Blanch the pork belly to remove the fishy smell, stir-fry the onion, ginger and garlic over high heat, fry the meat until fragrant, and finally add chili and seasoning.

The high temperature makes the garlic and spicy taste firmly locked in the pork belly. The meat of the young piglets is fragrant but not greasy, and it is full of bright fat.

In Wenye's hometown, twice-cooked pork is a must-have dish on every table.

A level of twice-cooked pork, as long as it is placed on the table, the aroma can be spread over a hundred meters.

Like now.

More than 200 years after the extinction of the earth's civilization, Haas, a senior citizen of the interstellar world, still cannot resist the taste of twice-cooked pork.

He sat seriously behind the desk, but his eyes couldn't stop No. 18 from glancing at the twice-cooked pork.

By gods, what the hell is this, and why does it smell so good? !

As an aristocrat, Haas is often invited to the palace to enjoy banquets.

Rubbish things like nutrient solution will not be served in the royal banquet, only some really high-end and extremely precious food will be served there.

Haas once ate a hard food with red skin, which is a precious heritage of pre-civilization, and its name is sweet potato.

He didn't know how to cook sweet potatoes in pre-civilization. He only knew that the sweet potatoes boiled by the royal family were very delicious!That is a very wonderful taste, not at the same level as the nutrient solution!

Every time you swallow it, you can still taste the infinite sweetness.When the sweet potato falls into the stomach bag, I can really feel that I am alive.

Of course, not only sweet potatoes, Hass was also lucky to enjoy another kind of green melon - cucumber.

It was really another amazing experience like no other!


Whether it's boiled sweet potatoes or boiled cucumbers, they are completely incomparable to this one... let's call it food for now!

That stimulating and novel smell kept pricking Haas's heart like a small needle, making him unable to utter a word if he wanted to question his assistant.

Haas, who has been in the high-end society all the year round, is already like this, not to mention the big rivers and deep seas where he has only drank cheap nutrient solutions since he was a child.

The two stood beside the desk with their heads bowed, their eyes covered by their hair were nailed to the plate.

There is only one sentence in Shen Hai's mind: That is for me.

Haas's eyes were dark, and it took all his strength to move his gaze away to the box in Da He's hand.

Dahe and Shenhai each received a sealed box, and Shenhai's sealed box contained a plate of food, so what about Dahe's?


Haas ordered with a hoarse voice.

Dahe tightened his body, and slowly opened the sealed box.

Cold cucumber, lettuce in oyster sauce, and another light screen.

[The first gift for my two favorite bloggers. 】

Haas's eyes widened, and he jumped up with a "crack"!

"Yes, it's a cucumber?! How is it possible!!"

Could it be that this No. [-] resort city was built under the control of the royal family?

No, no, that's even more impossible!How could the royal family go beyond themselves to find such two wastes?

But how did other forces get the cucumber?And that green...vegetable, right?It's definitely veggies!Vegetables that only true royals can enjoy!

Haas felt that the matter was serious.

He stared closely at the cold cucumber in front of him. The cucumber had been infused with spiritual power, and it grew extremely crisp.

Peel off the skin and cut into small pieces, add crushed minced garlic, minced chili, white vinegar and other sauces and mix well.The fragrance and sweetness of the cucumber are completely wrapped by the spicyness of the pepper. Only by getting close can you smell the different aroma.

There is also the extremely fresh small rapeseed that has just been picked on the side.

Haas put his hand under the table on and off the optical brain, put it on, and took it off again.

Should have reported it..

No, it has to be reported...

However, if you report it, someone will come to take the three plates of food immediately, right?

I always feel a little...not reconciled.

And, what if it's a conspiracy?What if there was poison in the food and he foolishly reported it and was treated as an assassin?

No, I still have to think about it.

Haas frowned very deeply. He leaned back in his chair, looked at the two assistants and sneered, "So, who will explain to me?"

Shen Hai is a very capable woman. Her long straight black hair is tied neatly behind her head. Although her figure is thin, she is very straight.

