[One Piece] Inferior Star

Chapter 27 mentions 1 star

Iran cold.This word is both familiar and unfamiliar to Saab.

When he was rescued by the leader of the rebel army, Long, he may have suffered a severe head injury. He couldn't remember everything except his own name.That's how it should have been.But the word 'Ilen', like the name 'Sabo', would appear in his dark memory from time to time.

He spent a long, long time searching for the meaning of this word. If Sabo was his name, then Yilen might also be someone's name.Then this person should know himself, is it a friend, is it a parent, is it a brother or sister... I don’t know, I don’t remember, except for this word that is deeply engraved in my mind, there is nothing.

Asked the most knowledgeable man in the rebel army, but got nothing.

I asked the most knowledgeable person in the rebel army and knew nothing.

But fortunately, this sea is big enough, as long as you look for it with your heart, you can always find some clues.Scholars at O'Hara have studied historical texts.Now they have become ruins under the artillery of the world government.Occasionally, however, some of their notes, which are banned, are obtained from distant seas.

Iran cold.The word appeared in a scholar's notes as a mysterious place name.Due to the persecution suffered by the scholars, some of the notes have been corrupted and cannot be read.When Sabo finally learned more about the word than ever before—

Yilen, a star too far away to appear in the sky.Used to be mentioned in the historical text as a sort of remark.The only thing we know is that there is a special ore mountain in Iraq, which already has some knowledge about our untouchable power.

Perhaps, this scholar himself can say more, he should have more conjectures and more understanding.But now, he can no longer speak.What the Demon Slaughter Order conceals is not only the disappearing 100-year history, but also many more secrets hidden in the sea.Sabo couldn't help wanting to know, he didn't know why he wanted to know so much, it was like...

It was as if there was someone, something, waiting for him.Only by figuring it out can it be saved, even if Sabo doesn't remember what it is.

"What's there?"




Hearing Kerla's voice, Sabo looked back from the distant sea level: "What did you just say?"

"Have you ever been to an island here alone before?" Kerra replied. "What's on that island? Is it the thing you always say about the star?"

"Ah. I think it should be... There is a... building on that island. A man-made building." Sabo didn't know how to describe it, he said, "In short, it's a strange place, obviously no one is there, but it seems to be able to Heard the voice of someone who had been there before me, a scholar who seemed to have spent his life studying the secrets of that building."

It's full of his research, but most of it is somewhat unreadable because it's on paper.Among the surviving things, the word Yilen appears countless times.

Scholars believe that the ore in the Yilen Mine has some kind of magical power. He consulted all the documents that were not allowed or hidden, avoided the pursuit of the world government, and finally failed to fully fulfill his wish before his death.Using a certain technique, he carved the Hailou stone and shaped it into an irregular, slender cylindrical shape, saying:

"If you want to complete this 'weapon', you need other materials, something comparable to Hailou Stone. Metal, ore, and even wood... But the most difficult thing is not this. The most difficult thing is the stone from The ore of Yilen. We can't go to the stars to get it, we can only ask for the favor of the stars."

Perhaps the scholar finally realized that he could not complete this 'weapon'.He left behind the blueprints, and then died.Sabo took away his semi-finished products and blueprints unceremoniously. Although he doesn't understand those complicated things, he knows that he still has time and more resources. Maybe he can complete it and unlock the secrets of Yilen and ...

And knowing why you care so much.

"Well, it's not important." Sabo didn't continue, he changed the subject, "I have one more thing to investigate about Jade Broker. Can you still get in touch with the informant who gave us information earlier? Kerra?"

"Hmm..." That's okay.Kerla replied, "I just contacted him, but I don't know why he hung up the phone in a panic—" Speaking of this, the phone bug on Kerla suddenly rang, it was the informant's Phone bug.She looked at Sabo, and Sabo looked at her, then raised her hand and took it——

"Everyone in the Rebel Army." The other person spoke first, and it was a calm and serious male voice, "Sorry for interrupting. This is... the 'head' of Jade Broker."

"Hey~ It's a big shot." Sabo said, "But before you speak, let me ask, where is our informant now?"

"As a punishment for betraying the organization and leaking the organization's information and violating the regulations, he has been fired." The person in charge stated calmly, "I'm probably on my way home now."

"I thought you were going to say you were dead."

