Erin wanted to roll her eyes when she heard this.

But being decent and elegant, he couldn't do such a rude move, not to mention that it was an expression of deep love from his lover.

I could only half-coax, half-persuade, and half-threat said: "You poured a whole bottle of magic potion on my hands, and it only takes half a day to heal! Untie it quickly, or I will get angry!"

"No." Bishop's attitude was very tough, probably because he felt that his lover would really get angry, so his tone was a little softer and he continued: "Be good, be obedient, don't make trouble."

Irene didn't feel like she was making a fuss, it was clearly a lover who solved small problems and solved big ones.

He didn't continue to say anything, but just stared at Bishop in front of him blankly, without saying a word.

Compromise is impossible, if you bow your head the first time, there will be a second and third time!Now it's just the broken skin that wraps him up like this, next time, is it necessary to wrap the whole body up?Think about the picture is a little scary!So not only did he not bow his head, but he also stared until the other side bowed his head!

Facing the stubborn little lover, the brave man has nothing to do, even if he was once a devil, he can only give in temporarily in this situation.

Bishop gently unwrapped the outermost layer of muslin and said, "It's not so tightly wrapped, but it still needs to be wrapped, so that it will heal faster."

"OK then."

Irene looked at the ten fingers that could still move, and reluctantly accepted Bishop's small concession.

Just wrap it up, it looks pretty pleasing to the eye, as long as it's not wrapped into two balls and ugly just now.

After dealing with her two 'severely injured' claws, the princess' eyes drifted unconsciously to the little god not far away, and carefully observed again and again to make sure that the little god really closed his eyes completely.

The little god folded his hands on his lower abdomen, and his posture was very cute. This serene and lovely appearance really made him want to pinch the other's slightly fleshy cheeks.

Yes, this little god who looks about two or three years old has a chubby little cheek!And thick eyelashes that are longer and more curved than him!Just looking at it makes him, a big man, overflowing with maternal love!

Therefore, Eileenton felt that she was full of the radiance of maternal love, and took off a small cloak with a plush collar from the bear doll in the space ring, and used her ten barely movable fingers to help the little god. Cover with this cape 'quilt'.

The cloak was just bigger than the little god, and the pure white plush collar just covered the little god's neck, making that chubby face even more cute.

Irene was so cute that she couldn't move her eyes, and couldn't help but look and look, trying to suppress the thought in her heart of wanting to change a few more sets of clothes for the little god.

Tsk, he used to be a man who was enough to change two sets of clothes every day, but later he became a princess who can wear the same clothes for a month and still enjoy it.

It was this complex magical world that changed him!

"It's like he's sleeping, and he always feels that he's going to open his eyes soon!"

Eddie, who was approaching suddenly, stood on tiptoe and looked at the table, speaking in a low voice, as if his voice would wake up the sleeping little god if his voice was louder.

He hesitated for a long time before coming here. The breath of the gods he felt just now was too oppressive. While he was scared, he also couldn't help but want to fight in his heart.

When Irene heard this, she felt a sense of ominous foreboding.

He hurriedly suppressed the messy thoughts in his head, hehe, how could the little god wake up!Leslie said that the other party would not wake up!

Even if he wakes up, he won't come to trouble him. He is kind and closes his eyes and covers the other party with a quilt. He is extremely friendly.

"Almost, let's go out first."

With a big smile on his face, Leslie stood up from the 'trash heap' and greeted his teammates loudly.

In fact, he still thought that he could continue to tidy up for a long time, but he suddenly thought that he seemed to have thrown a group of mages out just now, and the brave team might be suspected if they didn't show up for too long...

Although the teacher's reputation is not very good, the things in his hands are indeed coveted by countless strong people. If it is passed on, he, a necromancer who is not particularly powerful, wants to protect the valuable inheritance. It's really hard.

The fake elf and real necromancer who calmed down decided to take his teammates out immediately, at least to show his face in front of the mages and the behind-the-scenes who threw them in!