She has always attached great importance to this job in Qianshengqian Company, because Haas's status as a public figure prevents her from causing serious discrimination in her company.

Therefore, Shen Hai planned to work hard here for a long time.Maybe one day in the future, she will have the opportunity to save a sum of money, upgrade the mother of a third-class citizen who lives in a dormitory and wipes the floor every day, and take her to live with her.

If this plan works, based on her current salary and promotion, she only needs to work uninterruptedly for 20 years.

So she worked hard and saved money desperately, until this morning when she woke up, she saw the invitation letter that was sent to her by private message on Lianlian.

[The first resort city, you will fall in love with this place. 】

Deep Sea should take it for granted that this is a boring and lame advertisement. There are about [-] advertisements like this every day.Therefore, the deep sea usually closes without looking at it and blocks it. However, on the cover of the advertisement, a huge blooming flower suddenly attracted her attention, making the closing hand a little slower.

Deep Sea clicked on the picture, zoomed in, and was shocked in place.

In the picture, the giant flower is filled with clear and clean water, and the cylindrical shape of the flower prevents any drop of water from showing.

The sun was shining brightly, and the tender pink petals dyed the water surface into a dreamlike light and shadow. What was even more shocking was that a young girl was sitting firmly in the water.

The girl only exposed the part above the shoulders, and the bottom part was soaked in the petal spring.

According to the proportion of a girl, Shen Hai was stunned to find that this flower was bigger than a floor of their company!

"How can there be such a big flower? Fake?"

Although Shen Hai didn't believe it, he was also aroused, so he clicked on the advertisement and scrolled back.

The more she turned, the more her heart trembled.

Beautiful, wave-like vines take root on the ground, forming a very strange circular corridor; golden spiders with transparent wings dance in the sky; there are also steaming bowls of food that have never been seen before, And an unusually beautiful cluster of hotels.

Deep Sea watched it as enthusiastically as watching a movie, and then turned it off without hesitation.

"It's so beautiful, but it's too fake. How can there be such a thing in the world?"

"If you can make such a fake picture, this place is not a serious place at first glance, only a fool will go there."

Shen Hai thought of this, and then hurried to work.

She never thought that a few hours later, she would receive a gift from that advertising address.

And judging from the expression of her immediate boss, Mr. Haas, this gift is far more important than she imagined...

And there are some foods that only appear in history textbooks.

The woman with a wide range of knowledge held her breath. She originally thought that the plates of food were made out of models, but Haas's expression clearly said otherwise.

If you can even take out things that have been extinct for more than 200 years...

At this moment, Shen Hai couldn't help but think of those pictures.

Could it be that everything in the picture is real?

The straight back was shaken for a moment, and Shen Hai, who worked for a long time in the promotion company, knew very well how much traffic an influential blog post can bring.That's what her boss, Mr. Haas, has been focused on doing.

——That is to keep walking ahead of everyone, to get in touch with new things that the public has never been exposed to, and to record magical products that the public has never imagined.

In this case, it is difficult not to get angry.

Shen Hai stared closely at her plate of food. She was a smart person and fully understood the information revealed by Haas's changed expressions.

If everything in the pictures is true...if there is such a place as First Resort City....

Does she have a chance?

Deep Sea bit her lips tightly.

Dahe on the side is similar to what she experienced, but Dahe still doesn't believe everything in the invitation letter.

So Dahe opened his mouth to answer Haas's question, and told Haas about his experience. He also turned on his optical brain and showed Haas the invitation letter.

"This is just a boring advertisement, my dear sir." Dahe was afraid that Haas would get angry and would drive him out.It took him a lot of effort to sit in this position. Although he just made the bed and cleaned the room every day, he has successfully upgraded to a second-class citizen. He has a promising future!

Da He would never allow anyone to be his stumbling block, so he immediately walked in the direction of eliminating doubts.

"I am willing to leave all these unknown things with you, and you will definitely handle them better than me."

