The manager told Bout about this without stopping, and Bout trusted Wen Ye very much, and immediately changed the inventory quantity to 60 on the major sales websites.

Once the ticket continues to drop, the number of his specialty products will also drop.

The sales volume of the ferry tickets is clearly displayed. At the beginning, seeing the sharp drop in the number, those who smeared were very happy, thinking that they had won the battle.

However, soon, some people discovered that lo mei could not be bought!The bubble machine can no longer be bought!

Before, you could place an order for three boxes anytime, anywhere, but now the purchase is limited!

Just imagine, citizens who have only eaten snot-filled nutrient solution in this life, suddenly tasted a mouthful of spicy duck neck one day...

That was a subversion from body to heart! !

Almost everyone who ate lo mei immediately rose up and decided to work hard in the future to realize the freedom of lo mei!

It can be said that the lo mei, a special product of the resort city, has become the life creed of every customer!

But because of the high price, most people just buy one or two duck necks at first, or buy a small box for tasting.

They don't care about the remarks of those "bounty hunters" on the Internet. After all, this is a remote delivery service, and they don't have to worry about being chased and scolded or falling into the bounty hunter's nest.

So no matter how the scolding war on the Internet is, in fact, Bout is not affected.

But it’s different now, the purchase limit is 60 copies, and the whole StarCraft will grab it together, so who can grab it? !No one can!

All of a sudden, the Internet exploded again!

[Why is there a sudden purchase limit?My lo mei!How can I live today without you! 】

【My friend is seriously ill and will be pushed into the incinerator today.He only hopes to have a mouthful of stewed duck feet before he dies, and I implore all netizens to help, let me take 10 copies for him to eat, and fulfill his last wish. 】

[Upstairs, get out!If you want to enter the incinerator, what else should you grab?Eat it in your next life! 】

【Eh?Has anyone discovered that there are only 60 boat ticket reservations left in the resort city?Is it a coincidence? 】

[Looking at it, it really is... I also refunded the boat ticket before, saying that the place was opened by a bounty hunter, who would dare to go?wait wait wait!Someone refunded the ticket again, and now it has become 58 tickets!The purchase limit has also been reduced to 58!It really matters! ! 】

Netizens are not fools, and soon discovered that the number of tickets and the purchase limit are completely synchronized.All of a sudden, everyone was yelling heartbreakingly, "Don't refund the ticket—give us a bite—"

The power of foodies is extraordinary!Almost instantly, the public opinion on the Internet became one-sided.

[Laughing to death, has anyone who scolded the resort city really been there?Have you seen!I haven't seen it with my own eyes, but I just start scolding based on a few words from others, what's wrong with it? 】

[The blogger’s video has made it very clear that this place has complete security measures.Does the scolding person really have eyes?Didn't you see the convoy of sightseeing cars?People spend so much money just to trick you into killing you, do you think you deserve it?Do you have enough money in your pocket to afford that car? 】

[Some people should show their faces!It's because I'm jealous when I see others getting angry, my eyes are so red that they are about to bleed!Don't talk about anything else, let's just talk about the special products of the resort city. How many people haven't eaten it yet?Could the taste be fake?Now that people have restricted purchases, it's fun for you to finish your mouth, who will pay for my duck neck?I would die without duck necks! 】

"Sir, the purchase of the bubble machine is limited, and our order has been cancelled." In the courtyard, Carol was frowning and listening to the assistant's report.

"The young master and the young lady are fighting for the last one, and three nannies are with them, but...they are fighting fiercely, and the situation is not optimistic..."

Carol looked at him, '"When does the ticket depart?"

"Two days later, sir." The assistant was worried, "Are you still determined to go? But I read on the Internet that it's not safe there..."

"Then you have a better way?" Carol looked unhappy. The bubble machine is the spiritual food of his two children, and nothing can replace it.

The most important thing is that they don't know what the mysterious liquid inside is, and they can't make it out at all.

Even though Carol ordered all his staff to buy the boat tickets as soon as he discovered the purchase restriction, that was a drop in the bucket.

I don't know how many people in StarCraft are staring at the bubble machine, and the last place was robbed in an instant, and Carol couldn't grab it even with eight hands.

At that time, he suddenly realized that his first-class citizenship seemed completely useless in this resort city.

If it is placed on any planet in normal times, as long as he shows his citizen rank, he will immediately receive the highest courtesy.

I have never encountered such a thing as queuing, let alone fighting hand speed!

But now, he couldn't grab a bubble machine even if he poked his hands!

No way, for the sake of the child, he has to go!

The assistant raised his head after being silent for a few seconds, and said with a look of death on his face, "Sir, thank you for nurturing me for so long. You treat me like a family member. I can't let you take risks by yourself. I will go with you."

