The world controlled by dice [Western Fantasy]

Chapter 112 The Paradise of the Paradise

Siles maintained his composure, first turned off the faucet, wiped his hands on the dry towel beside him, and then turned to look at Emil.

He said more dryly, "Sorry, little gentleman. I think this is the first time we've met."

Emil's eyes were quite suspicious, but he didn't look like a child who would question an adult's statement, even though he was constantly troubled in his dream because his grandfather forced him to learn to draw.

So he whispered, "Maybe I've misunderstood."

They walked out of the bathroom together and talked on the landing in the hallway.

Siles noticed that the young boy was wearing a decent little suit.However, there seemed to be something bulging in the pocket of the suit.

With a move in his heart, he said, "Emir—may I call you that? I want to ask, what's in your pocket? It looks a bit awkward."

"Oh..." Emil exclaimed in a low voice, he hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Sir... I can tell you, but can you keep it secret for me?"

"Of course." Sirius said.

He thought, that seems to have been a secret they have kept together.

So, Emil took out the Rubik's Cube from his pocket.It looked like an ordinary Rubik's cube.Now Siles is not in the ceremony time, so he can't see through the essence of the Rubik's Cube, but he guesses that it is similar to the pen in the safe.

Emile said: "I dare not let my grandpa know about the existence of this thing. Grandpa won't let me touch this...weird thing. But, you are different from those two elderly people, I think."

He looked at Siles and added, "Although I don't quite understand what you're communicating, I think you're different."

Siles played with the Rubik's Cube, trying to control his subconscious desire to turn the Rubik's Cube - he didn't want to reveal that he knew how to play the Rubik's Cube.

He thought, Alden won't let Emil get in touch with such weird things?This is also very understandable, after all, it may be a time track that is out of control.

"Perhaps so," he said. "So, what's the use of this thing?"

"It's a toy." Emil said, " are somewhat similar to the... person who gave this thing to me."

"That's really a coincidence," said Siles.

Emil introduced the Rubik's Cube to Siles.Siles nodded thoughtfully, and asked, "Do you like this very much?"

"I really like it...that gentleman helped me." Emil murmured softly, "Besides, when this thing really appeared... when it was really held in my hand, I felt very miraculous.

"I'm going to school soon. I shared this toy with my tutor and he seemed interested too. So I thought, this toy is just very attractive and novel to play...and it's hard. No matter how I think about it, I can’t think of a solution.”

Siles listened with interest, and after a while, he asked: "Since this toy is obtained from another gentleman, can you help me contact him? I have never seen it in La Miafa City." This thing, maybe we can cooperate with that gentleman and sell it together."

He thought, asking himself for copyright.

…yes, there is no problem with that, and it is very ethical.Siles Noel has nothing to do with Mr. Ghost in the dream.he thought calmly.

Emil said in surprise, "But that's..." He paused subconsciously, and then changed the subject very deliberately and stiffly, "Maybe I can ask for you, but you can't have too much hope."

Siles smiled slightly and said, "Of course, thank you for reminding me."

He thought, it seems that Emil can get a reply from Mr. Ghost tonight.

In fact, even if Siles wanted to sell children's educational toys in the shop on Dawson Street, the "Rubik's Cube" had already appeared in Emil's hands earlier, and this was indeed a problem.

There's a good chance people will associate Siles Noel with Mr. Ghost.

Although this might be unfounded—after all, there are only two young children who know of Mr. Ghost's existence—Cileus still wants to carefully put on a vest for himself.

He's had enough trouble.

He thought so, and then turned the Rubik's Cube a little bit.In doing so, he was pretending to observe the construction of the Rubik's Cube, although he knew it well.However, after he turned it casually a few times, the Rubik's Cube suddenly and miraculously recovered.

Siles couldn't help but startled.

"...You are too powerful!" Emil exclaimed, "How did you do it?"

Siles thought to himself, he doesn't know... a magical fate?

He didn't even pay much attention to the color blocks on each side of this Rubik's Cube just now. This is a fourth-order Rubik's Cube, and it is not so easy to restore. There is a long list of formulas that need to be used.

However, he just turned it so casually a few times, no more than ten times, and the Rubik's Cube recovered inexplicably.

He was stunned for a moment, then handed the Rubik's Cube to Emil, and said, "Perhaps, you are very close to the final recovery, and I just happened to meet a lucky day."

