The gods really didn't know what Bishop meant, did they want them all to attend the wedding with humans?

But why?

You must know that Bishop likes quiet the most, and this kind of excitement can be hidden as far as possible.

What's even more unbelievable is that the Demon King is actually getting married!With a human!

It is possible to say that it is the God of Light and the God of Darkness, after all, neither of them can deny the charm of Abloht.But now, a stronger and more terrifying human appeared. She actually made the devil fall in love with her, and made a vow of the gods that she would accompany her to the end even if she died!If human beings don't bear the imprint of God the Father blocking inspection, they must study this human being thoroughly!

"Participate, everyone goes to Siya to make Bishop lively and lively, don't you guys like the excitement the most?"

The voice of the Creator God came from behind the Goddess of Fate, with the same kindness on his face.

He didn't intend to restrain these children, probably because he was reprimanded too severely last time, and they haven't been together again for so many tens of thousands of years.

Bishop got married this time, so that everyone can be happy.

Of course, he will also participate.

The gods who heard this said nothing more.

Father God has already spoken, so how can he say anything more, if he said it, it would be disunity!Just want to set off another battle of the gods!

Such a crime can only be borne by darkness, light and abyss.

Bishop in the abyss didn't know that because of his little 'show off', countless brothers and sisters appeared at his wedding.

And this is already in the future.

At this time, Bishop took his dear lover to visit his temporarily dilapidated island. If a dilapidated palace with only two walls left can be called a palace, this island is actually clustered with palaces.

After the brave team abandoned by the devil and the princess looked at each other, they also followed in the footsteps of the family in front of them.

Although the devil is scary, the feeling is sour and bitter.

But no matter how they are all a team, even if the brave becomes the devil, even if the devil ignores them, no one can be left behind!

And the Demon King also acquiesced in following the brave team.

Or rather, he's used to it.

"You live here? Don't you feel uncomfortable?"

Irene looked at the island that was more terrifying and deserted than the atmosphere of the cemetery, and couldn't quite believe that this was the pretty back garden that the devil said.

Forget it, it's not very important.

After he takes over, he will redecorate the whole place!Luxury and exquisiteness are not required, as long as you can live in it!There is not even a bed, how can it be done!

Hearing this, the Demon King didn't answer directly, but took out the ring he got from the grocer before, took Irene's hand, accommodated the cub on Irene's other hand, and slowly moved towards Go to a large pit sunken into.

After walking for a long time, the Demon King finally realized that his steps following the cub were too small, so he stopped, lightly tossed the ring in his hand, and dropped it firmly into the pit.

When Irene was thinking about how to explain Bishop's identity to the king, father, queen, mother, and prince brother one, two, three, four, five, a curved parabola crossed her eyes.

The ringing sound of the ring falling in the pit was very clear in the darkness.

Then, it is time to witness the miracle.

The originally bare and uneven pit quickly bulged up, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into an exquisite fountain carved with the statue of the sword in the stone!And the surrounding scenes also changed accordingly, the desolation and dilapidation had long since disappeared, and what was displayed in front of their eyes was the color of blooming flowers, a beauty that is hard to have in the abyss!

If you look further away, you will find that the ubiquitous black fog has moved to the sky, and there are looming palaces in the distance.

This is where the devil lives.

Gorgeous and exquisite but full of mystery and beauty of the abyss.

So why the grocer can be sure they can find this 'fountain' in the back garden.

Before any changes happened, it was just a big and ugly pit!

"This is left by some guy who calls himself a follower, like it? It's all yours now."

Bishop noticed the golden light flashing in his lover's eyes, took the other's hand, and gently kissed the back of the hand.

Irene was not very excited when she heard this.

Isn't it just an island?When he regains his identity, the king's father will not give it to him!

What's more, the devil is all his, so what island is needed.

It is not good for a person to be too greedy. If he is not greedy, he just wants to be a Bishop.

Therefore, the beautiful princess just sighed meaningfully: "You have so many followers."

is not that right?

Along the way, I met so many strong men with scary titles, and there were not many who were not followers of the Demon King!

When those guys mentioned the devil, their eyes were going to glow green!

He very much doubted that those followers were not just Bishop who worshiped him. During the long period of worship, their hearts were likely to develop in certain directions!

"It's not important not to mention them."

Of course, the Demon King saw Irene's dissatisfaction, and after kissing the back of the other's hand again, he took those slender hands and walked in another direction, saying at the same time: "Maybe you will like my collection more, Guys out there like to call them the Boss's Treasury."

Before the words fell, Irene's eyes lit up.

The devil's treasure house, he likes it!

He doesn't intend to take the favor of his lover either, he just wants to open his eyes!

While thinking this way, he said casually: "Why do you always kiss the back of my hand? Although this is indeed very elegant, I hope you can be rough."

The princess couldn't breathe in the face of injustice, and she was very calm.

Who hasn't said a word!Talk about nothing to lose!

Elegant lovers are not bad, but domineering demon kings are even more desirable!

And Bishop just smiled lightly and didn't say anything.

Until he reached a certain corner of the palace corridor, he leaned into Irene's ear and said softly, "Be rough, you will cry, and I don't want you to stop."

