The world controlled by dice [Western Fantasy]

Chapter 111 Too Many Coincidences

December 12.A rare sunny Friday.

In the first half of December, Lamifa City fell into an embarrassing situation with heavy rain and snow, and many residents had to reduce going out.Most of the residents are caught in the predicament that it is difficult to get up in the winter morning, and the night is too cold to sleep.

However, for Sirius who was blessed by Akamala's power, falling asleep and waking up were not difficult.The hard part is keeping the body warm under these circumstances.

Qin Duo was quite worried about this matter, and he even murmured that he disliked the dormitory conditions provided by La Mifa University.

He said that he had heard some news that certain high-end residential areas in Dongcheng would be the first to install heating, or floor heating and other convenient facilities.Maybe when they go to buy a house, they can make a special selection.

...Actually, Siles feels that he is quite resistant to freezing.

His constitution attribute as high as 75 can also prove this point.However, Qin Duo's concern still made him feel very ironic.

According to the newspaper, some other countries and regions also suffered some meteorological disasters during this period, which caused some difficulties in logistics and transportation.

However, due to the popularity of Noel Solitaire, the Land of Everlasting was unexpectedly clean for a period of time.The coldness of winter has indeed contributed to the popularity of this kind of card game.

Previously, Siles had received successive letters from merchants Ranmier and Alva Gilini. In the letter, the former said very excitedly that he had already discussed cooperation matters with the Gilini family and that he would soon be in Lamy Promotion of playing cards in the City of Law.

At the same time, Langmir also mentioned the matter of the Stardust mine vein in the letter.Unfortunately, he didn't get any relevant information from other businessmen.He still suggested in the letter that Sirius go to the Church of the Past.

Of course, even if he started from the Church of the Past, Langmeer didn't seem to think that Siles could really get any useful information.

In the latter's letter, although the fate card was also mentioned, the tone was not so optimistic.Alvayo They have a meal together this Sunday.It was almost two months later that the four of them reunited again.

However, Siles was still very interested in what Alva had to say during the meal.He once asked Alva to find the mysterious person who signed a card production agreement with the Jilini family, but he has not received a reply since then.

Perhaps this time Alva will mention relevant information?

Apart from this matter, Siles is also very busy these days.The deep sea dream will also open to him again this Saturday and Sunday. He is looking forward to the news from Nona, and also very much wants to study the mysterious pasture.

Besides, he has an appointment with Dorothea Grant to call on this Saturday.In addition to having dinner with Alva and Chester on Sunday, he also had to eat with the publisher Benton and journal editors for his sensational essay on wandering poets.

On Monday, Professor Bright will be discharged from the hospital, so it is natural for Sirius to pay a visit.This matter has affected the date between Siles and Qin Duo, but Qin Duo will not care about this matter.

Rather, because his teaching assistant position was finally confirmed last week, he has been in a good mood recently-after all, he can appear in Siles' classroom and office openly.

Of course, considering the issue of influence, they have always maintained a more polite and safe distance in school.However, Qin Duo felt that this approach had a very... subtle feeling that made him secretly happy.

At the end of December this year, a new batch of archive materials from the Praia family will arrive.The arrival of these files was delayed for nearly a month, but considering the weather, it was difficult for them to criticize this issue.

Of course, before these busy affairs come, on this Friday, they first have to get the club's outing - the exotic art exhibition at the Ramifa Museum.

" this counts as a date?"

When leading the students to the second floor of the Ramifa Museum, Qindo whispered in Siles' ear.

Siles laughed softly, and said, "Fake public affairs for personal gain."

Qin Duo said disapprovingly: "You are wrong, you are pushing the boat along the way."

This made Sirius feel a little funny.

There are only a dozen of them in the entire exhibition hall of the foreign art exhibition on the second floor.As a result, the students quickly dispersed, admiring the works of art from distant countries at their own pace.

Siles said: "Considering the transportation problem... this art exhibition may have been decided a long time ago."

"Indeed." Qin Duo looked at an old ship's rudder hanging on the wall in front of him with great interest. It looks pretty nice."

Siles said: "Somewhat similar to Lygardia's amulet symbol."

Ginkgo looked at it for a while, then said honestly, "They're all round?"

Siles: "..."

He silently glanced sideways at Qin Duo.

Qin Duo laughed.

Together they admired artworks from foreign countries in this pavilion.

On the whole, Middleton's art style is quite rough, with a sense of wanton opening and closing, which is very different from the art style of the Principality of Const.Hearing the students' admiration, Siles seemed to have gained a lot of inspiration.

They stand in front of a painting.

