?The bronze door here, as Wu Xie knew, is very similar to the one in Medog. Even though the internal structure is different, the function is the same. But later, Xiao Hua discovered that this is not the case, and the meaning here is far from Those bronze doors can be compared.

After he stood up and got used to the light here, he could see clearly what kind of scene was in front of him. Leng Tang's flashlight also froze in one position.

Xiao Hua couldn't help shivering, it's really too cold here, the further you go inside, the lower the temperature.

At this moment, under their feet is no longer an ordinary bluestone slab, but white ice, bricks of ice.Leng Tang squatted down to take a closer look, and found that the ice was so thick that he couldn't see anything underneath.

And the most unexpected thing is that right in the middle of the ice surface, there is an oval hockey ball, more than four meters long, with strange patterns engraved around the ice ball, similar to patterns, but it seems to have some special meaning. Sculpture is not a blind pursuit of aesthetics, but some anti-aesthetic things, such as the combination of light and dark patterns, and the interaction of complex and simple, are not in line with Chinese classical aesthetic theory.

But at first glance, it is indeed extremely exquisite, and the details are also very clear. After thousands of years, these sculptures have not been damaged at all. You must know that even if the ice does not melt, it will sublimate. How do you keep the ice sculptures unchanged? Yes, it's incredible.

"This is really amazing." Leng Tang couldn't help sighing.

What Leng Tang sighed at this time was not the carving on the surface, the carving was only around the outside, what surprised Leng Tang the most was that inside the hockey puck, there was a person lying impressively.

a beauty.

Looking at the figure, it should be a woman. She is not lying flat, but lying on her side, her body is arched, as if she is sleeping, her head is buried in her arms, only a profile face can be seen, her legs are slightly curled up .

Her hair is white, and her clothes are also white. The clothes are very long, covering her whole body, and her feet are also shrunk in the clothes.Through the thick layer of ice, you can see that her body is not corrupted at all, and you can see half of her face exposed. In fact, her face is not very beautiful, but the quiet and elegant sleeping posture will make people feel Forget where this is.

"Xiao Wei."

Leng Tang whispered to herself, she remembered Zhou Xun's whole body white in the movie, which was very similar to this woman, but this woman was not as beautiful as Xiao Wei.Leng Tang lay on the ice, admiring the artwork.

Xiao Hua walked around a few times, then came back and said to Leng Tang: "Xiao Tang, don't look, this should be the main tomb, but it's a bit strange, we have to find the connection between it and Changbai Mountain as soon as possible, and then we have to think about how to do it." go out."

Seeing that she didn't respond and was still staring at the woman obsessively, Xiao Hua couldn't help becoming curious, so she came over a few steps and said, "She is the master here."

Leng Tang looked back at Xiao Hua leisurely, raised the corners of his mouth, and smiled strangely, then turned around, still staring at the woman, put his hands on the ice puck, rubbed it repeatedly, using every inch of his fingerprints to feel the coldness of the ice.

"she is not."

The voice came from Leng Tang's mouth, Xiao Hua was taken aback for a moment, and just about to say something, Leng Tang turned her head again, looking pale, but looking at Xiao Hua very charmingly.

"I'm the."

When Xiao Hua heard it, she was dumbfounded. Looking at her again, no, Xiao Hua took a step forward, grabbed Leng Tang's injured arm, squeezed it hard, and tried to wake her up with the pain, but her face was expressionless, still winking like silk .

No, Leng Tang has been wrong ever since she got close to that hockey player, Xiao Hua shook her and said, "Xiao Tang, wake up!"

Leng Tang suddenly looked at him in surprise, then squatted down in horror, curled up into a ball, trembling.

Xiaohua was frightened by this sudden change, he knew that Lengtang would not make such a joke, so he also started to panic, he approached Lengtang, trying to pull her up, but Lengtang seemed to be very afraid of him, and he was very afraid of him. curl up.

Xiaohua couldn't help it, so she threw down the dagger and flashlight, and hugged her with both hands, trying to lift her away from the ice puck, but at the same time, he himself felt something was wrong, his consciousness began to blur, as if he was lying down, as if he was lying on the ground. Being woken up in a deep sleep is so uncomfortable, the palm is as hot as a fire, no, Xiaohua barely retains a trace of sobriety, yes, it is because of the ice puck, Xiaohua used all her strength to drag Leng Tang out of the ice puck, and then together fell aside.

Then came a coma, no more consciousness.

After an unknown amount of time, Leng Tang opened her eyes first, and found herself lying on Xiao Hua's arms. She sat up, saw Xiao Hua unconscious, and went to call him.

Xiao Hua looked at Leng Tang calling him in a daze, she smiled and said, "Do you recognize me?"

Leng Tang was confused by the question, and replied: "When will I not know you, get up quickly, the ground is too cold."

Xiao Hua also got up, and said to Leng Tang: "You watched that ice hockey just now, did you feel unwell?"

Leng Tang lowered his head in thought, and said, "That's right, I remember I was watching that ice hockey just now, how did I get here?"

"There's something wrong with the ice puck, don't get close to it, you seem to have suffered some illusion just now, do you remember what you said to me just now?" Xiao Hua asked with a smile, intending to hurt her.

Leng Tang was stunned, not knowing why, and asked tentatively, "What did I say?"

"You really don't remember? Well, you just said..."

"say what?"

"I'm too embarrassed to say, but you just said, cough cough, 'Master Hua'er, my family misses you, my family is so hot.'" After finishing speaking, she pretended to be coy.

"Nonsense, it's obviously your nonsense, and you're still a 'slave'. Except for you singers, who likes to say this word!" Leng Tang responded wittily, and glanced at him.

Xiao Hua laughed, although the occasion was wrong, but such a time was rare, Xiao Hua would cherish such an opportunity before, but now, he will create, create all opportunities to get along with Leng Tang like this, even here No exception.


"I looked around, and it's not that big, it seems to be closed, and the walls are covered with ice." Xiao Hua said.

"That's not right, this place shouldn't be small, otherwise, where did the bronze wall at the other end of the passage come from? Isn't it a corner of this place?"

"It's hard to say, but looking at that ice hockey puck is very weird, especially the woman in it, very strange."

"Since it is the Phoenix Eye Tomb, then this woman can almost certainly be the hostess. Otherwise, who would use such a weird secret technique to protect the puck."

"Maybe, hey? Did you touch that puck just now?" Xiao Hua asked.

"It seems, yes, I couldn't help it at that time. At that time, I just felt that my palm was hot, and I just wanted to put it on it for a while." When it came to the warm palm, I remembered that Xiao Hua had teased her just now, so I stopped talking.

"Then don't touch it again, let's go and look at the ice hockey, there is only such a thing here, there must be some information."

After getting close to the ice puck, both of them began to feel strange, and their palms became hot, but they were conscious.

Just now, because Leng Tang melted the ice a little bit, a large amount of gas was released, and Xiao Hua was almost hit by it. Now that the two of them were prepared, they tried their best not to touch the ice puck with their hands, and just carefully observed the carvings on it.

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