[Tomb Raiders Sand Sea Fans] Heavy rain

Chapter 28 [So far is Nomal End] (1)

?The story is very long. Fortunately, they were not in a hurry, so Qi Yun talked about her past intermittently.It was a strange feeling. She had never told anyone about herself so frankly, not even to that person back then.Now she is talking about her life in detail to the two people she has known not long ago.But as the words flowed out, Qi Yun felt his mood gradually lighten up.It seemed that there was something pressing on my heart, and it was gradually let go with this confession.When she finally finished everything, it seemed as if her past life had been washed by clear water, and it became very clear.

"You mean, you've seen records of these things in another world?" Black Glasses took a puff—he lit another one while Qi Yun was telling the story—and asked.

Simply put, it is true.Qi Yun nodded, then stared at him for a few seconds, then took out a pack of cigarettes from his backpack as if thinking of something, opened one and lit it.Before anyone could stop her, she took a sip.Of course the result will not be too good, Qi Yun frowned and coughed violently.

"You are such a weirdo." The black glasses laughed, and patted Qi Yun on the back to comfort her.

"To each other." Qi Yun also laughed, coughing and laughing intermittently.

After finally recovering his breath, Qi Yun wanted to squeeze out the unaccustomed cigarette before he raised his hand, but the black glasses shunned the smoke between his fingers.She raised her eyes to look at him, and saw that the black glasses threw away the cigarette butt that had just burned out in front of her and smoked the one that came along.

Seeing Qi Yun staring at him, the black glasses shook the cigarette in his hand, and said: "Good stuff, don't waste it."

Qi Yun shrugged and declined to comment.

There are still a few hours.Feeling that he lacked energy, Qi Yun asked the opinions of the other two people—mainly the black glasses—and decided to take a nap.She leaned on her backpack and soon fell into a deep sleep.Su Wan, who had just been bombarded with unbelievable information for a long time, did not have that leisurely mood. He looked at Qi Yun in front of him as if he was on an outing, and he had the urge to shake her awake.

In the end, Su Wan still didn't stretch out the devil's claws. Thanks to this, Qi Yun got a good night's sleep.When she woke up again, it was less than an hour before the three-day deadline.Qi Yun just opened his eyes, and found that Su Wan looked at him strangely.It was different from the reluctance to believe before going to sleep, but Qi Yun couldn't tell what the problem was, so he simply stopped guessing.

The black glasses took Qi Yun's alarm clock and Su Wan's snake specimen, saying that they needed to make some arrangements in advance.It takes about three or 10 minutes, and then he'll come back and take them out.It is worth mentioning that Qi Yun proposed Su Wanna's specimen, otherwise even he himself would have almost forgotten it.

After confirming that the black glasses were far away, Su Wan leaned over and poked Qi Yun's arm, and asked in a low voice, "You were kidding me when you said you two are okay?"

"Is there any benefit in lying to you?" Qi Yun looked at Su Wan suspiciously. She really didn't understand why he was still struggling with this.Although she may, maybe, probably likes black glasses a little bit, but she doesn't show it so obviously, does she?

Su Wan stared at her for a long time, and finally confirmed that Qi Yun did not lie to him.The expression on his face became weird for a moment, he muttered something in a low voice, turned to the direction where the black glasses left, and raised his middle finger majestically.

Things went smoothly, almost miraculously.The people above were lured away by the swarm of insects attracted by the alarm bell and the snake corpse, and when they fell into a commotion, the three quietly climbed up to the mouth of the well and left the ground.Qi Yun hid his long hair with a peaked cap to make himself less obtrusive in the crowd.Taking advantage of the chaos, they found a black tent on the edge of the camp.The three of them looked like soldiers returning from an investigation, and they didn't attract the slightest attention.

When the people in the tent handed her a cup of hot tea, Qi Yun was still in a daze.The ending was too simple, which made her feel unreal.It seemed that the next second she would wake up again in the dark pipeline, hastily evading the pursuit of the swarm.The temperature of the cup was a bit hot, Qi Yun took a sip of tea, and Fang Jue's impetuous heart calmed down as the hot tea entered his throat.

Although he didn't experience the serious injuries in the book, there is still something wrong with the eyes of the black glasses.Qi Yun didn't know whether this was a normal development, or some kind of destiny.But during the time he was still in the desert, the chances of the black glasses touching her head did increase, and Qi Yun would always pretend to inadvertently transmit the images in his vision into his mind.She never mentioned that she has been able to roughly control her own abilities, but this is actually not a big secret.From the smiling face in the black glasses, she couldn't tell whether the other party had noticed this little scheming.

