Clan House

Chapter 76 Symptoms

After the imperial physician gave Song Yi the needle, the sleeping hall was ignited with a thick incense for calming the nerves.Zhu Qiyou sat outside the bedroom and called Wang Yu to fetch the emperor's medical records.I don't know whether Wang Yu has received the order of the emperor, but he did not avoid Zhu Qiyou, but told the emperor's illnesses in detail during these days.

"What is the cause of the disease? I was fine before I left!"

"The servants don't know, and the imperial physician can't diagnose the cause." Seeing that Zhu Qiyou put down the medical records, Wang Yu put away the documents, "The court judge checked the medical records of His Majesty in the past, and it is said that they all suffered from such diseases. , but much healthier. The court judge concluded that perhaps it was a problem with the construction of the palace."

"Did you tell His Majesty about this?" Zhu Qiyou asked.

"I said it, but your majesty doesn't seem to believe it." After handing the medical case to the little eunuch, Wang Yu bowed to Zhu Qiyou, "the general advises your majesty to move the palace. The imperial physician has said it several times, and the slaves also advised him After saying a few words, His Majesty did not listen. The emperor is very powerful, and it is difficult for the servants to say more. In the current situation, only the general can persuade him."

"I see, I will find an opportunity to mention it to Your Majesty." Zhu Qiyou asked: "Is Your Majesty still awake tonight?"

"Should be able to wake up," Wang Yu replied, "Although I have used tranquilizing incense, Your Majesty has always slept lightly, and I slept so early today, I think I will wake up around three o'clock."

"Ask someone to help me wash up so that I can accompany Your Majesty." Zhu Qiyou stood up and walked behind the screen, "Order the small kitchen to prepare some food. Your Majesty doesn't have dinner. If you wake up at night, you may be hungry."

"The servant knows."

After Zhu Qiyou took a bath, he ate some porridge and climbed onto the emperor's bed.The lamps and candles in the sleeping hall were all extinguished, Zhu Qiyou had very good night vision and could still see Song Yi's handsome face clearly.

Compared with the past, the adult Song Yi's face is much thinner, and the protruding collarbone can be seen under the pajamas.Going down, Zhu Qiyou had already probed in the previous two nights, and he could also touch the bones of the diaphragm.Zhu Qiyou and Song Yi have known each other since childhood, and they still remember Yuxue's Xiaozong Renling.If the imperial power makes people satisfied, Song Yi's smile becomes less and less, but becomes more powerful and invisible;

Zhu Qiyou raised his right hand to touch Song Yi's collarbone, and then stopped an inch away.Compared with unreasonable temper tantrums, Song Yi, who is steady and forbearing, makes people feel more distressed.

Zhu Qiyou secretly decided in his heart: "I will pamper him a little bit in the future."

Song Yi didn't sleep well, and his brows were still tightly frowned in his dream, maybe he was still worrying about state affairs.

Zhu Qiyou placed two between Song Yi's brows, and stroked his frowning brows away.Song Yi, who was sleeping, sensed the person beside him, and reached out his hand to hold Zhu Qiyou's wrist.

Zhu Qiyou took advantage of the situation and lay on his side beside Song Yi, surrounded by the breath of Anshenxiang, and gradually closed his eyelids.

When Zhu Qiyou woke up, Song Yi was no longer by his side.He stretched out his hand to explore, and the bedding had already cooled down, the man should have woken up earlier.Seeing that the sun was rising outside, Zhu Qiyou patted his forehead annoyed. Last night he vowed to take care of Song Yi, but he fell asleep to death.

A servant waited beside him, and when he saw that Zhu Qiyou had woken up, he brought a basin to wait for him to freshen up.

"Where's Your Majesty?" Zhu Qiyou asked him.

"Back to Master Zhu, His Majesty will be the first to approve the papers. Your Majesty has left breakfast for His Majesty, and the slaves are warming on the stove. Do you want to use it now?"

"Aside from His Majesty, is there anyone else in the front hall?" Zhu Qiyou asked.

"There is no one else."

"Success, then bring your breakfast to the front, and I'll go and see Your Majesty." Zhu Qiyou said.

Song Yi rarely wore yellow, but a loose fine Ge Taoist robe instead.The black hair on the head is not tied, only a ribbon is loosely tied at the end of the hair.

"Are you still uncomfortable?"

"It's okay," Song Yi wrote the approval with a red pen, "I slept well last night, and thank you for asking someone to cook for me."

Zhu Qiyou approached the case without speaking.Song Yi didn't get a response for a long while, and then raised his head to look at Zhu Qiyou: "It's really all right. I just suddenly figured out that since there are no foreign ministers in the palace, there is no need to be strict at all times, and I should relax myself occasionally."

"Woke up last night?" Zhu Qiyou asked angrily, "I slept like a dead person, and I didn't know anything."

Song Yi laughed when he heard his words: "The Anshen incense in the imperial hospital is very powerful. Usually, as long as this incense is burned, the eunuchs on duty have to watch outside the hall, otherwise they will faint from the smoke. You can wake up now, already Not bad."

"It's already this serious?" Zhu Qiyou was worried and didn't take Song Yi's joke.

At this time, the waiter brought breakfast and prepared dishes for Zhu Qiyou.Song Yi slightly raised his hand, signaling to Zhu Qiyou to have breakfast first.

After Zhu Qiyou drank two bowls of porridge, two vegetarian buns, and a plate of crystal dumplings, he felt half full.He has a temperament that can't hide his words, just because he saw Song Yi's illness the first day and got Wang Yu's reminder, he couldn't help but speak to Song Yi.

