?Xiaohua came to find Wu Guangzu's brother-in-law late at night, and explained her purpose of coming, hoping that he could lead the way and give him a generous reward.

"You guys do that too?"

"Yes, it's the same as your cousin's husband. We hope you can help us this time. Don't worry, you are just responsible for leading us and there will be no danger." Xiaohua said.

The man shook his head and said: "No, I don't want to have anything to do with you. Although you don't make much money as a security guard, at least it's safe. I won't do it. You can find someone else." He kept waving his hands.

"Do you know, I came to you today, no matter whether you agreed to us or not, you have already got involved with us. To tell you the truth, I have been followed. If you don't agree to us, after I leave, There will be another group of people looking for you, and even if you say that you didn't help me, they won't believe it. So, you'd better think it over carefully." Xiao Hua didn't raise her eyes, and fiddled with the car key.

The man turned pale with fright, pointed at Xiao Hua and said angrily: "You are too despicable, I have nothing to do with you, aren't you hurting me by doing this?"

"I can't help it. I don't want outsiders to get involved at all, but I need your help very much, and it's not difficult for you at all. You can bring us to a place and you can come back immediately. If someone asks you , you just tell the truth, they naturally have nothing to do." Xiao Hua raised her head and looked at him.

The man sat down with his head lowered, and after a long time he said, "Then, you must ensure my safety."


"When then?"


Xiaohua was driving the car, and out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of this guy's face turning green. He was full of reluctance, but he was helpless, and didn't say a word along the way.

Back at the hotel, I saw Leng Tang.

"Brother Lin Feng, this is Miss Leng, Xiaotang, this is Lin Feng." Xiao Hua introduced.

"Hi, thank you for your hard work." Leng Tang stretched out his hand.

"You, hello." Lin Feng stretched out his hand to respond, these people are not easy to provoke, no matter who made him unlucky, he cursed inwardly.

"The incident happened suddenly. In order to avoid unexpected complications, it is rude to invite you here in the middle of the night. Please forgive me." Leng Tang sat down and said to Lin Feng.

"What on earth do you want me to do?"

Seeing that he was a little scared, Leng Tang laughed and said, "Don't be afraid, we just couldn't find that place. Your brother-in-law's father-in-law asked me to look for you. Speaking of which, we are also relatives with the Wu family, and we will definitely not harm you. , You can rest assured about this, as long as you take us to that place, I will send someone to bring you back immediately."

This woman is much kinder, unlike that Wan Liqing, although she doesn't speak fiercely, but there is a hint of hostility on her face, which makes people uncomfortable to see.

Lin Feng felt less uneasy, sat down and said, "Okay, then, when shall we set off?"

"It's not urgent, you stay with Wan Liqing for the time being, I will prepare some clothes and food for you in the next few days, you go to rest first, and we will discuss it in detail tomorrow morning." Leng Tang said.

Lin Feng tremblingly followed Xiao Hua out, they lived next door to Leng Tang, after he settled down, Leng Tang and Xiao Hua immediately started packing their equipment and stayed up all night.

And Lin Feng fell asleep after drinking the water Xiaohua gave him.

In fact, prior to this, what Zhong Suqiu and the Cao family had agreed was that the Xie family would send someone to Changsha to join the Cao family, and then set off for Banna together, but Xiao Hua did not follow the plan at all, he could not go with the Cao family, Xiao Hua He and Leng Tang are only two people, if they really follow him, they will be killed before they reach the place, so Xiao Hua decides to go first by herself.

At dawn, Lin Feng woke up, Xiao Hua came over, brought him breakfast, a set of clothes, and a passport, and told him to change out of the security uniform. Before seven o'clock, the three of them set off.In order to speed up, they chose to take a plane. Lin Feng had never taken a plane before, and it was obvious that he was very excited.

At about noon, they arrived in Banna.

