Haas lived a very comfortable life every day.

He is a royal nobleman with a detached status, and runs a media company called "Money Makes Money" in a high-end city.

There are people throughout the company who decide what to shoot, a photographer who shoots the shoot, and a copywriter who edits the blog posts, and Haas usually does nothing.

He only needs to show his noble side face from time to time, or the outline of his fingers that are well maintained and shimmering golden in the sun, and the number of views and discussions that are increasing explosively every second will become a steady stream. Star Coins were credited to his account.

Everyone thought that "S" seldom accepts advertisements, but only accepts advertisements of very high-end companies.

In fact, every blog post by Haas is carefully crafted.Inside, even a stone on the side of the road was funded by the sand dredging company, not to mention the clothes he was wearing, the jewelry that was inadvertently exposed, and the paper pressed under the nutrient solution tube.

Every product that enters the mirror has a high entrance fee, and expects to sign a strict non-disclosure agreement.

Haas's aristocratic status and first-class citizenship make every company that comes to him dare not make mistakes, because Haas may immediately bankrupt a company as long as he casually says a few words under his account.

Therefore, "S" became smoother and smoother, and a steady stream of star coins flowed into Haas's account, and he gradually became the richest person in the high-end city.

Similarly, this kind of arrogance is also transmitted to the employees who work in the money-making-money business all the year round.

All the core jobs in Qianshengqian Company are first-class citizens, second-class citizens can only do some chores such as searching and sorting, and third-class citizens are even worse. They can only do cleaning and security forever, and even regular employees are counted. The low-level work that can't be done.

In this way, it is because Haas is a public figure and wants to save face.I was worried that others would say that he recruited 2 and 3 grade discrimination.

Otherwise, according to Haas's original thinking, he would never allow third- or fourth-class citizens to appear in front of his eyes, thinking that it would dirty his eyes and prevent his nose from breathing clean air.

If it weren't for the large number of low-level citizens and the inability to set up on the Internet, he would even want to increase the account threshold to prevent low-level citizens from paying attention to him, because that is really too dirty and cheap.

Early this morning, Haas walked into the company as usual.

His graceful and elegant demeanor immediately attracted the attention of the staff, and everyone bowed and bowed to him.

Without squinting, Haas went straight through the front hall and came to a huge warehouse on the left.

It's filled with all kinds of products, all sent in by sponsors or companies who want to be sponsors.There are also some gifts sent by fans, which will be collected and eliminated by special personnel in this warehouse, and finally the suitable ones will be selected for Haas to choose by himself.

In other words, what is contained in this warehouse is Haas's small treasury.So he would come over every day to take a look around, which would keep him in a good mood all day.

"What's that pile over there?" Haas covered his mouth and nose with a handkerchief halfway, and asked with his chin pointing at the random piles of boxes in the corner of the warehouse.

"Dear boss," the person in charge of the warehouse bowed slightly, and replied respectfully, "It was a gift mailed by fans of low-level citizens that we screened out. Because the garbage truck broke down on the way back today, it is still piled up for the time being. it's here."

Haas's expression immediately became extremely disgusted and displeased.

The person in charge who was first-class in observing words and expressions quickly changed the subject, "...but please rest assured that the garbage truck has called and they will arrive within 15 minutes, and this pile of garbage will be thrown away immediately. Cleaning will also immediately The floor and walls are cleaned to ensure that the cleanliness of the warehouse is not affected."

"Perhaps you can come here to take a look. Your old friend Bona has mailed a new product and contract, and put it here. I have ordered someone to debug it for you to ensure safety."

Haas was taken to the center of the warehouse by the person in charge, where a variety of goods were placed in an orderly manner.At the center of it all is a model of a new spaceship that looks remarkably refined and a chip card.

Haas's eyes lit up. There is no such style of spaceship on the market.Bona Company released a new product, and even delivered the model immediately.

"The chip card is the key to the new spacecraft. You only need to insert/insert the optical computer to complete the authentication and binding." The person in charge explained, "The model is a gift from Bona and it is unique. I hope you will You can go to the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the spacecraft, and they will give you the first spacecraft that the ribbon is cut."

"Send me a thank you email."

Haas ordered lightly, but his eyes couldn't hide his excitement.

If he really got the first new spaceship, then the influence of his account will definitely go up to the next level!

And Bona has always been generous, I don't know how much he will pay for a blog post this time? 300 million star coins? 500 million star coins?Or tens of millions of star coins?

The corner of his mouth covered under the handkerchief twitched wildly, Haas gave him a look, and the warehouse manager understood, and immediately ordered someone to bring the chip card.

However, just as Haas was about to get the chip card, there was a sudden commotion outside the door.

Haas frowned slightly, suppressed his anger and turned to the door, "What's going on?"

