Reading on the train has a feeling of not knowing the sun and the moon.

When Siles looked up from the text, he felt as if he had passed away.Outside the window, they had already left the city of Lamifa and were walking through a slightly barren land.The dim yellow sunset hangs tremblingly in a corner of the world.

Siles glanced at his pocket watch and found that it was past four o'clock.

Qin Duo was sitting opposite to Siles, those emerald green eyes were particularly eye-catching under the slightly dim light.This was the first time that Siles met someone with such distinctive features in this world.

Most of the residents of the Principality of Constance have black or brown hair and eye color, except for the deeper facial features, which are generally similar to the earth country where He Jiayin once lived.

Even people like Kellogg and Emanuel from the Principality of Kansas have almost black or brown hair and eyes.

Except for the habit of braiding their hair and slightly different facial features, they are not much different from the residents of the Principality of Constance.

But Cindo Playa's... style of painting—yes, Sirius had that word in mind—would make him think of something more exotic, fantasy-like.

With gray hair, brown skin and green eyes, he looks like a character from a fantasy novel.

Coupled with his mysterious and powerful identity as an explorer, and...the possible connection with the Dawn Apocalypse, Sirius is a little concerned about him.

That gray hair.Siles thought.Could Jindo be the man who appeared outside the palace kitchen?

But, how could he have anything to do with this matter?He's a member of the Dawn Revelation Society?After all, why did Qindo Playa, an explorer belonging to the Land of Never Embers, appear in Lamifa City at this moment?

Siles sent a letter to the Dawn Apocalypse on the morning of the dinner, and ten hours later, Qindo came to Lamifa City?This is not in line with the speed of transportation in this era.

Unless Qindo was already in Lamifa City.

However, it is unlikely that he was in Lamifa City because of the dinner party; it was not until the sudden death of the Marquis Austin that they really confirmed that a group of people were planning to do something "big thing" at the banquet on the eve of God's birthday .

After all, why did Qindo appear in Lamifa City?Is it related to the Dawn Apocalypse?

However, Siles did not express these thoughts in front of Qinduo - he could never directly ask Qinduo, "Did you see the judgment I made".

He felt a deeper level of vigilance and anxiety, which came from the strength and unknown purpose of this powerful explorer.

Qin Duo was reading what looked like a manuscript in his hand.The action of Siles putting away the book woke him up, and he looked up. Those green eyes reminded Siles of a cat's eyes.

"You are such a quiet traveling companion," said Cinder, "reading books there all afternoon."

Siles looked down at the book, and said, "It's just that I'm more interested in it."

"What is it about?" Qin Duo asked.

Siles hesitated for a moment, and then said: "I study the literature of the Silence Period myself, and this book is called "Literature Under the Mist of the Silence Period", which mainly talks about the changes and development of the Silence Period literature after the emergence of the fog. "

Qin Duo nodded thoughtfully, and after a while, he suddenly laughed in a low voice: "You are really a cultural person."

That laughter made Sirius' pupils shrink slightly.He felt an indescribable familiarity—yes, that laughter, just like the mysterious man who appeared at the kitchen door.

He felt more doubts and doubts in his heart.

Qin Duo didn't seem to care so much, he waved to Siles: "I don't want to stay in the box all day, I have to go out for a walk."

After speaking, he stood up and walked out.

Siles noticed that he was wearing a black windbreaker, and inside it was close-fitting clothing that was very convenient for movement.Although it is indeed autumn and winter clothing, it is not so heavy that it is difficult to move.

He didn't have any accessories on his body, except for his hair tied up with a leather rope.However, Siles noticed that there was a thin black chain hanging around Qindo's neck.The pendant attached to the necklace disappeared into Jeando's neckline.

This attire fits well with this man's identity as an explorer.Of course, it is also incompatible with the dress of the residents of Lamifa City.

...Why on earth did Chindo Playa appear in Lamifa City?

Siles sat there alone, frowning slowly.In the end, he shook his head, suppressed all his thoughts, took his wallet, train tickets and other valuables with him, and then got up and left the box as well.He went to the bathroom, then ate in the dining car.

Food truck food tastes pretty good.But the passengers sitting there seemed to have no appetite.What they were vaguely talking about was what happened to Grayson Foods not long ago.

Ordinary people don't know the specific inside story, so they only know that Grayson's seemingly cheap and delicious food is actually made of some disgusting ingredients.