Dahe bowed at 90 degrees, his posture was more humble than that of the warehouse manager.

I don't know the so-called thing?

Haas laughed at this man's short-sightedness in his heart, even if this plate of food was placed in the palace, in front of the Emperor, it would be enough to shock the Emperor!

But he didn't need to say, let him deal with it, isn't that just right?

Haas nodded with a cold face, and stared at Dahe after deleting and blocking the account that sent the invitation letter, before signaling him to go out.

" must trust me," Dahe said hesitantly before leaving, "I absolutely have no intention of accepting commercials behind your back, I will always be loyal to you!"

Haas nodded with a smile, and Dahe left respectfully.

Shen Hai was the only one left standing in the office.

The woman's back was straight, and a dark light was hidden in her lowered eyes.

Haas felt a little better because of Dahe's attitude, raised his chin, and ordered in a haughty tone, "You, hurry up."

Shen Hai obediently turned on his optical brain, Haas was very satisfied when he saw it, and couldn't help but fall back to the three plates of food in front of him again.

... so fragrant!Such a precious gift must not be known to others.

When the woman in front of him also blocks the advertiser, he will find someone to deal with the two assistants immediately.

Expelled, then drop them back to tier 3 citizens.No, tier 3 is not enough, they have to drop back to tier 4!Only the 4th class is the safest, unable to enter the inner city, and has no job. No one can hear what such people say.

After all, if others found out, it would be over if Haas didn't hand over such expensive food.

His attention was all on the food, and he didn't notice that Shen Hai sent a message to the account that privately messaged him.

[Are the pictures on the advertisement half true? 】

Back there quickly.

[That's not an advertisement, that's a documentary. 】

The heart of the deep sea was pounding.

For some reason, she always had an intuition when facing the owner of this account. She felt that the person opposite was like a bottomless ocean.Just one more look and she can't help but sink in.

In just a few seconds, the woman immediately made a decision.Taking advantage of her boss's confusion, she quickly sent the second message.

Deep Sea: [Address. 】;

[Mist star. 】

wait, where? ?

Shen Hai was dumbfounded all of a sudden, but she didn't have time to worry about it now, and the moment she quickly deleted the conversation, Haas's cold voice suddenly sounded above her head.

"what are you doing?"

Shen Hai frowned fiercely. If her boss knew that she was secretly contacting and intending to find this advertiser, he might imprison herself immediately.

Take a gamble.

Shen Hai adjusted his expression in the blink of an eye, raised his head and said with the same low-browed look, "Deleting this account, respected boss."

Hass's dark green pupils stared at her for several seconds, seeing that she was still the same, he felt relieved.

"Well, hurry up and delete Lahei in front of me."

Deep Sea obeyed.

Only then was Haas satisfied, "Go away, pay attention to your identity in the future, and don't do such a thing again. Otherwise, how can you become a second-class citizen, I will let you fall back, maybe, you will fall even worse awful."

Shen Hai bent down, "I understand, respected boss."

However, before the door was completely closed, she clearly saw the boss's face that was almost distorted with excitement and the deep fear in his eyes through the gap.

Even the boss is afraid of the people behind that resort city?That's why I didn't ask them for contact information?

But because of this, it can better explain the portion and value of the three plates of food.

"Why did you come out?" Dahe, who was waiting at the side, immediately came over, "I seem to have heard the boss say that he wants you to fall back, what's going on? You wouldn't be stupid and want to go to that ghost resort town to see Bar?"

Shen Hai didn't say a word, but this appearance made Da He excited immediately.

"Hey, is there something wrong with you? You don't want Qian Shengqian's great future, just to go to the resort city for a trip? You have seen how fake the pictures they gave, you wouldn't be so stupid to think that you went People can let you do promotion for them, right?"

Shen Hai suddenly raised his head and stared at him, "Do you think the picture is fake?"

Da He choked for a moment, he was a top student, so he naturally knew what those three plates of food represented.But he will not give up a good job and offend the honorable Lord Haas.

