The deep sea finally realized what it means to wake up from a sleep, and it was on fire.

Because the bedding was too soft, she accidentally overslept.When I woke up, the sky was already bright, and the quiet room was warmed by the sun.

Shen Hai buried his head in the quilt, took a deep breath, and then opened his brain comfortably.

Then, she was overwhelmed by countless messages.

There are so many private messages exploding, the number of comments on the video is rising every second, several popular keywords on the Internet, and the number one product in the mall search...  

All from her videos.

Because of the large amount of video transmission in a short period of time, Lianlian also gave her a bonus of 3 star coins.

This made Deep Sea jump up excitedly!

3!She turned out to earn only 2800 star coins a month in Qianshengqian!

Not only that, Lianwang even sent an invitation for cooperation.

The other party said that if Shenhai’s next video can reach this amount of dissemination, he will sign a contract with Shenhai, promote her on the whole network, and pay her salary.The only requirement is that Deep Sea must promote a wave of networking in each video.

This is simply pie in the sky!

If you formally sign a contract with Lianwang and become an officially certified blogger, then many advertisers will come to contact you, hoping to seek cooperation.

Haas successfully signed a contract with Lianwang very early, so it firmly occupies the No.1 recommendation position.

Shen Hai agreed without hesitation, and excitedly called her mother.

Aunt Tan had been waiting for her daughter to contact her for a long time, and she couldn't wait to ask about the video as soon as she got through.

The mother and daughter chatted for a long time on the communication, and the daughter's excited voice lingered in Aunt Tan's ears for a long time.

"Mom, this is really the best and best place I have ever stayed in! I never thought I would be so happy! When I sign the contract with Lianwang, I will go and talk to the manager here."

Aunt Tan clenched her brain tightly, "What do you want to talk to him about?"

"Talk about settling down!" The corners of Shen Hai's mouth were raised all the time, "I want to buy a house here, Mom, I will take you over and live together. We can live here forever in the future, and you will be very happy Mother!"

"No!" Aunt Tan was a little angry, "If you lose your stable job for a long time and don't live in a high-end city, you will be expelled from the second class!"

Shen Hai was silent for a moment, then raised his smiling face again, "If you are removed, you will be removed, Mom, there is no such thing as citizen rank on Misty Star. The managers, drivers, and shop owners here are not high-ranking citizens, but they all live very happily! "

"I don't want to go back anymore. I have put in so much effort and I can only sleep less than five hours a day, but after all these years, I can only make the bed for that stupid man! I can't even let you sleep own house!"

Shen Hai became choked up for a moment, but she quickly adjusted her mood.

"I'm doing what I think is right, mom, I hope you can support me, and I will try my best to let you live a happy life."

The communication was hung up, and Shen Hai stood up wearily.

She didn't really have much confidence in staying in the resort city, and this was her first day here.

But in fact, she had no other way to go.

Then go ahead!She trusts her own judgment!Resort City is definitely a better place than all planets!

The explosion of Deep Sea Video put the pressure directly on the manager.

As the coordinator of the resort city, the manager is already busy today.

All the hotel communications were ringing, and the official account of the resort city, which had no one cared about it before, was suddenly pushed to the top of the list.

An old friend sent a message of gong (zhi) congratulations (wen), the informant of the empire and the friends of the black market can't wait to rush over and kidnap him immediately.

As the obvious boss of the resort city and the first manager of the Hunter's Guild, although he is vain and greedy for money, his strong communication skills and means of handling emergencies are simply unmatched!

Just when the ex-bounty hunter found out that the employees in the resort city were busy and dizzy, the manager had already solved everything one by one.

"The number of bus ships has increased to three per day! The number of planets to go has increased to six! I have sent you the time and schedule through the optical brain, and each person is only allowed to be late within 3 minutes! Everyone, act fast !"

"The official account will issue an announcement immediately! You don't need to write anything else, just write clearly the time of the bus, the berth and the ticket price for a single person in the resort city!"

"The remaining tour guides, each go to the warehouse immediately to get the key of a sightseeing car, drive to the port first, and wait there to be on call at any time!"

While giving the order, the manager turned on the optical brain.His old friend, the Empire High Beaver, had been bombarding him for an hour.