But he thought in his heart, maybe it wasn't the power of Akamala that he possessed, and he completely dismantled and reassembled the Rubik's Cube without even realizing it.

... It seems that it is not impossible.When He Jiayin was faced with a Rubik's Cube that completely baffled him, this kind of thought did flash through his mind.

As if she had found a treasure, Emil said happily: "Thank you! I am almost annoyed by that Rubik's Cube."

"...maybe you could learn some math," said Siles.

Emile looked up blankly and whispered, "What does this have to do with mathematics?"

Siles was at a loss for words, he could only say: "This is a cubic structure, there should be specific laws that can be analyzed. I guessed so."

Emil nodded earnestly, looked at the Rubik's Cube in his hand with enlightenment, and turned it from time to time to restore it.

He wouldn't really turn a would-be painter into a mathematician, Sirius thought.That didn't seem like such a bad idea either.

He couldn't help laughing, and then turned the topic to what he really wanted to ask: "So, Emile, after you got this Rubik's Cube, do you feel any changes in yourself?"

"Changed?" Emil came back to his senses and looked at Siles in confusion, "No...of course not. What will change?"

Siles wanted to say something, but felt that in his current capacity, there seemed to be nothing to say.Since there is a high probability that Mr. Ghost will see Emil tonight, it seems that there is no need for him to say anything here.

So he just smiled and said in a low voice, "I just feel that you like this Rubik's Cube very much."

"That's true," Emile whispered. "Grandpa is always strict, and Mom is always crying. I don't know what I can do. I seem to be listening to them all the time, but...

"But the gentleman, he told me, I should go to school. I should go to school, shouldn't I?"

"Yes." Siles replied, "At your age, you should go to school to learn some knowledge, and then slowly find the path you really want to embark on."

Emily nodded vigorously.He said: "It's like this Rubik's Cube. Although I used to be a mess and the color on each side looked very scribbled, but now, it has been restored, and I have... found what I want to do."

He held up the restored Rubik's Cube.

"Thank you, Mr. Noel...Professor, Professor Noel. That's what I heard them call you." Emil whispered.

Siles nodded politely and said, "You don't have to be so polite. We should go back."

Emile nodded and followed his footsteps.

In the living room, Dorothea also appeared.She changed into a more homely dress, and she enjoyed dessert and hot tea in a very relaxed manner.After she appeared, Adolphus' temperament seemed to be a lot milder.

Adolphus was talking to Alden about some young contemporary painters, and said with regret that there are no paintings that stand out to him now.

"Young people today still need to hone their skills." Adolphus said, "Many former painters may have become famous when they were in their teens or 20s."

Siles and Amir returned to their seats.

Hearing what Adolphus said, Sirius couldn't help but feel his heart move. He said, "I know such a painter... Leon Gilbert?"

"Oh, I know the painter too," said Dorothea, "but Grandpa, Leon became famous when he was 15 years old, and there hasn't been such a good painter since. You can't ask for such a high standard." contemporary painter."

Adolphus snorted: "High standards can make these young people work hard."

To some extent, Siles also agrees with Adolphus's concept.Of course, he might not be as strict as Adolphus.

"Leon..." Alden on the side seemed to sigh suddenly, "Old man, I remember, you still have a painting by Leon, right?"

As soon as he said this, the atmosphere in the entire living room suddenly froze.

Adolphus didn't answer this question immediately, but frowned.

Dorothea looked left and right, and said a little confused: "Leon's come I haven't heard of it? I've seen all the paintings in the family collection...Grandpa?"

She also looked at Adolphus.

Siles was a little surprised by the sudden change of subject.He looked at Adolphus, noticed the embarrassment and silence in the old man's eyes, and couldn't help but have a guess.

Leon's painting?

But in fact, most of Leon's paintings are collected by museums, or in the hands of some known private collectors.The only painting missing is...

Leon's last painting before his death.

After 20 years of silence, he returned to the city of La Mifa and invited many critics and connoisseurs in the city to create the last painting in the silence of madness and death.

The swan song of death.

Adolphus hesitated for a while, then sighed, and said helplessly, "Old friend, I shouldn't have mentioned that painting to you."

Alden picked up the teacup with a smile, and said, "You told me about this painting decades ago, but you are not willing to let me see it. Now that you have guests, you should be happy." ?”