After briefly explaining to his teammates, Leslie left the laboratory with his friends and part of the legacy of his teacher.

However, there were minor difficulties when going out.

"Ah, I'm so tired."

"I feel like I can't take it anymore!"

"When will you give us the magic spar?"

"Fortunately, I have been staying at home for a long time. I am really tired."

"Hurry up, we don't even have the strength to open the door."

"Yes, yes."


Leslie's good mood was completely ruined!

In the end, with a dark face, he gave the two top-grade magic spar cheated from Cook to these two guys with a special appetite.

He swore that in the last 100 years, he would never put any crystals in the formation at home, any!I begged him not to!

"Now that you've remembered, don't forget to bring your home with you."

"It's really annoying to be disturbed by bad people!"

"It's so tiring every time we have to disturb the yard."

"Then goodbye!"

"Next time, I will take my friends home to play!"

The expressionless Leslie quickly led his teammates away from the sad place where he had taken his magic spar.

Just when the brave team returned to the huge cave at the beginning, everyone's eyes blurred, and they appeared in front of a red tree, and they were in another cave, surrounded by many unknown creatures. Fighting mage.

The not-so-big mangrove tree was constantly shaking its trunk by the violent magic fluctuations around it, and the red leaves also floated around with all kinds of magic.

There was such a small leaf that fell and caressed Leslie's fingertips. When the red leaf fell to the ground, there was a small red spar that was too small to be found on the crude iron pipe between the fingers.

No one noticed this scene, except the brave man whose perception was getting stronger and stronger, and the brave man who only had the princess in his eyes was not interested in it at all.

Standing quietly for a long time, the brave team found that the non-human creatures and mages who were busy fighting around did not notice them.

As a brave team carrying hope and light, after making eye contact for a while, they decided to continue to maintain such a 'quiet'.

It wasn't until the battle preparations ended not long ago that they shot a few magic spells at the non-humans not far away, which were the lowest level of fireball spells.

After the battle, the mages began to chat with each other, and stood around the red tree while chatting. In these chats, the brave team also pieced together the general idea of ​​the matter very smoothly.

It's just a certain evil necromancer who can't think about it has been plotting for 'his' treasure, and successfully found 'his' home, a tree full of vitality.The treasure was found, but the evil mage couldn't open the door of 'his' house.

Therefore, the necromancer used the things he had bought in exchange for 'him' and began to capture the magician who was good at magic circles, because 'his' cave formations were so exquisite that they could only get in and out, and there was no way for the mages to get in. It's not frequent contact, and no one has discovered this strange thing for so many years.

To this day, 'his' magic circle suddenly throws out all the people who broke in, including other people who broke into it before and were sealed and slept by the magic circle.

This time it will be lively.

All mages are researching and discussing what kind of formation is on the red tree, but the brave team is different.

"This tree is amazing. It has lost so many leaves without becoming bald, and it is still so lush. It's amazing." Irene looked at the red leaves that almost covered the cave, and sighed from the bottom of her heart.

Immediately, the cave became quiet, and Qi Qi stared at Irene who had finished sighing.

No reason, just because most mages who devote their body and mind to great magic have experienced or faced the word bald.

The hats on the robes are not to make them more mysterious, but to cover their smooth and slightly chilly tops.

Feeling the scorching eyes of the mages, Irene closed her mouth silently, and her eyes slipped around the bald heads of most of the mages by the way.

Tsk, not as good as a tree.

It's too miserable, being a magician is too miserable, if this is what a magician has to go through, then he should be a rookie who knows nothing.

"What are you standing there for? Tie up all the guys on the ground, I want to see what else that necromancer can do!"

The white-bearded mage who appeared suddenly spoke loudly.

He was very unhappy when he was put in a sack for no reason, and he would not be a magician if he didn't find out who was behind the scenes!

Seeing the brave team not far away, he narrowed his eyes and said, "Little Irene, come with me."

