Xiao Yu'an didn't return to the mansion until the middle of the night. Although the dispute took a long time, everyone knew that it was the best choice for him to replace Zhang Changsong.

Xiao Yu'an didn't forget that Yan Heqing said that he had something to tell him tonight, but he thought it was already this time, Yan Heqing should not be able to wait to go to bed first, after all, if there is something to talk about, he can talk about it tomorrow.

Unexpectedly, when he walked through the small courtyard and approached the east wing, he found that there was a bright candle in the room.

Xiao Yu'an was taken aback, and hurried over to push open the door of the wing.

Yan Heqing was sitting at the wooden table, he raised his head when he heard the sound, his eyes were full of Xiao Yu'an's figure, he must have been waiting for a long time, the candle was almost burnt out, the wax dripped and condensed on the candlestick, twisted and cracked.

"I'm sorry, sorry, I talked to Master about some things, but I didn't expect it to be so late. Have you been waiting for a long time?" Xiao Yu'an apologized repeatedly.

"It's okay." Yan Heqing looked at Xiao Yu'an, his tone was indifferent, but he lightly tapped the table with his fingertips, "At least I waited for you."

"You have something to tell me, right?" Xiao Yu'an sat down beside Yan Heqing, raised his head and smiled at him, "It just so happens that I also have something to tell you."

Yan Heqing raised his eyebrows slightly in surprise: "Say it."

Xiao Yu'an waved his hand, and made a gesture that you were ahead of: "No, no, you should talk first, you have been waiting for so long."

Yan Heqing nodded, and said in a slow and flat voice, "Okay, then let me talk first."

He raised his head and set his eyes on Xiao Yu'an's eyes, those eyes were warm and smiling, they had appeared countless times in Yan Heqing's dream, he didn't like this body, he didn't like this face, what he liked was those deep eyes The person who told him my name is Xiao Yu'an.

From then on, I wrote Xiao Yu'an infatuatedly, read Xiao Yu'an nostalgicly, my greed has no end, and I can't survive in a desperate situation.

Yan Heqing said: "Xiao Yu'an, look at me."

"Ah?" Seeing that Yan Heqing was so serious, Xiao Yu'an quickly sat upright, restrained his smile, and looked at Yan Heqing.

Yan Heqing looked into those eyes, and no longer concealed his emotions, he said, "Do you still remember what I told you in the wooden house on the mountain during the heavy rain?"

Xiao Yu'an froze, he really didn't expect Yan Heqing to mention this matter suddenly.

Although since returning to Taoyuan Village, both of them kept silent about those days, but Xiao Yu'an was always worried in his heart that Yan Heqing would come to question why he did that.

It seems that what should come is still here.

Xiao Yu'an thought about the wording of the explanation silently in his heart, and said, "I know you want to ask why I want to..."

Yan Heqing interrupted him: "Remember? What I told you."

Xiao Yu'an seemed to be afraid of angering him, his voice was very soft: "Remember."

Yan Heqing asked, "What did I say?"

Xiao Yu'an lowered his head, looked around uneasily, and said, "You took me as Lin Shenling and expressed your heart to me, so what, I pretended to be Lin Shenling because..."

Yan Heqing interrupted him for the second time: "Xiao Yu'an, look up at me."

Xiao Yu'an had no choice but to raise his head obediently. He thought he would see the anger in Yan Heqing's eyes being teased, but those eyes were as indifferent as ever, but deep in the indifference, there were some other emotions. He Qing hides it very well, now he reveals it unabashedly, no matter how blind and confused Xiao Yu'an is, he can clearly feel a trace of affection and nostalgia in Yan Heqing's eyes.

Yan Heqing said: "In those days, I was not blind, I knew it was you, and that sentence was meant for you."

Xiao Yu'an's breathing was stagnant, and after opening his mouth for a full minute, he suddenly stood up on the table, stood up and shouted: "Yan Heqing! You must have a sense of humor!"

Yan Heqing narrowed his eyes slightly, and slightly clenched his hands on the table: "Xiao Yu'an, look at me, do you mean to be a little bit joking?"

Xiao Yu'an laughed dryly: "Brother Yan, I know, you blamed me for teasing you on the mountain, don't do that, that's not how you fight an eye for an eye, if you don't deny it, your innocence and reputation will be gone, I..."

"Xiao Yu'an." Yan Heqing interrupted him for the third time, "I like you."

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