Yan Heqing's answer made Xue Yan take half a step back.

He had seen Yan Heqing like this before, when Yan Heqing was only 15 years old.

That year, a small country in northern Xinjiang made good friends with Nanyan country, and presented a juvenile snow leopard as a tribute. The princes in the southern country had never seen such a beautiful and ferocious animal. They all liked it very much and asked their father for it.

At that time, the king of Nanyan Kingdom didn't want to give the snow leopard to anyone, and he couldn't say no to the princes, so he made a promise: "Whoever of you can hunt a tiger first, I will give the snow leopard to whoever. "

At that time, the eldest prince was only 17 years old, still young, let alone a tiger, he was just a hungry wolf. These princes were powerless to resist. The king of Nanyan clearly wanted them to Get out of trouble.

Sure enough, on the second day, no prince went to ask his father for the snow leopard, but after seven days, Yan Heqing disappeared.

There was great chaos in the palace, and someone found hunting related books and tools in Yan Heqing's bedroom. The king of Nanyan Kingdom hurriedly sent troops to the deep forest near the imperial city to search for it.

Later, Yan Heqing was found in a mountain stream. He was scarred and almost died, with the corpse of a tiger cub lying beside him.

Xue Yan still remembered that when he went to visit Yan Heqing, he was wrapped in gauze and smeared with medicine. Regardless of the dissuasion of the servants, he insisted on standing in front of the snow leopard's cage, looking at the vigorous and graceful animal without blinking.

Yan Heqing heard Xue Yan's footsteps, turned around, Xue Yan could not hide his joy when he saw his eyes, he raised his voice, as if to announce to the whole world: "Uncle, it is mine now. "

Yan Heqing was only 15 years old that year.

The 15-year-old Yan Heqing has already fought for what he wants regardless of his life, but now that the boy has grown up, how can Xue Yan stop him?

Yan Heqing saluted Xue Yan again, seemingly respectful, but it was his ultimatum to Xue Yan.

Xue Yan watched Yan Heqing walk towards Xiao Yu'an, suddenly remembered something, and suddenly shouted: "Wait."

Xue Yan remembered that there was still a follow-up to the Snow Leopard incident.

Three months after the snow leopard was paid tribute, the Nanyan Kingdom ushered in summer. Because the snow leopard did not adapt to the hot climate in the south, it became listless and even fell ill repeatedly. Yan Heqing was so anxious that he walked around the cage every day. The king of Nanyan Kingdom looked at him With this appearance, I asked the envoys to inquire about countermeasures.

The envoy said: "The only way is to send the snow leopards back to northern Xinjiang, but it's not necessarily impossible to stay, it's just that it's not easy to grow up healthily."

Yan Heqing was silent for a long time, and asked: "If you don't send it back to Northern Xinjiang, will it die?"

The envoy replied: "It's possible, even if you don't die, you won't live long."

The king of Nanyan Kingdom thought that Yan Heqing loved the snow leopard so much, how could he be willing to let it return to the northern border, so he hastily dismissed the envoys, and did not mention this matter again, who knew that within three days, Yan Heqing personally took care of everything , Let the envoy leave the southern kingdom with the snow leopard.

Although Yan Heqing never said a word of reluctance, the maid told Xue Yan that Yan Heqing often stared in a daze at the empty cage.

Recalling this matter, Xue Yan quickly organized his persuasive words. Seeing that Yan Heqing did not stop because of his shouting, he slightly raised his voice: "Even if you are willing to protect him, but you will eventually destroy his country, what will he think of it?" You? Are you willing to let you protect him? "

Yan Heqing's body froze and his footsteps stopped, but he didn't stop after all.

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