Their relationship doesn't seem to have changed, as Qi Yun said to Su Wan, there is no relationship at all.But she still felt the difference, even if it was probably only one-sided.Qi Yun found that she gradually became unconsciously concerned and dependent on the black glasses. This is not a good thing, but she has no intention of changing it.There is no need for that, after all, everything will end soon.

Black Glasses decided to teach Su Wan. He seemed to have given Su Wan the address to contact, but Qi Yun didn't know much about it.Maybe they avoided her on purpose.This guess made Qi Yun a little depressed, but he also knew that he had no position to interfere.Let's pray for Su Wan for a while, shall we?I heard that the death rate of apprentices with black glasses is not ordinary high.

Before boarding the plane, Qi Yun gave the black glasses a hug.She felt that she would miss him in the future, no matter what the reason was.Under Su Wan's strange gaze, Qi Yun patted the head in black glasses.I wanted to take the opportunity to tidy up his messy collar, but found that this was the most suitable for this person.In the end she just put her hands down and smiled at the black glasses.

"Goodbye." I hope we can see you again in the future.

No matter how long the journey is, there will be an end.Qi Yun sat on the plane, watching everything on the land getting smaller and smaller.Su Wan sat next to her, but no one spoke.Qi Yun knew that Su Wan needed time to calm down and return to his original life.But what about herself?What was the original life like?Qi Yun closed her eyes, trying to imagine the life she would have.Monotonous and boring, every day in the past that "Qi Yun" wanted to escape.

It seems that we have to wait?Qi Yun smiled helplessly.Although she no longer knows the "future", she still longs to walk with them.Say she is impulsive or stupid, she will not refute.If you can't have fun in this world, wouldn't it be a waste of time?Of course, she would not underestimate the dangers in the future. Without advantages, there would be more things to prepare.But she still has time.Preparing for the future sounds better than waiting, doesn't it?

one year.A year later, that huge puzzle will once again present a corner in front of her eyes.This is already the only thing Qi Yun knows, but she is not upset.Qi Yun was extremely excited by the unknown challenge, but she would not reveal another hidden reason.

At that time, we will definitely be able to meet again, right?with him.

The author has something to say:

End, game, la! (spray

So far this chapter is NomalEnd, there will be a chapter with black glasses CP ending later, those who are not interested in CP can stop here~

☆, amusement park [HE]

?Qi Yun sat in the classroom, boredly looking at the floating clouds outside the window.Pieces of white clouds were blown into various shapes by the wind, but they all became the same image in her eyes.Withdrawing his gaze, Qi Yun glanced at everyone in the classroom.Su Wan at the next table had already returned to his good student status, and was staring at the teacher on the stage intently, thinking about various practical methods.Li Cu's seat is still vacant, and Qi Yun knows that he is probably "attending classes" with the Wang family now.

Sighing silently, Qi Yun looked at the textbook, only to find that it was covered with graffiti.When the bell rang for the end of get out of class, Qi Yun picked up his schoolbag and shook it around.In the end, he went around to Su Wan who was packing his schoolbag, and poked his arm.

"Why?" Su Wan raised his eyes and glanced at Qi Yun with a look of vigilance.

Qi Yun poked him vigorously again, and asked, "Do you know that Hei Xiazi recently..."

"I won't listen, I won't listen!" Su Wan suddenly covered his ears and shook his head vigorously.The students next to him who hadn't left were all attracted by the movement, and they shook their heads again when they saw that the two were arguing again, and continued to pack their schoolbags.

Qi Yun actually didn't intend to say anything, he just felt that Su Wan was quite amusing.He didn't want to think about it for a while, so whenever she mentioned it, Su Wan's reaction would be very interesting.After discovering this, Qi Yun began to poke Su Wan every day.In the past few days, the students in the class are used to the strange interaction between the two.

It wasn't until Su Wan ran away that Qi Yun stepped out of the classroom slowly.He took out his mobile phone and walked on the way home humming a song.The mobile phone wallpaper has been replaced with a photo of black glasses taken in the desert. Qi Yun looked at the photo with a gentleness in his eyes unconsciously.

"I don't know what he's been doing recently?" Qi Yun shook his head, half-closed his eyes, and smiled at his inexplicable melancholy.Just as he was about to put away his phone, he found a new text message in it.

