Clan House

Chapter 77

In the seventh year of Renxi, the emperor transferred the political center of Daluo to Yanqing Palace, and the core of empresses, palace servants, and six bureaus and twelve prisons also moved accordingly.As for the concubines of the former dynasty, they still stayed in the West Palace, while the East Palace remained vacant.In the south of the Forbidden Palace, the three main halls are still in old use.The Yanqing Palace and the Forbidden Palace are connected by complex roads, with a door in the middle to facilitate urban traffic.

In fact, according to Wei Yan's meaning, the main palace in the Forbidden Palace can also be demolished and rebuilt.Taoist Weiyan lived in the Forbidden Palace for half a month, carefully inspecting the palace's problems.As a monk, he has dabbled in alchemy and Taoism. According to him, the construction of the Forbidden Palace is poisonous from the selection of large woodwork to the paint of small woodwork, and the higher the palace level, the higher the poisonous ingredients.This poison has less effect on adult women and mainly affects children and frail men, which can explain the premature death of royal children.

The Forbidden Palace was built on the site of the previous dynasty and was completed during the reign of Emperor Taizong.Among them, the Qianqing Palace and Kunning Palace, where the emperor and empress lived, are the most magnificent, and they have left hidden dangers since then.For more than a hundred years since then, the repairs of the palace have followed the old practices, always endangering the royal heirs.As for the low-ranking concubines and court ladies, due to their low status, the houses they lived in lacked decoration, but they avoided this hidden danger.

Weiyan's explanation was not cryptic, which made it easier for Song Yi to accept.After careful consideration, Song Yi decided to move his living place to Yanqing Palace.After all, Qianqing Palace and Kunning Palace were built by the ancestors, if they were all toppled, they would be accused of disrespecting their ancestors.

When moving the palace, the front and back palaces will be handed over, and some troubles will inevitably occur.Fortunately, there is a Fudao connection, and the female family members of the harem moved to Yanqing Palace through Fudao, avoiding contact with the outside of the palace.

Zhu Qiyou was in charge of the Forbidden Army, and he was also worried that there would be trouble.For several days in a row, he didn't go back to the Qianqing Palace to sleep, and kept his eyes on the matter of moving the palace.After being so busy for more than half a month, he, the commander, finally had time to meet Song Yi.

When he was in the Chu Palace, Song Yi's bedroom was located in the Chaohui Hall.Now that he has returned to Yanqing Palace, he still lives in the old residence, only slightly changing the regulations in the palace.The Zhaohui Hall has a spacious space, complete with study rooms and meeting halls, and the side hall is not small, which can be used as a value room to accommodate courtiers.But there is one shortcoming, that is, the Zhaohui Hall is a bit close to the harem.

When Zhu Qiyou came to Zhaohui Hall, he saw Song Yi summoning generals to discuss matters.It turned out that the woman from the Yang family hadn't been caught yet, but the rumors in the market became more and more rampant.Song Yi also paid attention to the defense of the capital, and called all the high-ranking generals of the five armies to Yanqing Palace to discuss.

Seeing that the people discussing matters hadn't dispersed, Zhu Qiyou went to the waiting room and sat down to wait.It was late spring, and Zhu Qiyou was wearing a thick robe, and he was sweating inside the hall.He loosened his collar, sat down astride his body, and saw several clear soup cups lined up on the desk beside him, filled with dark soup.Zhu Qiyou stretched out his hand to feel it, and it was cold to the touch. He picked it up and took a sip, and it turned out to be Luo Han Guo herbal tea.

Zhu Qiyou was surprised, but Song Yi never drank these things.He asked the servant on duty, "How do you make such a cold thing?"

"Respond to Lord Zhu's words," the servant replied. "It wasn't prepared by the servants, it was sent by the empress to the generals."

"Empress?" Zhu Qiyou didn't have any contact with the empress, he stopped his movements when he heard this, not knowing whether he should drink cold soup tonight or not.

The discussion in the hall was delayed for a long time, Zhu Qiyou waited for a while, not wanting to settle down, so he got up and left.

After leaving the Chaohui Hall, he bumped into the middle palace sedan head-on. He was shocked for a moment before remembering to salute.In a hurry, Zhu Qiyou didn't have time to avoid it, and vaguely saw the queen's face.With phoenix eyes, willow eyebrows, oval face, and dignified demeanor, he looks more mature and stable than Song Yi.

Just at this time, the discussions in Zhaohui Hall also dispersed, and the generals came out in a file.When they met the queen's sedan chair, the group of rough people didn't have time to react, they stared straight at the queen for a while, and almost ran into the nobleman.Zhu Qiyou secretly thought that it was not good, so he heard the Niu Tong yell, and recognized the queen.Zhu Qiyou scolded Gu Niang in his heart, imitating the eunuch's small steps and trotting behind Niu Tong, and twisted the man's back severely.

"Shut up, things in the palace have nothing to do with you."

Niu Tong swallowed the words he was about to say, and raised his eyes to look at Zhu Qiyou, showing an aggrieved expression.

The generals lowered their heads and didn't dare to breathe. They didn't whisper to each other until Feng Jia left.Zhu Qiyou stretched his long legs and was about to escape when Niu Tong grabbed his sleeve.

"Why did you stop me just now, do you know..."

"Shut up," Zhu Qiyou scolded in a low voice, and slapped Niu Tong on the shoulder, "Remember, no matter in the past or today, you have nothing to do with the harem, today you saw nothing, nothing happened... "

Niu Tong still didn't understand the situation, and was waiting to ask something, but Wang Yongfu came over.

