Siles came back to his senses, got up and opened the door with some confusion.

A young conductor stood outside the door.He saw Siles' expressionless face, he was speechless for a moment, and then woke up by the chaotic voice behind him, he said quickly: "Sir! Someone on the train claimed that something was stolen, and we are inquiring about the relevant situation."

Someone got something stolen?Siles looked behind the conductor.It seems that someone is arguing.

He said, "What do you need to ask?"

"It would be great if you are willing to cooperate." The conductor breathed a sigh of relief.

In the corridor of the carriage, other conductors also knocked on the doors of different compartments.This seems to be a big deal.

The conductor asked: "Have you been to the dining car in the evening? The owner claimed that he was stolen from the dining car."

"I went," said Siles, "about five o'clock."

The conductor nodded and wrote down the matter.He asked again: "Did you see the owner at that time? It was a lady, and she was wearing a long dress embroidered with stars."

This feature made Siles slightly startled, he thought to himself, that female astrologer Heidi in the circus?

He guessed so in his heart, but on the face, he just shook his head calmly.Indeed, he had never seen a lady with such features.

The conductor didn't look surprised, he finally asked: "The last question, have you ever seen a star map about the size of a handkerchief?"

Siles asked, "That's what the lady lost?"

"Yes." The conductor said politely, "It is embroidered with a special blue-black cloth, and the stars are embroidered with golden cotton thread."

Siles shook his head and said, "I haven't seen it."

The conductor also recorded this statement.Then, he said: "That's all right, sir. If there is anything else that needs your cooperation in the future, I will come to you again. Thank you."

"It's nothing." Sirius said in a low voice.

After the conductor left, Siles thought for a moment, returned to the bed for the time being, took out a bottle of 10% pure potion from his bag, took a sip, maintained the ceremony for about three hours, and then put on the 【Akamala's spectacle frame】, and then walked out.

... Even if you join in the fun, you must remain cautious.

Outside the window it was dark and windy.Siles quickly came to the place where the noise happened, which was also the dining car of this train.The dining car's opening hours had long since passed, and the aroma of the food had now turned into a cold, putrid smell.

A woman was sitting there in a daze.The overhead lights of the dining car cast complex shadows on her face.Siles recognized at a glance that it was indeed the long-lost astrologer Heidi.

A few conductors stood a little to the side, discussing something in a low voice.Not far away, two men were fighting with each other, one of them had a blue light on his body and was a revelation; the other was poorly dressed and didn't look very rich.

At the same time, there were five or six people watching, occasionally interjecting to calm them down.

To Siles' surprise, Qin Duo also stood at the entrance of the dining car, looking thoughtfully at the situation inside.

Under the double effect of the ceremony time and the glasses frame, Siles saw the rich blue light on Cendo - unique and rich, even 50% stronger than what he saw on Horatio Dwight The radiance of the potion of purity is deeper, almost showing a blue-purple color.

Sirius looked at him in surprise.After all, he had never heard that there was a potion purity higher than 50%.Did Qin Duo directly drink the star dust solution?

However, to Siles' surprise, [Akamala's Spectacle Frame] did not provide any more information.It was as if the blue light on Qin Duo was an illusion of Sirius.

If Qin Duo felt something, she looked sideways.His emerald green eyes stood out in the dim light.He nodded to Sirius.

Siles walked up to him and asked, "What happened?"

Qin Duo turned around exaggeratedly, moved his face to Sirius, and looked at him steadily, which seemed to mean "You expect me to tell you?".But he still solved the confusion for Sirius.

Leaning against the side door frame of the dining car, he said: "That lady came outside the dining car not long ago and said loudly that her things were left inside, so a conductor came to open the door for her.

"But they couldn't find it after they entered the door, so the lady thought her things had been stolen. Now they are busy looking for the thief. The two guys who were arguing are now the suspects."

Siles thanked Qindo, then fell into deep thought.

The female astrologer, the missing star map, the circus... Where has Heidi been in the past so many days?Why was she on this train planning to leave after the Grayson affair was over?

Qin Duo observed Siles' expression, and finally said: "You seem to know the identity of this lady?"

Siles came back to his senses and said, "I once met her once in the city of Lamifah." He paused, and finally said, "She used to belong to a circus from the land of no embers, but they It seems to have fallen out."

"Circus?" Cindo whispered slightly suspiciously.