Adolphus said: "That is..." He pondered for a long time, "That is, a cursed painting."

They were all taken aback by this statement.

"After I got the painting, I didn't even dare to check it, for fear that I would go crazy because I saw it." Adolphus murmured, "It has been covered with a white cloth and placed in the safe of the bank." inside."

He was silent for a moment.

Alden said in amazement: "It turned out to be so! But, old man, why didn't you say it before?"

Adolphus shook his head: "I didn't expect you to be so curious. It was Leon's last work. I'm afraid you have heard some news."

"All I know is that Leon died shortly after he painted it," Alden said.

Adolphus showed a bleak smile: "Then do you know how many critics, connoisseurs, collectors, etc., who witnessed him create this painting, died after that?"

Alden was dumbfounded and speechless for a while.The rest of the people couldn't help being silent, and Dorothea showed an expression of extreme astonishment.

She couldn't help but said, "But... that painting is kept in our house?"

"The Grant family was not the first to own this painting." Adolphus said, "According to the relevant information left by our ancestors, after Leon painted this painting, he left directly and did not continue to hold this painting at all. meaning of a painting.

"Other people who stayed there at the time, they all fought over it. It doesn't matter who actually got the painting in the end. The important thing is that after that, the holders of the painting died one after another. .

"Any collector who doesn't believe in evil will eventually resign to his fate. Therefore, in the past few hundred years, this painting has changed hands many times until it came into the hands of our ancestors. In terms of seniority... that should be my great-grandfather.

"So, that actually happened in the last century. At that time, the ancestor was a powerful enlightener..."

He said the word "Revelation" very naturally, and the rest of the people present did not show any surprise, including Amir.

This made Sirius startled.He suddenly realized that for the upper echelons of the Duchy of Constance, the existence of the Revelator could indeed be said to be an open secret.

The Historical Society requires the revelators to keep secret, but in fact, outside the Historical Society, the existence of the revelators is not so secretive.

He went on listening to Adolphus.

"He discovered that the painting had some kind of... terrifying power. Anyone who saw the painting would fall into extreme madness and confusion, as if they had received some incredible news.

"However, if you really ask them to describe what they know, they can't do it. It's as if... that kind of information is something they can't understand, and they can't imagine.

"In short, after realizing this, my great-grandfather decided to keep this painting. It is said that for this matter, he contacted the historical society, the church of the past and other high-level officials to discuss the final solution."

Alden couldn't help asking: "The final solution is to cover it with a white cloth and put it in the bank's safe?"

"Initially it was kept in a basement, or in some secret room," Adolphus said. "But there was always a need for guards. And those guards seemed to be tempted to end up in that place.

"So, in the end, we had to hide its true face and send it to the bank. In fact, the people at the bank didn't know what the painting meant, they just thought it was an ordinary work of art."

Alden suddenly realized.

"But, Grandpa," Dorothea said with some doubts, "is this really safe? Why not just destroy the painting?"

"They did try, but they failed. Some people think that the painting has some kind of connection with the old gods in essence," Adolphus said.

The fire in the fireplace was burning brightly, but the few people present seemed to empathize with the snow-covered trees outside the window.Maybe except for Emil, who was ignorant.

Siles said, "So, what's in that painting?"

That painting is the last pen of the painter Leon, the source of countless people's madness, and a creation that may be related to the old gods—so, what is there on the painting?

Adolphus shook his head and said: "The ancestors didn't leave very detailed records... However, before he died, he took a look at the contents of the painting, left a sentence, and died .”

"What did he say?"

"...'The stars are shadows on a spider's web,'" said Adolphus.

Siles froze suddenly.

Alden repeated it strangely: "What do you mean by 'the stars are shadows on a spider's web'? What is a 'spider's web'?"

"If it's related to the old gods, then do the stars refer to Luthmi?" Dorothea came to this conclusion quite logically. "But what does 'shadow on the spider's web' mean?"

Adolphus shook his head, and just said: "No one knows." He paused, and then said, "Although I told you this today, I hope you will not disclose this matter. This After all...the Old Gods are involved."

They all nodded, indicating that they understood.Even Emil, who tilted his head blankly, nodded vigorously under the signal of his grandfather.

Then the topic turned quite naturally to other fields.Siles had dinner at Grant's house, and then returned to Ramifah University after taking Alden and Emil's carriage.

