Xiao Yu'an was walking on the road carelessly, and he didn't even see the child bumping into him. The child had braids in the sky and a red bellyband. When he bumped into Xiao Yu'an's leg, it probably hurt him. He rubbed his red nose as if he was about to cry.

Xiao Yu'an quickly squatted down and coaxed softly: "Hey, don't cry, don't cry, it hurts, brother rub it for you?"

The child's sobs stopped for a while, and he hit Xiao Yu'an with a small fist: "Brother is bad! Don't look at the road! Apologize to me!"

Oh, kid, I think you are very talented to be a heroine, do you want to know more about the domineering president Wen?

Xiao Yu'an squatted down and looked at him at the same level, and apologized with a smile: "I was wrong, I was wrong, does it still hurt?"

In the end, after coaxing for a long time, it might as well save trouble with a bunch of candied haws. Xiao Yuan looked at the child who was happily gnawing on candied haws, and said silently in his heart: I was wrong, I shouldn’t think you are like a heroine, your material desires reflect you He is a good kid who doesn't pretend.

The child who was bought by Xiao Yu'an with a bunch of candied haws gnawed on the hawthorn in his mouth, and tugged at the corner of Xiao Yu'an's clothes.

"Huh?" Xiao Yu'an squatted down in front of him and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Big brother, are you unhappy?" the child asked vaguely while holding the sugar residue.

"Yes." Xiao Yu'an answered with a smile without hesitation.

"Then why are you still laughing?" The child was puzzled.

Xiao Yu'an gently tugged at his braid, shaking it back and forth: "I'm laughing because I'm not happy."

The child showed a puzzled expression, gave a half-knowledge oh, and asked again: "Brother, why are you unhappy?"

"Because everyone has their own destination and ending, it seems that I am the only one who doesn't know where to go?" Xiao Yu'an rolled his eyes.

The child put the last candied haws into his mouth: "Then let your mother take you to play."

Xiao Yu'an grabbed his braided hands, still smiling, but much lighter: "My mother is too busy, she can't take me to play."

"Is there anyone willing to take you to play?"

"I think should not be."

"Brother, you are so miserable."

"Hahaha, I think so too."

Xiao Yu'an stretched out his hand to wipe away the sugar residue from the corner of the child's mouth, stood up: "I won't tease you, I have to go to work." After speaking, he waved goodbye to the child, and walked towards the medical center.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I arrived at the medical center, a serious and urgent voice suddenly came from inside: "No! I don't agree!"

Xiao Yu'an was startled, and walked in quickly.

In the inner hall, Zhang Changsong was sitting on a wooden chair, stroking his beard for a while as if thinking, while Zhang Baishu stood beside him, a little angry.

Normally, Zhang Changsong said that Zhang Baishu was not serious. Looking at the current situation, something serious must have happened.

"What's wrong? Master?" Xiao Yu'an looked at the two of them and asked puzzledly.

Zhang Changsong waved his hand: "Don't say anything, I've made up my mind to go."

"No! Then I'll go for you!" Zhang Baishu gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, and said incredulously.

"Where are you going?" Zhang Changsong glared at him, "You just got married to Shen Ling, the two of you should live your life well! Brat, you know how to show off!"

"Father, I'm not trying to show off! You're called showing off. You said you're already old, and your waist is injured and your legs are bad. Wouldn't it be good to keep it at home? Do you have to go through that hard life? And if you go, you can keep up." The army?" Zhang Baishu said angrily.

"Army? What army?" Xiao Yu'an interrupted at the right time and asked.

Zhang Changsong sighed and explained to Xiao Yu'an.

It turned out that Zhang Changsong's wife was once the daughter of a well-known general in Nanyan Kingdom.

Back then, Zhang Changsong, who was just weak, traveled around the world, treating people along the way, hanging pots to help the world, and then fell in love with his wife at first sight in the streets of the imperial city of Nanyan Kingdom, and fell in love with each other for a second life.

But Zhang Changsong is just a shabby and poor doctor, who can't even afford a dowry, so how could the general of Nanyan Kingdom marry his daughter to him.

The two fell in love despite countless difficulties. Zhang Changsong felt sorry for his wife and couldn't bear to see her suffer. He wanted to give up, but on the day he was about to leave, his wife sneaked out from the general's mansion, took Zhang Changsong's hand and said I must go with you!

The heartbroken love cannot be let down. That night Zhang Changsong and his wife were about to leave Nanyan Kingdom and fly far away. When the general found out, he was furious and sent someone to arrest Zhang Changsong's wife and planned to break Zhang Changsong's leg.