"Lord Zhu, Your Majesty announces you into the palace."

Zhu Qiyou followed Wang Yongfu and entered the Zhaohui Palace.Song Yi has changed his clothes, and the palace people have prepared dinner.Seeing this battle, Zhu Qiyou knew that Song Yi would keep him overnight tonight.The matter of moving to the palace is finally over. Counting it, they haven't been intimate for a month.

Like Qianqing Palace, there are also Zhu Qiyou's clothes left in Zhaohui Palace.A little servant waited on him to change his official uniform, and held a water basin for him to wash his hands.Zhu Qiyou let them take care of him, but he still remembered what happened just now.Just after the political discussion in Zhaohui Hall, the Empress appeared in front of people, and she actually knew the Son of Heaven better than the person next to him.Zhu Qiyou hesitated in his heart, and felt that the queen had made no clear mistakes, so he didn't know whether he should tell Song Yi about it.

He didn't mention it, but the emperor could still see clearly: "The empress seems to have a sweetheart."

Zhu Qiyou was very surprised. He sat down at the table, not persistent, but stared at the expression on Song Yi's face.

Song Yi saw him thoroughly: "You know who it is."

Zhu Qiyou hesitated for a moment, thinking that Song Yi had always treated his courtiers fairly, Fang said: "I don't know too much, I just ran into it by chance..." He told the story of the encounter in the garden of the Forbidden Palace a few years ago, and finally couldn't help it. Added: "Niu Tong really doesn't understand anything, and he just found out the identity of the queen. He doesn't even have that kind of thought, the second child in the family is about to be born!"

"I didn't want to pursue anything." Seeing Zhu Qiyou nervous, Song Yi patted his hand. "The queen is always measured. As for what she thinks in her heart, I won't be so ruthless that I don't even care about this." allow."

Song Yi always respected and trusted the queen.Zhu Qiyou thought about being jealous, but couldn't find any ambiguity between the two, so he had to give up.

Seeing the doubt in Zhu Qiyou's eyes, Song Yi only said: "Poor queen."

It was night, and Song Yi treated Zhu Qiyou very warmly.Since moving out of the Forbidden Palace, his body has indeed become much more comfortable, and his headaches are less than before.

The east side of Zhaohui Hall is next to a small garden. After opening the window, you can see flowing water and stones. Coincidentally, it is the fifteenth day of the day, and a full moon is reflected on the rockery.

Zhu Qiyou half undressed, and came to the window with Song Yi in his arms.Song Yi was hanging on the man's body, with his legs wrapped around the man's waist.He twisted back, pushed open the window, and involuntarily leaned out of the window following his posture, just facing the moon above his head.The courtyard was quiet, the maids and servants had already been taken away by Wang Yuqing, and under the sound of the gurgling water, only the goldfish were left whispering to the moon.

The lower back was so painful that Song Yi supported the window frame with all his strength, hanging the weight on Zhu Qiyou's body, reluctant to let go of the entangled lips and teeth.Zhu Qiyou's body temperature was on the high side, which made Song Yi's lips scorching hot, and his body also released warmth through the pajamas.Song Yi's pajamas were peeled off, and he even hugged the man's neck consciously, close to the heat source.

"Do you want to go outside?"

Zhu Qiyou's ears were itchy from being bitten, and some tyrannical instincts in his body were ready to move: "Aren't you afraid of the cold?"

"Afraid," Song Yi put his arms around the man's neck, and defiantly blew into his ear, "You have to find a way to keep me from being cold."

Zhu Qiyou cursed, which made the emperor's eyes even brighter.He lowered his head and bit Song Yi's neck hard.Then the man patted the emperor's buttocks, supported his body upwards, supported the window frame with the other hand, and led the man out of the window.

It was a cold spring night, and the cool wind blew across Song Yi's bare skin, making him shiver.Zhu Qiyou put his arms around someone, tore off his pajamas, and half-wrapped Song Yi in his arms.The running water in the pool was drizzling, and occasionally water droplets touched the stone and splashed on Zhu Qiyou's pajamas.Zhu Qiyou pulled on his sleeping shoes, and stepped on the slippery moss under his feet.


Seeing that he was about to lose the city and land, Zhu Qiyou yelled, broke Song Yi's hand and lifted him up.He pushed Song Yi down on the stone, stepped on the stone and climbed up, lifting the opponent's feet.

This time, the position changed, allowing Zhu Qiyou to see the universe inside the cave.

It turns out that there is a cave in this small rockery, and the space in the cave is not big, just enough to put a jade bed.The cave is not covered, and the moonlight shines through the gap on the ceiling, reflecting the pale pink flower petals on the bed.

"Do you like it?" Zhu Qiyou stared blankly for a moment, and Song Yi suddenly spoke, which stimulated his blood to surge.He pulled Song Yi's arm, pulled him over, and then carried the whole person up on his shoulders, and walked towards the cave.

The eager Zhu Qiyou was hard to be gentle, and Song Yi was thrown into the petals by him.Fortunately, the petals were spread very thickly, and the emperor's noble body was not hurt.He lay on his back on the jade bed covered with petals, and through the cave, he happened to see the whole full moon.

The pain in his body was caused by some impatient person rushing into his body.Song Yi looked at the full moon above his head, but the moon in front of him was bumping up and down.

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