?Facts have proved that Yang Hao really needs people to worry about.The three of them followed the bloodstain all the way to the mouth of a well. The bloodstain went upwards, but there was no downwards bloodstain.This means that Yang Hao went out after all and did not come down again.Qi Yun looked at the faint light coming in from above, feeling a little complicated.

The few words at the warehouse door were not the only time she warned Yang Hao.In fact, after that, Qi Yun used the flip phone thrown on the train to send Yang Hao several text messages, but unfortunately the effect was minimal.After coming to the desert, she also talked to Yang Hao several times, but the other party only seemed to find her annoying.

For someone like Yang Hao, Qi Yun didn't think he would accept her advice without reason.So what she did later was just to leave an impression in his mind of "don't trust people outside the team".I hope he can think more before going out to "ask for help".However, it turns out that this is all futile.Although he was psychologically prepared that he couldn't change everything, Qi Yun still felt a little guilty towards Li Cu when he actually faced the result.

At first, she didn't care about these things.For her, Yang Hao has never been an important person.What happened next, whether he lived or died, Qi Yun didn't care much.But Li Cu could barely be regarded as a friend to Qi Yun, so there was a later warning.But after thinking about it, Li Cu has used C4 to trick them, so there is nothing to care about such a trivial matter, right?

After a few seconds of melancholy, Qi Yun regained his composure.

In fact, it's not that she hasn't changed anything, and what has even changed is the part she really expects to change.For Yang Hao, she has always had an attitude of nothing.It was only when something happened that I thought I should be hypocritical.But what she really wanted to change was that the injury of the black glasses was completely different from the original one.Qi Yun didn't know what happened in the middle, and which of her actions caused this result, but she did feel a little joy about this incident.

The plan has returned to the "right track" that Wu Xie wanted, and the black glasses can lead the children to hide in a more calm manner, which is very good.As for Li Cu, who blew himself up?what to do!

The struggle at the end should be the most exciting part of the plot. Qi Yun has always enjoyed following the plot, but some things seem to have unconsciously become more important than the plot.She glanced at Su Wan's black glasses who were humming softly, and unconsciously smiled.What does it matter whether you like it or not?It's fine, I won't see you again soon anyway.

Their story is coming to an end.There were almost ten hours left, and after ten hours, Qi Yun had no doubts that they could escape safely.Trust without reason, but not blind.There is a reason for her to trust Black Glasses, provided that he is not overwhelmed.This premise was almost smashed by Li Cu in the previous explosion, but now it is barely achieved.

The three left the wellhead, continued to move forward in the dark pipeline, and finally drilled into a narrow stone passage above the pipeline under the guidance of black glasses.Finally able to stop, Su Wan sat down immediately, no matter how dirty the ground was.After all, they're nowhere near as clean as the floor.Qi Yun also sat down and took the time to adjust his state.Her physical strength was not much better than Su Wan's, and there was a limit to not falling behind by relying on will.And all she has to do is to ensure that this limit will not come before she escapes from the predicament.

Black glasses came over and patted her head.Qi Yun didn't take any more effort to wave his hand away, she raised her head, and for the first time asked a question that she didn't think she would ask.

"Can you take us out?" she asked.There is no hope in the eyes, but there is no despair.

The black glasses laughed, ruffled Qi Yun's long hair, and said, "I can't guarantee it, but try my best."

Qi Yun nodded, she knew what he meant by trying his best.Even if he was dying by then, he would do his best to get them out.This realization made Qi Yun a little uncomfortable, so she went on to say, "If you have any difficulties, just leave me alone."

"Qi Yun, are you okay? It's been a long time since our classmates realized that you are a virgin?" Su Wan opened his mouth wide, with an expression of disbelief.He got up and moved over, as if he wanted to test whether Qi Yun's head was burned out.

"Student, you are so stupid and cute, how can I create a tragic atmosphere?" Qi Yun rolled his eyes, and patted Su Wan's hand that was reaching for her forehead. "Said yes. And you forgot my glorious suicide record? I don't care as much as you, that's all."

After Qi Yun's speech, there was a long silence.Su Wan always knew that the situation was dangerous, but he subconsciously kept himself from paying attention.A relaxed speech can make him pretend to forget how scared he is, but Qi Yun spreads the possible bad results before his eyes.Even though her attitude was downplaying, it still made Su Wan feel a little heavy.

The black glasses lit another cigarette, and the faint smell of smoke filled the stone path.

"Smoking too much is bad for your health." Qi Yun heard himself saying this.

The black glasses smiled, patted her on the head, and said, "It's okay, I can't live that long."

Su Wan thought Qi Yun would say something more, at least he knew what she wanted to do and would never give up easily.But Qi Yun just thought about it, and replied: "Well, then you smoke."

I heard that smoking second-hand smoke is more harmful than direct smoking. He will live longer than her, which is very good.

A cigarette is quickly exhausted.The black glasses extinguished the last bit of flame, patted the soot on his hands, and turned to Qi Yun.

"Just a little time, let me tell you what's going on with you." His expression was casual, but his tone was very serious.Although it is not necessary, the black glasses are not inquisitive about Qi Yun's actions.He doesn't need to master every detail of the plan, but within the scope of his own responsibility, it's best not to have any accidents——Li Cu's C4 is enough.

Qi Yun thought about it, this is not the best time, but it is not bad either.She didn't have a reason not to say it, so she didn't know whether the other party would believe it or not.Tilting his head to sort out his thoughts, Qi Yun was silent for a while before opening his mouth in a low voice: "Have you ever heard of reviving the dead?"

Perhaps in this way, it will be easier for them to understand.

"I'm not Qi Yun. The real Qi Yun died before he transferred to the current school. The cause of death was cutting his wrist and losing too much blood. A successful suicide should be regarded as seeking benevolence." Qi Yun's tone was very Calm, as if telling another person's story.In fact, it was another person's life.

Su Wan shrank back, he always felt that Qi Yun was strange now, which brought him an inexplicable sense of crisis.Perhaps the direction of the hospital's initial diagnosis was wrong. Qi Yun is not a depression patient. She obviously has a more serious mental illness that has not been detected.

Seeing this, Qi Yun just smiled, and then said: "I come from another world, which is very similar to this place, but another world that is extremely far away..."

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