"It's really close... If his information is more accurate, I will have to get my hands dirty." The person in charge said, "It's just that he is a bit too useless. You haven't got any important information, and I don't know what to do." That's it for now."

"I didn't expect you to be so reasonable."

"After all, I'm not a demon... just..."

The person in charge's voice became low, and he said: "Although I don't know why the rebels would investigate my organization, please don't continue. I support your activities in private, but if you continue like this, I have no choice but to fight against you in order to safeguard the interests of the organization, which is the result none of us want to see."

"...This is not something I can decide, Mr. Responsible." Sabo paused for a while, and he said, "If you take this as a warning, I can also use it as a declaration of war, right?"

"I hope..." The person in charge was not frightened, and even his voice was still calm, "I hope we don't have to develop to that stage in the end. I'm sorry." After saying this, he hung up the phone.

It's actually exposed... It's a bit scary. It should be in the dark, but it's actually being stared at by someone in the dark.Sabo felt his hairs stand on end."It's getting more and more suspicious, jade brokers or something," he said.

"However, in our follow-up investigation, we did not find any special information." They are not even considered criminal organizations.You can't find any particular evidence that they're doing anything very egregious.Everything is well arranged, although you can't say this is a fair move, but you can't say it's a heinous crime either.

It's even 'doing good', at least compared to everything else the Resistance has investigated.

"Hey... Boss Long is really embarrassing..." Once again, Sabo sighed deeply, "Go back and report the results to him first. I will leave the difficult choices to him!"

You just don't want to think about it... Kerla said that she already understood.Besides, this guy can't think anymore."There seemed to be some commotion in Zepheniah after we left the port, maybe we really missed something," she said.

"It must have been tricked by the informant..." His intelligence made them miss all the incidents perfectly.Sabo had no choice but to put his hips on his hips, "This is close to the Chambord Islands, there are Tianlong people and the navy, and there are complacent pirates who have just passed the first half of the great route. It seems that there will be riots. It doesn't seem very strange."

Riot... uh...

For some unknown reason, Sabo's head throbbed suddenly, and the face of the girl he saw in Zephenia appeared in his mind.Obviously someone I don't know...why is it so impressive?Is it...a coincidence, or an illusion...Lack of sleep is what happens.How about going to sleep first?

——"It's a childhood sweetheart."

You Xiang knelt on the deck, sitting obediently like a kid who made a mistake and broke a vase.Facing Kidd's question, she replied: "Ace wasn't so powerful at that time, although he was very powerful, but... did you see that burst of fire! Wow~~ and Si Mr. Mog's jet ski is so handsome!!"

"...You Xiang." Kira approached You Xiang slightly, but secretly signaled to her that Kidd was standing behind him who was silent.It means: you should praise him again, right away.

"Of course!!" Youxiang immediately understood, and she immediately said, "I didn't expect the captain to be so powerful! And the suit suits you very well~ Super handsome~~ I love you, yo chirp~"

"..." Can you be more perfunctory in boasting! !Now, the one named Ace left a sentence: I will lure him away, you go away!He jumped off the boat and quickly escaped with his small boat driven by his devil fruit, and the navy also said: You all wait for me! !Then he also jumped out of the boat and chased after him on a jet ski that he didn't know when he parked there.

So Kidd, who had finally managed to be clean, didn't bother to get angry with her. He said, "Kira told me everything about you. I really didn't expect a chick like you to be among the famous emerald brokers!"


"I'm not praising you!!" I was so pissed off... Lao Tzu was the one who worked so hard to give you the back of the palace!It's me! !Even if it's a perfunctory compliment, let me say a few more words! !Kidd was a little excited, he said, "However, there are so many pirates on this great route, why did you choose me?"

"Because you are the most handsome captain!!"

"Tell me the truth!!"

"Because it happens to be—"

"Because that dragon just dropped us on your boat." Matthew took over the words.Because Youxiang probably can't lie to this person anymore, so I should answer this part by myself, he said, "You still remember, that black dragon."

"Oh, yes, I still want to ask. What happened to the dragon?"

"There will always be that kind of island on the great route, where there are strange aborigines or something." Matthew spread his hands perfunctorily, and he said, "I was accidentally caught during the escape, and then... was caught thrown over your boat."

"Really? Are you kidding me?"

