
Chapter 50 Bite

Regulus is very good at showing the appearance of listening to people's teachings very seriously in front of others, but whether he does it behind his back is another matter.

Carlisle had already noticed this, but there was nothing he could do.


Whenever there is a hunting operation in the church, the emotions of the people will always be high, and the latent violence can explode without restraint.Repression in life, mandatory religious beliefs, lack of freedom of speech, etc., etc., this kind of mental fatigue that has accumulated over time makes them have to resolve it in a special way.As long as the beings defined as heretics were not themselves, they took part in it with an exhilaration that implied cruelty.They spontaneously prepared torches with jumping flames, improvised wooden forks, hemp ropes for binding, and firewood needed for burning.All of this, they didn't even need to be ordered by the church staff, they were already prepared in an orderly manner.

"They just took to the streets like this? If I remember correctly, the date of the siege I pre-booked should be a week later." Carlisle's face was a little anxious.He hasn't told everyone about his arrangement yet.They didn't even know that the target of today's encirclement and suppression was a real heretic, a real vampire with unparalleled strength and speed.

Another clergyman said indifferently: "I don't know who leaked the news. As soon as they heard that there was going to be a hunting operation, they couldn't wait. After all, the sooner this hidden danger is solved for them, the sooner London will restore peace." .”

When Carlisle arrived at the street where he detected vampires, there were already many people gathered on the street.The light of the torches dispelled the darkness in the street, and if there were any vampires, they would definitely find it.

People are quietly waiting for the appearance of vampires.

As the leader of the hunting operation, Carlisle stood at the forefront.Just now, he turned his head and glanced at the crowd, but he didn't find the young man in his memory.This made him a little relieved. Fortunately, Arcturus did not become curious because of the restlessness caused by these people in London, so he followed to participate in the hunting operation.

So, where is Regulus, whom Carlisle cared about now?

Regulus watched warily at the vampire blocking his way.

The vampire, dressed in a dirty gray robe, stared sinisterly at Regulus.

Regulus didn't know why Carlisle took the siege ahead of time.As of today, he was secretly helping Carlisle get rid of a vampire.At this time, he was entangled by another vampire who came to seek revenge for the vampire he killed, and he couldn't even get to Carlisle.This put Regulus in a very bad mood, although he didn't show the slightest strange emotion on his face.

Apparate directly?Don't be kidding, who doesn't know how fast a vampire is, I am afraid that within a few seconds when he is forced to stop in place due to apparition, the other party is enough to tear himself to pieces.Moreover, casting magic with the body of a vampire consumes far more magic power than before. When the magic power is about to run out, he will always fall into a state of hunger and thirst. At that time, it is not others but himself who brings danger to Carlisle.

The eyes of the vampire on the opposite side showed a bloody dark red, and Regulus didn't like this eye color very much.There was an inexplicable rumble from the vampire's chest, which sounded like the demonstrative roar of a beast.

Regulus was unmoved.

No one knew what kind of cold and rational heart Regulus, who had such a harmless appearance, had when he was serious.So much so that when he was vigilant, anxious, and worried, he even thought about making a joke to himself——

'Thanks Lord Voldemort. '

If it wasn't for his "careful cultivation", where would he have experience in fighting the enemy? .


Carlisle suddenly had a strong anxiety in his heart, and he looked up at the sky.A gust of wind blew, and the moon was just blocked by the passing clouds, and the flames on the torches held by the people also flickered.

Suddenly, a series of voices came from the crowd.

"he came!"

"did you see that?"

"God! The shadow, a black shadow, disappeared from the corner of the wall so quickly!"

"I saw it, I saw it!"

"Pastor Karen, have you seen it?"

Coincidentally, after someone in the crowd finished asking questions, the vampire passed by Carlisle's side without warning. His quick movements blew past Carlisle's ears like the wind, causing a painful sting feel.

Carlisle: "...Yes, I saw that too."

The moment the vampire turned his head, those bright red eyes pierced Carlisle's eyes like needles.

The crowd behind immediately became commotion.Carlisle gestured back.With high emotions, people started chasing the vampire.

A sharp unknown syllable came out of the vampire's throat, which seemed to be Latin, and several vampires jumped out of the darkness.

The vampire who appeared at the very beginning was obviously not the one who committed the crime a while ago. He should have not eaten for a long time.This vampire was really too weak, and his running speed was not as fast as the legend said.