Erin's ears immediately turned red.

Oops, it's not too coquettish!

It's still the Demon King Qiang. In just one sentence, there is actually the harmony of two lives mixed in.

Oh no, maybe more than twice.

He is indeed the old devil king who has been holding back for tens of thousands of years.

But no matter what, now he will not participate in this beautiful sport!He is a conservative person, and he can only do this happiness in the world after revealing his identity!

Originally, I planned to say a few more words to the Demon King.

But when the line of sight touched Zai Zixiu's watery blue eyes full of curiosity, the princess fell silent.

Careless, there is a very clever boy here!You can't bring bad children!

After all, Xiu is now his and Bishop's cubs, and the two of them won't be able to give birth to any new cubs in the future, so it's important to raise a child as early as possible, and you can't spoil the little guy!

Thinking of this, Irene straightened her face, and said to Bishop, "Stop making trouble, Xiu is still here!"

Thus, the innocent boy Xiu received the terrifying look from his old father.

After sighing in his heart, he quickly smiled sweetly and said, "Meow baa baa!"

For father and mother, for being able to stay in this home.

He worked so hard as a kid.

Now the father's eyes are becoming more and more terrifying. It seems that he can no longer be limited to being a well-behaved and smart child, but also has to learn to be a child who knows how to look at eyes.

"It's time to teach him how to speak. It's not good to be like a cat or like a sheep. Let the idle braves help. I believe they won't refuse."

With one word, Bishop determined the destination of the boy Xiu.

Hearing this, the team of brave men who followed the devil hurriedly said in unison: "We are willing!"

Hear that loud voice.

Those who didn't know thought that the abandoned brave team was going to participate in some large-scale war. In fact, they were just worried that they would be left on this uninhabited island by Bishop, who had seen some changes in temperament. They really didn't want to suffer from the pain of being abandoned. experience the second time.

In order not to be rejected by the devil, they can only try their best to reflect their own value!

And Irene didn't intend to stop it.

God knows how slowly he walks holding the cub's hand!

This has seriously delayed the development of his relationship with Bishop. This is not good. He is a person who is going to get married. He must sublimate his relationship and appease his inner inferiority complex!

Just like that, Xiu, who was blinking, was picked up by the brave team.

The demon king and the princess holding hands left the brave team behind and were free and happy.If there was no voice of the brave team teaching the cubs to say "you, me, him" from behind them, it would definitely be more full of the warmth of love.

Without the 'drag' from the brat, Bishop and Irene quickly reached the so-called treasure house.

The treasure house of the Demon King is worthy of being a treasure house.

The treasure house has the necessary features, and it also has, for example, bling.

This dazzling golden light made him almost unable to open his eyes, and in a trance, Irene thought that she had returned to the dragon's cave that was difficult to walk to the end.

Leslie and Eddie, who followed behind the devil, stared wide-eyed before they walked in.

The former loves money, while the latter loves Jingjing.

If they didn't know very clearly that this is the treasure house of the Demon King, they might just go ahead and snatch it away.

Alas, Bishop is too strong, challenging the legend of the entire Dragon Clan alone, they are unable and impossible to defeat.

If you have this time to think, it is better to open your eyes and take a few more glances.

"These are yours too, my dear Irene."

Bishop casually summoned an abyss rose, violently brushed off all the thorns on the root, and then delivered it to Irene.

Erin felt embarrassed when she heard this.

I always feel like a scumbag cheating on marriage. In order to obtain a beautiful island full of palaces and a treasure house of endless treasures, I deceive the devil so that the other party will fall in love with him and cannot leave him!The important thing is, I always wanted to run away!

While thinking, he said, "I don't need so many things, you are enough."

Bishop with a smile in his eyes said slowly: "I am yours, so everything I own is also yours, including the abyss."

Listening to this conversation, it's more like cheating a married scumbag.

Not only defrauded the other party's property, but even the real estate abyss.

Irene's eyes were so happy that she rolled her eyes. Although these love words were old-fashioned and nasty, he just loved to hear them!

The brave team standing outside the treasure house expressionlessly covered Zixiu's eyes and ears quietly.

Good boy can't learn these things.

It looks sour, but it sounds bitter.

Fortunately, they can still withstand, not a big problem.

As long as the devil and the princess were happy inside the treasure house, the brave team stood outside the treasure house like a background for a long time.

They are no longer the teammates who could interrupt the romance before.

They are very humble now, and I hope that the old teammate, the Demon King, will not forget to bring them out of this island and out of this abyss.

After this trip to the abyss of the brave, the team of the brave understood that the abyss is the abyss of the devil, and the brave men every thousand years are the devil's pastime.If he really angered the Demon King, he would be like the brave man lying on the ground, not knowing when he would wake up.

Irene, who has listened to too many love stories, is a little tired.

In fact, the glare of the golden light was a bit painful. Thinking of the things he encountered during the journey, he picked out some pleasing ones from the treasury and stuffed them into the interspatial ring.

He thought about waiting until Siya to take out the things and let the devil give them to his relatives. As long as the gifts are well delivered, I believe there should not be a few to hinder his beautiful love with the devil.