Beaver: [What the hell are you doing?What is the news today? ! 】

Beaver: [Reply!hurry up!Damn it, I've been covering it up for you for 10 minutes, give me a reasonable explanation!What is that shit resort city? ! 】

Manager: [It's nothing, don't worry my friend, it's just a new business for the Hunter Guild.If you are interested, you can come and play.These are two tickets, a gift I gave to old friends. 】

Beaver: [Who cares?What you come up with can only deceive fools!Don't keep lying to me!Converge a little, the empire has not been peaceful recently.The person who was going to be arrested has never been caught, so don't make any more fools during this time, or I won't be able to keep you! 】

After the manager replied "OK", he deleted all the messages, and his gaze instantly became erratic.

...The empire is still catching the boss.

He lived so full of life that he almost forgot about it.

After finishing the chores in the resort city in a hurry, the manager rushed to B's store without stopping.

It's also busy here.

Bout's order can't wait until next year. Everyone who comes to order asks about the situation of the resort city, which annoys him so much that he has to reply.

If the boss of the black mask finds out, he will be thrown into that mysterious space again.

....Although I really want to go in and have a look again, but forget it, earning money is the most important thing!

The manager squeezed the busy employees away with a snap, and asked in a low voice, "Hey, old fox, have you seen our boss?"

"Boss?" Boot shook his head, "I didn't see it, can't you just call him?"

Manager: ...I dare not.

After all, he has a heart of gossip.

Bout: Coward!

He waved his hand impatiently, "Then you can look around, the resort city is so busy now, where can the boss go? He must maintain order nearby!"

The manager left without stopping.

But he went around many times, but he couldn't find Wen Ye.

Finally, the manager stopped in front of a secluded forest path.This small road is the only closed place in the East District, and Wen Ye personally set up a protective cover.

Without a special chip card, it is not possible to get through at all.

The manager looked down and saw that the three-platoon hand//cannon had been converted into a protective cover, and he didn't dare to take a step forward at all.

"Then I can only report it to the boss next time. The fact that the empire is arresting him shouldn't be that important to the boss, right?"

The manager shook his head and left.

In the shadow, Ah Jin poked out half of his head, and slowly tightened his half-opened hands.

"It's a pity, if that person dares to take another step forward, I can try the newly practiced mental strength hammer."

"Sister, agreed to let me fire a//shot!"

The silver coin next to it grumbled in dissatisfaction, raised one hand, and tapped the optical brain a few times.

All the prismatic organs//guns hidden under the trees on the path are hidden again.

This is the facility that Wen Ye installed. Because of Bout's joining, he has inexplicably owned the top three weapons and equipment in the entire interstellar world, and even has his own production line.

Now, as long as Wen Ye thinks, he can assemble a set of equipment and ammunition in a short time that is sufficient to attack the royal family.

The control switch installed on the silver coin optical brain is to control the hidden weapon store on the path.

The siblings walked towards the plantation base, chatting with each other.

In the base, Aunt Wang is explaining planting courses to everyone in front of her greenhouse.

Not for anything else, just because other people's vegetables have just sprouted, but Aunt Wang's lettuce has already been harvested.

And because of the infusion of mental power, the seeds grew extremely well, and the giant lettuce leaves were bigger than five other lettuces tied together, and they were still juicy.

So all the researchers rushed to ask Aunt Wang about her planting skills, and Aunt Wang explained in detail at the beginning.Later, too many people asked, so she simply bought a board from her shed and taught everyone together.

"...It is very important to choose seeds before planting lettuce. Through the self-service seed purchase machine, try to choose plump seeds and brighter seeds. After that, you must loosen the soil before planting seedlings, and water some nutrients after planting liquid and water."

"The organic matter in the nutrient solution can be used as a fertilizer to accelerate the cultivation and growth of seeds. Remember to water the soil directly for the first time, not just a little."

Speaking of this, Aunt Wang suddenly paused, everyone looked up suspiciously, and found that she was looking at a certain corner of the crowd without blinking.

There were just a few men who had laughed at her.

Now, they are bowing their heads, trying to reduce their sense of existence and listening to Aunt Wang's lecture!

Aunt Wang smiled and named a few people, "You guys should be better than me, why are you still listening to my lectures here? I think you must be better than me, so asking you to go out shouldn't hurt your self-esteem, right? "

The faces of those people turned red instantly, and they were so embarrassed that they wanted to stuff their heads into the ground.

They laughed at Aunt Wang for buying spiritual power seeds before. When the planting skills were not good, they never thought that one day they would sit here and listen to her lectures.

Those men were extremely ashamed. Although they really wanted to know how Aunt Wang grew vegetables, they couldn't afford to lose this man, so they could only run away in despair.