Isn't the brave man specially designed to solve this kind of trouble?

I believe that the brave team favored by the light will definitely be able to successfully deal with this evil mage who has captured all the mages!

Erin, who was called on, was tempted to say 'no'.

But he can't do it gracefully, and he can't do it as a brave man.He could only smile, and walked over to the respected old mage.

The princess has passed, and the brave team has followed suit.

The white-bearded old mage looked at the strong and healthy brave men and showed a satisfied smile. It doesn't matter if they are strong or not, as long as they are taller.

Thus, the brave team was broken up and followed the old mages to fight against the necromancers.

It was said to be a battle, but in fact, they stood at the front and waved their weapons to resist, while the old mage and Irene stood at the back, casting magic.Overall, it was a very easy battle, because there were too many mages.

Magical elements of various colors collided in the small cave, creating brilliant fireworks, and then fell on the brave team at the front.

Irene who saw this scene was very lucky, but fortunately he is a woman for the time being, otherwise how could she stand up to her small body like an ordinary human being!

After a long day of hard work.

Breaking through countless caves, large and small, and fighting a bunch of non-human monsters, I finally caught the necromancer, and under Irene's friendly suggestion, I first put the necromancer into a normal sack for a little while. punished a bit.

In the course of the battle, everyone discovered many creatures that had been "put together" and many captured children and women.

After some interrogation of the Necromancer's subordinates and extra speculation, everyone finally knew what the Necromancer who kept silent and only stared at them with contemptuous eyes was trying to do.

It turned out that the opponent wanted to create gods to control the whole world, and these strange creatures were his experimental products.Not only that, but the necromancer also thought that 'he' had successfully created a god, so he tried to get that god by cracking 'his' treasure.


"Hahahahahaha, are you crazy? Or are you dreaming?"

"No one in this world can create gods except the Creator God."

"I don't deny the power of 'him', but it is absolutely impossible to create gods."

"Don't you think you can control the entire Seta continent by controlling the gods? It's naive."


Hearing the ridicule of the pair of "making gods", Leslie was very quiet, but his face was filled with a particularly smug smile.

Although not many people know the greatness of the teacher, and there is no way to pass it on to future generations, it doesn't matter. He knows that the teacher has achieved this impossible thing, and that is enough.

The brave team is also very quiet, isn't it just creating gods?They had just witnessed this miracle not so long ago.

It's unbelievable, but it happened right in front of them.

But since Leslie didn't want to admit it, just pretend nothing happened and just listen quietly.

The unknown evil necromancer just can't stand it!

This is a humiliation, not just to him, but to 'him'!

The angry necromancer roared: "Shut up! You don't understand, you don't understand at all, you don't understand the power of 'him' at all, 'he' is an existence comparable to the creation god, and the creation god is right for 'him'. 'It's not difficult at all! It's just too stupid to stick to rules that don't need to be stubborn at all!"


The mages looked at the evil necromancer who was tied into a ball with the eyes of a fool.

It turned out that this was an admirer of 'him', no wonder he tried so many methods just now but couldn't get this guy to speak, and he just said something wrong with 'him', and successfully angered the other party.

"You should save these words and tell the judge of the Temple of Light."

The white-bearded old mage spoke expressionlessly, but felt a little uneasy in his heart. He also admired and yearned for the legendary "he" and studied it for a long time.

If it is said that new gods will really appear in this world, there is no doubt that they will definitely come from the hands of 'him'.If the eccentric 'him' really passed away, he would definitely have successfully created the gods before leaving this world that was already very boring to 'him'.Of course, the premise is that 'he' is interested in creating gods.

Suppressing all the thoughts in his heart, the old mage stroked his beard and ordered the brave men to bring the evil necromancer, his subordinates, and the test subjects with him.

Why let the brave do these things?

Weak mages shouldn't do this kind of physical work, and this is the duty of the brave. Otherwise, why choose a brave man every thousand years to kill the devil who can't be defeated by countless gods?

