silent in the black lake

Chapter 22 Persistence and Contradictions

I don't know how long it took, bumps and bumps, in a daze, the carriage stopped

I immediately sat up, with a tinge of joy in my heart, opened the car door, and in front of me was the tall silver gate of the palace, just like in my memory

The gate that I used to be bored with, now makes me feel very cordial

I almost jumped out of the wagon and headed for the gate

Three years later, I'm finally home, back to the place where I grew up

"Who is it!" The guard's sonorous voice came from the door.

Although it was a scolding, I sounded extremely excited and even quickened my pace.

" are, yes!" The guard stared at me dumbfounded, with an expression of disbelief on his face that was soon replaced by ecstasy, "Your Highness! It's Your Highness! Your Highness is back!" He roughly shouted

"Your Highness! It's really Your Highness! Your Highness, you are not dead!"

"His Royal Highness is back!"

"Go and inform His Majesty! Your Highness is back!"

The side of the gate was like boiling water, boiling all of a sudden, filled with the shouts and running of guard soldiers

They surrounded me neatly and entered the palace. Although they were still solemn and mighty, they could not hide the joy in their eyes.

Joy is probably contagious. Their enthusiasm and joy made my mood clearer. At this moment, I felt a little bit of relief when I saw the moon through the clouds and mists, and I was more convinced that my decision to come back here was correct.

There are not many changes in the main castle of the palace. Walking through the corridors, the scenery on both sides is still the same as three years ago, but the people are no longer the same as three years ago.

Things are different, as expected

I caressed the angel heart on my hand, and subconsciously guessed what kind of mood he had taken me away three years ago

"Jeremy!" My brother's familiar voice sounded in front of me. This voice seemed much older than three years ago.

I looked at the young man wearing a crown in front of me, not only his voice, but also his appearance seemed to be much older, with some gray hair growing faintly on his temples, he was clearly only in his thirties, and he was in his prime

"Brother" I smiled at him, but tears welled up in my eyes, "I'm back"

He rushed in front of me and hugged me into his arms. He, who never shed tears, had red eyes at this moment, and his strong body trembled faintly. He choked up for a long time and said, "Just come back", and then repeated loudly: "Just come back!"

I hugged my brother tightly and buried my head in his neck. At this moment, my chaotic thoughts seemed to subside, and only the peace of mind and support brought by my brother's strong arms remained.

"Jeremy?" My brother let go of me and held my shoulder, "Why are you crying?"

I shook my head vigorously, but tears blurred my eyes

There are too many things in my heart, but I don't know where to start, let alone whether I should say it

My brother looked at me for a long time, didn't say anything, hugged me tightly, patted my back like he did when I was a child and said softly: "It's okay, it's all over."

I hugged my brother tightly. I was obviously a 20-year-old youth, but I was like a child who was wronged outside and went home to cry to his brother.

But right now I just want to be a kid, a kid who won't grow up

You don't have to go through your father's departure, you won't meet him, you won't go to the battlefield, you won't meet Raymond, you won't have five years with him, you won't have two years of fighting with Raymond, There will be no three years of being imprisoned by him, let alone the moment of leaving him

Every day when I open my eyes, I can see my father smiling at me, I just play naughty and playful every day, I can be carefree and innocent every day

"Are you tired after being outside for so long?" My brother squeezed my hand tightly, "to put you to bed today"

My brother didn't seem to see the ring on my hand, he took me back to the room, sat on the edge of the bed and patted me gently like when I was a child, coaxing me to sleep

Looking at my brother's face, I was tired instantly, and I soon fell into a deep sleep

I don’t know if it’s because I’m too tired or because I feel at ease with my brother by my side. I didn’t even have a single dream. When I woke up, I found that it was already the morning of the third day.

And my brother told me that the news of my return has been known to everyone, and the nobles suggested holding a comeback ball for me.

In fact, both my brother and I knew very well that this ball was just to re-select a wife for me and continue the unfinished wedding three years ago

Since I can't hide, let's face it. When I decided to come back, I knew that I couldn't escape

Those nobles seem to be very eager. As soon as I agreed, they couldn't wait to make suggestions for the ball, and their movements were as fast as they were when they were sent to the battlefield.

