"And you have to give me two hundred yuan after you get the dowry. Brothers should settle accounts clearly. I can't help you for nothing, right?"

Early morning

Yan Bugui stopped Wang Aiguo at the door.

"Aiguo, you should know about my Yan Jiecheng's affairs. Do you think you can take out your one thousand yuan in advance? It doesn't matter if you give it early or late!"

Wang Aiguo didn't expect Yan Bugui to block the door and ask for money early in the morning. How could he have the confidence to ask for money when the fate hasn't even started?

"Third uncle, don't you know what my family's conditions are? The money is definitely not bad. Since you also said that it will be the same sooner or later, it won't be too late for me to give it when the matter is really settled. Okay, I'm going to work, don't block my way!"

After Wang Aiguo left, Yan Bugui looked at Wang Aiguo's back with disdain and thought, you are arrogant now, wait until you pay the money and see if you are still arrogant!

Yan Bugui stopped the neighbor who was going to work at the door.

"Everyone listen to me first. Everyone knows that my Yan Jiecheng is getting married, but the family is short of money. Please lend me some money. I guarantee with my personality that I will return the betrothal gifts to everyone and give you one yuan interest!"

When everyone heard that Yan Jiecheng was going to marry a rich girl, and everyone had seen the strength of Lou Xiao'e's family, they thought that Yan Jiecheng should not be bad, so they didn't think much about it and raised exactly 800 yuan for Yan Bugui.

Yan Jiecheng snatched the money from Yan Bugui and kept thanking everyone.

When Yi Zhonghai came to the steel mill, he saw Wang Aiguo drinking tea.

"Aiguo, Yan Bugui is borrowing money in the yard. I don't know why he gave 800 yuan as a betrothal gift. I feel that this matter is strange."

Wang Aiguo looked at Yi Zhonghai, who was blushing. He didn't expect that an old man could analyze it in detail.

"Uncle Yi, you look like you lent money to Uncle San, if that's the case, I guess your money will go down the drain!"

Yi Zhonghai shook his head and grinned, saying, "How is that possible? I would never lend it to him even if I burned my money. Whether it's true or not, I can't control it."


As soon as Wang Aiguo and Yi Zhonghai returned to the courtyard, they saw Yan Bugui, dressed in a sleek outfit, bragging to others in the courtyard.

"My father-in-law's family is no worse than Lou Bancheng's. Today I went to give the betrothal gift and had a home-cooked meal there. There was a table full of chicken, duck, fish and meat, and I was fed up with it!"

After hearing this, the people in the courtyard kept despising Yan Jiecheng in their hearts. Yan Jiecheng was just this much.

"Yan Jiecheng, stop bragging. You are about to get married, why haven't you brought your partner back for everyone to see? It's not that your partner is as ugly as a pig!"

Wang Aiguo couldn't help laughing beside Yan Jiecheng when he heard Sha Zhu talking nonsense.

Yan Jiecheng was about to refute Shazhu when he saw Wang Aiguo coming back and making fun of him. He thought to himself, Wang Aiguo, you can laugh, but you will cry when I get married tomorrow!

"Wang Aiguo, you have a bicycle, come with us to pick up the bride tomorrow morning!"

Wang Aiguo found it funny to see Yan Jiecheng asking for help and being arrogant.

"Yan Jiecheng, no, my bicycle has been reserved tomorrow, you should find someone else to pick up the bride, but I can still help you in the bridal chamber when you bring your wife back!"

Early in the morning

Wang Aiguo was awakened by the sound of thunder and bang outside. When he went out, he saw that Yan Jiecheng's family had set up a big pot in the yard to stew pork. Seeing the ingredients on the table, the Yan family had lost a lot of money.

"Uncle, your family's food is good. It cost a lot of money, right?"

Yan Bugui proudly nodded when he heard Wang Aiguo's question. Yan Bugui said, "Aiguo, you are right. Just buying meat and vegetables cost a total of 200 yuan. What do you think, Uncle, is it fair?"

Yan Jiecheng pulled Yan Bugui and said, "Dad, why are you talking to him so much? Get ready quickly. I'm going to pick up Xiuning soon!"

At nine o'clock in the morning, the courtyard was ready. Yan Jiecheng wore a big red flower and rode a rented bicycle with his brother to pick up the bride.

When he arrived at the bride's house, Yan Jiecheng was dumbfounded. At this time, the bride's family had changed people.

"Why are you here in my house? You are not here to rob me, are you? I tell you better leave now or I will call the police!"

Yan Jiecheng hurriedly explained, "Don't, don't misunderstand, we are here to pick up the bride. Aren't the people living in this house from the Wu family? Why are you here now?"

The male host was stunned when he heard that Yan Jiecheng was here to pick up the bride.

"You must have gone to the wrong place. I just came back from another place. I rented the house to an outsider a while ago. The whole family left last night!"

Yan Jiecheng's head buzzed and he fell to the ground.

When everyone in the courtyard saw that it was noon and Yan Jiecheng hadn't returned yet, they found Yan BuGui asked about the situation.

"Uncle, why hasn't your Yan Jiecheng come back yet? Didn't he say he would be back in half an hour? It's already noon!"

Jia Zhang thought something must have happened and said loudly, "Uncle, we all got up early to help your family and haven't eaten anything yet. Why don't we eat first? When they come back, you can have a separate table and we won't eat, right?"

Yan Bugui was confused by the noisy crowd.

"Don't worry, Yan Jiecheng must have been stopped by my relatives on the other side of my in-laws' side. If they don't come back in half an hour, we'll eat first!"

After an hour, everyone couldn't wait any longer. Jia Zhang didn't say anything this time. She took her family to sit at the table and eat voraciously.

Everyone didn't care when they saw someone picking up their chopsticks, for fear that others would eat more and they would eat less.

Yan Bugui was numb when he saw everyone in the yard looking like robbers.

"Why are you eating now? Put down everything. Yan Jiecheng will be back soon!"

Just when Yan Bugui could no longer control the situation, Yan Jiecheng and his group came back, and Yan Bugui hurried to Yan Jiecheng.

"Yan Jiecheng, why did you come back just now? Since you are back, bring the bride to everyone!"

Yan Bugui saw that Yan Jiecheng did not respond and thought it was not good. Yan Bugui ran to the door and did not find any strangers.

Just when he was about to question Yan Jiecheng, Yan Jiecheng fainted. After knowing that his family had been cheated, Yan Bugui fainted without catching his breath.

This is more than 1,000 yuan. Although he has a deposit of 300 yuan, Yan Bugui can't stand the stimulation of paying back so much money!

After everyone finished eating, they were anxious to find out that the bride ran away with the money.

Liu Haizhong led everyone to knock on the door of Yan Bugui's house.

"Old Yan, Yan Bugui, please open the door quickly and return the money to us. We don't want the interest we agreed on before, but you have to give us the principal."

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