss," Langqiao asked, "then the investigation team has taken everyone away, so what are we doing?"

Luo Wenzhou was also at a loss, but couldn't show it in front of the young people. He groaned for a moment. He said, "The mental retardation who sneaked into the hospital and killed people is still in our hands. We need to continue the trial. He did not mean that two men brought money Isn't he? Neither of them has one of his hair now, who knows if he's talking nonsense? "

Lang Qiao quickly took out a small record—exam-oriented education—when he was overwhelmed, he took notes swiftly, creating the illusion that he was still working hard, as if he could sit and wait for the truth to fall from the sky.

"In addition, find a few brothers to follow the driver of Zhang Bureau and give him some means of monitoring," Luo Wenzhou said as he sorted out his thoughts. "Xiao Haiyang continued to wait for the results of physical evidence. If Tao Ran tracked Yin Ping, It was Kong Weichen who leaked the secret, so he would not have called Zhang Zhang's phone before. They are both of themselves. Of course, we know how to check if something goes wrong, so there should not be such obvious evidence-so Yin Ping ’s There must be something else in the car accident. "

Xiao Haiyang finally had no objection this time, and quickly nodded in response.

"Find another opportunity to go to the detox center, if possible, talk to Ma Xiaowei." Luo Wenzhou also said.

Lang Qiao and Xiao Haiyang were very unclear about this request, so they stared at him with big eyes.

Luo Wenzhou: "The timing of Ma Xiaowei's appearance and the secrets he leaked to us inadvertently. It is unlikely that these are coincidences now. Several major cases occurred after Zhang Ju was transferred. If these things happened, It was premeditated. It is likely to have started since then, and Ma Xiaowei must be involved. "

Xiao Haiyang was so anxious that he quickly said, "I'll go."

"Where to go, it's time to visit now, and go back tomorrow-do you want to ask questions? Are you in a hurry? I don't know what it means to cut the wood with a knife?"

The criminal policemen who planned to work overtime until the Spring Festival did nothing on time, Fei Du sent Xiao Haiyang and Lang Qiao, who had been with them, to their homes, and went to the hospital to give Tao Ran, who had been injured for 100 days, something to eat. He dictated two small routines that pleased the girls, and Luo Wenzhou, who could not be heard in the middle, forced his way home.

Later, he casually served as a supermarket carter, porter, and wallet, and accompanied Luo Wenzhou to the supermarket to buy ingredients and cat food. His attitude was calm and natural, as usual.

Especially when it was time to sleep, Fei Du was so rare that Luo Wenzhou used three reminders and four requests-only to say the second time, he turned off the computer.

Fei Du has a bad life habit. This person does not sleep at night, but also wakes up early in the morning. He uses the schedules of "Warren Buffett", "Jobs" and "Kobe" in the chicken soup.

When I was discharged from the hospital, I was better. I rubbed and lay down, but after being carefully nursed by Luo Wenzhou for a while, my family seemed to have another energetic Luo Yi pot-unless I woke up in the middle of the night, When Luo Wenzhou was awake, he stretched out his hands and found that they would be empty ... Fortunately, fees are always better than pots, and they should be their own, and do not harm others with a humanoid alarm clock.

Luo Wenzhou looked at him with a strange look on his face: "What's wrong with you today? Why isn't it? Colds? Or are you allergic to eating at night?"

"If you don't listen to you, you resort to violence," Feidu reluctantly touched his face. "Listen to you, and you suspect that I am sick ... Concubine, you are too capricious Now. "

A little smile floated around Luo Wenzhou's eyes, then he grabbed Fei Du's wrist and said in a pun, "I am capricious, or is your heart unpredictable?"

For a moment, Fei Duo, Luo Wenzhou stared at him with a deep glance: "You are not very interested in these two days, what's wrong?"

Fei Du smiled and avoided without answering, "Who said that my interest was not high? As long as I saw you,‘ interest ’was always high.”

Luo Wenzhou: "..."

As soon as someone taught Tao Ran, he used a punctuation mark on himself without changing the punctuation mark. Is this when he was too deaf?

Seeing that Fei Du said nothing, Luo Wenzhou suddenly raised his hand and clamped his waist, and lifted his feet off the ground.

Fei Du: "Shoes, wait, shoes!"

Luo Yipot heard the movement, and saw it pin-to-pin. He picked up Fei Du's slippers and took it as a rare thing.