At the ball, there were still those old etiquette and hypocritical greetings. While the nobles expressed their infinite joy for my safe return, they pushed their female relatives in front of me to introduce me grandly.

Those girls are indeed beautiful and generous, but when I see them, I think of the princess who was killed by Linton in front of me three years ago

Will he show up at my wedding again, will he kill my new wife again, will the scars on his heart heal?

I caressed the angel heart in my hand, my thoughts were flying, and I was extremely entangled. For a moment, I really wanted to see him come to me again, but for another moment, I was so afraid that he would come to me

"Your Highness" suddenly an old voice sounded

I searched for the sound and found that it was the Duke, and the Duchess killed by Linton was his daughter

"Duke" I bowed my head in comfort and gave a standard military salute. This duke is not a nobleman with an empty title.

The duke was once one of his father's most loyal confidantes. After his brother succeeded to the throne, he had some of his confidants, so the status of the duke declined. However, his brother still trusted him very much, and the duke himself was very loyal to defend Stuart. Home

I think he should be very upset now, because his daughter was supposed to be my wife, but was killed at the wedding, and I came back after what they thought was a 'narrow escape', not only did not treat the 'dead wife' 'I have some condolences, but I am re-choosing my wife. Although I didn't do it voluntarily, the Duke must feel uncomfortable after seeing it.

"Your Highness has lost a lot of weight. I must have had a bad three years." The Duke looked at me calmly and said.

"I'm sorry about Sha Ya's matter." I once again bowed my heart and bowed a heavy salute

"Sha Ya's death is all the fault of the vampire, and has nothing to do with His Highness." The duke seemed to be relieved, "But what puzzles me is that Sha Ya has never stepped out of the kingdom, and has never met a vampire. Why did the vampire Why do you hate her so much that you want to pierce her heart, and why did you choose Sha Ya, who is His Royal Highness's fiancée, to kill among so many people?"

"The vampire and I had an enmity on the battlefield, I'm sorry for hurting Sha Ya." I looked at the duke's answer, he said aggressively, but it was conceivable that he was not as relieved as he appeared on the surface

The Duke sized me up for a while, and still said calmly: "Since Your Highness feels guilty about Sha Ya's death, please tell me the truth, how did you escape from that vampire's hands, the three The vampire who had a grudge with you for a long time in [-] caught you and didn't kill you, what did you do again?"

These questions were the ones I was most reluctant to answer after I came back, but the Duke asked me all of them in front of so many people, forcing me to answer them if I didn’t answer them.

Sure enough, everyone was curious about these questions. As soon as the Duke finished speaking, everyone focused their attention on me. I think they probably thought it was unbelievable that I could come back, and they were more likely to suspect that I had I took refuge in a vampire, what plan did I come back with?

"I swear in the name of my father, Jeremy will never do anything to betray mankind." My brother suddenly walked up to me and said solemnly

"Your Majesty" the Duke looked directly at his brother after saluting and said, "I naturally believe that His Highness Jeremy, who is a descendant of the Stuart family, will not betray mankind, but I think it is necessary to find out the purpose of that vampire to capture His Highness. In the past three years, he has never used His Highness as a hostage to threaten the kingdom, so that we think that His Highness has gone with the former king, so his purpose of arresting His Highness is worth thinking about. He neither kills the enemy quickly nor uses them , what is that for"

"Your Highness, please answer me truthfully." The Duke looked at me and said seriously.

Looking into the Duke's eyes, feeling the scrutiny of the people around me, I know I can't escape

These questions are not just about the duke, but about everyone present. If I don't answer or give them a satisfactory explanation, it will most likely affect the cohesion of the Stuart family, and it is more likely to affect the internal stability of the kingdom.

Brother "Jeremy" suddenly put his hand on my shoulder, "You don't have to answer if you don't want to answer."

I turned around and smiled at my brother, "It's okay, it's all over."

My brother was taken aback, and smiled back at me.