"You also come in and choose a few."

Bishop is not a stingy devil, and he is not reluctant to collect things.

In order for the braves to better teach the cubs to 'speak', it is not important to lose a few things.

Of course, he also asked his lover before doing this. After all, the collection is not only his, but also Irene's.

The brave team is not greedy either.

Well, in fact, I dare not be greedy.

They said a few items, and each of them took two pieces, and the selection was very quick.

When the brave team walked out of the treasure house, they saw the Demon King holding Irene's hand and smiling gracefully: "There are many more palaces like this, do you still want to visit?"


For a moment, the brave men felt a little silly.

Why not be greedy?

The Demon King didn't care about these small things in their hands at all!

"No, I'm a little tired."

Irene wanted to sit down, drink water and eat, and then cultivate his eyes that were stunned by the golden light and haloed in front of them.

Hey, what a sweet burden to have such an excellent lover whose wealth counts so much that his eyes hurt!

So, the devil took the princess to their exclusive resting place.

Keep the brave team and the cub Xiu who was also abandoned by his old parents.

There is also a sentence "you can find a place to rest at will."


It's really random.

I'm afraid they'll have to pitch a tent in the garden.

Of course, the Brave Squad didn't dare to say, and they didn't dare to ask.

Who made them weak!

If you are weak, you will be beaten and bullied, whether in the abyss or Seta, it is the truth.

In this way, the brave team randomly found a few palaces that looked empty and did not have so many treasures to live in.

Living like this is half a month!

During this period of time, they finally taught Xiaozixiu some very simple phrases, and managed to make Xiaozixiu no longer call them 'baaaa', but uncle and brother.Except for Leslie, who is the elder brother, everyone else is an uncle, and even the underage dragon cub Eddie is also an uncle, and no matter how he corrects it, he can't correct it.

But the devil and the princess traveled the entire island.

Leave their love words everywhere.

Just thinking about it made Eileen feel nauseous, but she couldn't help but feel the sweet joy in her heart.

After seeing all the scenery on the island, he remembered his cheap bastard, and also remembered that he wanted to go back to Siya to explain to his relatives.

Following her lover's mention, the next day Irene saw the white and fat boy still wearing a delicate skirt.

As soon as the cute and beautiful boy Xiu saw their cruel and cheap parents, his eyes lit up, and he rushed towards them with a swaying little body, not to mention his sweet smile, and shouted: "Mom and Dad hug."

That soft tone with grievances, and that pretendingly strong smile, who can stand it!

Anyway, Erin couldn't stand it.

He picked up the little guy whose weight hadn't changed at all, and coaxed and kissed him, unwilling to let go no matter what.

Bishop stared at the cub with deep eyes and twirled his fingers.

Unable to bear it, he still snatched this little thing with stronger and stronger charm.

He held the cub with one hand, put the other hand on the tip of the small nose, and said with a smile, "You have to be good."

"Baa baa good, baa baa good."

Cub Xiu opened his eyes wide and spoke very quietly.

Then he pursed his lips and smacked Bishop's palm.

Bishop's smile remained unchanged, and after rubbing his palm on the cub's face twice, he said to his lover beside him, "He's too noisy, let me hold him."

Seeing that the devil was jealous with the cub, Irene smiled and didn't raise any objections.

I plan to just watch the father and son love each other.

The devil king and the princess took their son Xiu around the island for a few laps, and after fully showing their parental affection, they planned to leave the abyss and return to Sia.

The Brave Squad doesn't have any opinion on this.

So, on a day when there was no visible change in the weather, they rode on the back of the dragon.

Bishop, who had recovered his identity, no longer planned to let everyone experience the baptism of the wind, but placed a... palace on the back of the dragon.

It has to be said that the Demon King is the Demon King.

A huge dragon soared into the sky.

It rushed directly to the barrier of the abyss. Light and darkness are the dividing line of the abyss.

It was at the moment when she left the abyss that Irene remembered, it seemed...the brave man in the devil's palace hadn't dealt with it yet!That might be the commission of the old witch!

Although the brave man has become the devil king now, the commission must be fulfilled!

The very responsible princess seriously mentioned this matter to her lover and teammates during the meal.

Hearing this, Bishop replied lightly: "I sent him to my relatives, and he should wake up in a short time. It's just that he has slept for so long, and he may be a little uncomfortable physically."

For example, there are some small problems in the brain.

"It's good to wake up."

Irene felt that she could go home as long as she woke up, so she didn't get entangled in this matter anymore.

Happily enjoying the new abyss dishes of teammates.

Not long after the meal, the dragon sent them out of the abyss.

Standing in a place so familiar that they had picked up all the land, Irene looked at her lover and said seriously: "We won't go back again, will we?"

After finally walking into the abyss, but also walking back, this suffering is too difficult.

He's all set to get married!

Before Bishop opened his mouth, a familiar voice came from afar.

"Of course not."

The blind grocer appeared in front of the brave team, and quickly knelt down on one knee in front of Bishop, saying sincerely: "My lord, I am willing to accompany you and prepare all the chores for you. "


Grocer: I will always be at the forefront of followers, my king is my belief.

Erin:? ? ?

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