Carol looked at the assistant for a long time, "Wheat..."

The assistant looked at Carol for a long time, "Sir..."

Similar dialogues are happening in various places. Although some people spare no effort to exaggerate and smear, there are still those who are not afraid of death and trouble.

The number of ferry ticket reservations has increased steadily, and friendly inquiries have gradually increased.

The manager sighed, the boss is really amazing.

The first arrivals were delayed until the next morning as the tickets were refunded.

This gives the manager a large part of his downtime, and spares no effort to check everything and make sure it runs flawlessly.

"Must not disappoint the boss..."

With such a mood, the "Happy Planet" resort city ushered in the sun of the second day.

The dark bus spaceship sailed silently to the eight planets, and in the port stood the same silent people.

If anyone saw this scene, they would be surprised.

Is this really the emoji of going on vacation?The guest's complexion is almost the same as that of going to a funeral.

The jump point glowed brightly, and the white sphere of the Misty Star appeared in everyone's eyes.

There were eight bus boats departing, but only three actually received guests.

Many people don't care about the 10 star coins of the ferry ticket in order to be able to buy special products.But if they are really allowed to board the ship to the Poison Star, they still have to think carefully.

There are not many escorts like Carol and friends, so the first batch of people who went to the "Happy Planet" was only 47 people.

The fog dissipated, and the orbit in the mist star was revealed.All of a sudden, everyone's hearts were raised high, and they all leaned close to the window, looking nervously at the scene below.

They were all waiting, waiting for the moment when they saw the resort city for the first time in the deep sea video.

Soon, they got their wish.

A majestic city gradually appeared in front of my eyes.

"First, sir! Take a look! It's exactly the same as the scene in the video!" Carol's assistant couldn't control the volume at all, and shouted excitedly.

The video is not fake, which proves that the things shot in the deep sea are real!They are safe!

The rest of the people on board also reacted one after another, and the tense atmosphere disappeared immediately.Everyone took out their optical brains and started shooting excitedly.

The bus spaceship stopped slowly, and there was a big virtual arrow at the exit, and the optical brain with the chip installed displayed the correct route in real time.

Beautiful and neat sightseeing cars are parked at the port, and each car is equipped with two tour guides.

These tour guides saw the guests and showed enthusiastic smiles at the same time.

"Welcome to Happy Planet Resort City!"

"My God!" someone whispered, "they're so polite!"

With a great sense of security, the guests happily walked along the road and got into the car.

Carol tried to click on the optical brain, and the prompt "Confirm the rental of three private sightseeing cars?" popped up instantly.

He breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately, the money is still easy to use.

Calling the guards to get in the car and follow behind, he and his assistant drove out along the route given on the optical brain.

Huge mutated plants are arranged in two rows, and the peculiar architectural style seems to bring people into another world.

"It's exactly the same...the video doesn't lie..."

The shock that I felt for the first time in Deep Sea's blog post now envelops everyone's hearts again.

"Hey, let me just say it! What kind of society is this? How could it be possible to trick people into killing people?" A female guest was completely relaxed and chatted with the tour guide with a smile.

"Mr. Tour Guide, there are rumors outside that you are bounty hunters! It's ridiculous, how can there be such a polite and qualified bounty hunter! Don't you think so, Mr. Tour Guide? I will definitely scold you back later. !"

Lightning, who was driving, glanced at the female guest and nodded with a smile, "Then you have to scold me back hard."

After finishing speaking, in a place where the guests could not see, he quietly stuffed the protruding gun//port back into his clothes.

The guests drove into the east area of ​​the resort city with laughter and laughter.

Then, there was a wave of exclamation that was higher than the wave!

Every scene here has never been seen in other places. Whether it is a house, a tall building, or a mutated plant soaring to the sky, picking out any one is enough to shock people for a long time, let alone a large area connected together scene?

In the end, the guests didn't even know how to "oh—" and just opened their mouths wide, wishing they could pull out their eyes.

"This, this is unbelievable!" Carol temporarily took off the proud skin of a first-class citizen, and became as excited as a child.

It's no surprise that a place like this can produce something as magical as a bubble machine!

Now he really wants to bring his whole family over to play!

Almost every guest thought so, and the sound of the light brain crackled non-stop.

Videos taken by different people from different angles were uploaded to the Internet like crazy, causing an uproar on the Internet.

['s true...the video of the deep sea is not deceiving....[

[It's incredible!Ahhh, I really like that wave plant!Don't stop me!Mom, I'm going on a long voyage tonight! 】

[Who dares to believe it?I booked tickets for my friends just now, but the time has already been scheduled for next week?I just found it after changing two planets!Are you all crazy? 】

[Why don't those black people come out and call out?Keep your mutant hyena eyes open!It's super safe, there are no bounty hunters at all!Look, how loving the employees are in the video!Can the screaming Heizi come out and apologize? 】

Facts are always the best weapon for slapping faces. Judging from the frequency with which every logged-in guest can’t wait to upload ten videos in one minute, these people are really excited and excited!