I lowered my head, took a deep breath, looked up at the Duke, and said, "He imprisoned me as a servant of blood"

I stretched out my hand to untie my collar, exposing my neck, where there were still many shallow bite marks, and there was an uproar all around

I squeezed out a wry smile: "As you can imagine, he did all the shameful things that blood servants should do to me", and the surroundings suddenly exclaimed

"As for the purpose," I lowered my eyes, "he said that he likes to play with me as a toy, and he likes to see me, a descendant of the Stuart family, being humiliated. He said that seeing me like that makes him happier than killing me ", the surroundings suddenly filled with righteous words and whispers

"I was able to escape because I stabbed him in the heart with a silver thorn. Although I don't know if it will kill him, it did make him lose his mobility temporarily, so I was able to escape."

Seven points are true and three points are false. I think the answer I made should satisfy the curiosity and imagination of these nobles. Although I know that such an answer will definitely make them talk about me behind my back, and even laugh at me, I think at least They won't suspect anything else between me and Linton

According to all human cognition, the descendants of the Stuart family and vampires cannot have any other relationship except the hostile relationship. Once this cognition collapses, it will affect the entire human kingdom

Brother "Jeremy" walked up to me, frowned and smiled at me, fastened my collar with distressed expression, "I won't let you go through this again."

"I'm sorry to make His Highness say such things." The Duke bowed slightly to me, "I understand the physical and mental harm these things have caused His Highness, but I still have a puzzle, and I hope Your Highness can answer me."

"Duke, I'm sorry for Miss Sha Ya's death, but Jeremy shouldn't be responsible for all of this." My brother stood in front of me angrily

"Your Majesty" the Duke bowed again, "Please understand the pain of a father who lost his daughter. I have been tossing and turning all these years, having trouble sleeping and eating, looking everywhere for news about that vampire, and only wanting to kill that vampire with my own hands one day. Now the news I got is related to His Highness, so how can I not go to His Highness for confirmation?"

My heart tightened, and I had a faint feeling that what he was going to ask next might make me unable to answer.

Without waiting for his brother to answer, the Duke ignored the etiquette and said directly: "As far as I know, that vampire belongs to the Yamaroman family, one of the ten families of the Senate, and the totem flag of the Yamaroman family is a four-leaf clover. Excuse me?" Your Highness, what does it mean for you to wear the four-leaf clover ring with the symbol of the Yamaroman family on your ring finger? Could it be that vampire also forced you?"

My heart suddenly became tense, and I could feel that everyone's eyes were focused on my hand. It took a long time for the Duke to find out that Linton belonged to the Yamaroman family. Know his name, let alone the clan he belongs to

But how should I answer this question, how to explain Angel Heart

"Your Highness, please answer truthfully," the Duke urged, "Or, is there any other relationship between you and that vampire?"

"The meaning?" A cold voice suddenly came from nowhere, "The meaning is that if he dares to take off the ring, you will all die."

He really came, and my heart beat suddenly violently. I couldn't tell whether it was panic or anticipation, and my eyes were anxiously looking for his figure.

"Be alert! There is an enemy attack!" My brother suddenly yelled, and the nobles suddenly looked around as if they were facing an enemy, and they retreated one after another, trembling faintly. spear, watchful

My brother pulled me behind, holding the silver sword and pulling me back slowly

"You can always make my heart hurt like this." His cold but trembling voice suddenly sounded in his ear

I turned around quickly, and saw that he was wearing a cloak, and the cloak covered most of his face, only his thin lips with delicate curves were exposed

He grabbed my hand and said coldly: "Don't even think about running away, just go back with me."

A silver light suddenly flashed in front of his eyes and slashed at him. He immediately let go of me and took a small step back. At the same time, I was dragged behind my brother.

"Vampire!" said the elder brother through gritted teeth, "I will never let you take my brother away from me again"

He hooked the corners of his mouth and said with a sneer: "It's up to you."

As soon as he showed his figure, the knights and guards immediately slashed and charged at him. While we were talking, those weapons glowing with silver light were already approaching him.

The corners of his mouth deepened, he slightly parted his lips, and ordered: "Everyone get out!"

As soon as the words fell, the knight guards all suddenly fixed their figures in various postures, their expressions were clearly still wide open, full of killing intent, but they all put down the weapons in their hands, turned around and ran out the door together

In a moment, all the knight guards who surrounded the wall disappeared from this ballroom.

The voice of the "Vampire" Duke suddenly sounded in his direction, and the next moment the Duke shouted, "Go to hell!"