Qi Yun was a little surprised. After all, although her mobile phone is not difficult, there are very few people who can really contact her.Glancing at the sender, she was taken aback by the familiar number—it was black glasses.Qi Yun always remembered this number, but he never called it again.She could play tricks on Su Wan unscrupulously, but she didn't want to disturb him even a little bit.Now, he took the initiative to send her a text message.

Qi Yun opened the text message, only the time and an address were written in it.She quickly checked the date and confirmed that it was tomorrow morning.The next day happened to be a holiday, so Qi Yun decided to go to the appointment without even thinking about it.Regardless of whether this text message was sent by Black Glasses himself, it was necessary for her to check it out.

There are still more than ten minutes before the agreed time, the place is in front of the amusement park, and the sun is just right.Qi Yun looked up at the bustling crowd, and confirmed the address on the phone for the tenth time.Because it is a holiday, many parents choose to bring their children to the amusement park.Colorful balloons were floating in the air, and the chasing and laughing of boys and girls made the scene extraordinarily noisy.There are also many couples who take advantage of the holidays to go out on a date, and the handshake and affectionate eyes isolate the surrounding crowd.

Qi Yun stood some distance away from the entrance, seriously thinking about the possibility of being cheated.She is wearing a blue-and-white cotton jacket and jeans today, only the long rabbit ears on the pure white hooded jacket show a somewhat unusual mood.White is the easiest color to get dirty, but that's one of her goals.Memories are easily forgotten, but objects are not.As long as she doesn't throw away the coat, the indelible stains on it will remind her of today, no matter what is going to happen, good or bad.

However, the development of the matter was obviously beyond her expectation, at least the atmosphere of the scene was completely different from the guess.Qi Yun shook his head in doubt, and the rabbit ears on the large coat swayed with her movements.Pulling the back pocket of her backpack, Qi Yun put her hands in her pockets. The weapons hidden in her wide cuffs and the anti-wolf spray in her pockets made her somewhat at ease.

Although it is probably useless against those people.

A hand suddenly put on Qi Yun's shoulder.Without turning around, she just subconsciously took out the pepper spray.He raised his right foot and was about to kick the opponent's calf backwards, but the movement stopped in the middle.His expression became weird in an instant, and Qi Yun silently put the anti-wolf spray back into his pocket.Turning his head to look, the person who came was indeed black glasses.

The black glasses clearly saw her series of movements, raised his eyebrows amusedly, and put his arms around Qi Yun's shoulders.

"I haven't seen you for a few days, have you become dumb? Why don't you just say a word when you come?" Qi Yun frowned and stared at his black glasses.She's also particularly scary when she's on alert, which is a special interest.

The black glasses grinned, shook Qi Yun's hand, and replied: "The mute hasn't come back yet! Let me tell you why you suddenly stopped?"

Qi Yun's expression froze, and he was speechless for a while. "Because I recognize the smell on your body." This kind of answer is either an idiot or a dog, how could she tell it?In the end, he had no choice but to snort, turning his head to avoid this embarrassing topic.

The black glasses didn't ask any more questions, just patted Qi Yun on the shoulder, and pulled her into the amusement park through the staff passage.Qi Yun glanced at the long queue at the entrance, and looked at the black glasses with some doubts.If he took her into an amusement park, she wouldn't be puzzled, but the staff passage?Where does the privilege of black glasses come from?And why an amusement park?This is obviously not a good place to talk. It's a different matter if you have other things to do, but it's not convenient to take her with you, right?

As if seeing through Qi Yun's confusion, the black glasses rubbed her head and said, "Didn't you say you were going to the amusement park before? Your idol helped."

She thought he wouldn't remember that kind of casual mention.In fact, Qi Yun didn't take that sentence seriously as a promise, because the black glasses didn't promise it.But he was right about one thing, she wanted to go to the amusement park with him, even if it was just a cover for something else.

Since Xie Yuchen can help, there must be other business to do, otherwise his male god, a busy man, won't waste time arranging.

"As expected of the number one rich and handsome tomb robber..." Qi Yun sighed in a low voice, and then he was knocked on the head by black glasses without warning.Qi Yun covered his head, feeling that this was really unreasonable.She sighed that Xie Yuchen was tall, rich and handsome, but she didn't say that he was short and poor!

