Xiao Yu'an knelt in the snow for a stick of incense, the falling snow drenched his clothes, and the strong wind made the wet clothes cold and hard, just when Xiao Yu'an felt that he could hardly hold on, he finally heard the sound of horseshoes coming from ahead , he raised his head against the wind and snow, but didn't see the familiar figure.

Is Yan Heqing unwilling to come to see him?

Can't bear it?

No, definitely not, he is not worth making Yan Heqing feel unbearable.

That is to not take him to heart at all, and even don't even bother to give alms to his surrender.

The corner of Xiao Yu'an's mouth raised a wry smile.

What is he looking forward to?Looking forward to Yan Heqing's kindness to him because of the intersection between the two?Maybe what he did is not worth mentioning to Yan Heqing.He also clearly knew how humiliating the Northern Kingdom was to Yan Heqing. Yan Heqing had hatred in his heart, so how could he put other things in his eyes.

Even if I told Yan Heqing about my past life, perhaps from the beginning to the end, in Yan Heqing's heart, I was the young king of the Northern Kingdom who destroyed other countries, captured him, and wanted to imprison him. According to Yan Heqing's forbearing character, Maybe the intimacy with him before was a disguise to save his life, maybe Yan Heqing has always hated him like the original book.

Xiao Yu'an's thoughts were pulled back by the sound of horseshoes, Xue Yan's lieutenant rode forward after whispering to Xue Yan, suddenly swung his whip, and hit Xiao Yu'an's frozen hands.

The blood, the national seal and the map rolled down on the snow together, and the bloody red mixed with the falling snow stained the parchment, Xiao Yu'an took a deep breath and swallowed the sob in his throat.

Seeing that Xiao Yu'an did not cheat, the lieutenant got off his horse, picked up the map and the imperial seal and handed them to Xue Yan: "General Xue, I have confirmed it, there is no problem."

Xue Yan looked at Xiao Yu'an coldly, nodded to the lieutenant general, and then led the army into the city.

Xiao Yu'an followed behind the cavalry of Nanyan Kingdom, with his hands tied behind the horse by the bridle, he half dragged and half walked towards the North Kingdom.

The cold penetrated into the flesh, Xiao Yu'an's eyes were dazzled, his strength was exhausted, he couldn't keep up with the speed of the horse's steps, he was dragged staggeringly, and his wrist was bled by the reins.

The troops of the Southern Yan Kingdom set foot on the land of the Imperial City of the Northern Kingdom in a mighty manner, declaring that this country was completely annihilated in the long river of history.

Suddenly the sound of horseshoes came from behind the army, Xiao Yuan raised his head, and the figure of the man came into his eyes, with a silver spear and red tassels, a sword on his body, a dignified appearance, a tall and straight figure, as described in the original book. difference.

For a moment, Xiao Yu'an's mind suddenly went blank, he had no fear, no panic, no resentment, no fear, he just looked at Yan Heqing like this, as if he was watching an appearance that was neither happy nor sad, but shocking.

Yan Heqing got off his horse and walked quickly towards Xiao Yu'an, when suddenly someone on horseback stopped him.

"He Qing." Xue Yan had a faint anger on his face, "What are you going to do?"

Yan Heqing saluted respectfully, but said nothing more. He walked around the horses in front of him without looking sideways.

Xue Yan hurriedly got off his horse and blocked Yan Heqing's way. His veins bulged and he gritted his teeth: "Yan Heqing, have you forgotten all those national and family hatreds?"

"I haven't forgotten." Yan Heqing's jade-like eyes were cold, "So now leading the army to break through the North Kingdom, the shame will be wiped out, and the hatred will be wiped out."

Xue Yan was stunned for a moment, his lips trembling slightly: "Okay, even so, if you want to protect the former king of the Northern Kingdom, what will the world say? They will say that you have been willing to be imprisoned for the rest of your life and have broken your spine! What will the soldiers of our country think? They will think that you only know love, and you are not worthy to be the king of Nanyan Kingdom at all!"

Yan Heqing's eyes fell on Xiao Yu'an, and he didn't move away at all. He replied lightly: "It's okay."

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