"Next, let's talk about diseases..." Aunt Wang's small class resumed, and Ah Jin and Yin Coin nodded repeatedly as they watched from the side.

Yin Coin whispered, "Sister, why do I feel that Aunt Wang is much better than before?"

When she lived in the underground pipeline, Aunt Wang didn't talk very much.I just work hard every day, because I have no family relationship, and I will not argue when I am bullied by others, I just endure it silently, and then shrink in the corner.

Although Ajin ruled the underground pipeline later and Aunt Wang's life became better, she was not as cheerful and confident as she is now.

Aunt Wang, who was standing in front of the crowd generously, seemed to be glowing all over.

"It's all because of that kind boss."

Ajin's eyes blinked slightly. As half of the person in charge of the planting base, did she know that Aunt Wang's first wave of lettuce sold directly at a high price of 80 star coins because of the gratifying growth and the lack of market.

Paying Wen Ye part of the rent and buying some other spiritual power seeds, Aunt Wang still has a huge sum of money left in her hands.

This is the amount of money that even a second-class researcher would not be able to earn for a lifetime before Misty Star had an accident.

People who have money, don't they have self-confidence?

Not only that, Aunt Wang even wanted to rent a shed from Wen Yezai, and she had some new ideas to practice.

"It's just that I'm getting old and can't do it anymore. It would be great if I had a machine." Aunt Wang was talking so casually, and it happened that Wen Ye heard it.

At that time, the boss with mysterious skills said that he would try to make some auxiliary planting machines, and then he would put the rent in the self-service purchase machine.

A Jin's eyes flashed with excitement, "Our new boss is really a very kind person! Not only did he provide us with a planting site, but he also gave us most of the money from the sale Domination. We must thank him for such a kind-hearted person!"

Silver coins thought blankly, didn't we also pay him the rent?It seems that the fact is that he has only paid a few pieces of land, and he has been able to get a lot of money continuously!

But he absolutely dare not say this, his sister will never allow anyone to speak ill of the boss now.

However... the silver coin turned back and looked at the crowd in front of it.

Aunt Wang told the story earnestly, and the people listening to the class were writing hard.Everyone's face is relaxed and happy, which is not at all the same as the ashes and sorrow in the underground pipeline before.

Well, it's better now.

Everyone now is even better than when they were in the laboratory.

Before Misty Star had an accident, everyone, as researchers, could only be responsible for the work assigned by the higher-ups.There are many things that you don't want to do, but you have to do them.

"However, where has the boss gone?" Yin Coin looked around, "The resort town below seems to be very busy. It's the first time that fat manager has found this place, so he must really need the boss, right?"

"Don't worry, the boss is so strong, he must be in charge of the overall situation at this moment!" A Jin shook his head and pulled his younger brother, "Let's go! In order not to cause trouble for the boss, we must protect the planting base! Let's go , go on patrol!"

Wen Ye is indeed "in charge of the overall situation."

"Don't fight." He fiddled with the jumping hen with one hand, and with the other hand he skillfully picked out a few eggs from the nest.

He installed an action pulley on the uppermost layer of the underground pipeline, and hung a basket on it, so that the animals below could not touch it.

Wen Ye put the hot eggs into the basket, and then began to clean up the environment for the animals—commonly known as, shoveling shit.

Although these are good fertilizers, Wen Ye doesn't plan to use them because the smell is too strong.Shovel it into a sealed bag, and then it will be transported to the West District to improve the food for those mutated plants.

After finishing the chicken pipeline, Wen Ye came to the sheep house and pig house again.

Milk the goat, pluck the wool, and finally touch a little suckling pig.

The big sow screamed "Hum-Hum" from behind. Wen Ye thought about it and cracked two eggs into the trough.

"An extra meal today."

The big sow immediately became full of joy and buried her head in eating.

The little suckling pig "Wow Wow Wow" was taken away.

Wen Ye made a big round hole in the underground farmhouse, which was usually blocked by the road.When he is there, he will take it away, let the sun shine down, and let the animals out.

With a basket of eggs and milk on his shoulders and a suckling pig in one hand, Wen Ye briskly walked into the small courtyard, with the fragrance of the vegetable field lingering at the tip of his nose.

I have to say that the ingredients in the nutrient solution are really good.Watered vegetables not only shorten the growth cycle, but also smell much more fragrant.

Wen Ye put the basket on the slate table in the yard, next to the wooden bracket he made early in the morning.

Today he planned to make some bacon and ham to eat, and went to the vegetable field to pick some radishes and cucumbers, and pickled some pickles to eat.