Moreover, the resort city not only guaranteed their safety, but also let them be so idle that almost every inch of the land was photographed and posted on the Internet!

When the sightseeing car passed by the Bruce store, everyone's emotions reached their peak in an instant!


Dozens of black shadows rushed towards the shop in an instant, and everyone looked desperately at the virtual light screen on the wall greedily.

The video and price of each kind of lo mei are printed on the screen, just looking at it makes your mouth water.Even the outrageously high price can no longer make people calm down!

And more importantly, he, the guest who came to the resort city, no!limit!purchase!

No need to stay up all night with red eyes to grab, no matter what kind of specialty, as long as you are here, you can buy as much as you want!

Boot smiled and said, "Yes, guests, as long as you can pay, even if it is filled with as many duck necks as three main stars, I will deliver them to your door."

On that day, the guests created two emerging professions without a teacher - purchasing agent and scalper.

"What? Second aunt, do you want eight boxes of spicy duck intestines? How do you have the money to buy so much? Didn't you borrow money from my mother a few days ago? Hello? Hello?"

"Listen to me, let's pool our money, buy as much as we can, and then go back and sell it at a higher price. Really, what is the line up on the Internet? As long as we show the photo of the ferry ticket, every copy will be turned over. Three times... no, five times the price can be easily sold!"

Boot makes money, guests make money, and the world is complete where everyone is happy.

Apart from the resort city, where else can it be so good?A visit can make people rich.

Bruce's shop, stuck for two hours.

The sightseeing car finally started to go on the road again, and everyone was exhausted and paralyzed.Even Carol couldn't hold back and asked for as many bubble machines as three spaceships.

When the bright and warm garden hotel group appeared in front of them, almost everyone entered the sage mode.

The sour feeling of having their wallets emptied made their legs numb when they got out of the car.

"Are you sure you really saved money to stay in the hotel, right?" A female guest asked her husband next to her.

Carol looked away, and the assistant turned the private sightseeing car in another direction.

They booked upscale hotels in advance, not in the same area as these people.

The sun is shining, and the giant leaves well block the harsh and scorching light.The cool breeze blows slowly, and the silence makes the air soothed.

Carol felt that she had never been more relaxed than now.

This feeling is very strange. He has never experienced the convenience brought by high citizenship since he boarded the ship.

When you board a boat, you have to queue; when you land, you have to queue; when you board a car, you have to queue; even when you buy something, you have to queue.

No one showed any expressions of trepidation or envy to him. He was just like all ordinary people, admiring the scenery, shopping, laughing, marveling and making strange noises.

Obviously, he would never do these things before, but now, here, when he doesn't have to care about his image at all, he feels inexplicably that a layer of shackles has been broken.

The unparalleled ease made every cell of him feel happy.

Vacation, resort town...does that mean it?

Looking at the caring and greeting message sent by his wife, Carol replied with a smile,

[I found a good place, I will bring you and the children together in a few days. 】

"Sir, look there." The assistant suddenly pointed in a direction and said strangely, "There is a person there, are there any guests who arrived here earlier than us? And his clothes look so strange, I have never seen him before." What about the style?"

Carol looked up, and sure enough, he saw a man standing in the shadow among the green plants.

The man was tall, wearing a strangely shaped black hat, his face was covered by a black cloth mask, leaving only a pair of eyes exposed.

This person's temperament is so good, so the assistant didn't think about the service staff at all, and directly regarded him as a senior citizen who came here for vacation.

"Maybe." Carol frowned slightly, and didn't take this person too seriously. "Let's go and see the hotel room."

"Ok sir."

The sightseeing car drove away slowly, Wen Ye rolled his dark eyes, and stretched lazily.

It seems that the guests are very happy, and no one is causing trouble, so he doesn't need to stay here any longer.

"I'll go back and see if the cucumbers are well pickled. After they're pickled, I can pick a few lucky ones and give them away."

"Food really needs to be shared to be meaningful."

He pushed aside the wide leaves and came to the path behind the garden hotel.The simple electromagnetic car has been replaced, and this time, Wen Ye chose an open-top off-road vehicle.

The reason why he chose the convertible was that even if he was sitting in the car, he could clearly hear the howls of the guests not far away.

"Honey, it's really only 70 stars! Oh my god! I've never lived in such a spacious room!"

"Mom! Can I stay here forever? Look at this wardrobe, it's exactly like the one in my dream!"