Siles pondered for a moment, then walked into the dining car and came to Heidi's side.

He said, "Miss Astrologer."

Heidi trembled suddenly, and subconsciously raised her eyes to look at Sirius.After a while, she said: "I remember you, sir. At the October Fair... We met once. Fate brought us together again here..."

Her voice was slightly hoarse, with a kind of trance that was not very focused, and the content of her words seemed a little distracted.

Siles nodded and sat across from her.Qin Duo also came over and sat next to Siles, as if he didn't intend to participate in their conversation, but wanted to listen in.

Sirius almost frowned.He looked sideways at Qin Duo, remained silent for a moment, and finally gave up his plan to communicate with Qin Duo, although this figure with a strong blue glow made him feel a bit intrusive. a literal eyesore.That blue light made Qin Duo quickly become a little blue man.

He asked: "Ma'am, I have always been very curious, why did you fall out with them in the first place, and why..."

"Why are you here now, are you?" Heidi whispered.

Siles nodded.

"We do that kind of business in Land of No Embers." Heidi nodded towards Qin Duo, "I'm afraid this Mr. Explorer will understand what kind of circus exists in Land of No Embers."

Qin Duo nodded dispensably.

"We lighten everyone's boredom. Only we can bring laughter to the frowning people in the land where the terrible fog of the Emberless Land once shrouded." Heidi murmured, "It is a strange power... ...the circus, just the very existence itself."

Siles was slightly taken aback.From Heidi's words, he faintly realized something, but he didn't think deeply at this time.

He just said, "And then Billy found you guys."

"Billy...yes, that man's name is Billy. No one knows why he showed up at that moment," Heidi said. City of opportunities.

"At that time, we were dazzled by the benefits that were close at hand, so we went. After I went, I realized that what those people really need us to do..."

Her voice trailed off, and she had a blank, annoyed look on her face.

Sirius watched her silently.

After a while, Heidi said, "You once listened in on our quarrel. At that time we had nowhere to go, we could only follow Billy. We are nothing in front of rich businessmen."

Siles thought about it and said, "Don't you guys have any... power?"

"Power?" A very subtle smile appeared on the corner of Heidi's lips, "In the land of no embers, we are the circus with power. In Lamifa City—as I said, we have nothing no."

Siles narrowed his eyes slightly.There is no blue light on the seabed in front of her, which proves that she has not taken any potions.However, Siles could obviously feel a strange... aura?

See through reality and see through the fog.This is the usefulness brought by [Akamala's Spectacle Frame].But at this moment, looking at Heidi, he seemed to be able to see the secret hidden by this female astrologer.

After a while, Siles said: "That star map." His voice was low and calm, as if he knew it well, "That's the source of your strength, isn't it?"

Heidi raised her eyelids abruptly. She seemed to be frightened, and her pupils shrank almost subconsciously.She whispered incredulously, "How do you know?"

Siles said: "From your tense attitude towards that star map, from your tone and hints when you mentioned your own power. The circus... not only refers to your current circus, but also the ones that have appeared in history. Some circus?

"You reproduce their actions and borrow their power. You get the time tracks they left behind, so you also become that circus... Astrologers, animal trainers, clowns, magicians... This is you the power of?"

Heidi's lips trembled, and after a while, she smiled wryly and said, "Sir, you are too perceptive... If I hadn't met you in Lamifa City, then I might have thought that you belonged to The Emberless Land..."

Siles remained silent, just looking at Heidi quietly.

Beside him, Qin Duo also looked at him with great interest.

Heidi sighed and said, "Yes. That is the source of our strength. People who have appeared in those circuses in history... However, there is a problem that you may not have thought about...

"That is, those people are not enlighteners, nor are they patrons. They are just ordinary people, but in the accumulation and solidification of different circuses and the same identity over the years...

"We do have some kind of power. Some way. Some... stable ritual."

Siles was slightly surprised to learn this.

He thought about it, and after combining certain knowledge on Earth, he slowly came to his senses.

That's like a specific "profession".In this world, the past is power. Therefore, if countless people work in the same industry, the profession itself certainly has power.

From a certain point of view, such as clowns, the concept of "clowns" has been sublimated.They can put on all kinds of funny poses, can make people laugh, and can also become the nightmare in people's hearts in some urban ghost stories.

And these all come from this concept.As long as you "become" a clown, the power of all the clowns in the past will be reproduced on this new clown.