The curvature of the corner of his mouth remained unchanged, and suddenly he turned sideways, and a shiny silver sword passed him in an instant. He was still facing me, but his arm grabbed it backwards.

When his arm was brought forward again, he had already strangled the Duke's neck

The Duke's face turned red, he opened his mouth wide, and slashed at him with the sword, but he just clamped the silver sword with the fingers of the other hand, and the silver sword could no longer move half a bit, and it split into pieces with a light fold. Two halves, one half was still trembling in the Duke's hand, the Duke was so shaken that he let go of his hand immediately, and the silver sword fell to the ground

"Are you investigating me?" He sneered in the direction of the Duke, "Have you found out who I am?"

The Duke's face was red from being pinched, and he was about to suffocate. Naturally, he was speechless. He didn't seem to want the Duke to answer. He arched his sharp five fingers, and uttered a word from the corner of his mouth: "Being overwhelmed"

"Don't kill him!" No matter how aggressively the Duke asked me, he is the mainstay of the human kingdom and the strength the Stuart family can rely on

He paused, looked in my direction, and said coldly: "As long as you are obedient, he will naturally survive."

"Let go of him first" I said while thinking about countermeasures

"As my servant, you are not qualified to negotiate terms with me." His voice was a bit cold, and I could imagine that his face must be gloomy now, but I was a little surprised that he seemed to be confirming what I just made answer

"Come here" he ordered, but it was only a command tone

"I'll come if you let him go" He didn't directly control me to take me away, presumably he remembered that he promised not to force me, and it is precisely because of this that I firmly said this sentence

This is probably as he said, challenging his patience with his favor

He didn't answer, but put down his sharp-nailed hand, I think this is probably the limit of his patience

I walked towards him slowly, whether public or private, I should save the Duke, after all his daughter's life was lost because of me, his attitude towards me is justifiable

"Jeremy!" My brother grabbed my hand. He was shaking my hand with great strength. I looked back at him, and his expression was very tangled.

I understand his entanglement. As an elder brother, he doesn't want me to risk my life, but as a king, he can't just ignore the life and death of his loyal subjects.

I smiled at him, "It's okay, I'll be fine"

He was startled, his expression was unbelievable for a moment, but he slowly let go of my hand

I don't know what my brother's expression was thinking at that moment, but I know that only this sentence can make my brother feel at ease

I turned my head and walked towards him step by step. Although I couldn't see his expression under the cloak, I knew he was watching me all the time.

I walked up to him and he grabbed my arm and pulled me into his arms and threw the duke out with one hand

Duke Fei hit the wall before falling, spat out a mouthful of blood, fell to the ground trembling and couldn't get up, but he didn't seem to be dead

But I didn't relax, because I didn't intend to let him take me away. I knew that once he took me away, it would be impossible to escape again. Maybe he would imprison me in that golden place for life because of this incident. in the cage

Actually, I'm not afraid to go back to that cage now, but I still have my unfinished mission

I suddenly pulled out the silver dagger in my sleeve and stabbed him in the heart. This was something I had hidden before. Although it was my old habit, I had forgotten this habit in the past three years, but after I came back, I found it again. back to the habit

Not just to remind myself of my responsibilities three years ago, but also because I think he might, maybe, come to me

He chuckled lightly, as if he had expected it, gently pushed me away, kept a little distance from me, but grabbed my wrist holding the dagger, and squeezed it hard

There was a crisp sound of bones breaking, and my hand holding the dagger was instantly released. Of course, it wasn't because I wanted to, but because my opponent had completely lost control.

I know he will be on guard against me, but this is not my ultimate goal. My other free hand quickly caught the dagger, reached my heart, and stabbed it hard

A strong smell of blood gushed out of my throat instantly, I quickly swallowed it, raised my head and looked at him

His face is still covered by the cloak, so I can't see clearly, but I know he is angry because he is not only gnashing his teeth, but also breathing rapidly

This is one of the few breaths I've seen him take

"I will never die with a vampire" I looked at him and said firmly

I don't really want to kill myself, I just express my determination to him, not giving in to vampires is what I have to do as the little prince of the human kingdom in this situation

He grabbed me, pinched off the wrist of my other hand again without any explanation, and pulled out the dagger, but he suddenly took me into his arms, hugged me and jumped back a long distance, and then he With a sharp look in his eyes, he arched his sharp five fingers and grabbed my back

There was only a clang, followed by the friction and collision of numb teeth.