One of the vampires who had already run away suddenly ran back, grabbed a tall man in the crowd, opened his mouth, and bit the man's neck. In just two or three seconds, the man was killed by the vampire. Cruelly broke the neck.And this vampire also escaped without a trace.

People who saw this scene screamed.

"Stay away! Be careful!" Carlisle ordered loudly.

As for the weak vampire, maybe he was really hungry. After being stimulated by the smell of blood, he also stopped his footsteps that could barely escape people's pursuit.

Carlisle only felt his left forearm being grabbed violently, and then, a burning pain rose from his wrist.

The fact that two people were injured one after another did not dampen people's interest in chasing vampires, and roars came from people's throats.This hungry and weak vampire didn't have time to replenish much blood, so he had to give up his mouthful of food to avoid the people who had started to riot. He killed two people who followed him, and took the third hostage Start your escape as dessert on the road.

The rioters followed closely behind him, relentlessly chasing him.

Carlisle stayed where he was clutching his bloody wrist, his brain was dizzy from the burning pain, but he knew very well that he couldn't stay here any longer, absolutely not.Even though everything just happened so quickly, he knew he was bitten by a vampire.

Vampires have long and sharp canine teeth, which contain toxins that can transform humans into vampires. This toxin will enter the human body along the bite wound. People will be forced to transform into vampires.

His father will not spare him, he is a typical fanatic, he hates all heresy, and he will burn everything that has come into contact with heresy, even if this so-called "thing" is his own son.Maybe in a blink of an eye, he will regard his son, whom he was proud of before, as a stain on his life.Who else knew his father better than him?

The belief in survival took hold in Carlisle's mind.


What does a vampire look like when it dies?

Regulus looked at the vampire who was being burned by the black magic flame, until the other person was completely burned by the flame, there was no fluctuation in his heart.

A vampire's sense of smell is very sensitive to the smell of blood.When he caught the smell of blood from a large amount of people he was familiar with from the air, Regulus couldn't help but panic rose in his heart.

It's in Carlisle's blood.

This realization even made Regulus a little overwhelmed.

He secretly hated himself for wasting too much time here.

When he followed the smell of blood and came to Carlisle, he found that one of Carlisle's arms was covered with blood, and he still had the smell of other vampires on his body.The pastor, who was always well-groomed, leaned on the wall in some embarrassment at this moment, trying his best to maintain a standing posture.

Carlisle tried his best to stay awake amidst the burning pain in his wrist, and after seeing the figure appearing in front of him, he was extremely surprised and said with difficulty: "...Arctulus?" Arcturus should not have appeared here. "You... why are you here?"

At this time, Regulus was not in the mood to answer Carlisle's question at all. He carried Carlisle into a nearby deep alley, and arranged various defensive magic at the entrance of the alley.Carlisle saw all his actions, but Carlisle didn't realize what Regulus was doing because of the pain from the bite.

The sweet smell of blood almost blurred Regulus's sanity, even spells couldn't stop this sweet smell from getting into his nostrils.He said with a trembling voice: "Don't worry, as long as you suck out the vampire's venom in time, you won't be transformed into a vampire." Yes, as long as you get the venom out of your body "in time", you'll be fine, but Regulus Knowing that he came a little later, saying this is just to lie to himself.

Carlisle leaned against the wall, gasping for breath in pain.He watched the young man knelt on the ground on one knee in front of him, holding his arm with one hand, trying to suck out the venom for him.And at this moment, he finally realized something. He looked at the young man and asked coldly, "Tell me, what are you?"

☆, 53

Regulus had never heard Carlisle speak to him with such indifference. He had always been gentle and conniving, and he had never treated himself with such aloof attitude. At most, he would only use gentle and sharp He stared at himself, half coercing and half coaxing himself to choose to follow his wishes.

"What do you think I can be? I used to be a wizard, but now I'm a vampire. They are all heretics in your mouth. Are you satisfied with this answer?" The tough tone was just a disguise to cover up his true inner feelings.

Regulus knew that now was not a good time to bicker and quarrel.After finishing speaking, he lowered his head, and put his lips on Carlisle's wrist where the vampire bit him. He suppressed his blood-sucking urge, controlled the force and sucked the venom inside very carefully.The blood flowing from Carlisle's wrist snaked down from Regulus' finger to his arm, and the blood also wet his sleeve.

