Shi Luo had actually expected the result of NSN losing to Holy Sword.

It is true that NSN has changed to a more powerful sniper this year, but Saint's sniper is not weak. Compared with the horizontal comparison, NSN does not have a very prominent advantage compared with Saint.

Last year's champion team Saint in the local division was taken away [-]-[-], and it is normal for NSN to be taken away by Holy Sword.

Not to mention that Wawa is indeed not as powerful as Angel Sword.

Shi Luo typed back Wawa.

[Evil]: [How many times have you been rounded? ]

[Awa]: [Shaking all over... the second game, 21 deaths! ]

【Evil】: [It’s okay, it didn’t break my record. ]

【Awa】: [Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa then I hate it so much!Why am I not Assassin Medical! ]

[Awa]: [If I'm like Yu Shen, at least I can kill one or two, instead of being beaten like now! ]

Shi Luo typed:

[Evil]: [There is no need to learn Whisper, you are not suitable, your nanny is very good at playing, not weaker than others. ]

【Awa】: [Nurse can't kill! ! ! ]

【Awa】: [Brother Shi, do you know how dirty they play? ! ]

[Awa]: [One time in the middle we got close to each other, we were three against three, I couldn't beat them head-on, I won't say anything, but! ! ! ]

[Awa]: [Holy Sword killed our two assaulters, and don’t kill me when I’m left! ! !Deliberately missed the left shot and the right shot, let me run away by myself! ! ! ]

【Awa】: [Are they teasing the dog? ! ! ! ]

Shi Luo frowned, he hadn't seen him for two years, and the reorganized Holy Sword team was getting more and more disgusting.

What the hell is this?

【Evil】: [How many to how many? ]

【Awa】: […]

【Awa】: [Same, 2-0. ]

【Awa】: [Although I'm going to explode with anger, but... I can't tell you the details. ]

【Evil】: [Understood, I didn't want to ask. ]

【Awa】: [Now there are only two roads in front of me. ]

【Awa】: [One way is to become an assaulter, try hard, keep a low profile. ]

【Awa】: [The second way... Increase the training time by another hour T0T every day. ]

【Evil】: [Then pay attention to rest and combine work and rest. ]

【Awa】: [55555... You are not friendly, I went to Brother Angel Sword and cried. ]

In the training room, Puppy, who had just finished a game, stretched, turned his head to look at Shi Luo, and raised his hand, "Old Joe, it's training time, Evil player is playing with his phone again."

Old Qiao himself was also playing with his mobile phone, without raising his head, he said, "I'm waiting in line, what's wrong with playing with my mobile phone?"

"Obviously he's not." Puppy said slowly, "Look at his computer screen, he's not in line at all."

Shi Luo raised his head expressionlessly, "NSN's practice match is over."

Old Qiao hurriedly put the phone aside and asked anxiously, "How is it?"

Except for Yu Sui who was still playing a game, everyone in the training room looked over. Yu Sui took off his earphones and put them on the table, his gaze was always on his computer screen.

Shi Luo put down his phone, "Same thing, two to zero, Wawa is considering changing career as an assaulter."

"What kind of feng shui is this on NSN?" Chen Huo was heartbroken, "Is another healer going to be dismissed? Why is my NSN always short of a healer?"

Puppy shook his head slowly, and sighed, "NSN family can't have a second healer who changed his job as an assaulter. I advise Wawa, don't seek death. Your job change back then was a miracle, he couldn't do it."

Old Qiao knocked on Puppy's head, "If you say something sarcastic, Wawa just yelled, how could he change jobs suddenly, he transferred to Gu Gan, where can he find a front-line medical doctor."

The few people almost guessed the result, and they didn't touch much, but they couldn't help cursing after hearing Shi Luo's details about the dirty tricks of the Holy Sword.

"What the hell are you showing off in our competition area!" Chen Huo became more and more angry as he thought about it, and slapped the table loudly, "I'm just wondering, was the ancestral grave of the boss of the former club's boss trampled over by a hundred medical practitioners? Why are they so hostile towards medical doctors? Fuck, pure nurse’s medical treatment is an angel on earth, okay? I beg my grandpa to tell my grandma to ask medical doctors from other teams to arrange with me, as long as they are willing to fight with me, occasionally water After the food is served, I can't even say a word, these people are really..."

