"Master Hua, what shall we do?" Sitting at the side, Pan Zi asked Xiao Hua in front of him.

Xiaohua shined her flashlight on the wall in front of her, and instead of answering immediately, she looked at the stone wall carefully.

He and Pan Zi came down first, and the fat man was discovered by Wu Xie and the others. He had carved a map on his stomach, and Xiao Hua and Pan Zi searched all the way to enter this tunnel according to the map.The direction and route of the tunnel were correct, but now, a strange change happened in front of them.

There was a stone wall in front of them, not the side road indicated by the fat man's belly. The strangest thing was that there was a fat man's mark about ten meters behind them. Just ten meters away, the situation in front of them changed completely. This made Xiao Hua and Pan Zi very distressed.

"We have to find a way to get in, otherwise it will be even more difficult for the third master and the others. We must give them some valuable information." Xiao Hua said.

So a few people discussed it and decided to go out first and walk again. They were about to go back when suddenly, the stone wall that blocked them made a 'click' sound. Xiao Hua immediately looked back, but the stone wall suddenly Quiet, as if alive, Pan Zi cursed.

Xiao Hua took out the stick and walked towards the stone wall, and the guys followed behind him carefully. The stone wall seemed to have nothing happened. Everyone has heard that this stone wall is definitely weird.

Xiaohua faced the wall, and said to the people behind: "Stand back, and look around carefully."

The group of people was in a defensive state and retreated slowly. Xiaohua kept her eyes on the stone wall. Pan Zi was leading the other end of the team and was about to retreat to the turning point when they came over. Pan Zi suddenly cursed: "Damn, really His mother is gone. Master Hua, you can't retreat anymore, come and see."

Xiaohua walked over to take a look, and the sight in front of him surprised him. The turning point was still there, and the direction was right, but there was an extra fork in the turning point.Xiao Hua secretly yelled "No", and ran back to the stone wall, but the stone wall disappeared, and there were two forked roads in front of her.

This situation is too unusual, they definitely didn't change direction, but the extra fork in the road, the disappearing stone wall, it's like playing tricks on them.Pan Zi said to Xiao Hua: "Master Hua, look at these two forked roads, they are the forked roads on the fat man's belly, how about we keep going?"

Xiaohua can also be sure that this is Fatty's instruction, but, under such circumstances, is it really possible?He thought for a while, then nodded, and then resolutely led everyone into the fork on the right indicated by the fat man.

After walking for a long time, it was still a tunnel, as if there was nothing else but the tunnel. They ran around in the cave like a group of mice, but they saw the fat man's mark along the way, and they felt relieved for the time being, and continued to move forward. However, thinking of the weirdness just now, Xiaohua still feels bad in her heart.

After walking for about an hour, they stopped.

Because the road ahead was blocked again, but this time it was not a stone wall but a stone pile that blocked them.Pan Zi was so angry that he wanted to blow up the mountain, and scolded that fat man for being unreliable, how could there be a way?Xiao Hua looked around and said, "The picture is correct, but the front seems to have collapsed and blocked the road."

"This is too bad luck. Why did it collapse when we came here?" A guy below complained angrily.

"It's not that we are unlucky, it seems that there are living things in this mountain, even intelligent ones, we have to be careful." Xiaohua frowned and looked around.

"Ghost hitting the wall?" A guy asked in amazement.

"What the hell hit the wall! Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand!" Pan Zi glared at him.

Do you want to go back?Xiao Hua didn't know what to do, he didn't dare to look back, he was afraid that what he saw would be different from the way he came, and the matter would be completely out of his control.However, the guys below, even Pan Zi, are all looking at him eagerly. He is Master Hua, a descendant of Jiumen, and a young head of the family who can support the sky. If he has lost his mind at this time , Then what should these people do, no, he has never seen any dangerous environment in all these years, and there is nothing that can make Xie Yuchen bow his head.

He turned around, looked at the guy behind him, and said, "The situation is not good. We have nowhere to go. The map is useless. Now, we have to find our way."