"Let go of Jeremy! What do you want!" The elder brother's voice sounded from behind, and the anxiety in his tone was obvious

"Brother, I'm fine, don't worry about me." I think my brother was in a hurry and confused, he actually compromised and discussed with him for me

"Oh?" He raised the corner of his mouth and said with great interest: "I want the last region of human beings to be ruled by the Night Clan. I wonder if Your Majesty can give it to me?"

"Let go of Jeremy first," the elder brother replied without hesitation

"Brother!" I was in a hurry, I could see those nobles who shrank to the side all stretched their necks to wait and see under the semi-compromising tone of my brother

"I won't let you be captured by a vampire a second time in front of me, Jeremy." My brother's unusually firm tone made me feel warm.

He chuckled lightly, "As long as the Stuart family surrenders to the Night Clan and human beings accept the rule, I will release the little highness, otherwise the little highness can only be enslaved instead of human beings."

As he spoke, he broke my face, lowered his head and approached my neck, "Your Highness's blood is so delicious that I'm addicted to it", after he finished speaking, he really bit my neck and sucked the blood

"Jeremy!" My brother probably smelled the smell of blood, and his voice trembled a little.

The bright silver sword kept enlarging in the corner of my eyes, he stepped back abruptly, then continued to dodge back while hugging me to suck blood

The silver light kept flickering in the corners of my eyes, but he still sucked my blood leisurely. After taking two bites, he began to lick a little. I could feel the blood winding and crawling on my neck. Flowing, but he didn't stop it, I think he deliberately let the smell of blood spread out to stimulate his brother

Sure enough, the silver light flickering at the corners of his eyes began to become more frequent, and the sound of the silver sword waving in his ears also became more urgent

"Your Majesty, have you considered it clearly?" He hugged me and jumped back a big step, "Do you want your Highness or the human kingdom?"

"Brother! Don't be threatened by him!" I yelled, and at the same time whispered to him: "You have enough time, I won't go back with you"

He gritted his teeth and said, "It's up to you, I said, don't run away, if you run away, I will do everything possible to catch you back."

He bit me hard and hard, and I hissed in pain, before he continued: "Noel, do you know how much pain your sword stabbed me! No matter how many sins you bear, you will never think about it in this life. Leave me, no matter how many times you betray me, how many times you run away, I will take you back"

"Wake up, Linton, your Noel is just a substitute for Honor, you don't love him at all, I'm Jeremy, not Noel" I closed my hot eyes, "Let go of yourself, let go me"

He was slightly taken aback, and then he gritted his teeth again, "I said that Honor is a thing of the past, whether you are Noel or Jeremy, you are mine, you can only be mine, and you must be with me forever"

"Is it Love Bella or what did Christine tell you?" He hugged me and retreated to the corner, "Is it Love Bella? She told you about the poison, and she restored your memory, right? , you can’t listen to me once, nothing they say is credible, everything they say to you is just to kill me”

"Let human beings be free, and I will be with you forever" I looked at him, "Otherwise I will die in front of you"

"You are not qualified to negotiate terms with me," he said coldly

"I have the right to decide my own life and death." I looked directly at the cloak covering his face, "You can never control everything"

"Stubbornness! Ridiculous!" He suddenly yelled, stopped his figure, and grabbed the silver sword rushing out from the side of my face. The hand holding the silver sword trembled violently, and blood flowed from between the fingers.

"Vampire!" My brother roared loudly behind me.

A golden flame burst out from the silver sword he was holding tightly, instantly burning his arms to ashes. At the same time, many iron chains rushed out of the ground and wrapped around his body and arms, and the golden flames also Immediately climbed onto the chain and attached to his body

He suddenly froze, and the hand holding me loosened a little. At the same time, I was suddenly pulled back by a strong force on my waist, and I broke away from his embrace in an instant, and flew back. I looked down and found that I didn't know when I have a chain around my waist

"Jeremy!" My brother caught me from behind, hugged me, turned around and ran towards the gate

The door also opened suddenly, and a group of men and women in iron armor rushed in and surrounded us instantly

"Your Majesty, Your Highness, we are late." The young man in charge saluted briefly. I remember this voice, it was the male voice that called him the leader in Raymond's memory.