Puppy said coolly, "It's a pleasure to humiliate the nanny. Except for the blood-licking doctor in our team, any medical doctor is easy to bully, and there is absolutely no need to worry about the medical doctor's retaliation. You can show off the operation at will. Holy Sword is now that The backup sniper used to be my backup, and I was fascinated by his amazing operations in a game, and there was only one healer left on the opposite side, do you know how good he is?"

Puppy made a shooting posture, "Take that medical practitioner to practice marksmanship, and say while shooting, left hand, right hand, left leg, right leg... the gun is in place."

Old Qiao was completely disgusted, "Fuck him."

"We can't commit suicide in this game. Players in the official competition can't vote yet. The healer on the opposite side can only be shot by him." Puppy shrugged. The game found out... When Luo usually has an advantage in the game to the end, if the last survivor of the opponent is a healer, he will stop fighting and wait for the opponent's healer to retreat by himself."

Chen Huo looked at Shi Luo unexpectedly, "Really? I always thought that Yu Sui was the only one like this. He doesn't kill his own kind. What is your reason?"

Shi Luo looked up at someone who was still playing games, and fiddled with the phone without explaining.

The advantage of not killing the healer at the end was because Luo was infected by Yu Sui when he first joined FS two years ago.

Shi Luo had asked Yu Sui the same question at the time, and Yu Sui had fooled Shi Luo by saying that he was not of the same kind, but after being pestered by Shi Luo, Yu Sui said that he was unwilling to kill a medical doctor who could not even use a dagger .

Yu Sui played the game very cruelly, but he was not interested in one-sided slaughter.

There are not enough people to kill in the high score game?Why go greedy for one or two heads of medical doctors.

Yu Sui did indeed do the same, but after going to the holy sword, he broke the precept on Shi Luo, which caused a series of accidents later on, and since then it has become a point that both of them are unwilling to mention.

"Have you heard about it?" Zhou Huo pushed open the door of the training room, came in and pulled a chair to sit down, sighing, "The holy sword took away NSN [-]-[-] again."

Old Qiao nodded, "Wawa came to tell Shi Luo that he was cursing Holy Sword."

Zhou Huo carefully looked at the few people, "I just asked casually, what is the chance of winning if we fight with Holy Sword?"

Old Qiao was silent for a moment, "Half."

"Only half of it?" Zhou Huo was speechless, "So...conservative?"

"Not conservative, Holy Sword's current starters are the essence of the three teams, and you can see that they played against those two teams. They won by crushing. I think I know how strong they are. It's me to say that they are 55 open with them. You’ve paid yourself a lot of money.” Old Qiao said not optimistically, “Not to mention that we still have the problem of running in.”

"I'm under a lot of pressure now." Zhou Huo looked at his phone with a bitter face, "I'm worried now, and I'm worried that the management of Holy Sword will contact me in the next second."

Old Qiao's face was a bit subtle, "They...are they really picking our competition area one by one?"

"It looks like this now." Zhou Huo spread his hands, "The first is last season's champion Saint, the second is last season's runner-up NSN, and the third is who do you think it will be?"

According to the ranking of the teams in the local competition area last season, the next one is IAC. Of course, no one knows whether the holy sword will come in this order, and it is not clear whether they will be the next one to set their sights on Free.

Zhou Huo was physically and mentally exhausted, "There is really no need to give us such a big name for Free, we are just newcomers who have just established a team."

Puppy looked at Zhou Huo, and slowly said, "Uh...Although it's not good to say that, but I'm just so weak to ask, if you come to us and we don't make an appointment, what will happen?"

"It won't happen." Zhou Huo looked at his mobile phone in fear, "It's nothing more than a month of ridicule on Twitter by Holy Sword. Should we be glad that they don't know how to use Weibo?"

"Why are you afraid of them?" Chen Huo looked at Zhou Huo and Puppy in bewilderment, "Hit! Damn it! Why don't you fight? Are you still afraid of him? If you win, you lose. Yu Sui has never seen such a big storm before, so he can't bear this little setback?"

Puppy looked at Chen Huo as if looking at the pen, "If you lose, you lose? Have you ever thought that if we lose too, it means that our entire competition area will be ridiculed by others? May I ask which team in our competition area can arrange a holy sword?" ?"

Chen Huo froze for two seconds, thought for a while and said, " seems to be gone."

Chen Huo changed his mind quickly, cleared his throat and said to Zhou Huo, "Tell them about our nostalgia, and I can't bear to fight with my former boss, so we will stop dating."