Those were paintings of seas, storms, ships, sailors.The deep ocean seemed to reflect countless shadows and darkness.Above the sky, the stars are peeking indistinctly at this struggle between man and nature.

"What do you know about Amois?" asked Siles.

"The God of Warriors and Pirates?" Qin Duo thought for a while, "I used to have the impression that this god was a brave and skilled fighter. However, He is actually a god."

"That's right." Siles sighed slightly, "Gods seem to be quite different from each other."

They stood there for a while watching.After a while, Siles suddenly said: "'The stars fell on the sea'."

"What?" Qin Duo asked strangely.

"I've heard the concept in two places," Sirius murmured, "'Stars Falling Over the Sea.' An unknown manuscript, and, in the Shade Chronicle Literary Digest mentions molten stars falling on nautical mile."

Qin Duo thought for a while and said, "It sounds like Ruthmi has something to do with Amoise."

"I think so too," said Siles, "but what is the relationship?"

Qin Duo shrugged: "Maybe they are lovers."

Siles: "..."

He looked at Qin Duo hesitantly, and asked, "Why do you think so?"

"Because the stories of these gods... there is always a feeling that they also have the emotions of human beings." Qin Duo said, "And the stars, the sea surface...the stars are always reflected on the sea surface, aren't they?

"Like you, you are always reflected in the lake of my heart, every move can set off waves in my heart."

Qin Duo whispered in Sirius' ear.

Siles thought to himself, sure enough, the topic finally turned to the confession.

But he couldn't help smiling, and said, "I'm honored."

Qin Duo looked around and found that no students paid attention to the two of them in the corner, so he kissed Siles lightly on the lips.Then he gave a sly grin and said, "Is this the fun of cheating?"

Siles was taken aback for a moment, then laughed: "Just kissing is considered cheating?"

Qin Duo: "..."

Then his beloved Professor Noel is doing something else?

Cendo bumped Sirius' shoulder with his forehead.They are about the same height, so Cindo always likes to do this kind of thing, lowering his head, deliberately bumping his lover's shoulder, protesting Siles' indifference in a less forceful way.

Siles couldn't help laughing sullenly.He took Qin Duo's hand and intertwined his fingers.This way can always appease Qin Duo immediately.This man who claims to be 30 years old sometimes has a kind of childishness that does not match his age.

Qin Duo was really satisfied.

They continue to browse through the pavilion.

Siles noticed that many of the paintings were by the same artist, Frank Longhi.

According to the brief introduction below the painting, this painter is a well-known artist in Middleton for hundreds of years in the Mist Age.Most of his works depict the sea, storms, and sailors and sailors actively trying to survive.

Some other works depict the various influences of the ocean on Middleton, such as the trend of fishing at sea, the prevalence of seafood, and so on.

He was born in the 3rd year of the Mist Age and died decades ago.After his death, his paintings became popular and he has a unique title.

"The Painter of the Sea People".This may be related to the fact that his works always depict the ocean.

Aside from these various art forms related to the ocean, there are many other works of art in the exhibition hall, such as paintings depicting the urban and rural scenery of Middleton, such as a scale model of a famous ship, such as the statue of a sailor, etc. .

They stayed in the exhibition hall on the second floor for two or three hours, during which special guides explained and analyzed the advantages of these works for them.However, from Siles' point of view, it was too centered on the artistic trend of the Duchy of Const.

Of course, the current Principality of Const doesn't know much about Middleton.Students are still amazed to hear about the origin, style, history, etc. of these works.

After the visit, they each bid farewell to Siles, and then left discussing with each other, as if they were still discussing some topics about Middleton.

"What are we going to do, Professor Noel?" Cinder said. "Ready for a busy weekend?"

"Get ready to taste your handiwork, Ginto," said Siles. "I thought last week's ribs were delicious."

"Oh, your love for that dish makes me feel jealous." Qin Duo said in a playful tone, "But well, it is what you like after all, so I will let myself learn to love houses and birds."

Siles couldn't help laughing, and said, "It's time to go to the market."

Ramifa Museum, Bazaar, 32 Lowell Street, 6 Hayward Street.Friday afternoons and evenings are fleeting as they go back and forth between these locations.

As they left 32 Lowell Street, Cinder said, "Don't forget to bring your homework from Professor Bright's class, Cilleus."

Siles was stunned, and then suddenly realized: "That's right. I have to give those homework to Professor Bright on Monday. How are they doing?"

"Well..." Qin Duo dragged his voice, "According to your standards, their homework failed. However, according to my standards, they were lucky to get good or excellent. In short, I am better than you Much more forgiving."

Siles reached out and grabbed Qin Duo's braid, and said, "Then they should be thankful that it was Qin Duo's assistant who corrected their homework."