Without pickles, eating rice has no soul.

The voice of the manager commanding on the optical computer came out, which was recorded by the monitor equipped in the hotel.It can be seen that the resort city is really busy today, and hundreds of tickets have been sold.

The manager has a chubby stomach and is methodically communicating with customers.

"Yes, there are really no vacancies in ordinary hotels. Why don't you try a high-end hotel? I promise it's worth it!"

"Cheating money? How can we cheat money? Customers? You can't make more rooms if you scold us... No, hey idiot! Did I give you face and let you scold here and there ? You try to curse again? I immediately led hundreds of bounty hunters to burn down your house, believe it or not?!"

In another surveillance screen belonging to Bout's store, Bout is also busy selling special products.

"What? Asked for a refund after receiving the goods? Who gave him the guts?!" Boot raised his optical brain, pointed at the guests who were trying to get petty and cheap and kept attacking them with words, and said, "Take these people's accounts Write it down, and ship it to them immediately, but don't put lo-mei in the package, put it in the nuclei//thunder!"

"Cheating money to get me here? I'm tired of working!"

On the edge of the planting base, as the top human super 3S player, A Jin, is working hard to practice controlling the mental power of the big mang hammer.

This is a new usage she has recently developed. It condenses mental power into a huge hammer shape and smashes it down——


A huge deep pit suddenly appeared on the ground!The power is extremely terrifying!

The silver coins behind her are not idle either, they are adjusting the newly rented gadgets one by one——

A modified drone equipped with an electromagnetic pulse gun. It is like playing a game. It is remotely controlled by an optical brain, and can be monitored and killed in the air at any time.

With just one touch, the huge electromagnetic pulse will instantly burn down a group of mutant cockroaches, which is very cruel.

Wen Ye withdrew his gaze, and lightly stroked the little suckling pig with his fingers, and a piece of calf fell off.

While tying the straw rope, he sighed that today is also a peaceful day in the resort city.

Although the guests haven't landed yet, the lobby manager and sales director have started to develop their character, which is pretty good.

The cultivation base is also developing steadily, and the guard siblings seem to love the job very much, researching new hitting abilities every day.

Wen Ye was very happy. He spent a lot of money and painstakingly recruiting people just to solve his troubles for him.

Like now, farming comfortably and doing farming, and doing cooking to collect rent when you have nothing to do is the retirement life Wen Ye really wants.

He hummed a song and put the hung pork rack in a ventilated place.He took out the knife in his hand and began to cut the cucumbers.

The freshly picked cucumbers are cut into small strips, put in salt to precipitate out the water, then add sliced ​​garlic and chili millet, pour in vinegar, light soy sauce and sugar, mix well and put them in a small crock.Open the lid after two hours, and the children can cry.

At this time, Shen Hai's figure also appeared on the surveillance screen in the hotel lobby.

Women don't seem too happy.

Wen Ye was seriously slicing radishes when he suddenly heard the faint sound of the deep sea.

"Why are there posts with bad reviews so quickly?"

After the blade paused, he lowered his eyes and glanced at Guangnao.

Shen Hai mumbled and opened the Internet. A few hours ago, the relevant posts in the resort city were all curious and expectant, but now, a few hours later, the situation suddenly took a turn for the worse.

First, someone posted a post, denouncing the customer service attitude of the resort city for being bad, swearing, and threatening to burn his home down.

Afterwards, someone cried and released a video, claiming that he bought a special product from the resort city.Originally, in order to eat it quickly, I deliberately added money and chose the expedited service, but when I opened it, the package was not a special product at all, but a strange place//Thunder!

After the landmine flew upwards, it released many pulse waves, which did not hurt anyone but smashed all the furniture in the house!

[That's a group of liars!douchebag! 】The blog post said angrily,【I must call the police and make them pay the price! 】

[Look at my home, what did it look like after being tortured? !Who dares to buy those specialty products? 】

Due to the high popularity of the resort city recently, this anti-meaning blog post immediately attracted onlookers, and there were many comments below.

"Ah? Why is there such a scary thing as land//thunder? Is it a resort town or something else?"

"It's the truth upstairs. I heard from friends inside that Misty Star has long been occupied by a group of bounty hunters. The current resort city was created by the leaders of those hunters. Think about it, bounty hunters are all a group of trenches What good can a mouse in the house do?"

"Huh? No wonder I've never seen any blog post about a resort city before. That viral video just appeared suddenly. It turned out to be a trick! Is it to trick people into killing them?"