Luo Wenzhou threw the bedroom door indiscriminately, and emptied him against the door. "Your brother is not old enough for you to have your feet on the ground. What do you want your shoes to do?"

Mr. Fei's history of hunting Yan has no practical experience with this posture, and there is a little bit of panic. Although he knows that he can't fall even if he falls, he still feels insecure, holding the doorknob to support himself, and smiles: "Can you? Applying for something less exciting? I'm afraid I'm tired ... "

Luo Wenzhou stared at him squintingly, Fei Du scrutinized the words, swallowed the last word "you" wisely, his throat moved slightly, and he could abandon the man's self-esteem and said, "... I am myself."

Luo Wenzhou raised his head and looked at him for a moment, approached slowly, and gently touched the tip of Fei Du's nose.

Fei Du bowed his head and kissed him, but Luo Wenzhou fled away, and said ruthlessly: "You loose your hand, except me, you can't let it go. Who told you to perform pull-ups?"

Fei Du: "..."

Luo Wenzhou: "Or do you want to be handcuffed?"

Fei Du was very accustomed to him, and he didn't have the heart to disappoint him. Both evils and powers had to hold Luo Wenzhou's shoulder in a posture as stable as possible, his legs pinched his waist.

Luo Wenzhou slowly pulled the loose bathrobe on his chest with the tip of his teeth: "Who am I?"

Fei Du pretended to be surprised: "Is it because I didn't buy you a formal diamond ring? Should I order a pigeon egg now?"

Luo Wenzhou said, "I do n’t have enough eggs for pigeons. I want eggs, both."

Fei Du: "..."

What a good man to eat and sleep.

"Since I'm worth the two eggs--" Luo Wenzhou's gaze flew across Fei Du's chest. In the end, it was a young man. After a period of time, the traces left by the electric shock were almost invisible, without those messy tattoos. He was thin and fair on the chest, almost with a seductive sense of juvenile.

So shallow chest, so deep heart.

Luo Wenzhou read enough of this before he finished his long sentence: "Can you believe me?"

This is a sub-question, and Fei Du thoughtlessly answered, "Why wouldn't I ... hizz."

Luo Wenzhou felt that the conversation might not be smooth, so he first rubbed his teeth.

"Think about it, Fei Du, and give you another chance."

Fei Du's lower body activities generally do not go above the neck. His mind is still very clear. He immediately realized that there was something in Luo Wenzhou's words. He thought in his heart and freed one hand to lift Luo Wenzhou's chin: "What's the matter, yes I haven't talked much lately. I haven't forced a bunch of opinions into your ears to make you feel uneasy? "

Luo Wenzhou frowned: "I think you have something to hide from me."

Such words are generally a precursor to a family crisis. Fei Du seriously recalled for a moment: "I recently asked Lu Jia to run their errands in front of you. They did not secretly plan for their lives, nor did they pay for them. Chengyu's breathing tube, I obey the law and abide by the law. I do n’t drink wine, sigh, and responsive, there should be nothing to hide from you? ”

Luo Wenzhou supported him with one hand, and the other hand stretched into the hem of his bathrobe very irregularly. I didn't know where I was, and Fei Du froze. He was hanging in the air, feeling that he could not get on. The village is not on the ground ", nervous and unbearable:" Brother, are you ... planning to torture a confession? "

"Yeah," Luo Wenzhou said slowly, "when Zhou Huaijin mentioned 'Thirteen Years Ago', you said the" picture book plan ". Today you discussed in the car whether Zhang Bureau was framed. You mentioned it again The album plan, even if you do not approach me with ulterior motives, use the name of restart album ... "

Fei Du laughed: "I have no intention to approach you, I use beauty."

"..." Luo Wenzhou froze for a moment, "Who asked you to grab my line? You're the darkest person near Mo."

"The album plan was intended to establish a criminal file. Although it was led by the school, if you notice the list of participants, you will find that those front-line criminals who seem to have experienced the Gu Zhao case are also suspects." He took a breath and grabbed Luo Wenzhou's salty pig inexorably. "... Baby, I won't be able to tell you anymore."

"But you did not come for the case of Gu Zhao."

"I remember I told you ..."