In some gossip, people's statements gradually become exaggerated, from expired and rotten raw materials, to dead rats, sludge water, excrement and so on.Because of this, the residents in Lamifa City have recently become increasingly anorexic.

At the moment, passengers in the dining car are discussing this matter.Siles couldn't help but think of the scene he saw at the dinner party when he heard it, and he couldn't help but stop eating.

Finally, someone couldn't help scolding: "This is a dining car! Please don't talk about such a disgusting topic!"

Several passengers who were talking and getting more and more excited fell silent all of a sudden.After a while, they apologized and left.

Siles took a deep breath, calmed down, and continued to eat his dinner.

But he couldn't help but put on 【Akamala's Spectacle Frame】.Although he didn't swallow the potion at the moment, but... this is at least a psychological comfort.

After dinner, Siles walked around the train.He could see many passengers with different descriptions and expressions. Sometimes when they accidentally met Sirius' eyes, they would show different reactions.

Because of the start of the winter vacation, many of the passengers on the train at this moment rushed back to their hometown from Lamifa City.They carried big bags and small bags, and for a moment, Sirius thought of his hometown.

In the end, Siles stood at the junction of the carriages, looking at the passing scenery outside the car window. At this moment, he finally had a feeling that he was on a journey.

Not only from the city of Lamifa to the land of no embers, but also from the earth to the world of Fischer.

He will go to an unknown destination, he will meet strangers with different appearances, and he will have an unknown journey.The sense of the unknown of fate has never been stronger than at this moment.

To be honest, at least at this moment, Siles could understand why those tourists who traveled far away from their hometown wanted to be blessed by Lygardia.

He was stunned for a while, and then he suddenly came back to his senses and returned to his box.

The wall lamp has been turned on automatically.As night fell, the sky outside the window was pitch black, except for occasional scattered lights, which came from unknown farms.

He thought that his mother should have received his letter.

Siles sat down and thought for a moment what to do at night—reading?But he has been reading all afternoon.He just sat there, looking out the window quietly, and thinking.

The book he read in the afternoon brought some new insights to Siles.

"Literature Under the Mist of Silence".under the mist.

Before and after the emergence of the fog, the content, form and style of literature have undergone earth-shaking changes, as if the meaning and symbol of some words have collapsed and dissociated.

Originally death was just death; after that, death was not just death.

For Siles, or He Jiayin who traveled over here, sometimes it is difficult for him to imagine what the fog of this world means.

He used to think that it was more like a natural disaster, like a sudden earthquake or typhoon, which destroyed buildings and homes, as well as civilization and glory.After that, human beings raised their spirits and rebuilt their homes.

But he suddenly realized that it was also likely to be a doomsday that lasted for many years.

The world was dying slowly.And the only remaining human beings are lingering under the protection of a god.

Siles thought of the ruins of cities and civilizations sleeping on the seabed in the deep sea dream.After all, he couldn't help thinking of a question: Where did the fog come from?

All historical records, even literary records, only describe the fog as: a sudden eruption of gray-black fog.If I asked other people about this, their answers were roughly the same.

It seems that everyone's memory of this past historical event is only the words "suddenly" and "gray black fog", not... a specific person.

Siles thought thoughtfully, yes, any historical event should be linked to a specific historical figure.No matter how bad it is, it should be linked to a specific place or event.

But the fog of Fischer's world was never like this.These fogs covering the world and enveloping the land, just as it should, appeared in this world so silently, and got everyone's acquiescence.

Siles thought about his verification of the time of Akamala's fall earlier.

Before the fall of Akamala, the god of dreams and illusions, he caused the entire world of humans to have three days of nightmares.

In "The Diary of Karakak", Karakak mentions that he was awakened by consecutive nightmares before his homeland was covered in mist.And the time when he started wandering coincided with the time when Akamala fell: 356 years of the Silence Period.

Therefore, in Siles' mind, the fall of the gods was associated with the birth of the mist.

The gods fell during the Silent Era, and the mist also appeared during the Silent Era.

A doubtful coincidence is that whether it is the fall of the gods or the appearance of the mist, in the mouths of people in Fisher's world (those who are not followers of the old gods), it is like a certainty, an indisputable objective fact.

If someone asked them "Has the old god really fallen", they would cast a strange look and say, of course, the old god has fallen, and now there is only one god left in Anti-Nam.