Reluctantly, the black glasses didn't seem to notice Qi Yun's dissatisfaction, he took her hand and rushed towards various amusement facilities.If the pirate ship and the Great Wrath God can only make Qi Yun stunned, then the roller coaster is definitely enough to make her forget all unnecessary thoughts.At least after riding the roller coaster no less than ten times with the black glasses, Qi Yun was so dizzy that he couldn't even remember where he was.

"By the way, you're actually here for revenge, right?" Qi Yun sat on a bench by the side of the road, holding on to the armrest, trying to ease the urge to vomit.She used to look forward to the excitement of the roller coaster, but she couldn't stand it again and again.Right now Qi Yun just feels like throwing up when he sees the roller coaster, but he is in a surprisingly good mood.

In order not to get lost in the crowded amusement park, the black glasses kept holding her hand.The reddish face is due to the strong sunlight, and the over-exciting rides can just explain my out-of-beat heartbeat.Qi Yun knew that this kind of ostrich mentality was not advisable, but she was willing to think so.

"I didn't know you were so inexperienced." The black glasses looked helpless, patted Qi Yun's head, let her rest here for a while, then turned and left.

Qi Yun watched the black glasses leave without stopping, even though she was a little worried that he would not come back after he left.Rubbing his temples somewhat relieved the discomfort, but Qi Yun smiled.What is there to worry about?If you don't come back, you won't come back. We will always meet again.

To her surprise, the black glasses came back a few minutes later, still holding two ice creams.After taking the milk-flavored ice cream stuffed by the other party, Qi Yun was still a little dazed.This kind of dating-like plot development made her feel like she was in a fog, and the peace was too much, but it made people feel chills.Are the black glasses trying to scare the Wang family?Speaking of which, today shouldn't be April Fool's Day, right?

"Why are you in a daze?" Seeing Qi Yun staring at the ice cream in his hand in a daze, the black glasses reached out and flicked her forehead.Although he restrained his strength, Qi Yun's forehead still turned red after a while.However, Qi Yun still couldn't get Qi Yun's attention back. She didn't pay attention to the tingling pain on her forehead. She looked up at the half-eaten strawberry-flavored ice cream in her black glasses, and started a new round of daze.

"Girl? Are you back? The ice cream is about to melt!" The black glasses waved in front of Qi Yun's eyes, with a hint of a smile in his tone.Qi Yun unconsciously licked the ice cream on her hand, and the cold dessert woke her up instantly.

Blinking, Qi Yun unconsciously moved back a little, and then said awkwardly: "Well, do you have something to say directly? I feel a little nervous like this."

This situation is really too embarrassing, is there anything that needs her cooperation to just say it?

The black glasses seemed to think that Qi Yun's reaction was very interesting, he quickly finished off the ice cream in his hand, leaned over and whispered in her ear: "Aren't you shy?"

"Can you still talk properly!" Qi Yun suddenly had the urge to throw his ice cream on his head, what domineering president is a wanted criminal?

"Isn't this talking well?" Hei glasses straightened up, spreading his hands, with an innocent expression as if he really didn't do anything just now.

Qi Yun rolled his eyes at him, and in order to calm down, he lowered his head and licked the ice cream on his hand that had been neglected for a long time.The ice cream tasted very good, but it was too sweet for her to get used to.What kind of mood does this person have to do these things?Qi Yun couldn't help feeling a little puzzled, did the black glasses know that she seemed to like him a little bit?

On the one hand, Qi Yun was absorbed in eating hard, while on the other hand, the black glasses had already sat down on the chair, took out a cigarette and lit it.The sweetness of strawberries mixed with the smell of smoke made Qi Yun dazed for a moment.Speaking of which, she never knew he liked sweets too.But yes, the time they knew each other was too short.

"Do you still remember the family tree that you showed me earlier?" Black glasses took a puff of cigarette and looked up to the sky.His tone was very flat, as if he was just talking about today's weather.But Qi Yun had an inexplicable premonition that this was the reason why the black glasses sought her out.However, genealogy?

"...You don't want to tell me that ghost thing is real, do you?" Qi Yun's expression is very strange, after all, she has long classified those things into the category of obviously unreliable, but now the black glasses want to tell her that she really has What tortuous mystery of life experience?

"The genealogy is fake." The black glasses pinched Qi Yun's cheek, and said while she was relieved, "But the relationship is real."