It seems that every ordinary circus clown has left his own imprint on the concept of "clown" in the river of fate.Over the years, these imprints have been superimposed to become an extremely thick and far-reaching force.

Therefore, the new clown touched those marks and gained the power of the past clowns.

Even if it's not part of the divine power that has emerged, even if it's not a patron, revelator, or any other known supernatural power, but...

If it is thick enough, maybe... it will become a "god"?

Sirius' heart beat violently.He thought of what Alfonso had told him, the prophet of the mysterious tribal ruins.

The power of fate.Conceptual connection.metaphysical statement.

In this world where mysterious power really exists... Can man become a god?

At this moment, Siles seems to have vaguely touched a hidden truth.That may be fragile, that may be vulnerable, that strength may be weak and tiny.But that could, indeed, be God.

He thought of clowns.A character card in that running game, with extremely high spirituality and extremely low willpower.Normal people with such attributes should be crazy, but clowns... clowns are still clowns.

Could this have something to do with the "profession" of clowns?Because he is a clown, so he can resist such crazy erosion?

Celeste's long silence seemed to make Heidi a little uneasy.She said: "You may misunderstand that we have too much power... In fact, it is not a powerful ceremony, but it just allows us to have some ability to protect ourselves within the scope of the Never Emberland.

"If we leave the Land of Embers, then we will lose this power. Because in the past hundreds of years, circuses mostly only appeared in the Land of Embers. That is a limited power."

Siles nodded. He considered his words, and then asked, "So, ma'am, can I understand it this way? You do have...a sense of astrology ability?"

Heidi was visibly taken aback.She was almost at a loss and said, "I... sir, I don't quite understand, what do you mean by astrological ability?"

"Foretelling the future, prophets, divination..." Siles said, "the ability related to astrologers."

Qin Duo beside him let out a slight laugh.

Heidi hesitated for a moment, and then said: "As far as I know, sir, astrologers do not have this ability. But we can indeed observe the changing trajectory of the stars, the changes of seasons and years... and then check with people's destiny.

"But that's not really... a prophecy. It's just an interpretation of fate, and people who want to get this interpretation, whether they will substitute their own fate into it, is another matter."

Siles nodded, understanding what Heidi meant.

Prediction and foresight are different situations.People always think that magic sticks are right, but that's just their weak psychology of counting on themselves to understand their fate.


Siles suddenly thought that he himself possessed the judgment ability of a secret keeper.

From this point of view, if he tells someone what you are about to do, and then uses the judgment ability to judge the other party's next action, choose the dice points that match the previous statement...

Doesn't he really become a prophet?

Will the prophecy be fulfilled by himself?

There was a subtle dumbfounding emotion in Siles' heart.

While they were chatting, the result of the discussion among the conductors seemed to come out.One of the conductors walked up to the two men who were arguing and said, "Both of you cannot be ruled out as suspects, please cooperate with our investigation."

The conversation on Siles' side stopped.Heidi said softly, "They're the only two suspects right now... They were here when I came to the dining car for dinner."

Siles said: "But, don't you keep the star chart well?"

Heidi was silent for a moment, and then said: "To tell you the truth, I've been in a trance recently. What happened at the October know it. That made me a little resistant to the circus.

"And when I left the circus, my strength and mental state kept dropping. I became weak, dazed, and dazed... It wasn't until not long ago that I regained my spirits and planned to return to the Land of Eternal Embers." land.

"I don't even know if it's because I've finally learned who Mickey really is, or because circuses and astrologers really are so closely related."

Her voice gradually dropped.

Siles frowned slightly.He thought, Mickey?Is that the head of the circus, that tall, thin man?However, this does not seem to be the time to prove this point.

He just said, " can persuade your companions?"

"They are no longer my companions." Heidi seemed lost and relieved, "Some people in the circus are innocent. But some... Anyway, we have done a lot of wrong things .That is not something that can be repented just by talking.

"...I plan to go back to the Land of No Embers and look for my burial place. Therefore, that star map...may be lost if it is lost."

She breathed a sigh of relief, stood up, and came in front of the two men who were arguing with the conductor.Following her footsteps, they gradually fell silent.Finally, the entire dining car fell silent.

Heidi whispered softly: "I don't know who the thief would be, or maybe I lost it in a daze. Anyway, I'm bothering you. Please don't look for it. That may be important, but Anyway, it's not worth the money.