"Oh my God! I'm so scared. I just booked a boat ticket and a hotel room. Now I don't dare to go. I'd better return it."

"Come back upstairs, I was going to book a hotel before, and the people there insisted that I pay more to book a more expensive one! If I'm not sure, just scold me! Such a poor service attitude, whoever goes to it is an idiot!"

"It's like this? Back off, back off, it's too scary not to go."

A few comments were all one-sided, and netizens who were like grass on the wall immediately started to follow suit and refund money.

Shen Hai's eyes were red with grievance.

How could she not hear what the truth is?These people, while wanting to take advantage, also want to fish in troubled waters.If you don't want others to be good, if you don't get any benefits, you want to kill the resort city directly, and tell everyone not to come!

how so....

Shen Hai, who is abnormally sensitive to traffic, can immediately think of her situation after the next video is sent out.

Those malicious guys will only use even more outrageous lies to slander her, and someone may even attack her with the fact that she defected from the company.

Netizens who follow the trend don't care what the facts are, they just follow the trend and start scolding.

Once the trend of being scolded takes over, no matter whether it is her video or the promotion of the resort city, it will be over!

How to do? !

Shen Hai was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, but in fact it wasn't just her, even the manager not far away saw Lian Wang, and was angrily cursing!

Suddenly, a communication came in, briefly attracting Shen Hai's attention.

When she looked up, she saw the manager who was cursing just now, and suddenly became respectful and polite, and even lowered her voice a lot.

"Hello? Boss? Yes, you also saw those words... No, I haven't thought of a way yet... What, what?"

"Don't worry," Wen Ye's calm voice came from the other end of the communication.

Obviously there was no ups and downs in the tone, but the manager somehow felt relieved.It seemed that everything was nothing in front of this man.

"But boss, our resort city has just warmed up..." the manager said cautiously.

"How much is left to book the boat ticket?"

" has been reduced from more than 500 to [-]."

This is already considered a serious crisis, but the strange thing is that the number does not change when it reaches 60, as if these 60 people did not see the Internet or did not care about those remarks.

The manager had expected that the boss would yell, or growl in anger.But surprisingly, the person on the other end of the communication seemed to just smile slightly.

Smile, smile a little?

The manager was stunned, and then, he heard the lazy voice of the boss——

"If they don't want to come, then don't come."

"Tell Bout that the purchase limit of all products will start, and the purchase limit will be the same as the boat ticket."

In other words, if there are only 60 reserved tickets left, only 60 copies of the spicy duck neck are allowed to be sold.

The manager turned pale in shock, "What, what? But if this is the case, boss, then our sales will be even less!"

"So what?" Wen Ye didn't seem to care about this, he lazily sprinkled a small handful of salt into the radish slices, and said slowly, "By the way, all those who slander the resort city and your account on the Internet, all Get blacklisted."

"Make sure that they will never be able to buy a landing ticket for the resort city in the future, and they will never reach the misty star."

After hearing this sentence, the manager, who was still anxious just now, flickered away.

God, God!Is the boss venting his anger on us?

Oh, the damn sense of security!

The manager's face flushed a little bit, and he hung up the communication with some squeamishness.

He suddenly remembered the guy named Bai En that he had met on the main planet before. Although that guy was a second-class citizen, he was bullied every day, did the heaviest and heaviest work, and suffered from the most useless anger. The chances of getting there are slim.

How do you look like yourself?There are hundreds of people under him, sitting on an entire...cough, sitting on a small half of the planet.Coordinating the entire resort city, scolding people and causing trouble, and the boss will give him the head!And every day, you can eat delicious food that you can't buy outside the queue!

What kind of fairy-like life is this?

"I was stupid before? I actually wanted to save money to buy a shitty second-class citizenship...What's the use of that status? It's not as good as a small corner of the boss's resort city!"

In just a few minutes, Shen Hai saw that the manager swept away his boredom and became happy again.

Obviously the current situation is not optimistic at all...

However, after seeing the manager's expression, Shen Hai felt that the pressure on his body was also rapidly weakening.

"Yeah... what does it matter? I just need to post my video. If they come here to see it for themselves, they will know that what I said is correct. Now Lianwang has not proposed to terminate the contract. So what was I worrying about just now?"

She lowered her head amusedly, abruptly ended this wave of internal friction, opened the video again energetically and started editing.

"This resort city seems to be more powerful than imagined..."

The author says:


Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 1 bottle of dimples that love to laugh;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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