Qi Yun was suddenly dumbfounded.So she really had to pick up the distant setting of "great-grandfather's cousin" who didn't even know what to call it?Qi Yun's stupidity obviously amused the black glasses, he patted her head, and talked about a twists and turns bizarre life story──in fact, it's nothing special.

There used to be a cousin with a big age difference in the black glasses. When he was young, he had a falling out with his family, and went outside without bringing anything, and never came back.Everyone thought he was dead, and the black glasses didn't even see what he looked like.But after Qi Yun intervened in these matters, they discovered the trace of the cousin in black glasses during the investigation process.

"He started a small business in the south, and planned to return to the north after his career is successful, but he didn't wait until then." Qi Yun recalled the pitiful information about his great-grandfather in his mind, and spoke with some difficulty.

Black Glasses nodded, and said, "I think those people have also found out."

That's why he pushed her over?Qi Yun seemed to understand a little bit.Even if the relationship is really far away, those people may still plan to take a gamble.If the black glasses cared enough about this distant relative, they would inevitably be restrained when they acted.They need to use this as a breakthrough to understand and influence Wu Xie's plan, but unfortunately it seems to be unsuccessful in the end.

"The reason why I was so kind to you was because I knew these things." The black glasses extinguished the last flame on the cigarette, and turned to look at Qi Yun's side face.

Hearing this, Qi Yun looked at the black glasses and said with a smile, "It turns out that kidnapping is really good?"

"Of course." The black glasses also laughed, and leaned over to lick the ice cream on the corner of Qi Yun's mouth. "But maybe it could be better."

Qi Yun's mind went blank for a moment, and he didn't even have time to think about what the other party said later.She just stared at the black glasses in a daze, the heat on her face rose instantly, and her neck to the tips of her ears were completely red.I wanted to say something, but couldn't say a word for a while.What the hell is this person doing?Did he take the wrong medicine today?No, didn't he take his medicine today?

"It's too sweet." The black glasses licked his lips and commented solemnly.Seeing that Qi Yun was still in confusion, he curled up the corners of his mouth, and leaned forward a little bit, until only himself was reflected in her night-like dark eyes.

"Don't do such things that are easily misunderstood." Qi Yun took a deep breath, stepped back a little, and blinked a little uneasily. "I mean, well, don't you know that I kind of like you?"

As soon as the words came out, Qi Yun almost bit off his tongue.It turned out that she didn't intend to say it, after all, she didn't even know what kind of answer she wanted.Qi Yun wasn't even sure if this was a confession, there was no love letter, no gift, not even the slightest bit of psychological preparation.

The black glasses raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, stretched out his hand to push a strand of black hair behind Qi Yun's ear, and replied, "So I haven't said it yet?"

Qi Yun didn't get an answer, but retracted a question instead.She pinched her red ears unconsciously, and looked at him suspiciously.This rare and well-behaved attitude made the black glasses couldn't help laughing, touched Qi Yun's head, and spoke in a low voice with a smile under the dissatisfied eyes of the other party.

"I like you."

He can't say love, and he can't make promises.The girl in front of him was still too young, so of course he understood that people's hearts were fickle.Maybe someday they'll part, maybe someone's life will end before then.But when he knew that the other party was not the junior he wanted to protect but still couldn't let go, he knew he had fallen.There are many things that need to be cared about, and no one can say for sure how long this heart will last.But that's enough for the moment.

The sudden impact made Qi Yun's eyes widen, and in the next second, his eyes were covered by the right hand of the black glasses.Some rough palms made her blink her eyes, and she was about to speak when she was welcomed with a smoke-smelling kiss.The touch on his lips made Qi Yun instantly lose his ability to think, he held his breath unconsciously, and even forgot to breathe.The sweetness of strawberries and the smell of smoke invaded, she just stood there and let the opponent attack the city.

The lack of oxygen made Qi Yun's head dizzy even more, and the ice cream in his hand fell to the ground at some point.It wasn't until the black glasses let go of her helplessly that Qi Yun looked at the other party with misty eyes, and his reason gradually returned to his head.

"You..." Qi Yun opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.This was developing so fast that she couldn't react.

"Don't forget to breathe when kissing." The black glasses bounced off Qi Yun's forehead, and said with a low laugh, "Anyway, you can't escape, what's the beauty's name? Why don't you follow me!"

Qi Yun was stunned for a while, and then he couldn't help laughing when he heard this familiar sentence.

"Master Hua'er even told you this?" Qi Yun was still very happy when he remembered how he cheated on his male god back then.