The answer given by Regulus undoubtedly confirmed Carlisle's guess.

'Why did things become like this? '

For a moment, Carlisle only felt that his breathing seemed to be more difficult than before.

Carlisle was only awake for a moment, and then fell into the mist brought about by the burning pain.He sat on the ground against the wall, closed his eyes, and frowned.

The wrist seemed to have been smeared with grease and then lit with flames, which was extremely painful.In this scorching heat, there was a bit of coldness, and a cool and soft touch covered the wound, making him unable to resist indulging in it.

When he opened his eyes, he saw that the young man was using his mouth to suck out the venom bit by bit.The two were so close that the torch thrown by someone in the chaotic alley illuminated Carlisle's vision.

He saw that the youth's normally light-colored lips became bright and coquettish because of a trace of blood stains, but his expression and eyes were extremely restrained and pure, and he had a pair of golden eyes that were completely different from the previous vampire. Without the greed and madness he felt in the eyes of the previous vampire.

When the young man spat out a bit of venom, Carlisle's gaze moved from the young man's delicate face to the tip of his slightly exposed tongue, and then to his protruding white neck...

He forced himself to divert his gaze again, staring at the ground.

What is wrong?

In the bewildered state, his chaotic and dull thinking made it impossible for him to think well.

The burning sensation gradually spread throughout his body. Before his remaining sanity was burned by the heat, he raised his other arm, pushed Regulus, and at the same time pushed his body bitten by the vampire. The wrist was withdrawn from Regulus' grasp.

Regulus didn't expect Carlisle's actions at all, and he didn't check for a while, and actually let Carlisle's arm break free from his grasp.

"Carlisle, the venom is not finished yet."

"It's useless. When you found me, the poison had already spread to the whole arm. It was already too late."

Regulus naturally understood that what Carlisle said was true.However, this made him feel unwilling.He had told Carlyle that there was in fact a tinge of despotism in his nature.As long as it is something he recognizes, he doesn't like others to touch it very much.He originally thought that he would transform Carlisle, but he never thought that he would be preempted by a ditch mouse that specially drilled into the sewer.Both sad and angry.

His lust for blood was getting stronger and stronger, which made his golden eyes gradually turn into a gloomy black.

Gently but without refusal, he took Carlisle's arm again and lowered his head again.It is not clear whether it is sucking venom, or gently licking the blood that has gradually stopped flowing on the wrist, or kissing.

In a posture of complete dependence and trust, he leaned half on Carlisle's lap. He didn't care at all whether the priest who was about to be transformed into a vampire would bring him any danger. He seemed to have completely forgotten about the newborn vampire. The fact that his power is often at the highest value, and he also forgot the title of "heresy" that he had just admitted himself.

The sharp teeth pierced Carlisle's skin, and blood that hadn't completely cooled down seeped into his throat.

Regulus, who was nourished by the blood, didn't realize that his desire to suck blood had diminished, but became even more unbearable.In order to restrain this desire, he even used Occlumency to block memory and empty his brain.Occlumency can often play a role in restraining emotions. He didn't expect that this side effect, which he had always ignored, would be so effective at this time.My mind was empty, without any complicated thoughts, nor any superfluous desires.

Regulus raised his head and wiped his mouth with his fingers.

At this moment, he heard Carlisle say to him: "Arctulus, get out of here...take me out of here."

Carlisle felt a little tired.

He could feel the burning pain that had tortured him for a long time was gradually dissipating.

He can also feel that his five senses are becoming extremely sharp, whether it is every grain of sand on the ground or the texture of the highest brick and stone on the wall beside him, he can clearly see it.The sound of the wind blowing past his ears, the chirping of birds in the distance, and the voices of people on the street outside could all be heard very clearly in his ears.The smell of blood wafting in the wind from afar is also gradually becoming unusual.There seems to be a wild beast in my heart, breaking through the cage silently.

Moreover, his father will definitely send someone over.He couldn't imagine what kind of attitude he would have to face a father who was determined to put himself to death.

Obviously, after Carlisle's reminder, Regulus immediately thought of going with him, "Okay, I'll take you out of here right now."

Regulus brought Carlisle to his temporary residence, which was far away from the city center, so there was no need to worry about being disturbed.

