Maybe, maybe just being too narcissistic.

How could he, who is weak and without any advantages, win the love of the Demon King.

The Demon King is just a momentary interest, just annoyed at being deceived, so he came to such a 'good show'.

Thinking about it this way... makes me even more unhappy!

My heart felt as if it had been hollowed out in such a small piece, and it hurt dullly.

"What are you crying for?"

Bishop looked at the water in Irene's eyes, his fingertips trembled slightly, and he was a little helpless, but he quickly calmed down, and his smile gradually faded.

He stretched out his hand, stroked that familiar cheek, and continued in a solemn and firm tone: "No matter where you are, I will be with you, even if it is death, it will not separate us."

As the voice fell, the oath on the paper was also added and changed.

And Irene also saw the gleaming golden words, and her eyes immediately became hot.

Isn't his devil lover a pervert?

What are you doing so seriously!

A good demon king is not in front of him, but he really wants to live and die with him as a human being?stupid?

"Okay, baby, don't cry."

Bishop awkwardly wiped away the teardrop that fell from the corner of Irene's eye, feeling distressed and at the same time in a very good mood for some reason.

Maybe it's because the little liar didn't lie to him this time?Or is it because of other reasons?

The demon king who didn't continue to think deeply stared at Irene's eyes, waiting to wipe the next teardrop.

It's a pity that I waited for a long time and didn't get it.

Because Irene, whose ears were reddish, had already packed up her mood.

As a man, he actually cried!Also comforted by another man!

Embarrassing, really embarrassing!

Fortunately, he is still a 'woman', and shedding tears is not a big problem.

This must have happened after pretending to be a woman for a long time!No, he has to go back and restore his status as a prince as soon as possible!

I don't know if the Demon King will...

who cares!

Since he is going to die with Tongsheng, don't even think about running away!

He will try his best to live longer, and try his best to be a strong man who can accompany the devil through the long years.

Life is his perverted demon king, and death must be his perverted demon king!

Isn't he just a demon king?he can!

The fake delicate princess is being domineering and the overbearing prince Irene made a very strong decision in his heart. He looked at the demon king who looked like a god in front of him, and showed his first truly bright smile since he stepped into this palace. At the beginning, he smacked on the devil's face and said, "Okay, I will support you in the future!"


Xiao Zixiu was forced to squeeze between two old parents with emotional problems, feeling that he was about to be crushed into rusks, and quickly opened his mouth to remind him of his existence.

Of course, it was also the little boy who was clever, and felt the weird atmosphere on the adults, and kept quiet until the matter was resolved before making a sound.

Hearing the voice, Irene bowed her head and gave a big mouthful, and said with a smile on her face, "I'll raise you too, darling baby."

Bishop's eyes on the cub instantly became dangerous.

This little thing's charm is too strong, maybe it shouldn't be...

Realizing the danger, Zai Zixiu hurriedly waited for the little short legs, jumped up vigorously, bit the old father's chin, and smiled sweetly at the same time, he did not forget to call out: "Daddy, baabaa daddy!"

As a god, how could he not be smart?When it's time to speak up, speak up!When it's time to be nice, you must be nice right away!

After being bitten by a big bite, Bishop's eyes were even more dangerous, and he pushed the little thing back into Irene's arms in disgust, then slowly took out the neatly folded white cloth from his pocket, and glued himself and the little thing to the corner of his mouth. Wipe off the sticky saliva.

After doing this, he looked at Irene who was smiling, raised his hand to take the parchment floating in mid-air back into the palm of his hand, raised the corners of his mouth, and continued with his unfinished business.

Irene just watched helplessly as his demon lover turned the shiny parchment into tiny chains, tied them around his wrists, and then wrapped them around his own hands.

To be honest, there was no fluctuation in his heart, and he still had a feeling of taking it for granted.

This is the Demon King, good enough.

Seeing this scene, Xiu Zi quickly raised his chubby little hand and shook it in front of his old father.

Then his chubby hand was put in the middle of the chain by the old father, and the boy grinned proudly.

Soon, the chain disappeared from sight, leaving only a few faint golden lights in the air to prove its existence.

Bishop looked at Irene's expressionless little face with satisfaction, smiled and squeezed the rosy cheeks, then moved the other party and the cub to the much wider throne.

After thinking about it, he took out two more round fruits with black and white sides, put the big one in Irene's hand, and stuffed the small one into the cub's arms.

After doing this, he looked at his former teammates under the throne, and remembered his responsibility as the devil king. After tapping a few times with his fingers on the armrest at will, the whole palace spread from the direction of the throne to the surrounding area. The color of the abyss.

Looking at the familiar face, Bishop raised his hand and sent the sword in the stone to the brave men, and said lightly, "Heroes, do you want to challenge one by one, or come all of them?"


The brave team who watched the sour love quietly did not expect that they could not escape this catastrophe after all!

They obviously gave the princess away, why not let them go?

How else can I fight?Isn't it the same for Bishop, the devil king, to challenge one by one and all of them?

So, as a devil, why should he pull out the sword in the stone and become a hero?Is it to find that rare beautiful love?If this is the case, now you have obtained beautiful love, and you have a cute kid, aren't you satisfied?

Why make it difficult for these little brave men who are forced to feel the sour taste every day!

The brave team that lost the brave and the princess stared at the floating sword in the stone in front of them, and no one dared to step forward.

Silence for a long time.

There was no need to look at each other, so Qiqi said: "We admit defeat."