With the arrest of the evil necromancer, the grand ceremony of the mage also ended perfectly.

After the trial of the unrepentant evil necromancer by the judges of the Temple of Light, the brave team plans to leave this bustling city.

"Oh my god, it's terrible. This evil guy actually caught so many children and women for experiments!"

"Fortunately, the brave man caught him, otherwise something more terrible would have happened! The brave man is really amazing!"

"It is said that this guy also worships another, more evil mage."

"What, is there another mage? Then what to do, will my child be in danger?"

"Don't talk nonsense, another evil mage doesn't like your child at all. If he wants to rob him, he will go directly to the god's child."

"Hey, you are a mage! What do you know? Come and hear it?"

"I can't say, it's better for you not to know, don't spread the news randomly, or you will provoke an existence that you can't provoke, then it will be bad."


The brave team passed through the crowded city gate, and left here with discussions about the evil necromancer.

Seeing that there was no one around, Irene, who couldn't help being curious, finally said to Leiris: "What's your teacher's name? Could it be 'he'?"

This problem has troubled him for several days, there is no way, the mages muttered every day, saying that they can't discuss "him" while discussing very lively, which is both contradictory and exceptionally harmonious.

What's more, he doesn't even know what kind of a great mage 'he' is!

Sure enough, he was still too rookie, read too few books, and was not worthy of being a magician.

Hearing Princess Irene's doubts, Leslie smiled and replied straightforwardly: "Of course not, the teacher's name is Qin Yixiu, it's a very strange name, and it's hard to pronounce, but I think it sounds nice, doesn't it? "


Erin was expressionless, even very calm.

Heh, he knew that there was more than one traverser like him in this world.

The senior is really awesome, even the gods can drink out of it.

"Did he leave anything behind that you can't understand, or is it written?"

Although Irene was very calm, she still wanted to see if the senior traveler had left any valuable wealth for other equally unlucky time travelers.

By the way, let's reconfirm the identity of this teacher. Maybe it's just a coincidence that the strange pronunciation is the same?

"No, except for the laboratory and Xiu, I'm very clear about what the teacher left behind."

Leslie didn't find anything strange about her gentle and good-looking teacher, if anything, it was the envy of others!

Thinking of the teacher, his smile faded, and after thinking for a while, he continued: "Take advantage of the good weather today, let's find a place to fulfill the teacher's last wish, let's burn the laboratory, I still remember the teacher said to find someone with Mountains have water, mountains are blue and water is green.”

Erin kept a graceful smile.

Well, this is definitely a senior, with green mountains and green waters. After death, he has to find a place with good Fengshui to burn some things from his life. It can be said that he is very Chinese.

No wonder Xiu has black hair and black eyes, so pleasing to the eye and so cute.

Although the senior didn't even leave a letter to the descendants of the traverser, but the reunion was fate, and in view of Leslie, a good teammate, he felt that it was very necessary to do something for the senior.

"Okay, let me help you choose a place, the one with beautiful mountains and rivers."

"I'm coming too!" Eddie, who had listened for a long time, hurriedly said.

"Then let me help too." Jerry and Garcia also said aloud.

Not to mention Cook, he took out the map and handed it to Leslie early on, as if it was not Teacher Leslie's last wish to fulfill, but his last wish.

And Bishop is what Irene does, he does what he does, and he doesn't need to speak at all.

After analyzing the terrain on the map, the brave team began to find the place they wanted.

Finally, before dark, I came to the place that is said to have mountains and water.

There are several continuous and green mountains, as well as small lakes with green water.

Except that the water is indeed a little less, it fully meets all the requirements of Mr. Leslie.

Leslie is very happy with this beautiful place.

After digging out the entire laboratory including the surrounding stone walls from his home, he went in and put all the valuable and worthless things into the space ring, and then he said to his teammates: "Then let's start! Please help me pour the teacher's special magic potion on the stone wall outside the laboratory."