He had heard that Carlisle's vampiric talents were generally "compassion, infinite compassion, and compassion", but Regulus felt that Carlisle's vampiric talents might have another——


Whether it was the knowledge he had learned in Hogwarts, or the general knowledge about vampires that Alice and Emmett had introduced to him, it was mentioned that newborn vampires usually have no self-control. spoken.

But Carlisle did not show any urge to drink blood for three whole days.

During these three days, Regulus also tried to make him drink some animal blood, but Carlisle just politely refused: "Please don't give me any blood, if I show any desire to drink blood , please stop me, please." And he begged Regulus not to give any help in other matters, he wanted to try to see how far he could go.

Carlisle was able to say these words to him, obviously he had a certain trust in him, but the tone of the other party revealed obvious alienation.Regulus was at a loss as to exactly how Carlisle treated him.

After spending a little time getting used to his current body, both in terms of strength and speed, Carlisle, like a scholar obsessed with academics, calmly flipped through Regulus's collection and put it in the study. book, completely ignoring its surroundings.It wasn't until the fourth day that he showed a little anxiety because of his appetite.

During the day, Regulus went to London, and regretted to find that the vampire who transformed Carlisle had been dealt with.

When he came back, he thought about his words and said to Carlisle, "Your father is looking for you everywhere."

Carlisle took his eyes off the page and looked up. In fact, he hadn't turned a page in over an hour. "Is he looking anxious?"

"I haven't seen him, but judging from the fact that almost half of the people in London know that the former guild priest is looking for his son, your father is sparing no effort to find you."

Carlisle, who knew the old pastor well, would not naively think that his father was worried about his own safety. "I can fully imagine his thoughts—to find and deal with me as soon as possible, so as not to hurt innocent people."

Carlisle went on to say, "Anyway, for some of the previous things, I think I still need to say thank you to you."

"You don't need to thank me. I sincerely treat you as a...'friend'." How false this is.It was so fake that Regulus himself couldn't stand listening.

Carlisle's eyes flickered.

He looked into Arcturus' eyes, hoping to see something in them.The moment he saw Arcturus' eyes, he thought of his own eyes, "Your eyes... the color of your eyes is different from mine, and from the pupils of the vampires I have seen, what's the matter? Is there a special reason?"

Regulus: "This is the characteristic of vegetarian vampires. We only drink the blood of animals."

Carlisle bowed his head and pondered for a while, noncommittal to this answer.

He has never been a pedantic person, otherwise he would not have not participated in any hunting operations because he questioned what his father did, nor would he have avoided his father's search for him for his own life not long ago.

In his opinion, if he could only drink animal blood, it would be much better than hurting human life.Now he chooses to suck the blood of animals, just like he used to eat the meat of animals, he will also deprive the animals of their lives, in fact, there is no difference between the two...

Is not it?

Carlisle wanted to say "yes" to himself, but couldn't.

【Whoever eats blood shall be cut off from his people. 】

【Do not eat blood, because blood is life. 】

His hesitation and sorrow are not for pity for the lost life, but for his own betrayal of faith.

He had betrayed his beliefs ever since he chose to avoid his father.

☆, 54

A few days ago, what happened in less than half an hour was really beyond Carlisle's life's imagination.First, he became a vampire by accident, and then, he discovered that his best friend was also a heretic in his mouth.But in the blink of an eye, his world has turned upside down.

Regarding Arcturus' true identity, there was some shock, and some anger at being concealed. As for the hatred... Now that he himself has become a vampire, what about hatred?Moreover, the other party also helped himself.The only object of his complaint and resentment is the vampire who transformed him, but this vampire is also dead.

Regulus was not very good at guessing other people's inner thoughts. What he was best at was violently spying on thoughts, that is, directly using spells to perform Legilimency, but this was something he couldn't do in the face of Carlisle no matter what.He pulled the chair opposite Carlisle and sat down, "Carlisle?"

Carlisle put away everything he was thinking before, and his eyes stayed on Regulus, "Arctulus..."

Regulus: "Huh?"

Carlisle's eyes were a little darker than before.

He said: "You say you are from London, and you have an elder brother in your family, but as a dean's priest in the city of London, I have no impression of this, and I can't find any family that matches it, but I was I didn't care... Coupled with your current identity, the information I know about you seems to be fake except for your name. Please forgive me, I really doubt whether your name is also fake of."

Carlisle showed an imperceptible but real apology on Carlisle's face, making it impossible to pick out any faux pas.