Pan Zi nodded and said, "That's the only way. Hmph, even if there is something, it will never return."

Xiaohua smiled and led the people back along the road.

"Sister Leng, we can go back to Beijing tomorrow." Liu Xin called from Jinchang.

"Well, I see, let Chun'er come to me as soon as he comes back, and ask him something." Leng Tang sat in the office, checking the latest goods, and talking to Liu Xin.

After hanging up the phone, Leng Tang stood up, walked to the window, looked at the white clouds and blue sky outside the window, she leaned against the window weakly, Banai, what's going on there, only heard the news that Master Hua went down.But now, a few days have passed since the incident, and the third master went down by himself before Hua'er master came out, and there has been no news since then.

Leng Tang slowly walked along the window, squatting down a little bit, she cried.This was the first time she cried when she came to this world. She remembered practicing martial arts when she was a child. No matter how badly she was beaten, how painful, or how terrible the wound was, she never cried; She never cried with the black hands behind the scenes, countless scheming shots, and after that, she followed Master Hua'er, solved one complicated problem after another for him, and resolved one dangerous situation after another. No matter how difficult it was, she still didn't cry. cried.

But now, the source of all this, Master Hua, doesn't know if he can come back. She is really afraid. She has confidence in Xiao Hua. She believes that Master Hua's skills, mind, courage and judgment are all perfect Not enough to deal with the dangerous situation, Xiao Hua's previous actions in the field, she never doubted that he would not come back, but that was in the past.This time, even Huo Xiangu, who is as strong as Zhang Qiling from the old nine sects, is stuck in it and can't get out, so what about Xiao Hua?

She knew that this was Xiaohua's own choice, but she still blamed Wu Xie a little bit, complained that Wu Xie had considered Xiaohua and Pan Zi, Zhang Qiling and Huo Xiangu couldn't get out of the fight, why did you let Xiaohua and Pan Son, so many fellows follow you to risk their lives.However, it was just a complaint, she was still willing to help Wu Xie. For some reason, she always felt that Wu Xie had more burdens than Xiaohua.

She didn't know that crying was so uncomfortable, it was because she couldn't remember how many times she cried when she read Pirates.But she couldn't stop, she wanted to set off now, to Guangxi, to Shangsi, to Banai, to the Zhang family's ancient building that looked like a devil's den, to see if Master Huaer was still alive.

But she can't leave, she wants to guard the land of Xie's family for him, guard the sky he worked so hard for, guard the fangs of those wolves, tigers and leopards, and guard the prying eyes of those wolf ambitions, that is his Xie family, Can't be swallowed by others, absolutely not!However, if he can't come back, then what's the point of Xiejia to her?

What Leng Tang didn't know was that this was exactly the invisible prison that Xiao Hua had drawn for her. Xiao Hua knew that this time was dangerous. The reason why he will know is that Xiaohua doesn't want her to take risks, she has done too many dangerous things with him, and for the last time, he doesn't want her to follow her.However, Xie Yuchen didn't know, if he died, would Leng Tang be relieved, leave Xie's house, and live his own life?Leng Tang, can you?

Speaking of the relationship between them, it is very delicate. Leng Tang did like and admire Xiao Hua at the beginning, but later, she seemed to be more absolutely loyal and compassionate towards Xiao Hua. She saw Xiao Hua struggling in those troubles Inside, she is very sad, she always wants to solve it with him, but she has no other thoughts at all, it seems that thinking about Xiao Hua is a blasphemy against him, so she doesn't think about it at all.As for Xiao Hua, he couldn't tell what it was like, but she was the person he trusted the most, a buddy, but not completely, and sometimes he felt that Leng Tang was sent by the heavens because it was too difficult for him to see him. Heavenly Soldiers will help him in the future, every time he thinks like this, he will be amused by himself.

Leng Tang stood up, wiped away tears, returned to the table, and continued to check the accounts.Master Hua, don't worry, even if you really can't come back, the Xie family is still yours, and it will always be yours. With me, Leng Tang, no one can make any wrong decisions. I'm willing to go out.

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