At the critical moment, the younger brother of Zhang Changsong's wife, the man in black from the South Yan Kingdom who had just come to Zhang Changsong, stood up. He had been close to his sister since childhood, and of course he couldn't bear to see her suffering now. Ye Qing, with a vigorous temperament, suddenly became angry, and resisted his father to let Zhang Changsong and his sister go.

Later, Zhang Changsong brought his wife to Taoyuan Village and lived a life like a fairy couple.

Later, his wife passed away due to illness, and he picked up Zhang Baishu himself. Nanyan Kingdom was trampled by Northern Cavalry, and Nanyan Kingdom rose again. His wife’s former family members had no news. For decades, everything was engraved. It was written with the words "unpredictable things in the world", and was slowly crushed into the dust by the wheel of history.

"So Zhang Baishu's uncle came to find you to recognize your relatives? Isn't this a good thing?" After listening to Zhang Changsong's words, Xiao Yu'an asked.

"But he wants Dad to be a marching doctor!" Zhang Baishu clenched his fists and shouted angrily.

"What?" Xiao Yu'an's eyes widened.

Zhang Changsong coughed twice, and said unhurriedly: "It's not that I want to be a military doctor, but there have been too many casualties on the front line recently, so I went to help, and I will come back after this battle. They also said, salary Not less, and the doctor does not need to go to the front line, and his life will not be endangered."

"If they say they can't, they won't? How could tens of thousands of people die in this war? If they fail to hold on to the front line and the Soochow Kingdom destroys their barracks, who can guarantee that your life will not be endangered? No, I will I can't let you go." Zhang Baishu's words were fast and urgent, but his sentences made sense and his words were clear.

Zhang Changsong has been stubborn for most of his life, and now he will definitely not change his mind because of Zhang Baishu's words. He said: "At the beginning, your mother and I were able to leave Nanyan Kingdom because of your uncle, and your mother kept saying when she was alive. Probably the only one who owes you a debt in my life is your uncle, now that I finally have the chance to repay my kindness, how could I still be hesitant?"

"Repay your kindness, right? Okay, I know, Dad, you have taught me since childhood that a drop of water should be repaid by a spring. I also understand these principles. If this is the case, isn't it the same if I go instead of you? Anyway, they just lack one thing." Famous doctor, am I going to repay my kindness!" Zhang Baishu argued persistently.

Zhang Changsong was so angry that he picked up the crutch beside him and slammed it on Zhang Baishu's back: "Even if you want to go, why don't you think about Shenling? You just got married, so you are willing to let her stay alone? And in case something happens to you, How should I explain to Shen Ling?"

"Father, you see that you are also worried that something will happen! Since you all know that there is danger, how could I agree to let you go?" Zhang Baishu argued vigorously.

Zhang Changsong stood up tremblingly with anger, held up his crutches and wanted to hit Zhang Baishu again, Xiao Yu'an quickly reached out to stop him, and helped Zhang Changsong to sit back on the wooden chair: "Master, don't be angry, Zhang Baishu is also worried about you."

Zhang Changsong lost his temper all of a sudden, and heaved a long sigh: "I know I'm worried about me, but I can't help but repay this kindness."

As soon as the words were finished, Zhang Changsong coughed violently, Zhang Baishu scolded you for looking at your body and going to fight, and then hurried to get water.

Xiao Yu'an hurriedly patted Zhang Changsong's back to relieve his cough, a small thought hovered in his heart and slowly occupied his heart.At this moment, his mind is full of Zhang Changsong's care for him in every way in the past year, and Zhang Baishu's brotherhood with him.

If it is about repaying kindness, why doesn't he, Xiao Yu'an, owe him love?

"Master, if you join the army, when will you be able to return?" Xiao Yu'an asked.

Zhang Changsong said, "You said you would let me come back within three months at the longest. How could I refuse your request for such a short three months?"

Xiao Yu'an smiled and said: "That's right, I think this kindness should be repaid."

Zhang Changsong said, "That's right, help me persuade Zhang Baishu."

Xiao Yu'an asked again: "Master, you said that I have studied with you for more than a year, is it true that I can be independent?"

Zhang Changsong waved his hand: "Didn't you already know how to heal your injuries? You can also deal with small pains and small fevers. Wait, you..."

Zhang Changsong seemed to suddenly understand something, looked up at Xiao Yu'an, his eyes widened: "You? Are you thinking...?"

Xiao Yu'an stepped forward to hold Zhang Changsong's hand, with a warm smile: "Master, I have been studying with you for nothing, and it's time to finish my training."

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