The person in charge quickly bowed, "Don't worry, I'll go and quiet them right away."

Haas was even more dissatisfied, "Ask what happened and why it was so chaotic. If there is no legitimate reason, the noisy second-class citizens will deduct this month's bonus, and the first-class citizens will be warned once, and the third-class citizens will be expelled directly."

The person in charge broke out in a cold sweat, and hurriedly replied, "Okay, as you wish, respected boss."

Haas doesn't like noisy environments, so the number of people in his company is actually not large.It's usually quiet, I don't know what's going on today.

Five minutes later, the warehouse manager trotted back.

This time, his head was lower.

"Dear boss, it's because Mr. Dahe and Ms. Shenhai received a gift from a supplier at the same time."

Dahe and Shenhai are Haas's two assistants, and they are usually responsible for helping Hass carry bags, move things, and tidy up the room.

Although both of them are second-class citizens, they also have their own Lianwang accounts, but the popularity of the accounts is very average.

Haas is a petite and jealous man.He has received a lot of attention because of the popularity of his account, so he is always on guard against someone else who will surpass him in this regard.

Especially the people in the company are his main focus.

The employees of the company know how he shoots and writes blog posts every day, so Haas is afraid that someone with a heart will copy another self.

So he checks the employee's account three times a day, and deletes all pictures and copywriting that look good.Always check the growth rate of fans, if there is a rapid increase, it will be smeared and suppressed by the troll secretly purchased by Haas that night, until the account is no longer updated.

The last assistant was dismissed and blackmailed all over the Internet because he uploaded a sunrise photo that Haas had also uploaded to his Lianwang account.

And because of Haas's huge influence, the former assistant couldn't find a job at all, so he completely lost his status as a second-class citizen, directly reduced to a third-class citizen, became a garbage collector, and still could never be re-promoted to become a 2 and so on.

Therefore, in Qianshengqian Company, no one dared to operate an account and accept advertisements under Haas' nose.

However, today, there was a supplier so bold that he sent the item directly to his two assistants!

How can this be? !He had only checked the accounts of the two last night, and he could only say that they were mediocre and unpopular, and it was absolutely impossible for them to receive an advertisement.

Haas didn't show his mood, but maintained a calm image, and asked indifferently, "Oh? Which one is it? I must be annoyed by my rejection, so I want to contact me through the assistant's hand." .Oh, it’s just a trick.”

"Reject them, immediately, immediately."


After a full three seconds of silence, the person in charge of the warehouse said with difficulty, "No, it's not the boss, the supplier who sent the things...It seems that, probably, uh...they didn't contact you before...They just want to ask Dahe and Shenhai went to experience..."

When Bout sent a message to Haas, all the addresses left were "Mist Star Happy Planet", but Wen Ye didn't write this, but wrote a vague "the first resort city in the interstellar", and the communication account was also He had his own private account, so naturally he couldn't find the exact same one from Haas.

Hearing that one of his subordinates had actually received an advertisement invitation that was different from his own, Haas couldn't bear it all of a sudden.

Bearing a huge halo and praise, he couldn't stand that someone could go beyond himself and find someone else to advertise. Is the supplier crazy?Or do you think he is too unattainable, so you want to use this method to attract him?

"Go and see."

With a cold voice, Haas turned and walked out of the warehouse first.

In the front hall, many people surrounded the big river and the deep sea, and in the center were two people holding a sealed box each at a loss.

The first-class citizens in the company directly filled up their mocking skills and yelled loudly.

"Yo, I can't see it. I usually keep quiet, so I'm going to debut soon?"

"That's right! Look at this airtight box, it's not a bargain. I guess it's taken by some big company? My God, I don't know if I have a life to make money, is there a life flower?"

"Let's just say, how can the supplier only send gifts once? No matter what, they have to cover all the days in the future! Otherwise, when you two are reduced to picking up garbage, no garbage dealer will ask you two to take pictures." It's an ad, hahaha!"

"What are you arguing about?"

Suddenly, Haas's cold voice appeared, and everyone fell silent immediately.

1 The citizens deliberately raised their voices very high to prevent the two of them from leaving, just to lure Haas over.

Everyone knows that running an account with Haas behind their backs will lead to a miserable death.

Dahe and Shenhai were even more alarmed, they shook their lips, "Boss, boss, believe me, this is not..."

Haas' eyes fell on the sealed box, which was an extremely delicate box with a spherical pattern engraved in a conspicuous position.

Everyone recognizes this pattern, which is produced by Vuitton, the number one high-end manufacturer in the empire.

Products produced by Vuitton have two characteristics, they are very expensive and the quality is particularly good.Ordinary people can't afford it or buy it.

Even Haas has never received a gift from a sponsor in a Vuitton sealed box.

Haas's expression became even uglier.

The supplier had spent a lot of money to get his attention.