"I heard that the judge advised you to choose another palace?"

Zhu Qiyou asked cautiously, because he had never seen the previous situation, so he couldn't tell whether Song Yi was bored by it.He is very nervous about Song Yi now, for fear of offending the patient with that sentence.

Unexpectedly, Song Yi was very peaceful about this.He closed the memorial, and raised the corners of his mouth to Zhu Qiyou: "It was Wang Yu who asked you to persuade me, he was quite clever."

Zhu Qiyou didn't want him to punish Wang Yu for this, so he said, "He also cares about you, and I want to know too."

After reviewing the papers for a long time, Song Yi's shoulders were a little stiff. He put down the vermilion pen, put his hands on his shoulders and moved around a few times, and sat back on the dragon seat. "Have you ever heard a rumor: I, the sons of the Song Dynasty, lived a short life and suffered from illnesses because of my improper position. Our anger cannot suppress the Dragon Qi of the Qianqing Palace. It exists. It also makes sense, there are thousands of people living in this forbidden palace, why is only the Song family short-lived. Look at you, you have lived in the palace for more than ten years, and you are very healthy."

Zhu Qiyou sat up straight: "Listen to this kind of nonsense..."

"I am not a successor to the throne either. My name is not correct and my speech is not right." Song Yi closed his eyes, "I am hiding my illness because if it becomes known to others, the rumors will be settled. The daughter of the Yang family has not been caught yet. There are rumors about Yang Sixu, what a troubled time."

"She may not be able to cause any storms, so don't worry too much." Zhu Qiyou threw away the chopsticks, got up and stood behind the throne, and gently pressed Song Yi's back of the head. "You can also find another reason to leave the palace. Your body is the most important thing."

Song Yi tilted his head back, and said: "The palace should not be just guessing. I can't fully believe the Fengshui judgment made by an imperial doctor. Although Yanqing Palace is a hidden residence, there were few people in the palace in the past, and many palaces have been vacant for many years. Now I It is the Son of Heaven, if the palace is moved, apart from daily living, the former government will take up a lot of space for government affairs, and the concubines in the harem will also need to move there together, as well as palace maids, eunuchs, and guards, and their bedrooms on duty. It's not a small expense to toss about it. I can't mobilize people like this just because of a guess."

Zhu Qiyou's fingers rubbed softly from the back of his head to the sun. "Then if you go to Yanqing Palace to stay for a few days, it is said to be a summer escape. If the condition improves, it is not a guess."

Don't worry, Song Yi raised his hand, grabbed Zhu Qiyou's hand and shook it: "The Taoist Weiyan also said this before, and I have already sent someone to invite him. He is an expert in this field. When he arrives at the Forbidden Palace , Let’s see what he says.”

"That Weiyan is actually yours!" Zhu Qiyou was belatedly startled.

When Taoist Weiyan entered the palace, he was catching up with Song Yi who was in good condition.It happened that Zhu Qiyou was on duty in the Forbidden Army, and Song Yi was holding a book of Analects and was answering the questions of Lord Jiahui.

"If you ask this question, it means that you haven't read 'Li' thoroughly," Song Yi patted the child's head, "Do you know what 'Li' is?"

The child frowned and thought for a moment, then answered seriously: "Li is morality, rules, and rituals. The "Poetry" says: "If a person is rude, he will die." "Li" is a system that everyone should abide by. " After the little girl said, she looked at the emperor eagerly, wondering if her answer was correct.

Song Yi smiled gently at him: "Since you can say 'li', then it is the requirement of 'li' for the heroine to be a gift and not to interfere in politics. Confucius did not think that Tai Si's actions were useless, but because Tai Si What Si did was an expedient measure, not in line with 'propriety', and it is not suitable to be advocated, so I will not praise it."

The little girl's brows frowned even deeper: "Then why does 'Li' require the female lead to be the best instead of the male lead, or is the husband and wife discussing who will be the best?"

Song Yi was waiting for an answer, so Wang Yongfu entered the room to announce that his words had arrived.Song Yi nodded slightly, and Wang Yongfu called in.Song Yi also stood up, took the child's hand and walked out two steps to show respect for the old god.

"The question you asked is not difficult, and I can give you the answer." Song Yi said to the child, "But knowing the truth will not benefit you, and it may even cause you pain."

"Why?" The little girl looked up suspiciously.

"Because I am the Son of Heaven, all my thoughts and thoughts are from the perspective of the Son of Heaven. You have listened to what I said, and you think things are on my side, but you are not the Son of Heaven." Song Yi sighed, "I used to spoil you blindly. , but now I don’t know if it’s right or wrong to let you study with Jing Ye.”

"This girl is beautiful and lovely, not like something in the pool." Taoist Wei Yan walked in at this moment, and saluted Song Yi.Song Yi hurriedly stretched out his hand to stop the old man from kneeling.

"Pindao knows a little about physiognomy. This little girl is not from the forbidden palace, so she cannot be kept. Your Majesty let nature take its course, and there is no need to deliberately raise her as a boudoir girl."

Song Yi wasn't superstitious about physiognomy, but he knew that it was not appropriate to overcorrect.Since the child is still young, it is better to let nature take its course and watch it later.He patted the child's head, and said softly: "I have something to discuss with Grandpa Taoist, Jiahui is good, let's go out and play first."

The child obediently took his leave.

The little girl left, and there was no one else in the palace.Wei Yan's face was solemn, and the white beard and eyebrows looked more solemn. "Your Majesty, Pindao has already inspected the palace during his journey. This is a big taboo in the construction of the Qing Palace. If you want it to last forever, you must either close the palace or raz it and rebuild it."

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