"How else do I know you are so promiscuous?" The black glasses pinched Qi Yun's face with a smile, and said so, but it seemed that he didn't care much.

Qi Yun patted the opponent's hands that were making trouble on his face, shrugged, and replied: "I have never molested anyone except my male god."

"Male god?" The black glasses raised his eyebrows, and the slightly raised ending made people feel a bit dangerous.

Qi Yun blinked, thought for half a second, leaned over and kissed the other person's face.

"I'll just tease you from now on, okay?" Qi Yun blushed a little, but he refused to look away.There was still light shining in her moist black eyes. Although it was just a joke, she was seriously waiting for the other party's reply.

The black glasses laughed softly, and kissed her lips again.

In the end, Qi Yun still didn't say the name of his previous life.Yesterday is always like dying yesterday, let alone she really died once.Now she is Qi Yun, just Qi Yun.Everything in the past is like a dream, and as time goes by, the pictures in the memories will gradually fade away.Maybe the promise of not going to the amusement park was really a knot in her heart, Qi Yun looked at the person in front of him, and gradually he was able to let go of the things in his previous life.

She still misses that person, but only.Qi Yun once thought whether this feeling of liking was an illusion caused by the two being too similar.However, the feeling at this moment is real, and it is a different heartbeat than before.She likes black glasses, not because he looks like anyone, but because he is him.

"I always feel like I'm committing a crime!" Under the sunset at dusk, Black Glasses and Qi Yun stood at the entrance of the amusement park.Leaning against the wall with black glasses, he shook his head helplessly.

"Aren't you already a wanted criminal?" Qi Yun rolled his eyes at him and pulled the strap of his backpack.

"You are right, but I have never abducted an underage girl before." The black glasses nodded, straightened up and patted the dust on the jacket.

"Abducted an underage boy." Qi Yun replied casually, holding his hand.

"Oh! Master Hua'er has hurt me a lot." Black Glasses sighed pretendingly, and held Qi Yun's hand back.

"Still poor? Be careful that you lost your only friend!" Qi Yun smiled, but there was no worry in his tone.

The figures of the two gradually moved away, and the setting sun cast a long shadow behind them.At the beginning of the encounter, no one's kindness to anyone is pure.He regarded her as his long-lost younger generation, and she looked for the shadow of another person in him.Then the extra halo faded away, and they gradually saw their true intentions.It may not last forever, but how many people can achieve such illusory things?To be happy in life is to have fun, that's all.

☆, the daily routine of his cohabitation with her

?When Qi Yun learned that the black glasses could cook, his surprise was beyond words.Not unbelievable, but never thought of.As a female high school student who lives alone, she usually eats instant noodles or orders takeout.So when a table of hot dishes was brought to the table, Qi Yun was so moved that she couldn't speak—even though more than half of the table was green pepper dishes, she was still very moved.

"By the way, how much do you like green peppers?" Qi Yun took the lead to start bluntly, with his cheeks puffed up, and his voice was a little fuzzy.

The black glasses placed a large plate of fried rice with green peppers in the middle of the dining table, and patted Qi Yun on the head.Facing the dissatisfied gaze of the girl who was almost choking, he smiled and said, "Maybe we can start a sect?"

Qi Yun swallowed the food in his mouth with difficulty, and after a while, Fang replied: "Understood, the leader of the Green Pepper Fried Rice Gang!"

But no matter how much you like it, you usually don’t put green pepper fried rice on the table as a dish, right?Qi Yun chewed the white rice in his mouth, looked at the fried rice with green peppers in the middle of the table, and picked up another dish with chopsticks.


"The workmanship is good, Ma'am, you can marry now!" Qi Yun nodded seriously, with a serious face.

The black glasses laughed "Hey", embraced Qi Yun's shoulder, and kissed her earlobe.Satisfied to see that Qi Yun's ears were dyed crimson, he whispered in her ear: "What did Madam say?"

"... Said you can marry! Master Hua'er is good, tall, rich and handsome." Qi Yun turned his head, and fearlessly chose the latter while succumbing to resistance.

"Oh?" The black glasses raised his eyebrows, and the corners of his mouth widened.

Qi Yun's resistance was immediately suppressed.

Qi Yun, who was kissed to the point of lack of oxygen again, huddled up on the sofa, buried his face in the soft pillow, and didn't even eat.It's not shy or angry or anything, in fact, she is seriously thinking about how to gain the upper hand when the force value is low.