Haas's uncompromising tone made the entire front hall fall silent.

Dahe and Shenhai looked at each other, gritted their teeth and pressed the switch.

The airtight box burst out with warmth, but it was still an insulated airtight box?


So what if the box is good?Haas held his handkerchief and thought coldly, in short, it was just to attract him, and there would never be any substantial good things in the box.

After all, what supplier would throw money away?

However, in the next second, he smelled an extremely overbearing fragrance that he had never smelled before.

The aroma went straight to his forehead, making Haas stunned for a moment.

"Huh? Why is it so fragrant? What's the smell? Has the empire released a new flavor of nutrient solution?" someone asked.

"...It's not a nutrient solution! Look at the sealed box!"

Everyone stretched their necks and looked into the box. It must be a masterpiece produced by Vuitton.

The first layer of the sealed box is opened, and there is a second layer specially fixed inside.

With a cry, the second floor finally opened slowly, revealing the contents of the box.

That's a dish.

To be precise, it was a plate of twice-cooked pork cooked by Wen Ye himself.

It is made of piglets bred in underground pipes and stir-fried with green onion, ginger, garlic and red pepper infused with spiritual power in the garden.

The fire locked the smell of onion and garlic firmly in the firm meat, and the fat and thin pork belly shone with a lustrous luster, full and firm.

The gravy is wrapped in the seasoning and flows on the bottom of the plate. Just looking at it will make you appetite, and you can't wait to eat three bowls of rice.

But, poor interstellar people don't know what rice is, so they don't know what this dish is either.

They only know that it is very fragrant, and they have never smelled such a fragrant smell since they grew up.

The instinct of the human body makes the mouth secrete saliva crazily, and several people can't stop swallowing, although they don't know why.

"Look! There are words on it!"

It turned out that after the second fixed layer was opened, a light screen lit up.

A line of words flashed on the virtual screen——

[If you want to disturb you two, I am the person in charge of Interstellar No. [-] Resort City.Because I like the content of your blog posts very much, I hereby present a plate of special products from the resort city. I hope you can eat happily. 】

"Eh? It's gone??" The employee next to him was a little confused, "It didn't say anything about advertising! It's not really just a gift, is it?"

As soon as he heard that it was not an advertisement, Haas's shoulders instantly relaxed.His eyes fell on the words "happy to eat", and then he looked at the things on the plate, his expression changed several times, and he almost couldn't control his shock.

No one else had seen what was on the plate, but Haas knew it.

Although he didn't know what those white pork belly slices were, he knew the green vegetables, which looked similar to the ones he ate in the palace.

The orphan product left by the former civilization, the food called "vegetables" that was said to be firmly controlled only by the royal family, unexpectedly appeared in a little-known resort town.Or cooking in a way I've never seen before.


Haas closed the box without hesitation.

"You two, take the suitcase and follow me to the third floor."

The two could only keep up nervously.

In the front hall, the people who originally laughed at them stopped laughing.Everyone looked at the figure going away, swallowing hard.

The supplier said it was eaten.... so it was food, right?

Really... really want to taste it...! !Apologize to Dahe Shenhai later, and then make a fool of yourself. After all, you can eat it, right?

Everyone coveted that plate of unknown food, and mixed emotions such as jealousy and envy welled up in their hearts.Why are they the only two who got the gift from the supplier?Why don't they?

After everyone dispersed angrily, they opened the personal accounts of Dahe and Shenhai at the same time.

However, they watched it for a long time and didn't understand it. The two of them are ordinary and only post some daily accounts every day. How can they attract people? Damn it!

On the distant Mist Star, Bout and the manager also asked the same question.

"Why are you looking for Dahe and Shenhai? Is there anything special about these two people? Aren't we here to let S himself come here? It will arouse his disgust if you go around him to find his subordinates like this?"

But the two of them only dared to communicate in private, and didn't dare to ask in front of Wen Ye.

But Wen Ye seemed to have eyes on the back of his head, he kicked the ground lightly, and exposed the light screen in front of them for the two of them to see.

"That's why I'm looking for big rivers and deep seas."

Being caught suspicious of the boss on the spot, Manager Boot looked embarrassed, but he still couldn't help being curious, and leaned over to take a look.

On the screen is the Lianwang account interface of Dahe and Shenhai. Every day, the two of them will post some daily routines, which also allows people to quickly understand their past.

At first, Bout and the manager didn't see anything special. After looking through it for more than ten minutes, they finally noticed something strange.

"These two... seem to be third-class citizens before?"

Dahe and Shenhai were first-class citizens, living in dormitories and drinking the cheapest nutrient solution.However, both of them seem to have a particularly unyielding spirit. They started to study hard when they were young, and when they finally took the exam, they were respectively No.3 in that year.