6 Hayward Street, Cilles lit the fire, then went to shower and wash.During this period of time, his brain hardly stopped, thinking about that sentence all the time.

"The stars are shadows on a spider's web."

This sentence sounds very rambling.

what star?What spider web?What shadow?

However, if combined with the scene that Siles saw in the deep sea dream—you know, Leon also went to the deep sea dream—then the situation becomes very subtle.

Rotting star eyes.Spiders crawling out of the eyes of rotting stars.

Siles has also faced that kind of spider web; in the deep sea dream, the body of the doll is even entwined with spider silk.

...the stars are shadows on a spider's web.

If the stars are also on the web, it is as if the stars are also prey to the web.In other words, the "spider" is the real culprit hiding behind the scenes.

The stars were rotting eyes, the dolls were trapped by spider silk; perhaps, there was something else to do with spiders that Sirius didn't know about?

However, none of the characteristics of any of the gods are associated with spiders.Even if there are gods related to nature such as Trisley, the god of mountains and rivers, his characteristics seem to be more inclined to geological features than biological ones.

So, what is a spider?

A... God I've never heard of?

... "Later gods"?

Siles couldn't help but startled.

He had to admit that he thought of the "later god" mentioned by Jan Calder because he had always been very concerned about this concept, based on a certain... subtle feeling for words.

He always felt that the so-called "later gods" should not be understood as "the situation after the gods", but should be understood as "the (new) gods that appeared later."

And this mysterious "spider" seems to fit this concept very well.

Another reason for him to have this idea is the "shadow".

This sounds a lot like the "shadow" concept that fascinated Professor Cabell for half his life.

Professor Kabell believes that the so-called "shadow" is something that actually exists, and that the "shadow" swallows Huddoka and Menawaka.

...and "the stars are shadows on a spider's web".Perhaps, "Shadow" also swallowed Luthmi?

After thinking for a moment, Sirius could not help but sigh.

Cobwebs, stars.he thinks.It seems that everything in this world has some kind of metaphor, but he can't find a reference to unravel the metaphor.

What exactly is a spider web?

He couldn't think of it for a while, so he stopped thinking about it.It was Saturday night, and he was about to usher in the opening of the deep sea dream.

Some time before going to bed, Siles sorted out his novel draft a little bit.He needs to deliver these manuscripts to the publisher Benton tomorrow, which is something that has already been agreed.

Because a few weeks ago, he promised Benton that he would serialize a new novel in the newspaper, but after so many days, there was no movement here, so when Benton wrote this time, he specifically emphasized that he was very serious. Hope to know the progress of Siles' novel.

The good news is that Siles doesn't reject reminder letters from publishers the way Ms. Cumming does.

The bad news is that he actually only wrote one chapter.

... But that's enough, right?he thought very calmly.

After a final revision of some wording in the manuscript, Sirius lay down on his bed, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

In the deep sea dream, he opened his eyes.

After walking around the isolated island a few times routinely, he came to the center of the isolated island and noticed that the two seedlings had dream bubbles, and the two children were dreaming.

He thought about what to do today.

Nona, Emil.He had to see both children.

In addition, he still wants to continue to find the dream of Chancellor Jonathan Bryant.If he found something in this dream, then he might leave the deep sea dream, but that's not impossible.He had to find a time to do it.

Another thing that needs to be done is to explore the secret of the mysterious farm. Twenty-one days ago, when he saw the appearance of that farm, he woke up directly from the deep sea dream.

That's because he made a new discovery, realizing that the deep sea dream is actually connected to another place.Therefore, this time, he should be able to study the place more carefully.

In the dream, I don't know the passage of time.He stood there quietly thinking for a while, and suddenly thought of a strange question.

He means... the painter Leon also came to the Deep Sea Dreamland, didn't he?So, what will he find in the deep sea dream?

Or could it be said that the opening time of Leon's deep sea dream was even longer than his?That doesn't seem impossible either.At present, he still doesn't know what the opening time of the deep sea dream is related to, but it is very likely to be related to a person's soul.

He pondered for a moment, then reached out and touched Nona's dream.

"Good evening, Nona."

It is still the quiet green grassland.There are no other children.Nona sat alone on the grass, staring blankly at the sky.It looked a little pathetic that way.

When Mr. Ghost appeared here, Nona suddenly came back to her senses and said, "Good evening, Mr. Ghost! I'll be waiting for you here!"

