[One Piece] Inferior Star

Chapter 99 Divination results are accurate!

It's too cold! !What is going on with this island...

Sabo hugged his arm, and just standing beside the river, he could feel the cold wind blowing from the opposite side, but the fire was still burning behind him. The coexistence of ice and fire so close to this island is really like hell.Fortunately, I didn't throw away my coat when it was extremely hot just now!

He rejoiced secretly and said, "Ace, how are we going to cross the river?"

"I can't swim, it's up to you!" Ace said that he couldn't handle things like water, "I didn't see Youxiang and them along the way, did you think of a way to get there?"

"Frey should have a way..." He knows a lot of magical magic and so on.Sabo buttoned up his coat and said, "How about we try Frey?"

"Huh?" I don't think we can have that ability... Ace recalled the way that every time Youxiang asked Frey to come out to help, it seemed that he just called his name casually and then appeared while complaining.But that's Youxiang, if Youxiang called her with a long voice, she would show up too!

"This water is also very cold..." Sabo didn't notice Ace's thoughts. He carefully tested the water temperature with his fingers. It was impossible to swim in such a freezing temperature.Although the river is not too wide in this way, it is not a short distance to swim in it. You need to get a boat or——

At this moment, Sabo suddenly heard a sound from behind, he patted Ace, and then turned his head to look in the direction of the sound.

On the burning sea of ​​flames and the cracked and lava-filled ground is a pure white car... a motorcycle?The heat and thick smoke made Sabo a little unclear. It wasn't until the car got closer that he realized that the car had no wheels and was floating in the air! !

"That, that is!!" Ace obviously also noticed this, he grabbed Sabo's clothes in surprise and watched the flying motorcycle eyes start to flash, "It's so handsome!! Sabo! Look at that! Grab it! Grab it now!!”

"You pirates have become more and more serious over the years!" Sabo complained, and then said, "The people on the top are Matthew and Rossi! Don't grab it! It's ours!"

"Ah... I suddenly feel so happy..." Ace sighed as if he was relieved. At this moment, the flying motorcycle stopped not far from them, and Ace ran over immediately: "Ma Xiu!! Although I never thought of saying such a thing to you, but your invention this time is so handsome!!"

"With your poor vocabulary, I can say this kind of sentence. Should I be pleased with my educational achievements?" Matthew jumped off the floating motorcycle while mocking as always. He looked at the iceberg on the other side of the river. Said, "It's incredible that there are two extreme climates in such a close place."

"Rosie, tell me how it feels to sit on it?" However, Ace didn't listen to him, but went to Rosie who just got out of the car.

"I'm so excited, Mr. Ace... I've lived so long and died so long, I've never seen such a handsome thing!" Rossi looked like he was about to cry, "It's like sitting on it. It’s as if I can fly by myself, and there is no feeling of bumps at all!”

"Hey Matthew! I want to ride this!" Ace jumped on the flying motorcycle immediately. He didn't wait for Matthew to respond to him at all. Probably boys can learn this kind of machine without a teacher Well, anyway, the second he jumped up, he had already rushed out on the flying motorcycle towards the other side of the river with a whoosh! !

"Hahahahahahaha! This is too cool!!"

At the same time, his voice also went away with him.

"..." Can it still drive on water... That's right, after all, it can fly!Just as Sabo wanted to yell at Ace and wait for him, he remembered that there was another important thing, "Matthew! That..." He checked his surroundings, "Where is the incense man?"

"You actually asked me..." Matthew looked unhappy.He didn't pay attention to Ace who was riding a flying motorcycle on the water at all, but turned to look at Sabo and said, "Of course I went after you two. Didn't you see her?"

"It's really..." It's really the same as before! !Sabo sighed with a headache, he said, "We just didn't expect... ah... what to do... I'll get Ace back! She can't cross this river, so she must still be here-"

"She's not here anymore," interrupted Matthew, and said, "While she's still going to want to follow you as before, she's got a different footwork and power than she used to. Chip came to see us." , He said that Miss Youxiang had arrived near the laboratory on the other side, and was with 'Trafalgar Law'."

"Trafar...what?" Who!Guy with such a long name!Sabo froze for a moment, he said, "That means, she is safe now?"

"Ah. It's safe to be safe." Matthew shook his head helplessly, and he said, "But ah...you are really going too far, Mr. Sabo."

"I-I thought she wouldn't catch up..." It's fine when I was young, but now... I thought she would realize the danger and wouldn't chase...