In the same way, if someone asked them "Does the fog really cover Fisher's world," they'd give a strange, foolish look and say, Don't you know nothing about history?A fog literally covers our world.

This... Consistency in attitude made Siles unavoidably link the two events together.

But did the fall of the gods lead to the birth of the fog, or did the birth of the fog lead to the fall of the gods?

This is really a question that he can't answer now.

This world - Siles thought casually again - held many secrets.The past of people, the past of the world, the past of gods.Every corner of time will bring the glimpse and attention of fate.

...The door of the box was suddenly opened.

Siles suddenly looked up and saw Qin Duo walking in.

Qin Duo looked angry, and he said with some dissatisfaction: "Have you ever been to the dining car? The topics there are really disgusting."

Siles said, "Because of what happened in Ramifa City, wasn't it?"

Qin Duo nodded, and then commented: "Disgusting followers of the old gods - I look forward to them one day realizing the reality, and then consciously disappearing in a corner of this world, don't be an eyesore."

He said so, but it aroused Siles' curiosity.He considered for a while, but he couldn't hold back the confusion after all, and couldn't help asking: "I heard that there are many followers of the old gods in Land of No Embers?"

Qin Duo glanced at him, muttered something, then sat across from Siles, and said slowly in a tone of "I'm really bored so I'm happy to answer such stupid questions for you" :"indeed so.

"The vast majority of the followers of the Old Gods in Never Ember are located in Gladstone, or even Gainesd. A large part of them are mixed with people from those tribes in Never Ember.

"Of course, there are some explorers. Explorers are just a very rigid title, and explorers are also very different from explorers. Some adventure groups are also considered to be related to the old gods.

"However... Let me say that the people who have stayed in the Land of Eternity for a long time are inseparable from the old gods, but they may not become followers of the old gods and devote themselves to the meaningless resurrection. gone."

He used a very sarcastic tone, obviously not really thinking that "career" was a career in the literal sense.

Siles nodded thoughtfully, and said, "Is it because of... the power of the gods?"

"It can be said like this." Qin Duo said, "Since you plan to go to the Land of No Embers, you should know the existence of the Revelation and the Protector? To this day, there are still people who call themselves the Protector in the Land of No Embers." Explorer.

"Of course, they are actually enlighteners. It's just that they only borrow the power of the patron from one of the specific paths, so they think that they are just patrons.

"They completely forgot that their power actually came from Anti-Nam, not other gods. But what can they do? They always feel that the power has been controlled by themselves."

Saying that, Qin Duo laughed maliciously with a hint of joking.It's hard to say whether his malice is aimed at the old gods who have long since fallen, or Anti-Num, or those explorers who are overwhelmed.

Siles was silent for a moment because of Cendo's unexpected aggressiveness.

He has already discovered that this arrogant and ruthless explorer is not so bad, but he always has an inexplicable bad temper and a mocking tone, as if he has some truth that others don't know, so he is justifiably superior to others .

Siles doesn't want to judge other people's characters.In any case, Jindor is a powerful and experienced explorer of the Neverland, and if he is willing, he may be able to provide some useful information for Sirius.

After hesitating for a moment, Siles asked, "I want to ask - have you heard of the activities of Huddoka's believers in the Land of No Ashes?"

When the god name Huddoka appeared in Siles' mouth, Qindo suddenly restrained all the expressions on his face, narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Siles.

With a subtle, more vigilant emotion, like a feline pricking up its ears, he asks, "Why do you want to know this?"

Siles thought for a while, then said: "One of my former professors, he learned some information about Huddoka, and then went to the land of no embers, and his whereabouts and life and death are unknown.

"My purpose of going to Land of No Ashes this time is actually partly to investigate his whereabouts."

Cinder nodded slowly, and said, "Hales House?"

"Yes." Sirius said in a low voice, "that's what I came to Hales House for."

Cindo's emerald green eyes looked at Sirius with great interest, and he said: "What a coincidence, I also came to Lamifa City for this matter, and I am about to go to Hales House for this matter." .”

Siles was really taken aback this time, he considered for a while, and then said, "Are the disciples of Huddoka planning to do something?"

Qin Duo said: "I'm investigating a certain past secret." When he mentioned this, his eyes became a little darker.Under the dim light, those emerald-like pupils looked at Siles quietly, "About Huddoka's fall."