What else can I do if I don't admit defeat?

The honor of the brave is not important, what is important is safety.

After hearing this, Bishop stared at his teammates for a moment, and then replied: "Well, you go to the door to pick up a stone and return to Siya."

The responsibility of the Demon King is to fight with the brave warriors every thousand years until the opponent admits defeat.

Now that I admit defeat, the responsibility will be resolved.

This responsibility is really boring, if Father God didn't have fun, he really didn't want to take it.

But this time it's interesting, let him meet his little liar Erin.

"I want to go back to Siya!"

Eileen, who gnawed half of the fruit, opened her mouth quickly, fearing that the lover of the devil who had recovered her memory would not agree.

According to what Bishop said just now, he wanted his teammates to go back alone and leave him and the cub in the abyss!

This is impossible, the abyss is too dark to not mention it before, and I haven't returned to Sia to restore my gender!Besides, he couldn't bear to part with the king, father, queen, mother, and prince brother in this life one, two, three, four, five...

He stared helplessly at his lover beside him, his face was full of determination!

The moment he met the other party's eyes, he continued: "My relatives are all in Sia, I have to go back, and...and they don't know that we are already together."

"Then I will accompany you back, let them all know that we are together, and hold a wedding that everyone will know."

Bishop took Irene's hand, kissed the back of her hand, and answered very seriously.

As a god, he knows many things in the world, and it is easy for him to play an elegant gentleman. Of course, he also knows what marriage means to human beings.Even if he tied the other party with an oath, he still didn't feel at ease, and still wanted to add layers of solid shackles.

He doesn't know what love is, only what Irene is.

Erin, who was suddenly proposed, was a little dizzy.

I feel like my brain is full of hot water, can I not get dizzy?

This marriage proposal is insincere, like talking casually!You can't agree so easily!How can you see the rainbow if you don't go through the wind and rain. Only the marriage obtained through hardships and obstacles is the most precious and will be cherished!

So he grabbed half of the fruit, looked at Bishop's handsome face that he couldn't get tired of, and said solemnly: "Okay! I am willing! I can!"

After finishing speaking, he was a little worried that Bishop would regret it at that time, and continued: "No matter what I become, are you willing to hold this wedding?"

While speaking, he took out the oath parchment coaxed from the Great Prophet, the Creation Father God.

As a man, he knows very well that a man's mouth is a deceitful ghost, so he has to sew it up in advance, so as not to make any mistakes when it happens, where can he find the lover of the devil who will live and die with him!

Seeing the parchment in Irene's hand, Bishop smiled.

He took the oath paper from his lover, looked straight into those blue eyes, and said slowly: "No matter what you become, I will hold this wedding, I will not Get out of your side."


You are my love.

Dear little liar Irene.

The parchment oath paper took effect quickly, turning into specks of starlight and melting into the air.

Obviously, this oath paper is not as powerful as the one held by Bishop just now.

But Eileen is also very satisfied.

Produced by Chuangshishen, it can definitely appease the little uneasiness and fear in his heart.

If the lover is too good, there will definitely be a little bit of worry.

Why just a little bit, because he doesn't need to think too much, live in the moment, and enjoyment is the most important thing.

Time will tell whether his choice is right or wrong.

The devil and the princess on the throne and the kid who is quietly eating fruit are all happy.

And the brave team who was abandoned by teammates under the throne remained expressionless.

They really want to know why the devil and the princess can treat them as if they don't exist every time and "love" them, not to mention hugging and kissing, but now they are still making various vows in front of them and talking about the future wedding by the way .

As the audience, they are very tired and don't want to participate in this love story that they can't participate in.

The most important thing is, do they really not understand why they came to this abyss to give the devil his wife?

What did the gods think, why did they let the devil join this team?

The few brave squads left are doubting the gods.

On the other side, the gods were all crowded outside the cabin of Father God, with serious faces.

"Why are you all here?"

Goddess of Fate had just finished discussing the matter of the little god with the father god, and was planning to bring the little god back to the father god from Bishop who had recovered her memory. When she opened the door, she saw the gods she hadn't seen for a long time.

Take a closer look, the God of Light and the God of Darkness are also there.

This is rare, the last time the gods were so well organized was when they were reprimanded by the Father God after the battle of the gods.

The gods looked at each other for a long time.

Finally, he turned his attention to the God of Light and the God of Darkness.

To be precise, it is the gods of the two camps of light and darkness who have set their sights on the god they are headed.

The two gods who were pushed out by the gods were fighting with their eyes, trying to make the loser speak.

But because they were evenly matched and unable to tell the winner, the gods remained silent.

The God of Cupid standing between the two gods felt that the flames of war would spread to him no matter what, so he could only say: "Bishop made the oath of the gods, and we have received it."


Goddess of Fate closed her eyes and looked.

I saw a small chain appearing in my own destiny.

There is also a chubby little god sitting on it!That little thing is still smiling and eating fruit!

But she was so angry that she almost couldn't keep the rotation of fate!

"Excellent! This is excellent!"

When the goddess of fate opened her eyes, she saw the ghostly eyes of the gods staring at her.

And the phrase about Eros.

"Do we need to attend Bishop's wedding? It seems that he specially sent another vow to us."


Erin: I don't love the devil!

The author with the weeds in his mouth: Then why are you holding the devil's hand so tightly?

Erin: I kill myself.

Demon King: I want to tell the whole world that Irene and I are getting married!

Gods: ? ? ?We are so difficult.

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