【Report! ! ! Whisper and Evil duo again and again! ! !Counting the crash, this is already the third time, right? 】

【Report! Whisper is playing nanny again! ! ! 】

[The twin stars of the old rivals in the Free team really reconciled, right?Although there is still no communication in the double row, but being able to form a row is to break the ice, right? 】

[There really isn’t much communication, and it’s definitely not going to be exactly the same as before.I can understand it too, after all the bad things I've been through. 】

[It's enough to break the ice, otherwise how can we play together as teammates?I am satisfied, let me go free this season!Go for me! ! ! 】

【I'm not satisfied, I'm still unsatisfied, Ji Yanhan, who is riding a horse, returned my Gemini to me! ! ! 】

[For new fans who say they are satisfied, I recommend you to watch Shishen’s early live broadcast videos in Internet cafes to understand the history, and see what the state of these two people was then, and you will know why everyone is not satisfied. 】

【It's too late...】

[+1 before I mentioned it, they are all old knives. 】

[I mentioned it before +3. During the live broadcast today, Whisper wanted to fill up Evil's blood. Evil probably felt that he only lost a little blood and didn't need to replenish it. Interrupted, in the end I had no choice but to turn on the microphone and called Shi Luo, I was so deaf that I heard Luo Luo, and burst into tears instantly on the Huangpu River.Damn it seems like no one has called him Lolo since he transferred from FS and changed his ID. 】

【My lolo, shit...】

【Kill me and forget it...】

At noon, Zhou Huo swiped the forum with his mobile phone, feeling mixed feelings.

The relationship between Yu Sui and Shi Luo is no longer tense recently, and everything is going as he expected. Zhou Huo is very satisfied, but when he thinks about the practice match with Holy Sword in the afternoon, Zhou Huo can't be happy again.

The holy sword is too good for people's mentality.

Speaking of which, Shi Luo is also a player with a big heart. He didn't hold the holy sword's novice gift package and turned professional directly. If he loses the game today, the players don't know what will happen. But the blow to morale was fatal.

The morale of the team has always been a very mysterious thing. To put it a bit evilly, it is like a kind of luck. When the morale is high, it can always perform exceptionally invincible, but once frustrated, the whole team seems to be possessed. The second and the third.

Free won the first game of the regular season. Zhou Huo originally thought it was a good sign, and he could win steadily all the way. He really didn't want to be defeated by those devils at this time.

"You think too much." Old Qiao also got up quite early, and he said while eating, "Do you think winning streak is a good thing? In the big competitions, those who get sprained all the way in the early stage have won consecutively. Yu Sui's thinking is no problem, Losing now is better than being caught off guard in the future.”

Zhou Huo looked at Old Qiao sadly: "Isn't the usual training hard enough? Why do you like to educate yourself about setbacks so much?"

"The adjustment of mentality after losing a game is also a homework, and it is a must for players." Old Qiao said nonchalantly, "Commonly known as the ability to resist pressure, this ability is very fascinating. It will slowly lose over time, and it needs to be strengthened from time to time. You don't understand .”

"Okay, I can't control you anyway." Zhou Huo looked at the time and said helplessly, "I'll pull the custom server, and let them go directly to the training room after they wake up and eat."

Three days later in the afternoon, the four of Free logged into the custom server on time.

The game official will distribute custom servers to all league and sub-league teams for players to train.This dedicated server data is not shared with the main server, so ordinary players and other teams will not know the details of their practice games.

Zhou Huo secretly said in his heart that it is fortunate that the government has this protection mechanism, otherwise the news of the holy sword stepping on the champion and runner-up in the Chinese competition area would have spread all over the sky.

After Zhou Huo made sure that the four of them were fine, he notified the holy sword side, and both sides clicked on the ranking at the same time, and went directly to the map.

"Tell the truth, brothers." Chen Huo pulled the mouse and adjusted his voice, "I regret it a bit, why did I vote to fight with this group of forced people? I was taught to be a man by a tutor, will the former boss tweet to celebrate, I'm glad you didn't add money this season to keep me, a badass?"

"It's very possible." Puppy flexed his wrist, "By the way, I got hurt. The former club breathed a sigh of relief after watching the results of the game. Fortunately, they didn't renew the contracts of those two rookies."

Yu Sui adjusted the microphone: "At the same time, it built up the confidence of a few members of the former club. After they finished the fight, they thought about it. If these rookies can win the championship, what else is impossible for us?"

Zhou Huo, who was monitoring the team's voice, couldn't help but collapsed and said, "I haven't played yet! What do you mean by sending a wave to your teammates first?!"

"Tactics, I'm blackmailing myself." Chen Huo cleared his throat, "Don't you understand? The poisonous milk is trying to gain some emotional points for myself."

Zhou Huo has no temper for this group of people at all, and was about to praise Shi Luo, Shi Luo also started to adjust his mic: "After being [-] to [-], maybe he will tweet me and ask me, what career do I plan to change next, sniper ?"

Zhou Huo shut himself off, gritted his teeth and said to himself: "I should be worried that your mentality will collapse..."

"The volume is fine." Yu Sui whispered, "It's started."

The practice match officially started.

Although the holy sword has undergone a major change, the coaches have not changed. The tactical system is still the same. In the early stage, ambush is the main focus and killing is supplemented.After the opening scene, the Holy Sword and the others did not press into the junction of the maps. In the thick poisonous fog, no one was seen, and there was no sound of footsteps.