"It's not too late, everyone must be careful." The elder brother nodded solemnly to the young man

The young man headed by "His Royal Highness" suddenly looked at me, "Is the leader already?" He paused and asked, "Disappeared"

Although he didn't show any other emotions, the men and women behind him suddenly focused their eyes on me, and many of them even showed sad expressions on their faces.

"Sorry" I lowered my head, the taste of Raymond's blood seemed to be in my mouth again, "It's all because of me"

"The leader said that he is very sorry for His Highness." The young man suddenly bowed and made a solemn salute and said, "If possible, we hope His Highness can forgive the leader." After a pause, he continued: "The leader cares about His Highness very much."

"I didn't blame Raymond" The mouth seems to be full of blood, which makes me full of apologies

The young man suddenly knelt down, "The leader said before he left that if His Highness comes back, let us follow His Highness and swear allegiance to His Highness to the death."

"Swear allegiance to Your Highness to the death." The men and women behind him suddenly knelt down together.

I was a little surprised, "I'm just a human being", even though I knew it was Raymond's decision, but I also knew that these rather rebellious half-vampires were beyond my control

"The leader said, as long as we follow His Highness, we will be able to live a good life." The young man raised his head and looked at me, "Although it is the leader's decision, please allow us to give us a place to live and sufficient food, so that half-vampires to survive"

Half-vampires have a very strong combat power, at least they can allow humans to compete against the night clan, so I can't refuse this allegiance, and from Raymond's memory, it can be seen that these half-vampires don't have an easy life

But thinking of Raymond's ashes and ashes, I am a little reluctant to accept the allegiance of half-vampires on the grounds of strengthening human combat power

Raymond treats half-vampires like family and I can't accept their allegiance just because I want to use them

"Half-vampires and humans are one. As long as the Stuart family is there, there will be a shelter for half-vampires, but you don't need to be loyal to me." I squeezed out a wry smile, lifted my two severed "I can't even protect myself, how can I give you asylum? Although it was Raymond's decision, I can't just accept your allegiance and send you as my subordinates irresponsibly."

The young man was not angry but laughed when he heard, "His Royal Highness's answer is really the same as what the leader said." But then he solemnly knelt down and said: "The leader said, if Your Highness does not accept it, let us be loyal to Stu. Art House"

"Will Your Highness let the followers of the Stuart family ignore you?" The young man looked at me

"Raymond" I chuckled, "always counts me right" I think maybe I'm a very easy to see through

I looked at my brother, who nodded to me, and I turned to look at the young man, "The Stuart family is with half-vampires"

"Together" young man caresses his heart, and the men and women behind him bow their heads to caress their hearts

Suddenly, several of them spurted out a mouthful of blood, and at the same time, a huge pressure was shot down, and everyone on the spot fell to their knees.

"It seems that the half-vampire really needs to be cleaned up" His voice came not far away, "Dare to use mind control on me"

"Damn it" his voice suddenly became low, and at the same time, one of the half-vampires who had just vomited blood suddenly fought fiercely, rushed to a soldier by the door, snatched the silver sword from him, and stuck it into his heart

All this happened in an instant, so that no one had time to react, and by the time they reacted, the half-vampire had been wiped out

But suddenly a thin girl crawled tremblingly from the prostrate half-vampire. She bit her hand violently, and the smell of blood surged in an instant. The next moment, she spilled the blood flowing from her hand, and the blood dripped in the air. Suddenly volatilized to form a looming blood-colored dome

At the same time, the pressure on me inside the circle suddenly lightened. Although I was still under pressure, I was able to move a little. I looked up, and everyone else stood up tremblingly. Only the thin girl was bleeding. Lying on the ground, a pool of blood soon formed under her body

A half-vampire went to help her, but she lay there like a huge boulder and couldn't get up, or even move.

"Quick battle, she won't last long," the young man said seriously, "Don't let him take His Highness away, and don't let their sacrifice go to waste."