"Oh, then you have discovered my essence, Captain Kidd. I basically can't tell the truth with humans." Matthew said with a smile, "But so what? You are a pirate , as long as we don't betray you to anyone, isn't it beneficial for your future travels that we are on this ship now?"

"You guy..."

"Don't look at me so fiercely. Captain." Matthew said with a smile, "I'm not a fighting artificial intelligence, but if you give me information, what I can do can surpass human beings. It exists. As for Miss Youxiang, have you met that person?"

"Tsk..." That's Frey, right?That guy... created flames and magma that would only burn living things to nothing.What he said was also interesting.You say that betraying Youxiang will bring more benefits than betraying yourself... So you have been talking about the origin of this little girl for a long time, but you still haven't said the main point!

"I don't know where I come from, I'm sorry, Captain." Youxiang seemed to see his thoughts, she stood up and walked to Matthew's side, "I don't want to lie to you either. But I Everyone who knows the information about Emerald Island has died. So... I don't want to involve other people, even if the captain is a heinous pirate, it has nothing to do with this matter."

"But you told me now."

"Yeah. Although it's heinous, but if you can become a companion, you should feel at ease." Youxiang smiled, and she said, "However, I can't go on like this. I'm sorry, Captain. Even if you want to I won't complain if I throw Matthew and I into the sea!"

"Cut..." Who would... Kidd looked away unhappily because of this, and he said, "Forget it. Since you have admitted it so sincerely... let me just say it, little girl, I I don’t care about any dangerous guys, or the conspiracy of the world government. Since I came to the great route and wanted to find the treasure of One Piece, I have long regarded the words of the world government as farts.”

"What I care about is who can become a worthy companion, and who is an enemy that makes me uncomfortable. Even you have heard of what the new world is like. I want to find OnePiece and become One Piece, You will have to fight to the death with the monsters in the new world. And if you want to investigate the matter of your dead little boyfriend, you will have to fight the world as an enemy."

"In this way, our goal is not too far behind, right?"

"... Huh?" Wait a minute... Although he said it in the tone of 'I'm very upset', but how do you feel the meaning of this sentence... Youxiang said in a little surprise, "You, you mean... ..."

"Since you still call me the captain, and I didn't refuse, you know I'm not such a narrow-minded person, right?" Kidd tilted his head, and said, "Although my reputation is not very good, there is a narrow-minded person inside." Is that one?"

"I don't know... I never read the papers..."


"Wooah! Captain, I seem to like you!!" Youxiang said and rushed towards you, "You are so handsome, Captain!! But can I wear the suit all the time?"

"No. I'm going to change it now."

"Hey no! Wait a minute! Wear it again! Wear it for a while!!"

The relationship is really good.Matthew still looked at them with a smile on the deck as they played the dragging game, and then said to Kira, "I'm ready to be thrown into the sea, Mr. Kira."

"I'm ready to throw you into the sea too." Kira also looked at them, and then replied, "However, I can also understand Kidd's decision. When he said he wanted to go to sea to find OnePiece , I was also taken aback. People always laugh at those who have dreams like idiots, but they don't know how determined those people are to say their thoughts."

"what do you mean……"

"A little girl who can say with a firm gaze, 'I will fight the world for my friends' and become like this, being chased and killed, standing with trembling legs but still refusing to give up is not an ordinary girl, is it? Just like the guy who said he wanted to find OnePiece and did it."

Kira patted Matthew on the shoulder, and he said, "Get along well. Companion. By the way... have you finished your killing machine yet?"

"Hey, are you interested Mr. Kira?" That's great.When I showed people before, they didn't like it!Matthew came to his senses, and he said, "As long as we can solve the problem of anti-gravity, we can do it! But how to solve the problem of anti-gravity, I still have no idea. Although the gravity here seems to be lower, but——"

"Okay! I'm suddenly not interested! I'd better go to Youxiang's room and sleep..."

"Wait, why?"

"When I passed by before, I found that the smell in her room was different from any place on this ship. Probably... it didn't smell so bad."

"Since you know it stinks, go clean it!!"

"...good night, Matthew."

"Don't run away from the question!!"


The author has something to say:

Happy today, double better! ! (The manuscript has been saved until next Friday and I can't stop)

Don't wait until noon, let's release all of them, I love you guys, Chirp~

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