"For many years, that was also a kind of burden and a heavy pressure on me. Now, it's over."

After speaking, she waddled out of the dining car.

The dining car fell into silence for a short time.The conductor and the two suspects looked at each other, as if no one understood why this eccentric lady would say such a thing.

Siles breathed a sigh of relief, and leaned back on the chair back, feeling a deep, viscous emotion covering his heart.

Qin Duo sat beside him and said in a low voice, "By chance?"

Perhaps for a long time, Heidi has always been immersed in the power of astrologers and the atmosphere of the circus.She has done a lot of wrong things, seen a lot of evil and stayed out of it.Until encountering an irresistible danger, she suddenly came to her senses, but she still just stood by and watched.

However, when she accidentally lost the time track of her life in the dining car of the train, she suddenly realized that that power is both a kind of support and a curse.

Siles had a feeling that he didn't know how to describe. Finally, he just said: "Fate is uncertain."

Qin Duo laughed: "I always feel that if someone really grasps the power of fate, it might not be a bad thing?"

Siles was a little surprised to hear such a statement, and he asked, "Why?"

"Because I'm a human being," Cinder said, "not a god."

After saying this, he stood up and said to Siles, "It's time to go to bed. This grand drama will eventually end. We just listened to a boring past story of a person."

Siles thought for a moment.He didn't quite agree with Qin Duo's description, but in the end he just smiled lightly and followed Qin Duo's footsteps.

I don’t know if it’s because we listened to Heidi’s story together. In the early morning of the next day, when Siles woke up in the hazy morning light and saw the sleeping face of Qindo on the opposite bed, he was not as embarrassed and cramped as before. feeling.

He felt that Qin Duo might not be a good person to get along with.

So, when Cindo woke up, went to the bathroom and came back with a face full of drops of water, and wiped his gray hair sleepily, Siles asked: "Mr. Praia, I wanted to ask you not long ago. You have one thing."

Qin Duo looked at him in confusion, and then said: "Don't call me that, Qin Duo is fine. What do you want to ask? Maybe if you ask now, I will be happy to answer you."

Siles said: "On the night of October 10th, you came to the back kitchen of the palace, didn't you?"

Cendo stopped wiping his hair, and then he suddenly laughed: "Of course, Sirius Noel... sir. I was wondering when you would ask me about it.

"If what you want to ask is the same as what I think, then, yes, I saw the whole process of your handling of the scene, and I heard what you said-judgment, didn't you?"

He looked at him with a half-smile.

And Siles just looked at Qindo calmly.

Finally, Qin Duo said boringly: "Okay. Please rest assured. That is your strength and your secret. I don't have that much curiosity. People in this world hide a lot of secrets. I There's no need to be so obsessed with everyone.

"Of course, maybe I will have some curiosity. That's all."

He shrugged.

Siles breathed a sigh of relief, but felt a little bit of irony, perhaps because of his fears during the past period.He thought that maybe it was because he himself valued the identity of the Keeper of Secrets too much and the secrets hidden behind it.

For others, it may just be some mysterious power hidden behind the curtain of history.And this kind of power is innumerable in this world.

Thinking about it, he said, "Siles."

Qin Duo was startled and said, "What?"

Siles smiled softly, and said, "Don't call me that, Siles will do."

Qin Duo froze there, and after a while, he said jokingly: "Are you joking, Sirius? I didn't expect you to be joking."

Siles: "..."

What is unexpectedly!

The faint smile that appeared between his brows slowly disappeared, and finally, he just nodded coldly and politely, and said, "I'm going to have breakfast."

Qin Duo said, "You won't be angry, will you?"

"Of course not," said Siles.

"Don't expect me to apologize," Cinder said, and then he hesitated, "Are you really angry?"

Siles held back the smile that reappeared in his heart, he always felt that Gyndo looked like a feline.He said quite calmly, "It's nothing, Gyndo. Seriously, I should go to breakfast."

Qin Duo looked at him suspiciously, and finally turned sideways to make way for the door.

Siles walked past him.Cendo, who just went to wash up, didn't fasten the collar of his jacket, and Siles caught a glimpse of an accessory he was wearing around his neck and hung by a thin black chain.

It seems to be a round thing.Siles glanced at it briefly, but didn't pay attention to it, and left the carriage to go to the dining car to have breakfast.