"They like to play second hand." As an assaulter, Chen Huo has to take on the task of explaining for Shi Luo. This is also one of Yu Sui's intentions for insisting on playing this practice match. Chen Huo quickly said, "It's up to you Fog, the two of them, Assault and Medical, are lying in the bunker behind and waiting for the snipers to report their positions. Usually, you have to wait until you have placed at least three purification vessels and the surface of the poisonous mist is no longer neat, and then come to lure you into their map. , using the unevenness of the poisonous fog to fight with you."

The poisonous fog on the half side of the holy sword map will not harm them, nor will it cause trouble to their vision, but it is different for Free. If Free wants to clean up their poison first, he must fight to the limit in the vision of others Operated.

It's fine if you can't see clearly, but be careful not to touch the enemy's poison.The game mechanism, poisonous fog triggers death.

"So bear with it first." Chen Huo took the lead to hide behind the bunker, "To be honest, our strength is not strong enough to crush them, so bear with it in the early stage and stop robbing them. After half a minute, they still haven't moved Let Whisper be the bait."

Yu Sui used this time to set up the initial photon shields for a few people, and 30 seconds after Chen Huo's voice fell to the ground, he got out of the bunker and moved forward.Across the poisonous fog at the junction, the other side couldn't tell what kind of occupation it was at all. After Yu Sui leaned over, there was no difference between the character and the assaulter who put the purification dish. As expected, the opposite side shot directly.

The gunshots instantly exposed the positions of Shengjian and the others. At the same time, Shi Luo and Chen Huo fired together, sweeping at each other.The opponent's assaulter was killed by Shi Luo, Yu Sui was wiped out of most of his blood by the opponent, his position was the best among them, Yu Sui retreated quickly, and hid in the bunker when he was barely alive .


Chen Huo quickly changed bullets, cursing: "Of course we are good."

"The opposite side of what I said." Puppy murmured behind him, "Do you believe it? I never saw even a corner of the other party's clothes. They predicted my position and didn't give me a position at all. Just now you closed It's a complete coincidence."

Chen Huo was not convinced, but he had to admit it.

In the exchange of blood just now, Yu Sui didn't die just because he operated to the limit, and he gave himself a quick injection when he was retreating, so he didn't get replaced because he had a little more blood than the opponent.

The other side lost a head and didn't dare to show their face again, Shi Luo and Chen Huo waited for Yu Sui to adjust their state and pressed forward to clean up the poison, and were swept by the opposite sniper from time to time. Puppy also tried his best to block the road for several people in the rear, but because his side exposed too much when clearing the fog, he would always be a little worse than the opponent.After the first round of fog clearing, although Free had one more kill than the opponent, his economic consumption was more than double that of the opponent.

Yu Sui squinted his eyes slightly, the practice match had just lasted 6 minutes, but hidden dangers had already existed, their economic consumption was too serious.

Holy Sword is not the kind of team that can be dealt with quickly, let alone the opponent's intentional delay.Yu Sui had a faint feeling that the other party wanted to play with all his ammunition and money.

As expected, Yu Sui also expected it.

When the game lasted about 10 minutes, Free cleared out several larger map areas, but the consumption was already very serious.The game of Holy Sword is very doggy. When facing face-to-face, just one person will run away immediately, and teammates will not save them when they can save them. Free will take the kills. The result of all the kills from Free is that the equipment can be upgraded. While upgrading equipment, it will inevitably consume more economy. If you want to rely on equipment to crush the opponent, the opponent is not really a rookie, and you can't fully handle it.

At 42 minutes into the game, Free's economy was basically exhausted, and the outcome of the game was decided.

Zhou Huo, who didn't dare to blink his eyes for more than 40 minutes, became more and more anxious as he watched, and finally heaved a long sigh.

It's about to be reincarnated with living stones again.

Zhou Huo looked at Yu Sui worriedly. Although he understood that Yu Sui was extremely resistant to stress, even if he was really beaten dozens of times, he would still feel uncomfortable.

If you don't have a strong ability to resist stress, you deserve to resist stress.

The practice match was not over yet, Zhou Huo didn't dare to say a word, let alone tell everyone that it's just a practice match, and that the holy sword is really strong in both personal operation and overall control, which is not shameful.

But what's the point if it doesn't hurt or itch?

Doesn't Saint understand this truth?Don't NSN understand?

Especially NSN, with Saint losing the first battle, Gu Ganming knew that this practice match would definitely lose, but he still took it without thinking.

Doesn't Wawa know that he is inferior to Angel Sword?But he knew that he would be humiliated, so he accepted Gu Qian's arrangement without saying a word. He was slaughtered alive by the holy sword 21 times, and got up again 21 times.

Old Qiao looked at the game interface and shook his head and said in a low voice, "The local competition area is of the same blood."

Zhou Huo was inexplicably ignited, and cursed a curse: "Fuck, it's your turn, take your turn, it's not your father who is afraid!"

Before Zhou Huo finished speaking, in the game interface, from the beginning of Yu Sui, the three of Puppy Chenhuo quickly clicked to surrender.

Zhou Huo choked violently, covered his throat and coughed.

In the game, Shi Luo, who had used up his last bullet, was stunned for less than half a second, and quickly shot too.

Since Shi Luo was always one step late, he was still taken away by the other party.

Chen Huo quickly clicked the mouse, gloating: "Hehehe, whoever casts late will be killed!"

Shi Luo: "..."

Shi Luocai glanced at Chen Huo, and Chen Huo closed his mouth in an instant.

"Cough, cough cough..." Zhou Huo was out of breath, and looked at the few people in shock, "Is it agreed that the blood of the local competition will not lose the team?!!!"

Yu Sui's expression was calm: "It's a losing game, what a waste of time, get ready, the next game is coming."

Zhou Huo was so angry that he sat down and let go, he didn't need to worry about this kind of team full of villains! ! !

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