Goddess of Fate did not speak.

She doesn't care whose work it is, as long as it endangers Seta, she can't leave it alone.

"You go and bring the little god back to the temple to teach him. This is his painstaking effort, and I will not interfere. The only thing that can trace the breath of that little guy, remember to return it after you use it up."

Chuang Shi Shen handed over a simple iron ring to the hand of Goddess of Fate. His whole body was full of exhaustion, and his hoarse voice was filled with imperceptible sadness and pain.

At this moment, he knew that that little human had left this world.

Also, since the wish has been fulfilled, how can he be willing to stay in a place that is not interesting.

The Goddess of Fate wanted to say something, but seeing the appearance of the Father God, she still didn't speak.

As Destiny, she certainly knew who the person God Father spoke of was.

After solemnly putting away the iron ring, he watched Father God leave.

Sometimes she really doesn't understand love.

It’s like I don’t understand why the light and the dark will fight for a man and cause a war of gods, like I don’t understand why Bishop fell in love with Irene, like... I don’t understand why the Creator God fell in love with that human being but didn’t meet each other Not together either.

Perhaps, this is the power of love, but unfortunately she doesn't understand, but fortunately she doesn't understand.

The ruthless goddess of fate quickly left the small cabin where the father god lived for a long time, and rushed to the place where the breath of the little god was faintly visible.

At the same time, the little god sitting on the grass and happily communicating with the wild goat beast seemed to sense something and glanced towards the sky.

Then he withdrew his gaze, continued to put it on the wild sheep beast, and quickly stretched out his chubby little hand. The moment his hand touched the sheep beast, the sheep beast turned into the size of his two hands.

Holding the cloak and the little wild goat tightly in his arms, he stood up with difficulty, and walked away from this beautiful place full of flames.

When the figure of the goddess of fate appeared, only the grass dancing in the wind and a pile of fire that could not be extinguished remained.

She frowned, she really couldn't perceive where the little god had gone.

Because this place is full of Bishop's breath!What on earth has Bishop done!

The angry Goddess of Fate really wanted to confront Bishop, but since the other party couldn't remember who she was at all, and was afraid that the little god with the power to destroy the world would get lost, she had to give up this idea.

At this moment, the brave team is happily enjoying their dinner.

Little did they know what kind of terrible trouble they had unleashed.

After sleeping, let alone the little gods, even the fire yesterday was completely forgotten by the brave team.

The next day, the sun was shining brightly.

The brave team continued on their way to the abyss.

And the goddess of fate is struggling to find the little god who doesn't know where to hide.

Hide, yes, Goddess of Fate is very sure that this little guy is hiding from her!

The road to the abyss is difficult and bumpy.

However, due to the "difficulties and ups and downs" on the road, they heard a little bit of wind, and ran away one after another, and the rest quietly moved towards the most kind and harmless direction.

As a result, the brave team's journey became smoother and smoother, and they accidentally walked quietly for more than half a month without the slightest trouble.

The Brave Squad had a great time.

The little god who hides with the wild goat and the goddess of fate also had a lot of fun, and was almost found several times!

Only the goddess of fate chased her so that she was dizzy.

Along the way, it wasn't Bishop's aura, or the aura of several other gods who had been playing around in Seta all day, all of them were so confused that it was hard to find them!This little guy is so cunning that she has no doubt that Seta will be turned upside down by the other party.

The troubles of the gods have nothing to do with the brave team for the time being.

They are facing a little trouble.

"Welcome the brave to the last test of the gods, my name is Daniel."

The white-haired old man who suddenly stopped the brave team said with a smile.

He held a parchment in his hand, his smile was full of mystery, and he looked calm, like every strong man who tested the brave.

But only he himself knows how tiring and exhausting it is to find the brave man.

If it wasn't for the contract signed by the God of Light before, he really didn't want to do it!

These brave men didn't know what was going on, they even bypassed the town where he was, and they couldn't catch up no matter how hard they chased.

Too tired, really too tired!

I am already old, why is it so difficult to complete a test for a brave man?

"The test? Start now? Here?"

Eddie leaned out half of his body from the Warcraft very curiously, and looked at the old man standing on the ground.

And Irene also stared at the old man without blinking her eyes.

This is... the legendary wise man!

Let him take a good look at what a smart person looks like!

"Of course not, we're going to another place."

Daniel smiled and said, in fact, he was waiting, waiting for the braves to invite him to sit on the monster.

Too tired, if he continues to run with his legs, he will really be exhausted.

After finishing this time, he will not do it. The God of Light must say that he is no longer suitable for the title of wise man and needs to be replaced!