Siles was slightly taken aback.

The fall of Huddoka?Isn't that what Professor Cabell is investigating?

He thought for a while and said, "Huddoka... I remember that he fell in the early days of the Silent Era?"

"Yes. The 134th year of Silence." Qin Duo said, "I haven't investigated the specific place where he fell. From some circumstantial evidence, it is likely to be somewhere in the land of no embers."

Siles pondered, feeling the need to be a little more frank about the information he had received.He didn't know what Qin Duo had investigated specifically, but their current goals seemed to be the same.

So Siles said: "I got some information from that professor. He got a manuscript from an archaeological dig in the Never Embers, which mentioned some... inside information.

"It seems that the fall of Huddoka is related to his followers."

Qin Duo looked at Siles in a little surprise, and then said with a half-smile: "I don't know that the fall of Huddoka is related to those believers. fact, I am looking for the cause of that archaeological discovery." The whereabouts of the relic.

"I heard that some of them were sold to Lamifa City, so I came to Lamifa City, but I returned without success. Unexpectedly, it has something to do with your professor."

Siles was also a little surprised."The professor had been missing for almost four months. I found the manuscript among his belongings after he disappeared," he said.

He skipped over the twists and turns of the mysterious case of Professor Kabell's disappearance, and there is no need to explain it to Qindo carefully now.

Qin Duo just nodded and skipped the topic casually: "It's not important. The important thing is that archaeological discovery. It was a site discovered at the beginning of this year. It is located in the east of the land of no embers, near the The Duchy of Kansas—do you know the Duchy of Kansas?"

"I know." Siles simply said.

Qin Duo continued: "Therefore, Kansas officials quickly dispatched an archaeological team, led by a senior archaeologist in China, Professor McLeod.

"However, because the ruins are located in the Land of No Embers, when Professor McLeod arrived, there were many explorers, or grave robbers, who had already stolen some of the unearthed relics.

"...By the way, according to Professor McLeod, this site is a ruined temple."

temple.Siles was slightly taken aback.

This is the first time he has heard people talk about this concept in reality.

The gods in Fisher's world have different concepts from some "gods" on Earth.They don't seem to enjoy faith, and they don't get any power from human faith, at least from the information Siles has learned.

They are more like a group of strong men with power, and they are believed by human beings because of this power.

Therefore, although sacrificial activities have appeared since a long time ago, they are all unilateral sacrifices and worship by human beings.

People at that time used simple altars.Most of the believers did not make any major construction projects, and the practice of building temples and palaces for the gods was recorded in history.

For example, believers of gods such as Lycardia and Brancani, most of them will choose to follow the actions of the gods, embark on their own journeys or believe in the concept of asceticism.

In other words, believers in this world practice the ideas and ideas of the gods, rather than being immersed in scriptures, prayers, building landmark buildings and other rules.

Of course, it cannot be said that there is no such thing.For example, erecting statues, recording the quotations of the gods and the gods, etc., believers will also do these things.But... in general, they are more inclined to practice and action.

Believers of death really worship death, believers of art really study art, believers of gluttony really indulge in delicious food, believers of dreams really dream all day long...

The world's god beliefs and religious atmosphere are not very strong.

Siles speculates that this is likely to be related to the "real" existence of gods and extraordinary power in this world.Appearing in front of people is no longer a magical skill, believers can do it themselves, it's nothing more than... having less power?

Just as the followers of Menawaka, the god of commerce and oaths, are pious but not fanatical businessmen, followers of many gods once only worshiped power.

Of course, after the fall of the gods, this atmosphere has changed a lot.The piety of believers has been distorted into a crazier appearance over a long period of time.

Therefore, when Cindo said that the archaeological site was a ruined temple, Siles could not help feeling a little surprised.After all, it is rare to hear of past believers building temples for the gods.

But not without it.Even if believers in the past were not as crazy as they are today, of course there were extreme beliefs.

Siles asked in a low voice: "The temple of Huddoka?"

Qin Duo seemed not surprised that Siles could guess this, and he nodded: "The Temple of Belan. In some ancient books... and the notes of a representative of Huddoka, the Temple of Belan It is where the Huddoka itself inhabits."

Siles was slightly taken aback, and he said with some surprise: "Where is Huddoka... the habitat?"

Cendo glanced at Sirius with a keen, even sharp eyes.He said, "Man needs a place to live, and so does God. God's house..."