After hearing this, Irene glanced into the room a few times and said, "I remember Xiu was still lying on the table."

"I know, the teacher wants me to burn Xiuya together, saying that I can't do it myself, so let me do it for him."

Leslie replied very calmly.

He didn't think there was anything wrong with the teacher's request, nor did he feel it was a pity.

Xiu was born in the hands of his teacher, and the teacher felt that he wanted to 'take away' Xiu, so he would do it for the teacher.

"Then... okay." Irene felt a little bit sorry for the little god who wouldn't wake up, but it didn't last long, because the other party was just an inanimate object.

Since the owner of the other party had already decided what to do, and the owner had already passed away, there was no way for him to persuade him.

Soon, the brave man poured the specially made magic potion evenly inside and outside the laboratory.

With Leslie's fire, the laboratory quickly burned.

The red flame seemed to burn to the horizon, dyeing the whole sky red.

Seeing the laboratory full of memories filled with soaring flames, Leslie sighed long and couldn't bear to continue watching.

He turned to his teammates and said: "The magic potion made by the teacher will make this fire burn for three days. Even if the gods come, they will not be able to extinguish it until the place covered by the magic potion is burned into all kinds of magic elements. Let's go, let's go!" leave here."

The brave team looked at Leslie, who was in a low mood, and didn't say anything more. They quietly followed the opponent's footsteps and left this beautiful place with mountains and water.

Taking into account the mood of their teammates, they specially let the monsters that were transporting them go faster.

Perhaps the farther away from the place where the memory of Leless burned, the farther Leslie would be from being sad.

The sky gradually darkened.

Only the redness of the sky and the silent fire did not change anything.

The wind gently blew the green grass in front of the fire, and the grasses seemed not to feel the crisis of the flames, and they were still swaying their dancing postures.

Not far away, a little wild goat jumped briskly. After staring at the fire for a long time, it didn't notice any danger and began to eat grass with its head down.

Everything is so quiet, there is no difference from before.

At this moment, the fire suddenly blazed up, and the stone door with the fire was pushed open.

A small figure walked out slowly from the flames.

Probably because he hadn't walked much, the little figure wobbled, as if he was about to fall into the firelight in the next moment.

But he came out anyway, holding a cape wrapped in a plush collar.

A pair of black eyes were as deep as an abyss, and the black hair swayed gently with the wind blowing with the firelight.

But soon, the black hair gradually turned silvery white from the root of the hair, and the color of the eyes also faded and turned blue like the ocean.

He staggered to the front of the Bastard Beast before he couldn't hold on anymore and fell down with a 'bang'.

The Wild Goat Beast was so frightened that it almost ran away, but it still didn't give up on this delicious grass as it didn't feel any danger. It looked up at the cub that disturbed it, and yelled fiercely: "Baa!"

The little guy holding a small cloak was attracted by the cry, and tilted his head to look at the sheep beast.

After thinking for a moment, he opened his mouth and said, "Meh!"



"BAA Baa baa!"

"BAA Baa baa!"


Two different voices echoed in this place with green mountains, green waters, beautiful sunset and soaring fire.

One is 'vicious' and the other is immature, incomparably harmonious.

At the same time, the goddess who closed her eyes and flipped through the Book of Fate in the Temple of Fate suddenly opened her eyes.

She saw the flames soaring into the sky and... a newborn god full of the power to destroy the world.

That is, Seta's disaster.

Goddess of Fate stood up, and her figure gradually disappeared.

When he reappeared, he was already in front of the God of Creation who was eating a sandwich bite by bite.

"Father God! The god who disturbed Seta appeared! But I can't perceive where he appears!"

Although the Goddess of Destiny looked the same as before, she was not as calm as she appeared in her heart.

In destiny, there is no such god.

This is a variable, a variable that can plunge the entire Seta into disaster.

Chuang Shishen paused slightly while eating the sandwich, and he let out a long sigh after swallowing the food in his mouth.

"It's his work."

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