"Mr. Sabo...and, Mr. Ace. Have you played enough?" Matthew looked calmly at Ace who didn't know when he would come back, and said, "I know you are all independent adults already. , have their own ideas, have their own beliefs... and also have their own things they want to pursue. However, the so-called "love" is this kind of "deadly thing" that requires people to sacrifice some precious things to maintain. "

"Some people compare it to the most dangerous 'disease' of human beings. No matter how great a person is, once infected with it, his reputation may be ruined, he may fall into the mundane world, and his previous achievements may be wasted. Man' has proven the truth. Yet when it comes, no one can escape."

"I don't know if you really have such a 'disease', and if you are faced with a 'difficult choice', what will you choose. But...'she will wait for me where she is'" she It will definitely be where she was before''She should be fine'. If you always take this kind of mentality for granted..."

"Miss Youxiang is also alive. Maybe when you look back one day, you will find that she no longer knows where she went."

Matthew stopped here. He paused for a while, and then walked to the river to check the situation: "The water temperature is very low. It seems that we should use anti-gravity motorcycles to cross the river in batches."

Quickly moved on to the next topic!As expected of him!

The voices of Ace and Sabo overlapped tacitly, and then they glanced at each other and sighed at the same time.

"I thought he would be angrier, but it's more..." Sabo touched the back of his head, and said, "We're going to be abandoned by Youxiang, Ace~"

"Hey..." Ace also sighed, and he said, "I'm introspecting, I'm really introspecting...Rosie, help me..."

"I think... Cabbage should have her own thoughts." Rossi smiled wryly, and he said, "Matthew looks like that, but he is actually worried about Cabbage as a 'guardian'. If she is sad, Ma Xiu would also get angry unconsciously...it happened several times."

Although if you want to bring it up, he will immediately deny it.Rossi went on to say: "But... I also think that Cabbage is an independent and strong person, and she doesn't need to think so much... If you like her, love her wholeheartedly, and you can definitely convey it to her. She He is also a very, very gentle person... so..."

"It's okay." Rossi laughed. "I still think that Cabbage will be much, much happier after learning that you two are safe and sound. As long as you keep yourself safe!"

"Wow... Rosie, you..." Ace showed a moved expression, he covered his face, then went to hug Rosie, "If you were a woman, I might give you For flowers!"

"Huh?! You suddenly said something strange, Mr. Ace!" I'm not a woman!no!You still hug me!Rosie took a step back and said, "I just wanted to help! I don't want Cabbage to feel bad either!"

"He means that you are too gentle, Rosie." Sabo translated Ace's words, and he said, "Thank you."

"I'd be embarrassed if you said that..." Rosie sighed, "I would...have the opportunity to be here because of Cabbage. Although she may feel that she has done nothing, in fact, without her ...Anyway. I'm on her side, and I won't forgive you if you make her sad."

"I see, I will apologize to her... By the way, Sabo, where did Matthew say she was just now?" Ace asked.

"Ah. It seems to be with a person named Terra..." Sabo didn't remember Luo's name at all. He said, "Is it someone you knew before?"

"Tella—is it Luo!!" Ace immediately became alert, "Why is that guy Luo here!!" Isn't this bad!Is it really okay for Youxiang to be alone with him? ?Can he hold it? ?

All kinds of strange behaviors of Luo in the past two years appeared in Ace's mind, and then he quickly came to the conclusion: he will be a ghost if he can control it! !no!You must find Youxiang immediately! !


How did it become like this, I can no longer think about it.There is nothing else in my mind except these two words.I am broken!Totally broken!From the inside out!At the beginning, my role setting was not like this!But who can control those now! !look at her!look at her face! !

Luo didn't know who he was talking to in his heart, but he still had a very cold look on the surface.Although it will soon be unbearable.This is all because Matthew and the others are too slow, waiting too long in this laboratory with nothing.

Now they are sitting on the sheltered steps of an abandoned laboratory, which is near the only entrance to the laboratory, and anyone who comes by will find it immediately.Youxiang felt cold while sitting, she huddled up and leaned against Luo, thinking about how she would express her feelings if she saw a certain two guys, completely oblivious to the fact that the person next to her also had something she wanted to express.

It seems like I have said this many times, but it seems that I have not conveyed it at all... Luo looked at the absent-minded Youxiang, he didn't know how to say such a thing, he had never felt this way before .He always deliberately keeps a distance from people, and he always doesn't trust anyone easily——

He had never once felt happy just to know the person's name.He can't even remember how long he didn't feel happy from the bottom of his heart before he laughed.

