At this moment, everyone in the Yan family was like ants on a hot pot. The third aunt was so angry that she took a basin of water and poured it on Yan Bugui and Yan Jiecheng.

"You two, get up quickly and stop standing there. It's too late to discuss what to do with everyone!"

Yan Bugui gritted his teeth and pulled Yan Jiecheng to open the door after listening to the noise outside, and knelt on the ground with a plop.

"My family has suffered such a big loss. Please give me two days. Even if I sell my house and workstation, I won't lose your money!"

Wang Aiguo looked at his neighbor who was about to hit him and said, "Okay, let's be quiet for a while. Yan Jiecheng, why are you still being cheated of so much money here? Don't you know to call the police?"

Yan Bugui's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard Wang Aiguo's words. He was really scared. He looked at Yan Jiecheng who was still in a daze and kicked him hard.

"What are you still doing here? Call the police. You have to take responsibility for the trouble you caused. Don't expect your family to clean up your mess!"

After Yan Jiecheng left the yard, he ran to the police station. The police station immediately took Yan Jiecheng's experience seriously.

"Don't worry, comrade, we will definitely give you an explanation for this matter. Do you still remember what the group of people who cheated you look like, and how you met each other? Tell us, these are all useful clues for us to handle the case."

After the police heard that Yan Jiecheng was gambling and someone introduced him, they realized that this was a gang crime.

"We will talk about your gambling later. Take us to the casino to arrest people first!"

After Yan Jiecheng took the police to the casino, they did catch some people, but the introducer was not there. This time the clues were completely broken. The police could only let Yan Jiecheng go because he was a victim.

"Yan Jiecheng, go back and wait for the news. We will notify you if we have any progress. Also, don't gamble in the future. You are so pitiful, so let's forget about it this time."

When Yan Jiecheng said that the liar could not be caught, Yan Bugui pinched Yan Jiecheng's neck and said, "You are a waste. It's okay that you can't do anything, but you also caused such a big disaster for the family. You should solve it yourself. From now on, we will sever the father-son relationship!"

Yan Jiecheng didn't expect Yan Bugui to be so heartless. He had already thought about going back to pack up and run away. Let the people in the courtyard find Yan Bugui for the rest of the matter. Anyway, the money was not borrowed by himself.

Wang Aiguo and Lou Xiao'e listened to the noise of the Yan family across the street through the crack of the door.

"Xiao'e, did you see it? I said you don't have to take this thousand yuan. Pie in the sky will not fall on the head of Yan Jiecheng!"

Lou Xiao'e closed the door and pulled Wang Aiguo to lie on the bed.

"Yes, it fell on your head, okay? Go to sleep quickly. I can't sleep without you in my arms!"

Early morning

Yan Bugui saw that the door of Yan Jiecheng's room was not closed, and thought that this bastard might have fainted again. As soon as he entered the room, he found that it was a mess inside, and all the clothes and bedding were gone.

Yan Bugui hurriedly slapped Wang Aiguo's door.

Wang Aiguo opened the door and dodged Yan Bugui's hand and said, "Uncle San, why are you so anxious so early in the morning? Can't you see that we are still sleeping?"

Yan Bugui was in no mood to say these things at this time.

"Uncle San is wrong about Aiguo. Did you hear any noise next door last night? Yan Jiecheng seemed to have run away!"

Wang Aiguo thought it was something else.

"Uncle San, don't think about it. Your son did run away. Last night, I got up to go to the toilet and heard the clanging next door. It must be the sound of packing things, and then a figure jumped over the wall and ran away."

Yan Bugui returned home in a daze. He was no longer in the mood to go to work.

Yan Jiefang looked at the family members who all looked depressed and said, "Didn't Wang Aiguo say that he would give 1,000 yuan to my brother when he got married? Let's go and get the money and fill the hole!"

Yan Bugui slapped Yan Jiefang hard.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Is your brother married? He has already run away. Why do you want money from him? Put away your little thoughts. I have decided to sell my work station and pay back part of it first. The rest will be paid back by our family doing odd jobs slowly!"

The children of the Yan family widened their eyes. They didn't expect that they had to pay money without getting any benefits.

Yan Bugui didn't notice the appearance of his family.

When Yan Bugui went to the school to ask his colleagues who wanted to buy a work station, the children of the Yan family quietly packed up their things and ran away. The third aunt had been with Yan Bugui for so many years and had her own calculations.

The third aunt took all the money hidden at home, packed a few clothes and ran to the bus station. She was going to go to her distant relatives. She had 300 yuan in her hand and could live well in the countryside. As for Yan Bugui, she didn't care so much!

Wang Aiguo also didn't go to work today, so he planned to watch the hotUnexpectedly, the Yan family has now run away except Yan Bugui. I don't know if Yan Bugui can survive!

After Yan Bugui returned home with 500 yuan, he found that no one was at home and didn't think much about it. He thought that they might have gone out to find work.

His 500 yuan plus 300 yuan in savings were enough to appease everyone. As for the 200 yuan for the banquet, he could only pay it back slowly.

Yan Bugui was about to say hello to the neighbors in the yard first and come to withdraw money with the IOU in the evening.

As soon as Yan Bugui went out, he met Wang Aiguo.

"Third uncle, you are back. I have something to tell you. You have to stop. Not long after you left, I saw your family members running away with their luggage!"

Yan Bugui was stunned for a moment when he heard Wang Aiguo's words and then ran back to the house. When he saw that his savings were taken away, Yan Bugui was completely disappointed.

Yan Bugui lit a cigarette, his eyes kept flickering, as if he was thinking about his life.

Wang Aiguo was enjoying Lou Xiaoe's massage at home, Yan Bugui walked in with a smile and said, "Uncle Aiguo, please discuss something with you, even if you are begging me!"

"I am still short of 500 yuan. I know you are not short of money. I want to sell the house to you. It is okay to sell it for more than 400 yuan. Uncle Aiguo has seen you grow up, so you should not be embarrassed to take advantage of you, right?"

Yan Bugui saw that Wang Aiguo did not speak and continued, "I know you have a lot of questions. Let me be frank. I am not borrowing money from you. I will definitely sell this house. You have seen those ungrateful people in my family. They all ran away when they encountered problems. It is better to sell the house to pay off the debt!"

Wang Aiguo and Yan Bugui went to the street. After completing the formalities, Yan Bugui took the money to a nearby restaurant and ordered several dishes that he usually couldn't bear to eat and a bottle of good wine.

In the evening, Yan Bugui returned the money to everyone and said, "We have lived together for so many years, and I am really reluctant to leave. I sold the house to Aiguo as a witness. If the ungrateful people in our family come back, you can just drive them away without hesitation!"

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