"I also remember," Luo Wenzhou interrupted him. "You told me for the first time that your instinct was related to your mother's death and Fei Chengyu, and you want to know why you have this instinct, so you want to remember and trace your childhood Tell me the second time, you actually know that your mother committed suicide, and you know why she committed suicide, and you can vaguely guess what Fei Chengyu was doing in private; the third time we hunted down Lu Guosheng, you were in your basement Here I repeat the words Fei Chengyu I heard that year, you remember clearly 13 years ago, you do n’t have to go back. ”

Fei Du froze, but did not expect Luo Wenzhou to remember every nonsense of him clearly.

Luo Wenzhou broke his hand, held the tender meat between Fei Du's legs, grinded it back and forth, bit his teeth slightly and asked, "Now can you tell me which of your contradictory words is true? ? "

Fei Du was silent for a while, then suddenly held Luo Wenzhou's head, and kissed his head down. He seemed to know how to be emotional, not fierce, but it made people feel as if he was loved by him.

That is impatient, precise and perfect affection.

However, just like a series of chance coincidences, it must not be accidental. The expression that is always accurate and in place must not be revealed naturally. Luo Wenzhou suddenly got a little angry, and pulled open the clothes hanging loosely on Fei Du's body, turning zero distance into negative distance Only when he feels the rapid change in Fei Du's heart rate can he have a little real feeling of this person in his hands.

When Fei Du was put on his back and put on the bed, it seemed that he was almost asleep. Luo Wenzhou kissed him in the eyebrow, returned rationally, and thought, "I still didn't ask."

At this time, Fei Du suddenly said: "Three times I said to you, they are not completely compiled."

His voice was a little hoarse, rubbing gently against the eardrums, Luo Wenzhou gave a "well", stretched his legs and grouped himself on the little lazy sofa by the bed.

"I tracked the 'picture album', indeed to trace back to my childhood, the details of the basement, I don't fully remember, and the missing part of my intuition is important."

Luo Wenzhou: "I thought your memory is no worse than Xiao Haiyang."

"I can't forget to look around and watch the monument," Fei Du smiled quickly. "Actually, I had twice entered Fei Chengyu's basement without permission. The first time was completely accidental, and things fell. After picking it up, he just didn't lock the door. I slipped in and saw the list of album plans that time. Fei Chengyu returned when I was turning around. I hid it in the small cabinet under his bookcase, but fortunately was not found. "

Luo Wenzhou thought something was wrong in this sentence. Before he thought about it, Fei Du went on to say, "The little boy was born with a thrilling curiosity and rebellion. I sneaked in once and thought about it a second time. , So I tried to find a password for his basement-it was not easy, Fei Chengyu was a very careful person, so I successfully slipped into the mysterious basement for the second time. After half a year, I saw him on the desk. He is the author of a study on the victims of vicious cases. "

Luo Wenzhou: "Leader of the first album project, Fan Siyuan's dissertation?"


Luo Wenzhou frowned—the first album was planned to happen in the middle of the incident. It was not long before the Gu Zhao case passed. The municipal bureau couldn't afford another scandal. As soon as it was found to be wrong, it called for an emergency stop and all participants were investigated. However, it was handled very quickly-

"For the first album project, it didn't seem to be half a year from launch to being stopped," Luo Wenzhou said. "Why did Fei Chengyu's interest stay so long?"

"I turned on his computer. The password is the same as the access control. I saw a folder named 'picture album' on the desktop, but it couldn't be opened because the access control password didn't work."

"Do you mean, 'the album project' has something to do with Fei Chengyu?" Luo Wenzhou asked, "What then?"

"Then I don't remember much, but ..." Fei Du suddenly felt a tightness in his throat and coughed his head twice. "But ... cough ..."

Luo Wenzhou first thought he was stinging when he thought he was talking, but soon realized that something was wrong-Fei Du could not stop coughing.

He quickly helped Fei Du and patted his back: "What's going on? Is it cold? Make you disobedient!"

Fei Du was unable to breathe, and his forehead almost showed blue tendons. It took a long time to calm down. Luo Wenzhou brought a cup of warm water: "Drink first, you can't take medicine for a cold. "

"I just remember that Fei Chengyu suddenly came home for some reason and found that I slipped into his basement. It seemed very angry. After the thunder broke out, the basement was emptied," Fei Du said with some effort, "but in retrospect, I It seems that from then on, I had a rough idea of ​​what he was doing. I must have seen something important by chance in the basement that day. "

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