As a doctor, he knew that it might be a chemical reaction of some substance in his body that caused him to have this "abnormal" reaction.But even if he knew that it was his body's arbitrariness to create a sense of happiness for someone he didn't know very well, he couldn't refuse. After all, isn't his body the "self"?

Maybe this is a coincidence, maybe this is fate.Anyway, things have become unmanageable by now.

"?" Luo was still staring at Youxiang's moving eyelashes in a daze, when he realized that Youxiang stretched out a finger and tapped the back of his hand.

"Does it hurt?" Youxiang gently slid her fingertips along the tattoo marks.

"It doesn't hurt," Luo replied, "Do you like it?"

"I don't know...Tattoos or something..." Luffy seems to have it too?Ace is also... but Youxiang is not interested, "Matthew told me that tattoos are also very popular in the place where he lived~ I think Mr. Luo's tattoos are a little..."

"A little?"

"Fancy~" Youxiang stuck out her tongue, and she looked at Luo with a mischievous smile, "But it's very handsome! I think it suits Mr. Luo very well!"

"Really." Luo smiled again.From the bottom of my heart, I felt happy, so I smiled naturally.He couldn't even control the muscles in his face.He didn't know if his smile was good or not, he hadn't smiled like this for a long time.It shouldn't be very strange, my facial muscles should not have forgotten how to smile 'sincerely', right?

"Mr. Luo is also very handsome when he smiles." Youxiang put her elbows on her knees, and then looked at Luo beside her with her hands on her head. She also laughed and said, "If you smile more, you will become more handsome." Super~~ welcome! This is a suggestion from a fortune teller!"

"Haha..." Luo laughed out loud this time, he still remembers the first time he met Youxiang, and the 'love divination', "Then the result of the divination you gave me at the beginning doesn't count? "

"The first...?" Did you mean the first time we met?Youxiang thought about it, and she said, "At that time, I couldn't predict Mr. Luo smoothly at all!"

"No, you did the divination. You also told me the result."

"No~ You remember it wrong! I remember that the content of the divination is...'the initials of the destined person'. But at that time, the captain rushed over! Then Mr. Luo only asked my name, and then ……"ah! !It was only then that Youxiang discovered what it meant, and her face turned red, "It's really Mr. Luo... Then, that's not called divination!"

"But it's accurate." Luo felt that she was a bit interesting now, "The initial letter is Y... right?"

"You hate." Stop asking big idiot!

"Isn't this amazing, Miss Fortune Teller."

"Don't tease me, you bastard! As Qiwuhai, show me some seriousness!" Youxiang hit him, and then changed the subject, "Speaking of which, Mr. Luo became Qiwuhai in a blink of an eye, and the speed is a bit scary. .”

"It's also thanks to the Straw Hats who created a lot of 'vacancy', which saved me a lot of trouble."

Huh... Did Luffy defeat a lot of Shichibukai?Amazing!As expected of him!Youxiang thought in her heart, and she said: "Then...was becoming Shichibukai to use the power of the navy? Doflamingo is such a strong person..."

"Ah... Although it's a bit embarrassing to say that, I don't want to fight him head-on at all." Luo said frankly, "Although the power of the fruit of the operation is very strong, it is not a fruit specially suitable for fighting from the name. Room's Unfolding requires a lot of my stamina, but it is easy for Doflamingo to consume my stamina..."

"I saw him during the top battle."

"What? You... did you meet him at that time?" Luo didn't know.Ace doesn't seem to know either.

"Well. When I was running towards Ace...he stopped me. I don't know why he was so persistent in catching me." Youxiang is not very clear now that Doflamingo was chasing her all the time s reason.After all, at that juncture, no matter how he looked at himself as a little girl, he was helpless, but he was still relentless, which didn't fit his identity.

"I wanted to keep you from seeing him as much as possible..." This happened... I hope Doflamingo just had it on a whim.He can't let him know about his relationship with Youxiang, otherwise... Luo thought to himself, he said, "You guys should go to Dressrosa too. I hope you stay as far away from him as possible."

"Rossie reminded me that too..." Youxiang said, "There shouldn't be any interaction with him. I will listen to you~ Don't worry, Mr. Luo!"

It's impossible to rest assured... However, at that time, Doflamingo attracted Doflamingo's attention with himself and the head of the straw hat, so he probably wouldn't have noticed Youxiang and the others.Luo was still thinking, when there was a commotion outside.Is it finally here, Master Ace!This is too slow!


The author has something to say:

The reason why Brother Ming ran after Youxiang was because of Rossi~ I don’t know if everyone found out.

After all, they are brothers, they are more or less 'telepathic'.

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