Mr. Phantom sat across from Nona, and said softly, "I hope you didn't wait too long."

"No...not at all. Here, time doesn't seem to move." Nona said, "It's the same outside. I've already..."

She pondered her words.

Then Nona said, "I'm used to it."

"Why is it the same outside?" Mr. Ghost asked her.

Nona froze for a moment, and then said: "It's... that place... It seems that it will never change. I do the same thing every day, and the situation is the same when I wake up and when I fall asleep every day. So, It seems like time doesn't bother over there."

Mr. Ghost thought, a hidden secret place?

Or maybe there is some unknown piece of information hidden in this practice?

However, the last time he came to Nona's dream, Nona had told him that the place was "very bright and very dark".This diametrically opposite adjective also confused him.

Nona also looked a little confused, so she shook her head and said, "Ah, Mr. Ghost, I figured it out, I should tell you about the clue I found, right? Grandpa taught me the word clue." Woolen cloth!"

Mr. Ghost said, "Yes, Nona. Grandpa would be proud of you."

Nona smiled very complacently, then tilted her head and thought for a while, then said, "I remember some... just like you said, remember what those doctors said."

"So what did they say?" asked Mr. Ghost.

"One of the words they often say is..." Nona wrinkled her nose and thought about it seriously for a while, "Physical, physical?"

"... Physique?" Mr. Ghost repeated the word hesitantly.

Nona nodded again and again: "Yeah, it's very strange! I've never heard of this word!"

constitution.Mr. Ghost thought.

In fact, the term is not so uncommon.People often say that their "physical fitness" is relatively poor when they are sick, which is somewhat similar to a person's physical health.

However, Nona said that those doctors often mentioned "physical fitness", which made Mr. Phantom have a thought: Are they paying attention to the physical state of these children?For their experiments?

However, what kind of experiment needs to pay attention to the physical state of the children?

Mr. Phantom asked: "Under what circumstances did they mention 'physical fitness'?"

"Every morning and night, the doctors will come and let us sleep well." Nona whispered, "Then, they will talk about physical issues. They say I have a good physique and I am suitable... I don't know that I am suitable." What, they just said so."

Mr. Ghost frowned involuntarily.

Physical fitness... This seems to be a necessary requirement for this secret experiment?

Nona didn't know much about other information about "Physique".Mr. Ghost asked her what else she had heard.

Nona said: "Yes! Mr. Ghost, you know, what is called..." She thought for a while, "Holy... Holy Son? It seems to be these two words... Yes, 'Holy Son'."

Mr. Phantom's eyes suddenly darkened, and he asked in a low voice, "Holy Son?"

Nona nodded vigorously, and she said again: "Once... I forgot when, the doctors suddenly quarreled. They said that they knew that there was a 'Holy Son' in other places, but they still have it here. No.

"They need to speed up the progress... It seems to mean that. But I don't know what speeding up is."

" there any change in your routine with the other children?"

Nona shook her head in confusion.

Mr. Phantom asked again: "'Holy Son'. They talked about it, what kind of person would be called 'Holy Son'?"

"Ah, so the Holy Son is alone!" Nona said in surprise.

Mr. Ghost was taken aback, slightly inspired by Nona's words.

Indeed, because of the existence of Naissar Bryant, he knew that the "Holy Son" was a certain person.However, for Nona who doesn't know what's going on, the Holy Son may be something else entirely.

He couldn't help telling himself to be more cautious as possible in the future.

He already knows a lot of things now, and it is very likely that he will casually reveal some information that he knows but others don't.It may not matter to expose this in front of Nona, but if it falls into the eyes of someone with a heart, it may not be a good thing.

Nona continued: "Holy Son... They seem to hope that we children will become Holy Sons. However, they don't seem to hope very much."

"Why do you say that?"

Nona tilted her head in a little confusion: "Me too... I don't know either. I just have this feeling." Nona thought for a while before saying, "Ah, I thought of it! It's because, before once……

"When I just woke up, a doctor said... that I was a semi-finished product, but he said this with a smile, as if he was not sad or disappointed. Is it because the semi-finished product is better?"

she asked a little strangely.

Mr. Ghost listened quietly.

Physique, holy son, semi-finished product.The words flashed through his mind, then fell silent.