Seven o'clock in the morning.There is a rising sun in the sky.The morning light made Siles, who was used to the gloomy winter weather in Ramifa City, feel very happy.

The quality of sleep was surprisingly good last night.he thinks.Perhaps the vast majority should be attributed to the power of Akamala.

The train carriages were always wobbly, and the aisles always smelled of alcohol, sweat, and coal smoke.However, fortunately, he has a traveling companion with good living habits, which makes Siles, who is slightly clean, feel quite relaxed.

We arrived in Malz in half a day.

Siles thought that he might have to spend the night in Maltz after meeting up with Dr. Chester.They may not be able to catch the train at [-] o'clock in the evening. Besides, after a day's journey, they may also need to rest.

And, find the right fellow explorers.

...In fact, Qin Duo is a good choice.Siles thought about it instead.His goal is the same as theirs, and his strength is absolutely reliable.

So, after breakfast, Siles asked Qindo if he would like to go with them.

"You still have a companion?" Qin Duo asked about this instead.

Since Chester Fitzroy's train was a few hours behind Celeste's, they had to wait some time at Maltz.Celeste mentioned this matter.

Siles was a little surprised by Qin Duo's concern, he said: "Yes, a doctor. I heard that it is best to have a doctor as a companion when going to the Land of No Ashes."

Cindo muttered something in a low voice, and then said: "I will go to Hales House with you. But you and I are just walking together, not companions. Remember this."

Siles was slightly startled, and thought inexplicably, what's the difference?

Perhaps this is the persistence of the solo explorer.

Siles said, "Then when we arrive in Maltz, shall we go buy train tickets together?"

Qin Duo shrugged, and said indifferently: "Okay." Suddenly, he changed his words again, "No, you buy your two, I'll buy mine."

Siles couldn't understand Qin Duo's strange insistence at all, so he just said: "Okay."

... Qin Duo glanced at him.

Siles had put the matter behind him and sat down to continue reading the book he hadn't finished yesterday afternoon.

Cinder stood there, moving his lips, as if about to say something, but finally, he sat down without saying a word.The emerald green eyes narrowed slowly, looking at Sirius deeply.

Siles seemed unaware.

They went to the dining car together for lunch at noon.Cendo looks like he's completely back to normal.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the train arrived at Malz Railway Station on time.

Maltz is the closest city to the west of the Duchy of Const, facing the Never Embers and the Duchy of Kansas far away.

This is a small city, and the buildings in the city look a little old and dusty.At the turn of autumn and winter, the pale sun shines down, making the city even more lonely and withered.Even the roads here are still in the state of mud.

The resident population of Maltz may not exceed 10, but the population flow is very large, because this is the only way for the Principality of Const to reach the Land of No Embers.

Here, Sirius could already feel certain auras of the Everland.Among the people coming and going, the richness and calmness that belonged to Lamifa City, the capital of the Principality of Const, has disappeared. People have a nervous, nervous, and vigilant look on their faces.

Qin Duo stood beside Siles, stretched, and casually carried his bag."It's very different from the Ramifa city you're used to," he said.

Siles nodded, and said in a low voice, "The Land of Never this the atmosphere of Land of Never Embers?"

"I don't know what you think of the Endless Land." Qindo said, "Galsworth, Gladstone, Gainesd. The atmosphere of each area is different, and it is also different from different adventure groups. habits.”

Siles thought about it.

After a moment he said: "Come on—do you have any plans?"

Ginto said, "Go get a good night's sleep somewhere. Sleeping on a train sucks."

Siles agreed with him.

They left the platform—the train station here certainly didn't have the beautiful glass ceiling of La Mifa Station.There is only a slightly worn-out signboard placed at the entrance, which shows that this is Maltz's train station.

Although it is not so prosperous, the people walking here are also mixed.

At least, if it wasn't for Qin Duo's sharp eyesight and quick hands, then Siles would have accidentally had his wallet stolen from his pocket.There are a dozen duke coins in the wallet, as well as some small change.

The thief was a young boy, and he didn't panic when he was discovered. He just smiled at Sirius and ran away.

Qin Duo said harshly: "Mr. Siles Noel, it seems that you really need an explorer to accompany you to the land of no embers, otherwise you may be a sheep in the mouth of a tiger."

"Thank you, Qindo." Siles ignored his sarcasm, but said sincerely, "I am very grateful for your help."

Qin Duo was speechless for a while, he closed his mouth, and looked at Siles with an elusive look.