The heroes of the previous two sessions were so stupid, it took three or four years to pass the test!In order to reduce the difficulty, he really broke his heart, and hoped that the braves of this session can complete it within two years!

After hearing this, Bishop glanced at the still early sky and said, "Is that the time to start?"

"Yes, it's best not to waste time. The sooner you go, the sooner you'll finish." Daniel nodded.

It wasn't long before the wise man of Seta sat on Cook's lion beast.

The Brave Squad was very proactive and invited the other party to sit on the monster without any hint from the old man.

This made Daniel very gratified. He felt that this year's brave team would definitely be able to leave the town within two years, and it was never necessary to talk nonsense when communicating with smart people!

Along the way, Daniel introduced the test to the brave team.

There is a stone house in the square of the town, and in the house there is a treasure chest with secrets about the town locked, and as long as the braves open the treasure chest, they can pass this test.

There are seven people guarding the stone house, and every two of them guard the stone house for one day. To enter the stone house, you must obtain the permission of seven people.After entering the stone house, you will find that the treasure chest needs three keys to open. The three keys are hidden in the hands of three people in the town. Through communicating with the guardian of the stone house, you will get the specific information of the three people, and then it is very simple. something happened.

In fact, it is not difficult to pass this test. For him, it only takes one week to solve it.

God knows, why it took three years for the previous brave men, but it took four full years for the previous brave men!

In order to prevent such a terrible thing from happening, he has re-arranged this very simple test again, hoping that the braves will be smarter and pass the test quickly.

Daniel was even more relieved to see the indifferent appearance of this year's heroes who nodded from time to time.

After waiting for so long, a worry-free and smart team finally came.

When this time is successfully concluded, he will communicate with the God of Light and quit this troublesome matter.

Looking at the empty valley, Daniel sprinkled a handful of magic gravel from the space ring on the ground, and a wide road appeared in an instant.

"Let's go in, the residents of the town are not used to transporting monsters."

It didn't take long for the brave team to come to a place that looked normal but was actually abnormal everywhere.

Because there are all kinds of creatures and buildings in the town, everyone lives quietly and harmoniously like every ordinary town.

Seeing outsiders, the behavior of the residents is also normal. For example, the elf who is selling flowers on the road is more beautiful than flowers. The elf smiled and greeted them: "Buy flowers? Give them to beautiful ladies, you can Let the other party feel happy all day!"

"Walk around, let me introduce the town to them first." The ruthless Daniel drove the elves away, and at the same time quickly brought the brave team to the tavern not far away, then stopped and continued: "Probably I have already made it clear to you when I came here, so I wish you all the best in your test, brave ones, my home is here, if you have anything you don’t understand, you can ask me, of course, if you want to drink, please don’t forget to come I'll walk around here."

The Brave Squad continued to greet Daniel with a smile, and then watched him go back to the tavern. He could vaguely hear an elderly female voice from inside, yelling, "Why are you only here now, why don't you hurry up and get drinks for the guests?"

This is indeed a small town full of life, and the test sounds very simple.

"What did that Daniel say just now? Open the box? Then shall we go there and open it now?"

Leslie spoke with some doubts, he didn't quite understand what to do first in this test.



"Probably so."


The teammates recalled, and after confirming that there was no problem, they responded one after another.

Bishop felt that what his teammates said was very reasonable, so he nodded and said, "Then let's go."

Erin, who was walking on the road, always felt that something was wrong.

Is this test so simple?

But the wise man just told them to open the box in the stone house in the town. It's not a problem if you think about it this way.

Soon, the brave team knew that it was not that simple.

Because they had just approached the stone house, they were caught by two curvy women and scolded severely.

"Are you new here? You can't get close to the stone house! If there is a second time, then you will be expelled from the town, and you will never get the chance to step here again!"

"Now, hand over your fines! Each person has a magic spirit bead, don't tell us no, I can already smell the fire magic spirit bead on your body."

"Hurry up and hand it over!"


Having been robbed of several magic spirit beads by two robber-like housekeepers, the brave team didn't dare to say anything.

Because the opponents took out huge weapons and put them on their shoulders, there was a tendency to drive them out of the town if they didn't agree.

"Seeing that you all look good, I will allow you to make another mistake and stay with us all night..."

Before the two guardians could finish their coquettish words, the brave team shook their heads and retreated in unison, leaving the square.

"Tsk, this year's brave men are not very good. They don't even have the courage to talk to us. It seems that Daniel is going to lose his hair again."

"But they look really good, especially the little princess, I really like it."

"You, you, don't make trouble, they are brave, and they still have the favor of the gods."

"I see."

The two delicate-looking female creatures leaned on each other, counting the magic beads in their hands with smiles, taking a sip of the abundant elemental power from time to time.