Haas is a celebrity, and the classmates who laughed at Dahe before knew that he worked in Haas' company, and they were all envious.Every day, he came to chat with Dahe in different ways, just to hear about Hass.

This made Dahe's vanity extremely inflated, and he gradually transformed from the one being teased to the central figure of his classmates.

His parents also felt honored, bragging about Dahe's work to others in the dormitory every day, everyone who knew him yearned for him very much.

So Dahe will never leave Qianshengqian Company, he will work hard here.Maybe Mr. Haas saw his loyalty and let him join the blog post?Maybe he did a good job. Mr. Haas will allow him to start his own account when he sees his shining point?

From this, Dahe now sees the shaky deep sea as if he were looking at a fool.

Dahe: "I thought that although we were three years apart, we both took the first place in the year of my entrance examination, and we would maintain a similar level of thinking. I didn't expect you to be so stupid, and you still can't do it at this age. An actual dream. A few fake pictures can fool you away, can the water in your mind hold the entire main star? Are you not afraid of being fired?"

Shen Hai took a deep look at him, apparently the man didn't notice Haas's expression before closing the door at the end.

She said, "I advise you to come with me, there can't be both of us here."

Dahe took a step back in disgust, "Are you sick? Are you looking for death and taking me with you? Why are you so bad? So I said, you women are really bad, short-sighted and stupid. The one who got the first place, could it be you who seduced the examiner? You really don’t learn well at such a young age, so stay away from me! It’s disgusting!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Dahe hurriedly ran downstairs like hiding from the plague, for fear that if he stayed for a second longer, people would think that the two of them were in the same gang.

Little did they know the glaring sarcasm in the eyes of the deep sea.

"Fool, Haas is so afraid of the owner of the resort city, and is so eager for those three plates of food, how can we keep working safe and sound without knowing it?"

This was what Shen Hai thought of at the moment the door was closed.

Haas is an extremely proud and conceited person. In his eyes, those who climbed up from the third class are no different from ants.In order to keep the secret and maintain the image, Haas will not allow them to appear freely in the public eye.

The people who pulled the black out from the deep sea and added them back again.

Looking at the three words on the screen, she was silent for a few seconds, then turned and walked in the opposite direction of the river.

Shen Hai didn't blame the boss of the mysterious resort city for finding her and destroying her current life.

Because she's already had enough of this kind of life, obviously she will always be number one.Study, work, knowledge reserve, no matter what she does, she works hard.However, just because she was born as a third-class citizen, she must live under a first-class citizen who is not as good as her.

In the company, those first-class colleagues who were once pushed behind by her and far inferior to her in grades can laugh at her without any scruples and order her to clean and wipe the floor on their knees.


Rather, it was the owner of the resort city who gave her a knife, a knife that could cut through the dark life now.

Shen Hai calmly walked towards his workshop, a small utility room without even a window.She took her backpack, packed all the things she needed to bring, and left Qianshengqian Company through the back door with few people without hesitation.

Take a gamble.

Anyway, her life couldn't get any worse.

Clean up your brain and spend 2 star coins to take the intercity suspension vehicle back to your little house.

The empire will distribute a single room to each second-class citizen, but there will be a large gap between single rooms and single rooms, both in terms of facilities and locations.

The room allocated by the deep sea without background is the smallest and narrowest room on the edge. It is only 15 square meters in total. There is only a simple sleeping cabin in the room, and a bathroom and toilet that can't even turn around.

Hot water is only provided for a fixed two hours a day, and if you want to take a bath, you can only do so during that time.

The identity of second-class citizens is glamorous on the surface, but in fact they are nothing more than escaping from one cage to another.

But if Deep Sea wants to improve the environment, no, it will cost a huge amount of star coins just to bring the mother up from the third class.

This will not work.

On the optical brain, those pictures were projected onto the wall.Immediately, it was projected on the screen together with an introduction of Misty Star.