In other words, as third-class citizens, their grades even surpassed first-class and second-class citizens, and they successfully obtained their only "promotion card" that year.

However, the promotion card also has a probationary period. During the probationary period, both of them were made things difficult and humiliated to a considerable extent in the high-level city.Because 1st and 2nd class citizens hate being trampled on by lower class people, Dahe and Shenhai endured a lot of hardships before they passed the examination with all their might, got high scores, and kept their status as 2nd class citizens. .

But even then, because they have no background, they can't do much work.He could only be forced to join Qianshengqian Company and become Haas's assistant, doing chores like making beds.

However, even so, the two did not give up their love and optimism for life.They are still working hard, believing that one day they will be able to break the shackles and bring their families into the life of their dreams.

"They all seem to be very positive people," said the manager after reading it. If this was put in the past, he would definitely feel disdainful.

No matter how hard you try, so what?Are you just an ordinary person with no background or strength?Without a strong background and huge funds, there is no way to advance to the first class, let alone bring your family to the second class.

Just trying to survive and not being kicked down from the 2nd class is already very strenuous, so why do you want to keep going up?

But now, the manager no longer thinks so.Because he will always remember how he laughed at Wen Ye Ji Wuming, and how he knelt in front of the table full of 3S-level crystal nuclei and shouted "I do".

Never look down on anyone, this is what the manager learned from Wen Ye.

So the boss has taken a fancy to the tenacity of these two people?The manager silently thought, no matter how tough they are, it is useless to promote their resort city.

But Bout saw some tricks.

"These two people... have a lot of comments in every blog post."

Um? ?

The manager hurried over to take another look, and found that it was true.

Although there are not many likes and reposts on the blog posts of these two people, there are abnormally many comments on each blog post.

And almost all the comments are encouraging each other, which looks very positive.

...these people who left comments are all low-class citizens. 90% are third class and 10% are fourth class.After all, there are not too many optical brains in the 4th class, so the proportion must be lower.

"No wonder there are so many comments, and S doesn't care." Boot muttered, "S is a very proud person. In his eyes, low-level citizens are no different from bugs, so he doesn't care how many low-level people are attracted by the big river and the deep sea. .Those advertisers also think so, so their accounts have not received attention in the high-level city."

However, the two people's hard work for so long is still seen by the low-level citizens who share the same illness.

And most importantly, these two people definitely have real talents.

Although each blog post has only a few short words, a few sentences, they all express the emotions at that time vividly.

Leaving aside the level of citizenship, as long as you calm down and read these blog posts, you will be easily substituted and attracted.

Because of this, over time, the account numbers of Dahe and Shenhai acted like lighthouses to illuminate all low-level people who wanted to work hard.

They pay attention, scroll through each one, and draw strength from blog posts.So there is no need to like, forward and save at all, because you have watched too much, and you can see it with just one click. Who would engage in those fake things?

And this is only for those who leave comments, there are thousands of different comments under each blog post, so what about those who have been paying attention in obscurity?The silent ones always account for the majority, so how many are there?

Bout suddenly got goose bumps all over his body.

"Do you understand?"

Wen Ye curled up his fingers and tapped on the table.

"S is just a packaged inferior product, with a glamorous appearance, but a smelly fly inside. As long as there are huge benefits, he will always rush to the first place."

Wen Ye's understatement turned the envied Haas into a bug, and Boot was stunned.

"But Dahe and Shenhai are not. These two people, and behind them, are all hardworking people."

People who have been aggressive all the time should be rewarded.

Huge funds and strong backgrounds are all available in the resort city.Even hierarchical status can be completely torn apart in this place.All bounty hunters can attest to this, they are the lowest in the empire, no attention, no jobs.

But in the resort city, they can live in the most comfortable single room, drink the best drinks, and feel comfortable every day without being oppressed at all.

And taking out any thing in the resort city casually is enough to shock the existence of Interstellar.

The most important thing is that for the concept of class that is ubiquitous in the empire like shackles, a leisurely resort city is equivalent to a paradise, and it is impossible for people who see it not to be moved.

So, when this treasure is discovered and enjoyed by low-level citizens, can those high-level people still sit still?

Impossible, they will try their best to squeeze into the resort city like flies, and will use all their connections to beg to let them in.

For this point, Bout is convinced, because that's how he came here at the beginning.

However, the premise of all this is that those two powerful people are willing to come here and personally push open the gate of the resort city.

But... Bout thought hesitantly, will those two people, the big river and the deep sea, really come?

Would they really disobey their boss and risk their long-term career to come to Mist Star?

The author says:


Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 30 bottles of quack five and a half years old; 20 bottles of yyds; 5 bottles of Jiamiao, who has been so boring recently; 1 bottle of coffee beans, Lucky Tiger's Starlight, and Yixiao Naihe;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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