I found a small shop, rested for an afternoon, and went straight to Lin Feng's hometown in the evening, Bani Muha Township. This place is very close to the border and is very remote. At the foot of the northern mountain, it was already three days since they set off.

Leng Tang looked at Lin Feng, Xiao Hua hired a car, and went around the mountain. As the sixth grandpa said, the sunny side of the mountain is far less prosperous than the trees on the shady side.After confirming that it was here, Leng Tang asked Lin Feng to go back, and gave him a large sum of money before leaving.

Xiaohua's original intention was to keep him for a few days, but when she thought about it carefully, this person was not willing at all, no matter how much money she gave, if she forced him to stay, it would be bad if he was forced to make trouble secretly Well, this is someone else's territory after all, so it's easy to use small tricks.

"This is the map, Mr. Hua. Go around the front and it's the place where Wu Guangzu bought the cemetery." Leng Tang unfolded a blueprint and said to Xiao Hua.

"Let's go, we can't delay, we will rest there." Xiao Hua picked up her bag and walked forward.

The trees on the mountain are very lush, strangely shaped, like a virgin forest, but since someone opened a cemetery on this mountain, it is not a virgin forest, but it is located in Yunnan, and the climate is very suitable, so naturally there are many plants that they have never seen before. and animals.

"Master Hua, tell me, will there be anti-drug police here, who will arrest us as drug dealers?" Leng Tang asked from behind.

Xiao Hua stopped in her tracks, turned her head and said with a smile, "Then I will admit it, you are the team leader anyway."

"It's not kind." Leng Tang shook his head.

"Let's just rest here, it's getting dark soon, and we don't know what's going on in this mountain." Xiaohua said while cutting off some slanting branches around her with a knife, and sat on the ground.

Leng Tang sprinkled some medicinal powder around to prevent poisonous insects and snakes from approaching, then put down his backpack, sat next to Xiao Hua, took out some biscuits and water, and handed them to Xiao Hua.

The two were chewing biscuits, leaning together on a very thick tree trunk, which fell sideways on the ground. Lengtang asked Xiao Hua to go to bed first, and kept watch by herself. I'll watch, you sleep first."

Leng Tang couldn't hold back Xiao Hua, so she lay down on Xiao Hua's clothes, and soon fell asleep, while Xiao Hua sat beside her, leaning on the tree trunk.

The forest was already humid, and after walking for a day, the temperature was so high that I was sweating all over. Although I was wearing quick-drying clothes, it was still uncomfortable. At night, when the temperature dropped, I felt a little more comfortable.

The sound of some unknown animals around was like a lullaby at night, and Xiao Hua was so sleepy that she was about to fall asleep.

Suddenly, a light flashed through Xiao Hua's eyes, Xiao Hua immediately became alert, immediately turned off the flashlight, stood up slowly, bent down again, stared at the direction of the light, the light flickered for a while, and did not appear again after a long time, Xiao Hua was wondering if it was her hallucination, at this moment, that light appeared again.

Xiao Hua lightly touched Leng Tang, Leng Tang turned over immediately, Xiao Hua signaled her to keep quiet, and pointed in that direction.

After about 10 minutes, the light appeared again, and Xiaohua finally saw what the light looked like. It was a red light, and it was definitely not from a flashlight. It was very irregular, or in other words, it didn’t seem like it could be controlled by humans. The light, which looks a bit like the Northern Lights, but not in the sky, but in front left.

"What is that?" Leng Tang asked softly.

"I don't know, the time of appearance is very regular, once every 10 minutes or so, a total of three times, it doesn't seem artificial." Xiaohua replied.

"I'll go over and have a look, you stay here and watch." Leng Tang lowered his body and was about to go over.

"Don't move, it's better to wait until daytime, it's too dangerous at night." Xiao Hua grabbed her.

"But I can't find its exact location during the day, don't worry, I'll go and have a look." Leng Tang took a flashlight and went there.

That light appeared for the fourth time, and Leng Tang took a few more steps in its direction. ?

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