Mr. Ghost said, "No, maybe not. We don't know what they're trying to do yet, so we don't know what a work in progress means."

Nona nodded half-understanding.

Mr. Phantom said again: "Nona, we can meet again tomorrow, and then we have to wait another 21 days. So, I hope you can do one thing: see if the doctors behave differently from usual."

"It's different from usual..." Nona said, "Is it something you didn't do before?"

"Yes," said Mr. Ghost, "just watch them secretly. Nona can't expose herself."

"Okay! Nona understands!" The young girl showed a big smile, "Mr. Ghost wait for my good news!"

After leaving Nona's dreamland, he stood quietly on the red mud of the eternally silent island for a while.He thought, under this seemingly calm sea surface, there are countless people's dreams hidden, as well as mottled ruins on the bottom of the sea.

It's as if the world was once in ruins.

He didn't think much, and soon went to Emil's dream.

This time, the scene of the dream changed to look like a school classroom, which seemed to indicate that Emil's heart had changed.

The last time Mr. Ghost came to Emil's dream and had a conversation with Emil was when he had just returned from the Land of No Embers.At that time, he confirmed that the Rubik's Cube really appeared in reality.But after that, he never entered Emil's dream again.

"Good evening, Emile," said Mr. Ghost.

"Good evening, Mr. Phantom," Emile said, "I have something to ask you."

Mr. Phantom thought to himself, the Emil in the dream seemed to be more active, aggressive, and even more mature than in reality.Is this the difference between dream and reality?

He said, "What's the matter?"

"The Rubik's Cube you gave me," Emil said. "A man saw this Rubik's Cube and wanted to use this toy to do business. Would you like it? I remember you also told me that you wanted to open a toy store... ...perhaps you could work with that man.

"However, you have to ask your thoughts on this matter, Mr. Ghost."

Mr. Phantom smiled slightly, and said, "Emile, what kind of clothes do you see on me?"

Emile was startled, looked at him a little confused, and said, "...the postman?"

"Yes." Mr. Ghost whispered, "The ghost in the dream also acts as a postman. I will deliver some items, and I will also deliver some items to other places.

"So, this Rubik's Cube does not belong to me. Of course, if someone wants to do business, that's fine. I think the inventor of the Rubik's Cube will be happy to provide this little convenience."

Emil seemed to understand, he nodded, "I understand, Mr. Ghost." He hesitated for a moment, and said, "Mr. Ghost... do you want to take that Rubik's Cube back?"

Mr. Phantom couldn't help but startled.

"Last time, when I told you that the Rubik's Cube appeared in reality, you seemed surprised and disappeared from my dream. I wonder, did this matter bother you?" Emil asked.

Without waiting for Mr. Phantom to answer, he continued, "I'm a little bit reluctant... because this is the first toy I got. Some time ago, I was afraid to meet you because of this. I'm afraid you will Take this thing back.

"However, since someone wants to make this kind of Rubik's cube now, I can go to him to buy it. Grandpa won't let me touch this kind of unknown origin-I mean, in reality, unknown origin, so I can only secretly play.

"It would be great if I could buy such a toy in reality. I can take it out in a fair manner. I...I know very well that things in the dream appear directly in reality, which is incredible. .

"... But, Mr. Ghost, do you want to talk to that man and ask him to sell more toys?"

Mr. Phantom found out in a ridiculous way that Emil wanted to expand Professor Siles Noel's business?

He considered for a while, and then said: "Emil, I want to say that your idea is right, I really need to take this Rubik's Cube back, but it's not because of anything wrong with you.

"It's because if this Rubik's Cube has a bad influence on other people, it would be a very bad thing."

Maybe Akamala's power is very harmless, maybe Emil didn't go crazy because of this Rubik's Cube, but after all, this comes from the power of the old gods, and it is a risky thing after all.

He didn't want to gamble on luck.

Emil looked blankly at Mr. Phantom, and nodded slowly after a while: "I see, Mr. Phantom. What you said makes sense. But don't worry, I just shared the gameplay of this Rubik's Cube with the tutor. , and the man who wanted to do Rubik's Cube business.

"Except for these two people, no one else has seen this Rubik's Cube."

Mr. Ghost nodded, and asked with interest: "Your tutor? Can you tell me his name?"

"Of course," Emile said, "Jules Hans. He is a research scholar at the University of Ramifa and comes to my house every week.

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