[Unknown toxins are spread throughout the air, excessive inhalation will cause irreversible damage to the human body.Citizens please stay away from the Mist Star and do not touch anything on the Mist Star. 】

The fingers of the deep sea curled up tightly together.

She was also afraid, what if it was a liar?What if it's a star thief or a human trafficker?

However, Shen Hai suddenly remembered the distorted eyes of Haas in the gap when the door was about to close, and remembered how Haas fired and framed the last assistant, and threw him back to the third class.

That ex-assistant can only pick up rubbish for a living now, and people make things difficult everywhere, and he can't find any job.It is said to be 3rd class, but in fact it is not as good as a dog raised by a 4th class citizen.

And that's just because I took a sunrise photo similar to Haas's.

Shen Hai couldn't help shaking, and instantly accelerated the speed of packing up.

She will be muzzled by Hass!Maybe they will be thrown directly into the outer city where the 4th class citizens live!

There's not even a police station there!It won't be more terrifying than Star Thief!

Deep Sea only brought a few changes of clothes and nutrient solution, and quickly headed to the Vina Port area with the bag on his back.

There is the largest ship and airship on the main star to and from the port area. In addition to the official direct ship, there will also be a private spaceship with the qualification to carry people to pick up passengers at the port. The form is similar to the airport on the earth and the air Didi.

On the way, Deep Sea's optical brain was so noisy that it exploded.

After discovering that she disappeared for no reason, Haas frantically ordered everyone to send her a message.Words of threats and temptations emerged endlessly, and Deep Sea deleted them all and blacked them out one by one.

—as Haas used to keep making her do.

It wasn't until the last number was deleted that the optical brain completely quieted down.

Shenhai leaned tiredly beside the suspension car, watching the Weiner port area getting closer.

When the car stopped, she immediately jumped down, came to the self-service ticket machine, and nervously entered the three words "Smog Star".

It has been many years since the Mist Star was abandoned by the empire. For such a long time, apart from "the poison is getting stronger and stronger", Deep Sea does not know any news about the Mist Star.That's why she was nervous, worried that there wasn't a ship going there.

But if there is, it can also prove that the resort city on the invitation letter has a high probability of really existing.

Authentication information, the ticket machine quickly starts searching.A few seconds later, a spaceship named "Happy Planet" jumped out.

Shen Hai was too late to be happy, and his eyes became weird on "Happy Planet".

....This name is really simple enough.

The information shows that this is a public spaceship, similar to a bus.The main star is one of the mooring stations, and the mist star is the terminal station.

That's great, at least it means that the resort city on Misty Star has been certified by the empire, so that the safety issue will be guaranteed.

And the price is not expensive, only 10 stars per person per trip.

The woman didn't know that, in order to push the bus ship of Mist Star into the port of the main star.It took Wen Ye at least ten minutes to hack into the main star's ship system.

And the manager has already sent the money and demand to his friend who works at the top of the empire - Beaver.

Beaver flew into a rage, and kept yelling at the manager for finding trouble for him at this juncture.

But Manager Naihe gave too much, and Beaver finally accepted it, and secretly poked an order in Weiner Port.

Now every port crew ignores the black bus from the far-off poison planet.

The first travel route of Happy Planet Resort City was opened quietly in the shadows.

Shen Hai excitedly took videos and photos with her optical brain. She did not forget her original intention to start her new life with the resort city.So she has to record every step clearly, and then find the spaceship according to the port number on the ticket machine.

Along the way, she concentrated on clearing people from her networking list, and then replaced the stupid half-length work photo headshots that the company forced them to take.

"Freedom." She muttered to herself, and laughed at herself the next second, "I hope I won't see the news of my disappearance on the interstellar news tomorrow."

The author says:


Thanks to the little angels of irrigation nutrient solution: 20 bottles of strawberry jam; 5 bottles of Jiamiao; 3 bottles of smiling dimples; 1 bottle of coffee beans and Lucky Tiger's Starlight;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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