It was this extremely polite expression again.

Regulus smiled wryly, "No, Arcturus is really my first name, but it's my middle name, maybe you prefer to call me Regulus, but personally, I still My favorite middle name." Not only is it from his grandfather, but also because it's a testament to his own affirmation that it's one of his most cherished treasures.

"Believe me, Carlisle, I never lied to you about this. I just 'hid' my identity as a vampire. Maybe you won't find a Black family with two sons in London, but That doesn't prove I'm lying to you. There's a reason for that."

He stared closely at Carlisle, trying to tell from his eyes whether Carlisle really believed him.

"Reculus... Arcturus..." Carlisle whispered these two names back and forth several times.

After he listened to his words, even he himself couldn't believe it, he actually chose to believe the other party's words.It can even be said that he believed it the moment he said the explanation.And he was very clearly aware of this.

He said to himself again in his heart: this is wrong.

But still can't find what's wrong.

A vampire's appearance will remain forever on the day they became a vampire, never changing with the passage of time.Perhaps Arcturus' family really lived in London, but in London hundreds of years ago.

After Carlisle thought of this, he tried to guess Regulus' real age this year through his youthful appearance.

He has always been a person who is good at asking for advice. He wanted to know the answer, so he asked.

"My age?" Regulus waited for the other party for a while, completely unexpected that the first thing the other party said to him was actually asking about his age.

He is very insensitive about his age due to the multiple confusions in his timeline.He thought for a while and replied, "Actually, I just got out of the neonatal period of a vampire. If I add my age after becoming a vampire, my current age should be 21, or maybe 22." Somewhat inaccurate.

Carlisle looked at Regulus in surprise: "I thought your age was at least a hundred years old." If the other party is really only in his early 20s, he is undoubtedly younger than his current age.

Although Regulus disliked that others always underestimated his age, there was no need to overestimate his age so much. "It's impossible to be more than 100 years old, don't make fun of me. As for my family, no matter which city they are in, do you think I can go back and meet them now?" He is not arrogant enough to walk through The space barrier has the ability to return to his original world.

Carlisle: "It's true that you can't go back." So did he.As a vampire, if he goes back, once his identity is discovered, he will only be burned to death on a cross.

The sunlight outside the window was half blocked by a layer of thin gauze curtains, and a beam of bright sunlight shot in from the gap in the middle of the untightened curtain, casting the two people sitting on both sides of the desk, Divided.

This is not a ray of light inserted horizontally between the two, it is clearly a warning line.

A voice in Regulus' heart told him: You shouldn't cross it, this is the best distance for you now.

He thought so but didn't do it.With one hand on the table, he stood up slowly.He raised his other hand, crossed the dividing line made of light, and slowly stroked Carlisle's heart, and said without any tact: "Yes, it is indeed impossible to go back. It has stopped, No more jumps."

"Since you can't go back, let's move forward."

Carlisle felt his touch, and his fingers and palms covered his heart. He felt it countless times in the past three days, and it was extremely regrettable to find that the heart that had stopped beating seemed to be beating again gradually after the touch. , although he knew it was just his imagination.

This is a sense of freshness from the soul, so exciting——


At the same time, Regulus also retracted his hand, he took an unnatural step back, and the chair legs made a harsh sound on the ground.

Carlisle once told him that if a vampire meets a person with blood that makes it difficult for him to hold himself, he must pay attention, maybe that person is his future partner. (Carlisle has studied this for a long time, but he still can't tell how this law similar to "destined partner (Note 1)" came about.) After really liking each other, this kind of feeling is limited to the blood of the other party. The attraction brought by the delicious taste will slowly deteriorate into an unstoppable sense of intimacy.Moreover, when the other party is also transformed into a vampire, this feeling is no longer something that can only be felt by one side.

Before he came to this strange age, he didn't care about this at all when he got along with Carlisle. This kind of uncontrollable intimacy didn't matter at all in front of two honest hearts.

But what would Carlisle think of now, this throbbing that seemed to come from the soul?

A prank from a wizard?

Or a charm spell cast by a vampire?

Regulus looked at Carlisle, who had a look of disbelief and disgust, and opened his mouth with difficulty, "I'll go out for a while." As soon as he finished speaking, he disappeared from the spot.

