
Chapter 47

This is debatable, and now the other party may have become non-human.

☆, 50,

The pigeons flapped their wings and landed on the roof of the church. The sun shines from the sky that finally cleared to the world. Through the stained glass of the church, mottled shadows are cast on the ground of the church.

The blond priest read the Bible serenely.

That familiar peaceful and gentle voice, just listening to it, makes people want to reveal all the most secret and invisible secrets in their hearts, and expose all the filth on the body and mind, accepting this Priest's baptism.

Regulus looked at the priest, not knowing what to do.

He could be said to have left the church in a panic.His body is covered with a spell used to distort the light, which makes him not reveal his identity under the light.

Outside the church, Regulus was standing under a tree.

He raised his hand, his eyes fixed on the fingers.He slowly untied the spell covering his fingertips, the vampire's skin reflected the sunlight from multiple angles, and the sunlight seemed to dance on his fingertips.He shook his hand, spit out the spell again between his teeth, so that the effect of the spell could cover all parts of his body again, so as not to expose himself to the sun.His eyes, because he hasn't drank human blood for a while, have turned golden.

After a while, the girl came to him, "Mr. Black, I have discussed with the church personnel. Soon, this pastor who is presiding over prayers will come to preside over the funeral ceremony for my father. It is said that he is from London. Yes, a very good pastor."

"Really?" Regulus said absently, "Lisa, you should go back first."

The girl bit her lip and asked worriedly, "What about you, sir?"

Regulus raised his hand to soften the girl's hair, but did not give a definite answer.Just say again, "You go back first."

Lisa seemed to understand something, she struggled and said softly: "...goodbye." The voice died with the wind.

Regulus had never imagined before that the person who came to preside over the funeral of the girl's father was actually Carlisle.

Obviously, the smell of blood has been filtered through magic, but the breath from Carlisle still continuously stimulates his sense of smell.It makes people feel a great sense of satisfaction in an instant, followed by unbearable hunger and thirst.

If he had known that Carlisle was here, he would not have come here.Maybe he will go directly to the Yucatan Peninsula. After all, he came to this era because of a relic there, and he will never suffer a loss if he goes to see it.


Regulus immediately denied his thoughts just now, maybe he will still come over.

It's just that he will come back more fully prepared, at least he won't let himself leave the church in such a state of embarrassment as he is now, which is really not something he would do.

The young man hesitated outside the church. He leaned against the trunk of a tree outside the church. With the ear power of a vampire, even if he didn't use the listening spell, all the sounds in the church could still be transmitted to his ears.He listened to the words spoken by the pastor softly and softly in the same tone as he remembered.

Here he was waiting, waiting for the service to be over.


At the end of the service, people came out of the church one after another.

Regulus still maintained his original posture, showing no desire to enter the church at all.People who noticed him cast curious or amazed eyes on him.

Regulus didn't care about people's gazes.He just immerses himself in his own thoughts.

After he realized that the worshipers in the church had left, he straightened up and his back left the tree trunk he was leaning on.

Regulus straightened his collar and strode towards the church.He didn't know how similar the smile on the corner of his mouth was to the smile that his unrestrained elder brother and his paranoid, crazy, and arrogant cousin often hung on the corner of his mouth.


The blond pastor heard a clear voice behind him. He turned around and saw that the person speaking was a black-haired young man, a young man who couldn't help but praise him for his excellence.

The young man said, "Pastor, I am very distressed recently."

"Is there anything I can do to help?" he asked.

"I need someone to talk to."

Carlisle replied that he was honored to be that listener.

He was all too familiar with the conversations that began with those words.In fact, this is a relatively common way for Protestant believers to ask for repentance in disguise.Although only Catholic churches have a confession room, and only priests listen to people's confession, but priests do it occasionally. What's more, the young man in front of him didn't clearly say that he came to confess, did he?He just said he needed someone who would listen to his troubles.

At this time, only the pastor and the young man were left in the church, and they were sitting on the seats where believers sat during worship.

The young man's expression was completely different from the believers that Carlisle had seen before. He did not bow his head in a gesture of sadness, regret, or shrinking, nor did he bury his face in his hands A painful posture, let alone looking at him with a look of expectation, hoping to hear words of forgiveness and redemption from his mouth, so as to resolve and escape the pain in his heart.

The young man just looked at him with a gaze that he couldn't understand, without any evasion or haze in his gaze.It was at this moment that he noticed that the other party's eyes turned out to be a kind of clear golden color.

Regulus looked at Carlisle and said, "Pastor, do you find me annoying?"

This question obviously exceeded the pastor's expectations.Carlisle shook his head and said, "This is our first meeting, why should I hate you?"


"I'm rebellious and hypocritical..."

