"Third Master, you lean back, don't get your clothes dirty." Pan Zi was covered in blood, staggering, he didn't know where the breath came from, he insisted on holding him up, the people on the opposite side were a little jealous of him, Not daring to go forward, Pan Zi patted the tree with his machete and glared at the group of people in front of him.

After waiting for a while, the people in front looked at each other, then turned their heads to look at Pan Zi, raised the knife and ran forward a few steps, when suddenly, that posture stopped abruptly.

Looking behind Pan Zi and the third master, more people and cars appeared, and standing at the back was Master Hua in a pink shirt.

Leng Tang was not here at this time, but took another group of people to Lao Liu's shop, who was the one Wu Xie said later that he looked like a fishmonger.

Leng Tang was sitting in the car, and another 'third master' was sitting beside her.

This person was also arranged by Xiaohua, so that in case Wu Xie got through, this is the way out, no matter what, they must be convinced that the third master is really back, otherwise, the result will be irreversible for them .

"You don't need to talk when you go in, just hit me hard and beat me to death, let them know what will happen if you betray the third master." Leng Tang's eyes under the sunglasses shone fiercely.She hates this kind of person the most. It is good to follow the master like a pug. If the master makes a mistake, he will be the first to rebel. Although there are many such people in this industry, Leng Tang has nothing to do with them, but since he is In her hands, that is God has eyes.

After about three hours, a message announced the start of the backup plan here. It seems that there is indeed a problem with Master Hua'er.

"get off."

Lengtang's fake third master jumped out of the car with many other guys, steel pipes in his hands, and rushed into Lao Liu's shop like a gust of wind, and there was a sound of shouting and killing immediately.

In the evening, Leng Tang met Xiao Hua, and heard him tell about the situation there today. Fortunately, Master Hua saved his hand, otherwise, they would have died standing here.

"Tonight, there will be a tough battle, you come with me. Don't let Wu Xie know." Xiao Hua said to Leng Tang.

"Okay" Leng Tang replied.She did not know how many times she said this one-word answer, but the word 'good' expressed her loyalty to Xie's family, and to be precise, it was her loyalty to Xiao Hua alone.

The sky started to turn gloomy, as if it was going to rain, it was really suitable for doing such a thing, Leng Tang sighed secretly, but this was not the first time this kind of thing happened.

At one o'clock in the morning, a black car was parked in a remote street, and it was Leng Tang who got out of the car, still wearing the navy blue leather jacket, with the gilded scimitar still on the back of his waist.She leaned against the car, with her hands in the front pockets of her jeans, and her sunglasses stuck on her head, as if she was waiting for someone, but she was really waiting for someone.

Soon, a limited-edition black Porsche stopped beside her, and Xiao Hua and Pan Zi came out of it.

Seeing Pan Zi, she was still very surprised. She didn't expect that he had suffered such a serious injury before, but he still came, but this surprise quickly dissipated. Given the circumstances, she would come even if she still had breath.She smiled at Pan Zi and asked, "Can you hold on?"


After a while, a few people came from the depths of the street, and the leaders were Wang Baqiu and Lao Liu. These two knew that the third master was back, and their end would be very miserable. They wanted to run away, but under the comprehensive control of the Xie family, they Where do you want to escape to?

"My surname is Xie, don't meddle in my own business, don't forget, the Huo family is still looking for you to collect debts, you should dry your own ass first, Boss Huo and I have discussed it, you can't touch me !” Lao Liu grinned, the flesh on his face twitching.

Hearing him talking to Xiao Hua like this, Leng Tang was already angry, but he held back and didn't attack.

"Oh? Really, how the Huo family treats me is my business, but don't worry, if you die, I will persuade the Huo family to buy a cemetery for you." Xiao Hua slipped out the butterfly-like dagger in her sleeve, looked at Old Six said.

"Damn, did the third master treat you badly, a group of ungrateful bastards, today I don't need anyone else, I can send you to see Grandpa Hades!" Pan Zi drew out his machete and was about to go.

Leng Tang strode in front of him, turned around and said, "Master Pan, let you take a look at Master Hua'er's men today, and see how they compare to you?"

Before she finished speaking, she took a few steps forward, kicked off the stone next to her with her right foot, and flipped forward. The scimitar in her hand was already lying on Lao Liu's neck. After a hard pause, Lao Liu's neck was covered with blood. The moment the knife was pulled out, blood splashed on Leng Tang's clothes, and he fell to the ground. People around wanted to stop him, but it was too late.