After a while, he said again: "That boy...the reason why he was let go is because there is no law here. Since he was not really stolen, then save yourself trouble and leave here earlier."

"I see." Silas responded simply.He looked in the direction the boy had left and thought, Is this where his apprentice, Jules Hans, grew up?

It seemed that he had to look at his apprentice with admiration.Learning and growing up in such a chaotic small town, and finally being able to enter the University of Ramifa as a research scholar, is obviously very powerful.

The two of them went to the ticket office first and bought the train tickets for Biddle City departing at [-]:[-] noon tomorrow.three.

The train from Malz to Biddle City has a very unique name called "Light of the First Snow".

The "Light of the First Snow" train starts operation every year during the October rainy season in the Principality of Const.Of course, other seasons have the same trains, but with different names.

"First snow" means that during the period of operation of this train, the Principality of Const will truly usher in the scene of winter and snowfall.

Siles bought two tickets - as long as you provide your name, you can buy tickets for others. Siles feels that the security loopholes in this world can be said to be huge; however, it can also be said that every era has its own survival law.

Ginto bought one for herself.

A ticket is worth 5 duke coins.

The sleeper berths of the "Light of the First Snow" train are only ordinary boxes for ten people and high-level boxes for four people.Siles and Qindo naturally chose the latter.

The structure of the advanced box is similar to the hard sleeper box on the earth, with four beds and bunk beds.

The beds of sleeper trains in this era can be folded.If it is not used during the day, it can be folded into the wall, so that the space of the whole box appears much larger.

Four people in one box.Siles, Chester, and Qin Duo, so there are three people.It is not known what kind of person the remaining traveling companion will be.

...Of course, with the lessons learned from Qin Duo, Siles has lowered a lot of psychological expectations for this passenger.

"," Cinder said, "when will he arrive?"

"04:30 in the afternoon." Siles glanced at his pocket watch and said, "There are still nearly two hours."

"Then let's find a hotel first." Qin Duo said.

Siles said, "Do you have any recommendations?"

"Levi's Hotel." Qindo said without hesitation, "There, there will be a trade fair tonight."

Siles was slightly startled, and then said, "Maybe we can go shopping."

He thought, Qin Duo specifically mentioned this trade fair, is there anything he wants to buy?

Qin Duo nodded in satisfaction, and then said: "Let's go, let's make a reservation first..." He suddenly hesitated, "Three rooms? I'm not sure if there are so many rooms there."

Ten minutes later, his guess came true.

Levi Hotel is a three-storey exquisite building, which stands out among the dusty buildings.The ivy on the wall has turned brownish-green in this weather, but it still looks extraordinarily numerous. Looking from a distance, it looks like some weird and mysterious ornamentation.

"There are only two double rooms left." The lady behind the counter said with a sweet smile.

They first booked the two double rooms, and then Siles said, "It's fine for me and Chester to share one room."

Qin Duo looked at him sideways, as if acquiescing to the decision.

They go upstairs.The room is on the third floor.There are seven or eight rooms on the first floor, and their rooms are two door-to-door at the end of the corridor.Siles randomly chose the one on the left, opened the door and went in, put the backpack on the table, and looked back at the room.

On the whole, he likes the warm wooden furniture in the room, as well as the clean bed and bathroom, as well as the hot water in the bathroom.At least these services are worth the price - ten duke coins a night, a high price that slightly staggered Siles.

But after all, it was the last chance for them to go to the Land of No Embers to take a good rest and relax, so Siles didn't feel very reluctant.

He just thinks...

He suddenly froze for a moment, looking at Qin Duo who was sitting on another bed in surprise.

Qin Duo said: "I think judging from your inexperienced and unvigilant performance, sooner or later you will be swallowed up by the fog of the endless land."

Siles felt a little embarrassed, he said, "I'm not..."

"It's not defenseless." Qin Duo said slowly, "It's just that someone almost stole your wallet in the train station. You didn't even realize that I walked into this room with you."

Sirius was silent.He Jiayin, who used to live on a peaceful earth, certainly didn't have a perfect sense of defense.He's just cautious by nature, but not a fighting genius.

In the end, he could only say helplessly, "Thank you, Qindo."

"Why should I thank you?" Qin Duo asked almost instinctively.

"Anyway," said Siles, expressing his feelings, "you have helped me a lot and reminded me constantly,

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