"Yes" those half-vampires answered with gritted teeth, and then their eyes flashed red, some of them rushed out of the blood mask and ran towards him, some of them stood inside the blood mask and raised their hands in his direction

"Overreaching" His deep voice enveloped the entire hall, and instantly I felt the pressure on my body a little heavier, and those half-vampires also spurted a mouthful of blood, especially the girl lying on the ground almost turned into a blood man

Only then did I realize that his jacket was burnt to tatters, but he still covered his face with the tattered cloak, and there was no fabric at all on his arms, but his skin was intact and pale, without any scars

Cold ice suddenly appeared on his feet and quickly spread upwards, freezing him from the waist down in an instant. At the same time, iron chains suddenly appeared in the air, rushing towards him from all directions, wrapping him tightly and locking him, followed closely behind. What's more, the powerful tongue of flame suddenly sprang up from all around and swept towards him, and a gust of wind blew up from nowhere in the middle, blowing up the momentum of the flame to the maximum

Those half-vampires who rushed out of the blood mask also half bared their fangs, sprinting towards him with various silver weapons

And he didn't seem to notice this, he still stood there motionless, the cloak also covered his face, so I couldn't see his expression clearly, my heart was tense

The flames enveloped him first, and the weapons of those half-vampires also pierced into Pyro's body. I suffocated instantly and almost cried out

I don't want him to die, this is an instant thought in my blank mind

"Jeremy?" My brother's voice suddenly brought back my thoughts

I subconsciously raised my head to look at my brother, only to see my brother frowned slightly, looking at me suspiciously, I thought it might be because my expression was a little flustered that my brother noticed something strange

"What's the matter, brother?" I smiled at my brother, but I found the corners of my mouth were stiff, and I guess the smile probably looked like it was squeezed out

"What are you afraid of?" Brother frowned and asked

fear?I froze for a moment, "No," I quickly defended

My brother looked at me for a long time, didn't speak, and continued to look up at the fire man in the middle, and I also turned my head to look over

Although the fire man was still burning fiercely, he remained motionless until the silver weapon pierced him, and the flames slowly subsided, revealing the unrecognizable human figure below

The human figure gradually began to emit burning smoke from his feet, but his face slowly healed and recovered, and new skin grew. Although the recovery was very slow, when the burning smoke engulfed his face, his face still only recovered. rough outline

But when I saw this outline, I was relieved at first, but then my heart tensed again. That face was not his, but that of the half-vampire who pierced his heart with a silver sword earlier.

Those half-vampires holding on to weapons were stunned, and the disbelief on their faces gradually turned into grief and anger

"Be careful! He's gone!" The young man not far from me suddenly shouted, the anxiety in his tone couldn't be hidden at all

I subconsciously looked at the young man, but suddenly opened my eyes wide because I saw him standing behind the young man. At this time, his upper body cloak was gone, so I could see his expression clearly

He had no expression on his face, but his black eyes were full of cruelty. The next moment, he pierced the young man's heart with his five sharp fingers.

The young man suddenly opened his eyes wide, his face still maintained that anxious look, but a lot of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and he lowered his head stiffly to look at his heart.

"You smell as disgusting as that half-vampire," he said coldly

The other half-vampires suddenly came to their senses and charged back quickly with their weapons attached. The half-vampires behind the young man also recovered from the shock. Their eyes were filled with red light to the maximum, and the hands stretched out to him trembled violently. stand up

There was a moment of blankness in his dark eyes, but he raised the corner of his mouth and uttered a word: "Death"

As soon as he finished speaking, the half-vampires behind him all lost their eyes. They put down their hands, knelt down on the ground unsteadily, and stabbed their own hearts with five sharp fingers.

Immediately, a strong bloody smell hit my nostrils, and I recovered from the shock instantly, "Don't kill them!" I yelled at him

He glanced at me, and suddenly pulled out the bloody hand from the young man's body. At the same time, the half-vampires behind him also pulled out their hands from their hearts like him, and fell to the ground.

Those half-vampires with weapons also rushed back, and attacked him with distorted faces. He laughed contemptuously, showing two sharp fangs, and clenched his five fingers, and there was a series of crisp bone sounds, and then Let go and look at the group of half-vampires


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