When he chose to become a vampire, it wasn't all because he chose to believe in "love", but also because of a rebellious psychology that was even worse than his brother's. A proud and hated wizard.Even he himself couldn't believe it, but he suppressed this rebellion for 18 years without anyone noticing.


I never want to let others touch the things I like.




"Don't you feel it, Priest?"

Carlisle listened to one word after another from the young man's mouth, and then he had to confirm that the young man was indeed what he said, he was now playing the role of a confessor, not a confessor——

Acknowledge your flaws without repenting.

"No," he said.Carlyle believed that anyone who saw a young man thought he was well-behaved and well-bred.He didn't find a trace of those malicious words on the young man.

Carlisle and the young man looked into each other's eyes, "What are you worrying about?"

Regulus smiled, "After talking to you, I am not worried at all now."

Of course this is false.

He can completely ignore the reason and method of his crossing the river of time-in short, all of this is inseparable from the great god Kukulkan, and he can even force himself not to guess indifferently. How Carlisle of London Peninsula reacts when he finds out that he is not there.He has become more and more good at making excuses for himself.

The only thing he wanted to do now was to have Carlisle by his side—a thought he knew was overbearing, given that Carlisle had just met him.

Regarding this, Regulus was actually very upset right now.

Hearing the young man's previous answer, Carlisle was stunned for a moment, and said, "I'm glad I can help."

The somewhat sharp and quiet aura that the young man had before dissipated completely, leaving only a well-behaved temperament that could almost be called.Habits become natural, and this is also the side Regulus most often reveals in front of people.The pastor did not see the negative emotions in the eyes of many people who sought his help from the eyes of the young people, nor did he have fanaticism for religion.

He was just looking at himself with incomparable simplicity and purity.

This realization made Carlisle subconsciously tighten his fingers holding the Bible.

"Pastor, can you tell me your name?"

"Carlisle Cullen." The calm and gentle pastor replied.


There is probably nothing more suitable for this person than this name.

Whenever this name lingered on the tip of his tongue, Regulus felt a burst of joy, "You can call me...Arctulus. Arcturus Black, this is my name. Priest , you are busy, don't worry about me, I just want to stay in the church for a while."

The pastor sensitively felt that the young man's mood was a little depressed at this moment.

Regulus closed his eyes and thought, maybe his spirit is not as firm as he thought before.


☆, 51,

Regulus knew that his self-willed and arrogant temperament was not flattering, but fortunately, compared with these two true temperaments that he hid deeply, the character he showed was more obedient—— ——Actually, he himself was a little confused whether this cuteness was real or not.People with this kind of personality, even if they don't arouse the favor of others, at least they won't arouse too much disgust from others.

After Carlisle returned to London, Regulus also went to London, and "just happened" to meet Carlisle again in a church in London, and the two became acquainted like this.

Whether later or now, Regulus and Carlisle have always been two people who got along very well.The two chatted unscrupulously, and their thinking feathers swept across the land of Europe.When it comes to reading and appreciating various literary and artistic works, the views of the two often hit it off.It's really a wonderful thought treat.

Regulus has always known that Carlisle is a learned person, and this "erudite" praise was not won only through the accumulation of time.Even when he was a priest, Regulus was amazed by his profound knowledge.

This evaluation also applies to Regulus in the priest's eyes.

When he spoke, the Youth Club listened patiently, no matter what he said, the other party seemed to be able to echo one or two things.Only very rarely would there be a hint of confusion in the youth's eyes.At this time, he will often explain things more complicated on purpose, looking at the rare distress on the young man's face, but listening to himself more seriously, leaving him alone in his eyes...

Intuitively, Carlisle felt that there was something wrong with doing this, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.


"I don't know what you're thinking anymore." Sitting on the chair was a man with white temples, the fine wrinkles at the corners of his eyes did not diminish the severity in his eyes, his thin lips were tightly pressed, and the priest's uniform on him Too tidy.

Carlisle looked up at his father, then lowered his eyes and continued to read the Bible spread out in front of him, "Father, what do you think I can think about?"

"Carlisle, I'm very disappointed in you." The old pastor, who had led several hunting operations, naturally hoped that his only son could make some achievements like himself—or even surpass himself.But his son has not conducted a manhunt since he became a pastor, and he will no longer follow his orders.

"I am a pastor, not an executioner." The pastor said in an extremely gentle voice.

"Just because you are a priest, you should spare no effort to eliminate all heresies."

Carlisle raised his head again, this time he did not use the Bible to escape his father's sharp eyes, he asked, "Just like you?"

"Yes, just like me," said the old pastor firmly.

"But, have you really hunted down heretics? Those who died under your hands were all innocent people of our lord." Carlisle fought back mercilessly.