Wang Baqiu trembled a little with fright, and yelled: "Kill me, kill me, I have money, I will give it to you, there are only three of them, let me kill them!"

A few people rushed towards this side, Pan Zi gritted his teeth, took a sip, and cursed: "The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. If you are going to die, come here." After speaking, he rushed over with a machete up.Who is Pan Zi, asking him to wait at the back at this time is simply a joke, although his injury is serious, Xiao Hua and Leng Tang don't want him to do it, but he is duty-bound to deal with the scum under the third master. Hands on, that's impossible.

It was gradually raining, and the air smelled a little fishy.

Pan Zi was alone with a machete and chopped down three or four people in a row, Xiao Hua was in the middle, surrounded by several people besieging, Leng Tang was at the front, trying to get close to Wang Baqiu.

Seeing that something was wrong, Wang Baqiu turned around and wanted to run. Lengtang wanted to chase after him, but was entangled by several people, but Xiaohua saw it, and ran towards this side quickly, stepping on the person who fell on the ground, and within a few steps He vacated onto the shoulder of another standing person, stood on one foot, like dancing ballet, did not last for a moment, and with the force of his foot, he stood upright and turned 720 degrees, and instantly came in front of Leng Tang.

Two of Wang Baqiu's buddies saw that Xiao Hua was about to pass, so they wanted to stop him, but just as he took a step, they were kicked away by Leng Tang one by one.Xiaohua looked back and continued to chase forward.

No matter how fast Wang Baqiu ran, he couldn't run as fast as Xiaohua's knife. When he fell to the ground, there were still traces of the dagger on his neck.

It's going to be rainy, bloody weather tonight.This is what Xie Jiuye said. Xiao Hua was only 17 years old when he heard this sentence.

Very tired, Xiao Hua and Pan Zi returned to the guest house, Wu Xie was still asleep, of course, his drowsiness was not accidental, the culprit was the specially prepared mung bean roast that he drank just now.As soon as the two of them came back, they fell asleep on the sofa and didn't even want to change their clothes.

On Leng Tang's side, she was also very tired, but she still chose to take a shower first and then go to sleep.

Early the next morning, Leng Tang got up, arranged the next thing to do, and picked up the Lama.

Xiao Huayou continued to teach Wu Xie how to imitate the third master. Four days later, Xiao Hua returned to Beijing and made some necessary preparations. Wu Xie also returned to Hangzhou, and Pan Zi stayed in Changsha to integrate the third master's business.

On the sixth day, the three parties met at Guangxi Airport.Pan Zi brought a group of 20 people, and under the guise of a tour group, greeted the third master (Wu Xie), while Xiaohua brought Xiuxiu over on the other side.

As for Leng Tang, she is in Beijing.

The time goes back to the night before Xiaohua left, the place is Xiaohua's courtyard.

"I'll go in person this time. Grandma Huo's matter must be settled. Besides, I have to help Wu Xie." Xiao Hua said while drinking tea, without looking at Leng Tang.


"it is good"

Another one-word answer, Xiao Hua nodded, put down the teacup, and suddenly said "Ouch", Leng Tang thought he was scalded, so she hurried over to look at it, Xiao Hua covered her right hand, grinned, and said with a smile: "The cup is so cold."

Leng Tang was expressionless at first, then squeezed out a smile and said: "I will take care of this side." After speaking, he turned and left.The moment she was about to walk out the door, she heard Xiao Hua leisurely say from behind: "You are here, I can rest assured."

She really wanted to go with Master Hua, but she understood that the Beijing side must not be left alone, once she also left, the control here would gradually slip out of her hands.She didn't mention to Master Hua that she wanted to go, because she knew that even if Xiao Hua asked her to follow, her reason would not let her do that.

Xiao Hua looked at her back, of course he knew what Leng Tang was thinking, she definitely wanted to be by his side, but she didn't say a word, but consciously wanted to stay in Beijing, Xiao Hua also knew in her heart that this trip would really I don't know if she can come back, but she can make such a choice. He is very grateful to her for not embarrassing him, but what if Leng Tang really proposed it just now?Will he let her go?He didn't know, neither did Leng Tang, no one knew, because Leng Tang didn't let it happen.

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