"Of course." Qin Duo said complacently, "I'm very merciful. But..."

He stopped abruptly, confusing Sirius a little.

Qin Duo held Siles' hand, kissed his palm sideways, and then lightly licked that small piece of delicate skin.He smiled so much that his eyes narrowed, like a fox that has tasted the sweetness.

He said, "I'm not going to cut my teeth, do you understand?"

Siles: "..."

He stood there, stunned for a while, and then he smiled softly: "You really worked hard, Qin Duo."

Just as Qin Duo was about to say something, he was pulled into his arms by Siles, and then kissed.He responded very excitedly, as if he wanted to convey that fiery feeling to Siles.

Snowflakes floated quietly outside the window again.

After the kiss was over, Sirius couldn't help panting for a while.He felt the heat spreading between each other, and couldn't help being slightly addicted to it.Qin Duo said reluctantly, "Do you have to wait a long time?"

"...No, Qindo."

"Then what's holding you back?"

Siles hesitated, then said, "I always hoped that the first time... would happen in our home. The real... 'home.'"

Qin Duo was stunned.

"Do you feel like you're wandering in a foreign land?" Siles asked in a low voice.He looked closely into Cendor's emerald green eyes.The distance was too tight, so he couldn't see clearly, but he knew the man in his arms so well.

"...I understand. I understand. Siles." Qin Duo said in a low voice, "You should have told me earlier. I should have told you earlier... Foreign land, no, that's not the case."

Siles waited for him to put the incoherent words back into order.

After a while, Gindo said, "Where you are is my home. This is no longer a foreign land. I have found the place where my soul should rest."

Expected words.Siles thought.

There is a more real movement and emotion permeating his heart.He can't tell this kind of thinking to anyone in this world, but he knows that Qin Duo can understand, at least Qin Duo can understand a certain aspect of this thinking.

They are all alone in this world looking for an answer.This world is their foreign land.They don't know where they came from, and they don't know where they're going.But at least they found each other.

The world became their common foreign land.So, it will no longer be a foreign land.

Siles sighed softly, and said, "Where your soul is, my soul will also live." He paused, and then said, "Cindo, I love you."

Qin Duo hugged him vigorously, his voice trembling slightly.In this unprepared and ordinary day, they faced a deeper problem, but they also solved it so lightly and deftly.

"I love you too, Sirius." Cindo said, "Lygardia bears witness to this oath."

They hugged in silence for a while, and then Siles said, "It's snowing outside, I should go back early."

"Go quickly." Qin Duo said, "There are still more than ten days before the New Year. Do you have any plans?"

Siles thought for a moment, then shook his head honestly: "It doesn't seem to make any difference to me."

Qin Duo smiled in a low voice and said, "I knew you would think so. Why don't you have a meal with your friends and celebrate the New Year together. However, you know a lot of people..."

He pondered for a while, then sighed: "Professor Noel, I can suddenly understand why you are so busy. Because you are in different social circles, and each circle involves so many things."

"...That's true." Siles couldn't deny this.

Professor, enlightener, and novelist, these three identities have brought him endless affairs, not to mention that he has other trivial matters to deal with.

Besides, he still has Qin Duo.Of course, this is a happy trouble.

He kissed Gindor lightly again, and said good-bye to 6 Hayward Street.This evening, he sorted out the content of next week's class and the novel "Miss Garland's Dream Adventure".

If nothing else happens, he should bring this novel with him when he meets the publisher the day after tomorrow.

…He suddenly realized that even though he didn't need to go to those parties this weekend, there were still many other things tying him up.

Many times, when he was involved in certain fields, he himself did not expect that he would face so many troubles in the following days.

He couldn't help sighing.

He fell asleep very early, and after waking up the next morning, he thought about it for a while, then went to the Historical Society, and continued the research on the Sealed Artifact step by step.

Siles has gradually begun to understand how to use the sealed item.

That's pretty much the same way timetracks are used, but without the need for very strict ritual fit adjustments.The vast majority of revelators can get almost full-value fit when they use the sealed item for the first time.

If performing a ceremony is compared to opening a webpage, then the Sealed Artifact is like a webpage that has been saved when the Internet is disconnected; although it can be opened very quickly, it means that there is no possibility of any changes in this webpage.

Under Siles' observation, he and his assistant tried to use the feather during the ceremony - there was no need for the nail, and there was no need to try.

From the perspective of the ceremony time, he could still see the blue light flowing into the feathers with his own mind, and then the feathers squirmed slightly, and a burst of fine blue light spots appeared, covering his body, giving him a feeling of 【Lightweight body】feeling.

For Siles, there seems to be no difference between the use of time rails and sealed items.