Wen Ye smiled lightly, this child must have been an Earthling in his previous life, maybe he was a Chinese.

How else would you dream of an ancient wardrobe in Suzhou?

The guests who checked in were very excited, and the noise of twittering could be heard far away.

There were no issues, everything went so smoothly it was unbelievable.

Wen Ye felt relieved and ended the activity of listening to the corner.Turning the key, the off-road vehicle drove out with a "boom".

The comfort of the hotel allows everyone to relieve their fatigue and swim more excitedly on the Internet.

Dozens of people shared videos and photos from various angles, rubbing those who discredited to the ground.

#食盐星秘密假城# once again occupies the major hot spot of the Internet.

Countless people are scrambling to order boat tickets, for the beautiful scenery that has never been seen before, for the unlimited food, and for the cheap but extremely comfortable hotel.

The sunspots watched the video and cursed at the staff of the resort city while filling in the information to pay for the boat ticket.

However, the system ruthlessly prompts: Sorry, you have been blocked by this resort city.

The sunspots were completely dumbfounded now!

can not go?Why can't I go? ?

Why are people in this place so glassy?Get me blacked out by cursing a few words? !

It would be even more embarrassing if their friends/family warmly invited the sunspots to the resort city together.

Because each person can only order one ticket per optical computer, so the sunspots can't let others buy it for them.

They could only say bluntly that they didn't want to go, then watched the video and gritted their teeth.

In just one hour, the manager received more than 300 messages asking him to remove the blacklist.

There were those who still cursed him, those who threatened to complain about him, and those who begged, all in a mess.

But the manager ignored it all.

The resort town is just in its infancy, and the welcome guests are friendly and non-intrusive.Those who deliberately slander, those who look for things casually, and those who think they are gods, why come here?Make trouble for yourself, don't you?

You say "everyone who goes there is an idiot" and "that place sucks" on the Internet, but in reality, you book tickets like crazy. Who is used to you?

Even the boss said, "If you don't want to come, don't let him come," so there is no pressure on the manager to block the account.

It's better to be a resort city, the manager said with emotion, this place is reasonable, not hierarchical.

He was really out of his mind, that's why he thought of buying a second-class citizen status to be someone else's younger brother.

If you can't leave in this life, you must ask the boss to rent a house for yourself!

When walking out of the hotel in a hurry, the manager's optical brain suddenly rang.This is an action on an account with a special mark.

He quickly opened it to check, and as expected, he saw a familiar name.

[Haas Slack is repurchasing tickets, expected date is tomorrow. 】

"Hahaha, this guy can't bear it anymore."

Haas, as the leader who guides the trend, booked the boat ticket immediately before.However, the rumor that "the bounty hunter tricked people into killing them" became too loud, and Haas decisively refunded the ticket.

Now, he repeatedly tried to buy tickets again like a vacillating scumbag.

The manager wondered again, how could he be a fan of this kind of person before?

"The only official blogger in the resort city is Miss Shen Hai, if you want to come, go and queue!"

[The setting is successful!Hasslack's ticket time has been adjusted forcibly. 】

[The adjusted time is: three years and seven months later. 】

The main star, Qian Shengqian is in the company.

Haas, who was happy to see the successful purchase of the ticket, was just about to call his assistant to pack his luggage, when he suddenly saw the ticket information.

"Three, three years later?? Why did my boarding time become three years later?!"

Haas's haughty expression cracked completely.

As a blogger who relies on content output, if he can't keep up with hot spots and create hot spots, his traffic will definitely be hit hard!

Just like the promotional blog post he just released for Bona's new spaceship, with the continuous rise in popularity of the resort city, there is no way to resist it!The number of readings, comments, and discussions are all pitifully small!

Bona Company is very unhappy, but they paid an extremely high promotion price!

If the next promotion still fails to reach the level, then Haas will face compensation!Fame and word of mouth will also be greatly reduced!

He walked around the room anxiously, asking his assistants to try to refund tickets and buy tickets.However, the strange thing is that his ticket can only appear three years later.

Three years later, the nutrient solution is cold!

At this time, no matter how stupid Haas is, he can understand it.Someone was deliberately making things difficult for him.

But he has never been to Mist Star, and he doesn't know the people on it, so there is only one possibility left.

In the end, Haas completely lowered his head, gritted his teeth, opened Shenhai's account, and said to his assistant.

"Go, contact Shen Hai. Tell her that the company will not pursue her previous rude decision, and let her come back and resume her job sometime."

I'm already like this, that damned woman should kneel down at my feet crying bitterly, come back crying and unlock the login permission of the resort city for me, right?

Thinking of this, Haas became happy again.

In his eyes, he gave Shen Hai a step, which is a great gift, how could he not continue?

The author says:



Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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