The old pastor, who had been paranoid all his life, opened his eyes wide when he heard the words, and he didn't know whether the emotion revealed in his eyes was pure anger or indisputable anger."Whether they are innocent or not is up to me," he said.

"Your thoughts are dangerous, Carlisle." The old pastor's voice seemed to be squeezed through his teeth, "Since you have obeyed me for 23 years, why can't you continue to obey?!"

"It's hard," Carlisle said.

He couldn't let his heart become as hard as a rock, he could watch innocent people being tied to the stake and burnt alive indifferently, and he couldn't watch indifferently that a girl who was innocent was tied to a heavy rock and was killed Push into the bottom.

However, in people's eyes, for a pastor, it seems that leading the hunt for the so-called heresy is more in line with his duty than helping people to confess and pray to God.How ridiculous.

The pastor stood up silently, put away his Bible, and put it under his arm. Before leaving the door, he said to the old pastor: "Father, you can rest assured. I have found a witch congregation composed of vampires. They Just hide in the sewers of the city, and soon I will organize people to clean them up."

Hearing this, the old pastor finally showed a smile on his face.He thought it was his own words, which finally moved his son, and he no longer stubbornly insisted on that ridiculous benevolence and righteousness.But he never thought that his excellent son had really found a foothold composed of real vampires.What his son will face is not unarmed and innocent human beings, but a real heretic who is far more powerful than human beings and extremely dangerous.


Besides him, there are other vampires in London.Regulus knew this well, and he had a brief encounter with a vampire in London.It was a very old vampire, and his English was not fluent. After learning that Regulus could speak ancient Latin, he was very happy to talk to him in Latin.

Old Latin, what an ancient language.Regulus couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

However, ancient Latin was no stranger to Regulus.In the wizarding world, many contemporary spells are simplified and evolved from ancient Latin, and many precious magic books are also written in Latin. Any wizard who is willing to learn a little bit more about magic, even if he cannot speak fluently Old Latin, can also write a beautiful Latin.

This ancient vampire was not at all as graceful as the Volturi whom Regulus had seen in Voltra City.He was dressed poorly and looked sluggish, like a beggar.

Regulus exchanged a set of brand new clothes for an ancient book from him.It recorded some information about God Kukulkan, and it successfully aroused Regulus' curiosity that he didn't intend to delve into the status quo.However, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. After reading it carefully, he found that the information on it was not of much use to him.

The old Latin-speaking vampire parted from Regulus after a hasty deal.He told Regulus that he was going to Africa, and he had invited several other companions of his to go with him, but in the end they chose to stay in London.The vampire also warned Regulus that if he met them, he must remember to stay away from them. The long chaotic life made his partners a little nervous and aggressive.

In England in the seventeenth century, Regulus shouldn't have been there. After he came to this era due to a strange time disorder, Regulus naturally became alone.

Carlisle noticed that Regulus was in his presence, never mentioning his own family.During a chat, when Carlisle inadvertently brought up this matter, Regulus was taken aback for a moment, then said "They have my brother" and changed the subject.

Carlisle said, "Sorry." In his eyes, Arcturus had become the neglected second son of the family.Although in a sense, there is nothing wrong with this guess.

Hearing this, Regulus knew that Carlisle had misunderstood something, but this just avoided his explanation, so he didn't say anything more.

On this day, Carlisle led the people to finish the service. After the people left scatteredly, there was only one person sitting in one seat.

The man sat on the seat and took off his top hat, "Hi, Carlisle."

Carlisle put the Bible aside, "Acturus, it really is you."

Regulus: "Carlisle, I haven't seen you here for a while, have you been busy recently?"


Carlisle looked at the thin young man, and said with some concern, "Don't go out after the sun goes down. London is not safe these days." Within a week, there have been two deaths caused by vampires in the city.Carlisle felt he should advance the date of the siege.

Regulus knew exactly what was going on, and the culprit behind what Carlisle said was "London is not safe these days" was the Latin-speaking vampire companion.He also remembered that Carlisle had told him that he had been transformed into a vampire in London.This time and again, Regulus' favorability towards the few local vampires in London dropped directly to a negative value.

If they can be dealt with, then it will really eliminate harm for the people.

However, their unknown age made Regulus quite jealous. They must have some strengths if they can survive for so many years. This matter needs to be discussed in the long run.This long-lost feeling reminded him of his feelings when he was performing secret missions as a Death Eater.

Facing Carlisle's concern, Regulus nodded very honestly, "Okay, I will pay attention to safety."

Carlisle thought for a while, and continued to add: "It's best not to walk alone in the deep alley, be careful of those who look sneaky and wrapped in cloaks, and..."

"Alright, alright, I'll remember it all." Regulus said hastily.

Carlisle: "I hope what you say is true."

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