Leng Tang was concentrating, but there was darkness in front of her, and she couldn't see anything clearly. She stopped where she was, listening carefully for any special sounds. After a while, she decided to turn around and go back. Suddenly, someone grabbed her Arm, Leng Tang was taken aback for a moment, but after a few seconds, she knew that the person behind her was Xiaohua.

"Shhh...go back..." Xiao Hua held her tightly and led her back.

"What happened?" Leng Tang sat down and asked.

"We might already be there."

"What? It shouldn't be. Where are we, not even halfway up the mountain?"

"I also heard from my second grandfather when I was a child. You know, there are many ways to locate a tomb. There are acupoints, Fengshui calculations, and dog smelling like the fifth master of the dog. In fact, there is another method. Few people I know, it’s called light escape.”

"What kind of method is this, I've never heard of it." Leng Tang shook his head and said.

"'Dun' means 'to escape', which means to travel in the direction of light, but the premise is that there must be light." Xiaohua continued.

"Light? That must not be the light we often see, is it the one just now?"

Xiao Hua lowered her head in deep thought, and said: "I don't know, Second Grandpa didn't say what kind of tomb this method is suitable for, and this method is extremely dangerous, saying that the generation of light is accompanied by evil spirits, just now you In the past, I found that I could not see you gradually. That kind of invisibility is not blur, but your back is gradually becoming transparent. I suddenly remembered this and pulled you back. I guess, that kind of light escape technique is very It is possible that this is the tomb."

"Such a tomb? Fengyan?" Leng Tang was startled.

"It's possible, we can't act rashly, so let's wait until dawn, and the people from the Cao family will be here soon. Let's wait for them to come, otherwise they will die before they wait."

"But, I didn't feel any discomfort there just now, Master Hua, you can't be mistaken, right?" Leng Tang stared at Xiao Hua's face and asked.

"No, I'm sure." Xiaohua's face turned pale.

"Master Hua, you should sleep for a while." Leng Tang looked at Xiao Hua and said.

Xiaohua smiled at her and said, "Be careful, you must wake me up if something happens."

"it is good."

Xiaohua lay down and just closed her eyes when she said, "Xiaotang, don't you want to ask Wan Liqing?"

Leng Tang was wiping the knife, and when Xiao Hua asked, she put down the knife and said, "Oh, yes, you replaced him, what about him?"

Xiaohua chuckled and said, "You, you are so heartless."

"It's fine if you don't say it." Leng Tang picked up the knife again and continued to wipe.

"He went to pick up a child." Xiaohua said.

"Child? Li Cu?"

"Yes, if Li Cu successfully escapes from the Wang family, Wu Xie's plan will be [-]% complete."

"Okay, stop talking, go to sleep now."

Xiaohua's guess is correct, light escape is indeed the positioning method of the phoenix eye, this method is very unique and dangerous, and Xiaohua knows very little about it, but this is not the main problem. What Xiaohua really doubts in her heart is that since Wu Guangzu can If it is concluded that there are phoenix eyes here, then it must be known about Guangdun, but how did a peripheral tomb robber like him know about Guangdun?Even Er Yuehong didn't talk much about this, so how did Wu Guangzu know this?

He closed his eyes and didn't fall asleep for a long time.

Seeing that he was not really asleep, Leng Tang said in a low voice: "There is still some leftover drug for Lin Feng, do you want it?"

Xiao Hua raised the corners of her mouth, closed her eyes and said, "No, I'm going to sleep now."

The blind man returned to Beijing, but everything was changed, the Huo family was in chaos, and Xiuxiu was nowhere to be found, but at least the blind man was accompanied by a young man, Su Wan.Su Wan really worshiped Heixiazi as his teacher.

"Master, what task do we have next?" Su Wan flattered.

"Go to your senior brother."

"Senior brother? I still have a senior brother?" Su Wan asked, having never heard that the blind man had other apprentices.

The blind man smiled and said, "It's barely worth it, but that guy will definitely not admit it. I did teach him some things, but it doesn't matter. As a master, I just need to admit it."

"Who is it? If you don't tell me, if I meet him and fight him in the future, if I accidentally kill him, wouldn't I be murdering my fellow disciple?"

"You? I guess you can't beat him, hahaha..." The blind man laughed and continued: "It's okay to tell you, you remember, my eldest apprentice... is the third master of the Wu family."



"Amitabha, luckily it's not the Great Sage Equaling Heaven who wreaked havoc in the Heavenly Palace 500 years ago..." Su Wan clasped his hands together and murmured softly.

After that, the figures of the old and the young gradually disappeared into the vast crowd.

Xiao Hua slept well, after all she was too tired, when she opened her eyes, it was already dawn, and she saw Leng Tang sitting on the side, lighting a fire.

"Wake up, here, drink some water." Leng Tang handed the water bottle to Xiao Hua.

Xiaohua got up, took the water bottle, took a few sips, and said, "They haven't arrived yet?"

"Here we are. There is a team of cars coming down the mountain. It is estimated that they will be able to come up in two hours. This is the only way up the mountain. They should not miss us." Leng Tang replied.

"That's good." Xiaohua twisted her neck.

After ten o'clock, Leng Tang and Xiao Hua met the Cao family.

There are three people leading the Cao family, two Cao brothers, and Cao Er Daozi.

"Yo, you two belong to the Xie family, right?" The fourth son of the Cao family came to greet Leng Tang first.

"Yes, I am Leng Tang, and this is Wan Liqing."

"Miss Leng, hello, hello..." The man stretched out his hand as he spoke, and looked Leng Tang up and down, his eyes glaring.

Leng Tang smiled slightly, and ignored him. At this time, Cao Erdaozi came from behind, snorted, and said, "Why, since we are here to share the meat, you guys come first, I'm afraid it's not right."

Before Leng Tang could speak, Fourth Cao interrupted, "Hey, hey, what's this, people didn't go down, and besides, just the two of them, they can't bring their equipment down, so how can they work?"

"Fourth, don't think I don't know about your sloppy guts, you, fucking open your eyes, don't forget what you're doing when you see a woman, if you fucking do something bad, I won't be the first to forgive you You!" Cao Erdaozi scolded.

When the fourth child heard this, he immediately became angry, pointed at Cao Er knife and scolded: "What kind of onion are you? Don't think that after changing your surname after your mother, you are the Cao family. I can do whatever I like, you don't care. Is it on?"

Cao Erdao was so angry that he wanted to go up to beat him, but was stopped by another person, who said, "Second brother, forget it, fourth brother will not delay you, the important thing is now." The person who stopped Cao Erdao was The youngest of the Cao family is the seventh eldest, and everyone calls him Xiaomaozi.

"Little Maozi, don't worry about it, I'll see what he can do to grandpa!" The fourth child rolled his eyes.



"Everyone, it's best to go back and settle your family matters," Leng Tang said. ?

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