"...Paradise of the Gods?" Sirius asked.

Cendo paused, then broke into a laugh, and said in a playful tone: "Sir, Sirius Noel..., I've taken a fancy to you all of a sudden. Where did you hear about this concept? "

Siles noticed the unusual tone, and he thought for a moment.

The explorer in front of him is mysterious and powerful, and he has a lot of information about the land of no embers. In addition, he seems to know the secrets related to the gods very well.

Siles didn't think it was necessary for him to get along well with him, but anyway, he wanted to learn some curious information from this explorer.

So finally, he said frankly: "In the conversations of a believer who may be Lygardia and others."

He clearly saw that when he mentioned Lygardia, Qin Duo's emerald green pupils shrank suddenly, as if extremely stunned.Qin Duo was silent for a moment, and then said in an inexplicable and expected tone: "Is it probably from the nobleman's collection?"

Siles nodded.

He learned of the concept of "God's Paradise" from the book "The Poet's Fate" given to him by Professor Calverley; the conversation record of the Lycardian believers mentioned in it did take place between the poet and a nobleman. between.

Ginto muttered something, something like "what a coincidence".Then he said, "Then I really should thank you for your candor, this piece of information you provided has been of great help to me."

Now it was Sirius' turn to be troubled.Why would this help Gyndo?

However, Qin Duo did not answer the meaning of Siles' confusion.He simply said: "The Temple of Belan is the 'paradise' of Huddoka. His sanctuary, his habitat, his..."

Qin thought about the words a little more.His Const language is good, and he can't hear any accent, which is very standard.But at this moment, he seemed to be at a loss for words.

In the end, he just said: "...the former residence."

former residence.Siles thought.Such words are really thought-provoking.That seems to imply that the gods did inhabit here, but the era of the old gods has passed after all.

But Siles doesn't intend to discuss the wording with Qin Duo now.He just said: "The paradise of Huddoka is a temple, so his followers also build temples, using this... as a proof of faith?"

Qin Duo glanced at him: "If it were me, I would not use the word 'faith'. Seriously, if you have really contacted Huddoka's believers, then you should know that they just Huddoka is just their umbrella."

Siles was amused by some elements in Qindo's tone, but he held back the smile and just looked at Qindo calmly.

That calmness almost made Qindo feel uncomfortable.He didn't seem to understand why Sirius showed such an attitude, so he took a deep look at Sirius with a little trouble, but he didn't like to show this trouble.

Then he changed the subject: "However... you are right. They did build a lot of temples as poor imitations of the Temple of Beren."

Siles thought, this wonderful tone, as if Cindo had really seen the Temple of Beren.

However...if the concept of the Temple of Belan is like a dream in the deep sea, a "place" that does not exist in reality but is born with the power of gods, then maybe someone has actually come into contact with it.

Just as Siles was inadvertently exposed to the power of Akamala, and then was pulled into the deep sea dream.

Although from another point of view, ordinary people do not have such a high will attribute as Sires.If they really came into contact with the power of the gods... that might not be a good thing.

Thinking of this, Sirius couldn't help but sigh slightly.He turned to another question: "So, can I ask, what exactly did Professor McLeod find in that archaeological site?"

He raised his eyes and looked at Qin Duo, so the end of his words could not help but pause.

It was dark.With their conversation, the time has come to eight o'clock in the evening.Siles could still hear the roar of the train running.The carriage swayed and swayed, never stopping.He saw the emerald green eyes of Cindo on the opposite side.

Siles always felt slightly uncomfortable talking with someone whom he met for the first time today in such a closed, quiet small space.

He tried his best to let himself ignore this problem, but it was still unavoidable that he felt a little bit of deep embarrassment when he and Qin Duo inadvertently looked at each other.He doesn't show it on the surface.

However, this may be the instinctive reaction of humans from the Internet age of the earth to this slightly backward era.

In this era, people's communication is always very face-to-face. Even when writing letters, you can see the difference in each person's handwriting.That wasn't the age of the Internet—everyone's face was hidden in an identical stream of data.

In contrast, Qin Duo didn't respond.He just sat there lazily, his eyes flickering.Under the light that occasionally flashes outside the car window, his pupils will reflect a very complex and bright light.

He replied: "In the collapsed temple, some ancient decorations, utensils, corpses, bones... These things are very important things for historians and archaeologists, and can help them sort out certain things. The history and past of a time period.