"Do you want to buy flowers? Mister, come and buy some for your lover? Flowers should be matched with such a beauty, and the flowers you send out also represent your deep love."

The beautiful elf who was still selling flowers pulled her soft long hair and smiled at Bishop.

Bishop didn't want to pay attention to the elf at first, but seeing that Irene didn't take her eyes off the elf, she frowned and said to the elf, "Buy, I want all your flowers."

"Okay sir, I'm going home too. I'll buy one and get one free of these flowers. There are... thirty high-level blank scrolls in total. It can't be any cheaper."

The elf smiled brightly, and quickly tied all the flowers in the basket into a beautiful and very characteristic bouquet, and threw it into Bishop's arms, as if afraid that the other party would go back on his word.

Putting the scrolls handed over by the other party randomly in the empty basket, he continued with a smile: "It's getting dark, everyone should find a hotel to stay, there is a hotel at the end of this street, the town at night , it’s not suitable for you newcomers to stay here.”

After finishing speaking, he left. The elves who had already obtained the scroll did not want to continue the dialogue with these brave men at all.

I hope this year's brave men will be smarter and understand his hints about patronizing businessmen.

"Let's go, let's go find the hotel."

Irene, who recovered from her trance, hurriedly greeted her teammates.

He had no doubt that something terrible would happen in the town at night!

This town is simply...the hermitage of the strong!

Leaving aside the legendary wise man at the beginning, the flower-selling elf just now is a legendary great elf, and the two guardians of the stone house are legendary lich masters.

And all the residents I saw on the road had the same three characters engraved on their foreheads. According to legend...

too exciting.

They fell into the world of the strong!

At this time, the only way to get some comfort is to get close to the Demon King Bishop, because these strong men are no stronger than the Great Demon King of the Abyss!

After all, the Demon King owns an entire abyss, and these powerhouses only have a quiet and ordinary town.

Thinking about it this way, actually gave birth to a little pride?

Suddenly intertwined with his lover's fingers, Bishop had a smile in his eyes, and without thinking about anything else, he directly decided on the whereabouts of the brave team.

"Then let's go and find a hotel first."

As for how to pass the test and how to open the treasure chest, let's talk about it later.

With so many teammates, he can definitely come up with a solution.

As for him, he didn't want to think about other boring things except about Irene.

After some hard work, the brave team... did not find the hotel.

And they have traveled the entire town, and there is still no sign of the hotel.

Just as the brave team was standing in a daze on the street, they were suddenly stopped.

"You guys, yes, I'm talking about you guys." A muscular old blacksmith came out of the iron shop, and continued in a very bad tone: "What are you doing? Why are you blocking the door of our shop! It's hindering us like this. Are you in business, you know?"

After speaking aggressively, the blacksmith glanced at Irene inadvertently, then narrowed his eyes, and looked at it for a long, long time.

Just when the frowning Bishop interrupted the line of sight with his body, he continued: "You have blocked my business for so long, so just buy a weapon from me as compensation! You, yes, it's you Little girl, I have an umbrella here that is very suitable for you, buy it."

Irene who was called stopped and nodded quickly: "Okay!"

Can you please?

This is his... great-great-grandfather of the king's father!

There is no legend engraved on the forehead, but the words 'your ancestor' are written in a very large one.

That golden short hair is the best proof.

In other words, their family seems to have a particularly strong genetics about hair, whether it is curly or not, it is almost golden.

"You little girl is really interesting, and you promised so readily. Well, I don't want anything from you, this umbrella. You come to me this week to help me with some work." The squinting blacksmith didn't wait for Irene. Answered, and continued: "Are you looking for a hotel? It's the third one next door to me. There aren't many vacant rooms. If you don't have enough rooms, I can stay here, but it will be more expensive."

Just as Bishop was about to refuse Irene's job and accommodation, which sounded malicious, the lover beside her had already spoken.

"Okay, thank you, I'll come back tomorrow."

Irene almost bowed to this countless great grandfathers to show her respect for her ancestors.

In the past, on the special day of worshiping the ancestors, he went to worship the ancestors with the king, father, queen, mother, and a bunch of princes and brothers!

This living ancestor suddenly appeared in front of him, no matter how he thought about it, it was a bit extra... scary.

This town is so exciting.

A bunch of legends emerged, along with his ancestors who were supposed to lie in their graves.

Can the so-called test be simple?

I always feel that with the IQ of their team, if they want to pass, it seems that it will not be so smooth...

Anyway, he doesn't have that brain.

What kind of brain does the mascot princess of the Brave Squad have?Is it enough to be decent and elegant and occasionally show the way?

As for the other teammates, it seems that they are not all particularly smart and able to solve puzzles?

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