Zhou Huo sighed, "Both the managers of Saint and NSN have contacted me, suggesting that I try to reject it as much as possible. I think so too. Although I'm cowardly, fortunately, I have a thick skin."

Zhou Huo looked at Old Qiao, "What do you mean?"

Old Qiao was silent for a moment, then shook his head, "I don't agree with it or not, so I won't say anything."

Zhou Huo looked at Shi Luo, "Evil?"

Shi Luo stepped on the gaming chair, twirling a lighter quickly between his fingertips, pursed his lips and shook his head, "Same, no opinion."

Zhou Huo looked at Yu Sui, "Whisper? Is it over? What do you mean?"

Yu Sui still hadn't finished that game, he looked at the screen and said, "My opinion?"

Yu Sui quickly ended the game, pushed the keyboard forward, and said, "My opinion is to play."

Chen Huo laughed dryly, "You don't have to be so stubborn. You will lose face the worst if you lose. They told you before that you will definitely not be able to win the championship when you return to the local competition area. If you lose to them now, it's not a good time Proof that you were hit by others?"

"I don't really care about winning or losing, and that's not the problem." Yu Sui tapped the keyboard, "I just want to meet their new four starters."

Zhou Huo was dumbfounded, "What's so interesting about this?! Just know that they are awesome, and they have already carried away two teams, so I know how amazing they are."

Yu Sui shook his head lightly, "I didn't call myself, so I don't know the details."

"If you want to know, just watch the video of their regular season game." Zhou Huo raised his chin and said, "You can find it anywhere on the Internet."

"It's different." Old Qiao on the side explained in a deep voice, "A lot of details have to be played by the players themselves to figure it out. It's meaningless to watch the game video from God's perspective."

Zhou Huo blurted out, "Then ask Saint and NSN!"

The other five people in the room looked at Zhou Huo at the same time as if they were of a different kind. Zhou Huo paused, and said helplessly, "I don't understand, we secretly, anyway, no one will find out, what's wrong with watching their practice video ? Holy Sword abused those two teams so much, it’s okay for them to show us the video and take revenge back?”

"It's a matter of principle, even a disgusting team like Holy Sword won't steal another team's practice video, let alone Saint and NSN, it's impossible." Chen Huo curled his lips, "This is exposing his team's tactics, We professional players still have a bottom line."

Zhou Huo said awkwardly, "Okay, then...then there's no need to really make an appointment for a training match just to find out their situation?"

Yu Sui said calmly, "If we don't make an appointment for the practice match in advance, if we really meet them, it may be the direct World Championship. Of course, the premise is that we can enter the World Championship, and then what? After entering the World Championship, we will meet a strong opponent?"

Zhou Huo hesitated, and when everyone was in a stalemate, Zhou Huo's phone turned on.

Zhou Huo unlocked the phone tremblingly, glanced at it, slapped his forehead, and moaned: "Here comes the holy sword..."

"Let's make a decision." Zhou Huo said helplessly, "Should I fight? I'll reply to them now."

Yu Sui has already made his statement, and Old Qiao still doesn't express his opinion. Puppy and Zhou Huo suggested not to fight. Chen Huo said that the medical doctor himself doesn't care anymore, and I don't care about fucking him. Zhou Huo puts his last hope on Shi Luo , said pitifully, "Evil, the votes are now two to two, and you are one vote behind! You don't really want to fight, do you?"

Shi Luo hesitated slightly, before he could speak, Yu Sui coughed suddenly.

Zhou Huohuo said angrily, "Do you still think of yourself as a student?! What kind of code are you using?"

Shi Luo glanced at Yu Sui, pursed his lips and said, "Hit."

Zhou Huo was discouraged, and he had no choice but to reply to the holy sword manager.

Yu Sui picked up the earphones and put them on to continue the solo row. After a while, his phone vibrated, and he picked up the phone——

[Evil]: [I voted for you, you... Did you play a few rounds with me in the live broadcast tonight. ]

[Evil]: [Don't want assassin medical treatment, but...the kind with milk. ]

[Evil]: [ that okay? ]

Yu Sui looked sideways towards Shi Luo, who was staring out of the window with an uncomfortable expression on his face.

Yu Sui took a light breath, this feeling was a little familiar.

Xiao Luo, are you acting like a baby to yourself?

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