?"it is good."

after an hour.

The light gradually dimmed, and it was going to be completely dark again. Xiaohua pulled Lengtang to hide in a corner. Lengtang squatted halfway, while Xiaohua lowered her body slightly, with one hand propped on the wall. Lengtang put her head on the wall. Stretching out under her arm, just as she was about to say something, Xiao Hua immediately pinched her shoulder, motioning her to keep silent.

The human-faced bird flew up again, and the dust it brought up was so choking that people couldn't breathe. Leng Tang covered his mouth and closed his eyes tightly.Suddenly a dusty airflow rushed towards this side, a huge wing swept over Xiaohua's face, before Xiaohua could react, the man-faced bird sensed the existence of other creatures nearby, so the wings retracted, Two paws snapped at Xiaohua.

Xiao Hua first resisted with the dagger, and then slashed hard, the human-faced bird was in pain, and angrily screamed at Xiao Hua, scratching its neck.

I couldn't see anything in the dark, but suddenly there was something more, like a cat, and like a monkey, it grabbed one of Xiaohua's arms and gnawed hard. The claws of that thing were also very sharp.

Xiao Hua flung her away forcefully, sticking herself tightly against the wall, and he touched Leng Tang a little further down, and everything happened in the blink of an eye, Leng Tang wanted to stand up to help Xiao Hua, but Xiao Hua squeezed her against the wall with her body. A small space, difficult to move.

The human-faced bird has great strength, and Xiaohua's footsteps are already a little unsteady.

"No, let's run!"

Xiao Hua turned her head and said to Leng Tang, then she dodged, grabbed a few feathers on the wings of the human-faced bird with her backhand, and pierced the dagger vertically, thus making room for Leng Tang, Leng Tang didn't stand up and run away, Instead, he rolled forward and yanked the stick upwards, knocking the human-faced bird over with one blow.In fact, in this kind of battle, the long weapon has the advantage, but Xiao Hua only had a dagger in his hand at the time, and there was no time to draw out the stick. Leng Tang took advantage of the fight between Xiao Hua and the human-faced bird, and connected the stick behind Xiao Hua himself. , wait for the opportunity.

Leng Tang turned over, and heard Xiao Hua say: "When will you listen to me, it's good now! I can't go anymore." Before he finished speaking, a bunch of human-faced birds came over, because their wings fluttered There are not just one or two fluttering voices.

Leng Tang knew that if she had run away obediently just now, she would have been able to escape for a while, but those human-faced birds would make small flowers into rice dumplings, now, killing one is counted as one, two people have a better chance of winning.

Leng Tang clenched the bandage on her left arm with her teeth, and tightened the wound. The cloth that Xiao Hua tied her up before was completely soaked in blood, maybe it was numb, but she didn't feel too much pain.

The surroundings were too dark to see anything, afraid of accidentally hurting Xiao Hua, Leng Tang didn't use the gun, but chose to continue using Xiao Hua's stick.

"Hey, Master Hua! I'm not used to using your stick!" Leng Tang shouted loudly, then swung the stick and knocked over a few birds.

Xiaohua was surrounded by the middle, and there were several deep wounds on her body, her hands were still tightly grasping the claws that were less than ten centimeters away from her. Xiaohua turned her head and wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth with the clothes on her shoulders, sighing inwardly, unexpectedly Today is going to be bird food. Life is really funny. When Baldy Wu finds out that he has become bird droppings, he will die laughing.

Forget it, still can't turn into bird droppings, so as not to be laughed at.

After a stalemate for a while, in addition to the cry of the human-faced bird, there was also the sound of Leng Tang fighting, but Xiao Hua smiled, this girl is really fierce.

Leng Tang held the stick horizontally with both hands, pushed it forward, and then twisted it clockwise, just stuck on a bird's foot. Taking advantage of the situation, he raised his feet, and they flew into the air, and then kicked one of them away, and then stood up one by one, rolled over from under the belly of the human-faced bird, and finally fell on Xiaohua's body, so that the bird holding Xiaohua was just right. Smashed away.

"Go!" Leng Tang pulled Xiao Hua up and ran to the right.Before Xiaohua could react, she instinctively followed her and ran away.

The human-faced birds were still chasing them, they couldn't find them accurately, and they flew around like a blind cat bumping into a mouse.

Leng Tang pulled Xiao Hua to hide in a place where there were fewer wings and calls, adjusted her breathing, and exchanged weapons. You must know that the same stick is different in Xiao Hua's hands.

Just resting for a minute, suddenly, a 'blind cat' flew towards them, the wind from the huge wings flapping, blew towards them, Leng Tang and Xiao Hua held their breaths, and the human-faced bird screamed, A bloody smell could be smelled, like the bad breath of the man-faced bird, and suddenly something rushed towards them.

That thing had sharp teeth and claws, Leng Tang was scratched in several places, the pain was so painful that he almost lost his strength.Xiao Hua knocked over some of them with a stick, yes, some of them, because now it was no longer a man-faced bird and that thing, and several more followed suit.

In the dark, they didn't know what the fangs and claws were. They only knew that it was the same kind as the one that bit the little flower just now. In fact, it was the monkey in the mouth, and this monkey-like thing lived in the bird's mouth.Xiaohua can only use her hearing and feeling to fight off the closest ones.

The human-faced bird's sharp claws grabbed Leng Tang, and Leng Tang shot one or two to death with a gun, then barely stood up, kicked one of them flying, and then shook the corpses strewn on the wall in the backpack vigorously. The bird was attracted to it, but these monkeys were still very persistent. They seemed to despise the disgusting food like wall skewers.

Leng Tang leaned her back against the bronze wall, panting heavily, her right hand supported the wall, while she was panting, she suddenly felt something was wrong, the feeling in her hand was still a bit cold.

"Master Hua! Come here!" Leng Tang called Xiao Hua, Xiao Hua thought she could not escape, so she ran towards Leng Tang following the voice.As soon as he reached Leng Tang's side, Leng Tang's hand touched Xiao Hua, and he grabbed him, and then pulled him back hard.

The toes were off the ground, and before Xiaohua could stand still, she turned backwards, and a human-faced bird's claws deeply scratched into Xiaohua's chest. As Xiaohua fell down, the human-faced bird suddenly Letting go of its claws, Xiao Hua let go, and the human-faced bird screamed and left.

Xiao Hua only felt the cold all over her body, and immediately got up. As soon as he raised his head, he saw that the red light was gradually getting brighter, and the human-faced bird was gone, and seeing all this was only for a moment, and immediately there was another scene in front of him. Darkness, because he saw it through a crack in the door, which disappeared within seconds.

"Master Hua'er, are you alright?" A beam of faint light flickered around until it fell on Xiao Hua's face, and Leng Tang got up unsteadily.

Xiao Hua turned her head and saw Leng Tang not far away.

"I'm fine, what is this place?"

"I touched the bronze wall just now, and just now, the bronze wall opened, so I pulled you in together to hide." Leng Tang said.

"We are inside the bronze door now?" Xiaohua was very surprised. "That is to say, this door also opens and closes according to that light? Is it periodic?"

Leng Tang concentrated on thinking, frowned slightly and said: "Whether it is or not, we are now inside the bronze door, so we don't need to bother to come in."?

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