The method of choosing a suitable foothold taught by the former Carlisle made the temporary residence that Regulus chose to be often located in the surrounding woods.

Regulus came to the depths of the forest, tormenting a thick tree as if venting, the magic power seemed to be condensed into an invisible big hand, stripping off all the branches and leaves, breaking one after another, wantonly However, there was a strange gentleness in his actions, or it should be said that it was femininity.

Thinking of the emotion in Carlisle's eyes earlier, he couldn't help thinking that he seemed to have screwed up.

Carlisle looked at the seat where Regulus was originally, and then slowly closed his eyes.

That momentary throbbing, that momentary attraction brought Carlisle not fear, but clarity.And woke up the fact that he deliberately ignored.

He thinks he understands why long ago, his eyes would always stay on Arcturus inadvertently; why he likes to let the other party listen to his speech, so as to cast his eyes on himself; why he always easily Believe what the other person says.

It turned out that all of this turned out to be because of...

And just because...

Because of a different kind of emotion that he didn't expect.

That young man sometimes matured too much, and the pain that flashed in his eyes was completely beyond what he should experience at his age.Sometimes he has a bit of childish innocence, as long as he sees the flying look in his eyes once, no matter how well-behaved he is, he will only be replaced by the flying look in his eyes in his memory.

This attraction is fatal.

Carlisle lowered his head, propping his forehead with one hand weakly.

How could he not understand this feeling, but he understood it a little later.How could he not understand this kind of thing? He once looked through his father's files. Among the heresies judged by his father, there was a clergyman whose soul was polluted and degraded. The source of this deformed feeling.

【Love can cover all mistakes. 】

'Enough, Carlisle, when will you learn to twist the Bible to your will. '

Carlisle was disgusted by the way he was now.

The author has something to say: In the original work, the words used to describe this kind of similar destined partner are "singer" and "musician".How I pronounced these two words was awkward, so I didn’t use them in the text very much. Everyone has an idea in their hearts, just run away with the lid on the pot

☆, 55,

Before Regulus knew how Carlisle felt about the involuntary intimacy between the two, he had been careful to avoid physical contact with him.

He took a cup of animal blood and put it on the table, "Newborn vampires have the power to surpass older vampires, don't let yourself fall into excessive hunger and thirst, otherwise even I may not be able to suppress you by then. I think You shouldn’t want to sink into a blank mind due to the desire to suck blood, and when you regain your sanity, find yourself in an unknown residential house, standing in a pool of blood.”

His tone carried the meaning of "drink or not as you like", but his eyes drifted towards Carlisle with a hint of anxiety and anticipation.

Carlisle chuckled.He picked up the cup and stared at the dark red liquid inside. The blood that was supposed to smell like iron was now exuding a faint sweet smell. Coupled with the agitation of the body seduced by the blood, it was different from before. This time he drank it without any resistance.

Regulus breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you." Carlisle's thank you this time is no longer as polite as the previous few times, but not close enough.

However, Regulus found that he was not used to it, which was different from the reaction he had expected from Carlisle.

Like most traditional British gentlemen, he nods his head in a reserved but somewhat arrogant way, "You're welcome."

He looked at the forest outside the window, "Carlisle, maybe you can try running in the forest. Maybe you will like the feeling of flying freely with the wind. Believe me, this body brings Not only will you be sad, but it will also bring you unprecedented pleasure."

Regulus liked high-speed sports very much. He used to be a Hogwarts Quidditch Seeker. He liked the sense of haste that brought the speed of the broom to the limit when chasing the Golden Snitch.

Carlisle once again saw that different look in the eyes of the young man, and this flying and free feeling easily infected him."I'm sure I'm going to like it," he said.

Regulus turned and left quite satisfied.

Carlisle stared at Regulus.He had never looked at a person so seriously before, he watched him pick up the cup and walked out of the room without hesitation, he watched his back disappear from his vision.

A slight sense of loss that was almost ignored by him flashed across his heart.

His heart was filled with quiet but dangerous emotions like an underground river.But in his cognition, such feelings should not exist.However……

If some things are not pointed out, he can still pretend that it does not exist.But once he understands it, it becomes like a fuse ignited by sparks.Bit by bit, bit by bit, bit by bit, bit by bit, bit by bit, bit by bit, bit by bit, bit by bit, bit by bit, gradually eroded the few remaining fuzes, until there was a "boom" that erupted.

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