"What are you thinking about!" He went to the sofa and sat down with a plate of fried rice with green peppers in his black glasses. He reached out and ruffled Qi Yun's long hair.

Qi Yun raised his head and patted his restless hand with black glasses.He rolled his eyes again, and replied reluctantly, "I miss you!"

After a long period of thinking, Qi Yun decided to give up looking for reasons from himself.After all, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't become a superwoman, and her opponent was not human at all.So Qi Yun decided to find a time that can minimize the difference in strength between the two sides, for example, early in the morning.

Chaoyang was still struggling around the horizon, and Qi Yun had gently pushed open the door of the black glasses.She didn't expect that the black glasses would be so slack that she didn't notice her coming, and she just rolled onto the bed in a hurry, holding her hands next to the face with black glasses that had just opened her eyes.First she put a kiss on his lips, and then said with a smile, "Good morning."

Qi Yun's long hair brushed the cheeks of the black glasses, feeling a little itchy.He laughed softly, wrapped his arms around Qi Yun's waist, turned over and pressed Qi Yun under him.

"Are you tempting me?" Black Glasses spoke with a smile, and Fang Xing's voice was a little hoarse.

Qi Yun tried to earn money, but failed.Sure enough, the difference in force value can't be made up for by the negative state of just waking up?Forget it, fail and fail.After only being annoyed for less than a second, Qi Yun put the unsuccessful plan behind him, smiled and blinked at the black glasses.

"What if I say yes?"

Even so, her eyes were clear, just like every time she joked with him in the past.

Hearing the words, the black glasses looked Qi Yun up and down for a while.Finally, his eyes stopped on her chest, and he sighed exaggeratedly.

"It's too young!"

Qi Yun was taken aback for a moment, then gave him a vicious look, and shouted: "Rogue!"

"Oh! I'm telling the truth." The black glasses lowered their heads, rubbed against Qi Yun's neck, and then said softly as if sighing: "You're still a little girl!"

"It won't be soon." Qi Yun muttered, reaching out to rub his short hair with black glasses.

Black Glasses didn't answer.

In the silence, only the shallow breathing of the two could be heard.There is a soft bed under him, and the surrounding atmosphere is strange but familiar.The feeling of exhaustion that had arisen early in the morning gradually surged, and before he knew it, Qi Yun fell asleep.After an unknown amount of time, she was awakened by the melodious sound of the violin.Folding the black glasses for the quilt covering his body, Qi Yun followed the music and walked all the way to the garden.

In the garden, black glasses play the violin under the sunlight.It was a somewhat sad music, but the expression on his face was always indifferent.Dressed in black, under the golden sunlight, there was an inexplicable sense of sacredness.It was only then that Qi Yun remembered that he seemed to have studied music in the past, but she didn't know anything about it.

She knew too little about him, but Qi Yun was not frustrated by it.She will try to explore bit by bit, after all, he has already said "like" to her, so she doesn't even have the confidence to do so.

"Are you in a daze again?" The music stopped at some point.The black glasses put the violin on the table beside him and walked up to Qi Yun.The smile on his face was the same as usual, as if he never knew what pain and despair were.

But Qi Yun knew that was not the case.He just smiled when he was in pain.He is different from her.She just enjoys the pain, but he has real strength.

"I was just thinking, your interest is surprisingly normal." Qi Yun shrugged and looked at the violin on the table.

The black glasses half-closed their eyes and smiled, pinched Qi Yun's face, and replied: "I also think it's quite normal."

Qi Yun blinked, always feeling that something was wrong in his speech.Cooking, playing the violin... It's all pretty normal, yes.Although there are many strange plants planted in the garden, you should be careful to be attacked while walking, but it is generally normal, right?

She looked up at the black glasses, as if trying to see what he meant.But the black glasses didn't say anything, just smiled mysteriously and raised the topic.Qi Yun asked curiously, but was simply and rudely gagged.With a head in chaos due to lack of oxygen, he no longer has the ability to think about complex problems.

So it was a long time later when she knew that black glasses had another hobby called naked mopping the floor.

☆, the interest outside the episode

?Qi Yun felt that the way he opened the door was not right.

It was early morning, and she got up from the bed sleepily.After rolling a few more times on the soft bed, I rolled out of the bed and stretched.The sound insulation of the room is not very good, Qi Yun can vaguely hear the black glasses humming in the living room.As usual, the lyrics and tune are incomprehensible.he seems to enjoy

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