"However, for us..."

He made a gesture, probably meaning "explorer" or "revelator".

"We only need to pay attention to the manuscripts, time tracks, antiques and other things." Qin Duo said, "And these things, as I just said, have been stolen by tomb robbers."

Siles sighed slightly regretfully.

Qindo took out a manuscript that was randomly tied up with a string from the backpack on the side, handed it to Siles, and said, "This is a copy of a manuscript found in the ruins of that temple.

"It was only after I got this manuscript that I thought of investigating the specific circumstances of the fall of Huddoka. However, I didn't expect..."

He muttered something under his breath.Then, he stretched himself.

"Look slowly, Mr. Noel..." He seemed to pause after Siles' surname on purpose, with a sense of playfulness, but the play seemed to be understood only by himself Meaning, it will only make others feel that he is a little arrogant.

Siles took the copy and thanked him softly.

Qin Duo waved at him, and said, "I'll go for a walk."

After Cendo left, Siles breathed a sigh of relief without a trace, and with a slight wry smile, he couldn't help pinching the bridge of his nose.A mysteriously powerful and volatile revelator...that's a lot of pressure.

...this was not the beginning of the journey he had imagined.he thought sincerely.

In the process of communicating with Qindo, Siles always sat upright, as if he was so calm that his face was expressionless.But he knew in his heart that his vigilance against Qin Duo continued unabated.

Qindo obviously knows a lot about the inside story of the gods.And Siles, who didn't know much about the Neverland, wondered if this was normal for those explorers.

However, why did Qin Duo have to be so frank with Siles?Even willing to give this manuscript to Sirius to read?

...In the final analysis, is he the man who watched the judgment process of Siles?

Siles lowered his eyes and pondered for a long time, but in the end he couldn't come to a definite conclusion.The most important thing is that he couldn't detect any clues from Qin Duo's performance at all. The other party seemed to know nothing about Siles.

But occasionally, when he said the name of Siles, it was with a wonderful, playful and profound meaning.

From another point of view, if Qindo went to Lamifa City for the sake of the followers of Huddoka, then he might have nothing to do with Dawn Revelation?

Then why did he appear at the door of the palace kitchen?Did Huddoka have anything to do with Grayson Foods?That... portrait used to defraud diners?

At the beginning of the year, the ruins of the temple are related to Huddoka.

Siles thought he had to think of the portrait, which had also been acquired by Elgar earlier this year.

Perhaps Qin Duo came to the Principality of Const because he knew that the portrait had been sold to Lamifa City?Logically, this seemed to make sense; but why did he go to Hales House?

What's more, Siles is now on this train because he chose the very safe but long route of "Ramifa-Maltz-Biddle-Hales House".

Why did Qin Duo choose such a route?He can obviously choose a faster route, after all he has such great strength, and at the same time he knows the Land of No Embers very well.

Siles somewhat did not understand.

In addition, if Qindo really has nothing to do with the Apocalypse of the Dawn, then did the Apocalypse of the Dawn not receive the letter from Siles, or did they not intend to participate in resolving this matter?This doesn't seem to fit well with the impression the Dawn Revelation would have on Sirius.

... After thinking for a long time, Siles felt that his nerves were really sensitive.He was aware of innumerable questions, but could not answer them at all, and was only vainly burdening his brain.

So he shook his head and didn't continue to think about it.He turned to observe the copy that Qin Duo handed over.

This codex was obtained from a deserted temple dedicated to the god.Siles originally thought that the content would be records of believers singing and praising the gods, or other topics related to faith.

When he started reading, however, he was slightly surprised.

That doesn't come from a believer.In fact, the source of this manuscript is the workers who built the temple.This is the worker's diary.

That's part of the diary, of course.The rest were likely damaged over time, or during excavations, archeology, or tomb robbers.

In short, this diary recorded the construction process of the entire temple in a relatively scattered manner, and mentioned a few strange things that made the worker slightly concerned.

The diary did not mention what happened to the workers after the construction of the temple was completed.

They may have left, and the worker forgot to take his diary with him, so the diary was kept dusty for many, many years, until the temple collapsed and the ruins were finally discovered, and the diary was rediscovered.

It is also possible that they were killed, otherwise this cannot explain why the diary appeared in the temple—could these believers be so careless and let an unrelated diary be stored in the temple?

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