But for Aneurin, this way of using it is very magical, because he doesn't need to do any "recurrence" actions at all.In other words, the ceremony has become much simpler.

Even if the sealed item did make the ceremony easier, it was a harmless "time track out of control" after all.For the time being, no one knows what kind of results will be caused by using the same sealed item for a long time.

In fact, Siles slowly had a guess.

The sealed item is "out of control time track".However, the out-of-control time track will cause the spirit of human beings to be inactivated, but the sealed item will not cause this situation.Therefore, does the sealed item mean that this out-of-control time track has "absorbed" enough spirituality?

From this perspective, the Sealed Artifact also has three basic attributes - constitution, spirituality, and will.

The Sealed Artifact is indeed something that actually exists in this world; the Sealed Artifact has the spirituality obtained from the Revelator; the Sealed Artifact seems to... have no will, or the will property is 0.

In short, since the sealed item possesses spirituality—possesses such magical power, can Sires judge it?

This idea gradually sprouted in Siles' mind, because the essential purpose of his research on the sealed item was to communicate with the dice.Therefore, he hopes to use the power of judgment to test the "idea" of the dice.

After all, what kind of existence is that dice whose personality is getting more and more lively?

Siles was quite moved by the idea of ​​judging, but he was not in a hurry to experiment.He had to pick an appropriate, unnoticed time to conduct such a study.

At nearly ten o'clock, he left the research department.In the hall of the space behind the door of the Historical Society, he suddenly heard someone calling his name.

"...Professor Noel!"

A slightly familiar young man ran up to Siles.

Siles looked at him, then remembered his name: "Mr. Larry Lampson, good morning."

Larry Lampson.It was the first batch of revelators who acted as experimenters when Siles performed the ritual experiment of "self-reappearance".With him at the time was Bart, the scribe of the Historical Society.

Although Larry is also surnamed Lampson, he has nothing to do with the Lampson family in West Side.Larry was apparently well off and was studying harmonica at a conservatory.

For people in this era, art is a luxury, and only people from well-to-do families can learn these things without any psychological burden.

"Good morning, Professor Noel!" Larry greeted him very excitedly, "It's been a long time since I saw you last time, and I'm still thinking about when I can meet you and express my love to you." thanks."

"You don't have to be so polite," Sirius said.

Larry shook his head again and again: "No, no, you may not know how much the 'self-reappearance' ceremony is of great help to ordinary enlighteners like us. We have never thought that it is possible to use a ceremony to reduce spiritual pollution. That was like a miracle!"

He was a little emotional and danced.A deck of cards just fell out of his pocket and fell to the ground in a mess.He groaned and quickly packed it away.

Siles helped him pack it up, and noticed that it was the card of fate.

He said with some surprise, "It's a Fate card? Where did you get it, Larry?"

This deck of fate cards is obviously a version from a long time ago, the same as the one that Alva took out on the train.

...By the way, Alva is a painting student, maybe he knows Larry?

"Hey, did you know that too?" Larry said a little surprised, "You know, I'm a student at the Ambrose Conservatory of Music. Next door to our college is an Academy of Fine Arts.

"The academies on both sides often hold some interactive activities. In such activities, I met a young man who learned to draw. He taught us how to play this kind of cards. We are already old friends!

"Not long ago, he told us about a new game called Noel...Noel...Noel Solitaire?"

Larry stared at Sirius suddenly dumbfounded.

Siles was silent for a moment, and suddenly felt a little hard to speak.In the end, he sighed softly in his heart and said, "You mean Alva Gilini? I met him when I was traveling in the Never Embers, and we created this new gameplay together. "

Larry couldn't help looking at Siles in amazement, and after a while, he suddenly became excited again: "Professor! You are a genius! Not only can you invent the ritual of 'returning yourself', but you can also create this new and interesting card game ! I really admire you!"

Why, Sirius thought, was the invention of the game of cards more important than the previous ritual, from Larry's tone of voice?

He couldn't help laughing, and said, "Now, is this kind of gameplay very popular?"

"It's very popular in our two music and art schools," said Larry, "because we usually don't have much to do. We have to hide from the teachers when we play cards... But the last time I saw it, the one that seemed to be A very serious professional director with a deck of cards in his pocket.

"It was obviously confiscated from us, but it was put in his own pocket... Really, maybe one day, we can become poker friends?"

He was caught in a delicate tangle.

Siles looked at him with a feeling of wanting to laugh.However, when he heard Larry mention the Academy of Music and Fine Arts, and thought of the enlightener of the Historical Society, he suddenly thought of a question.

"By the way, Larry, have you ever met a young painter at the Historical Society?" Silles paused, "He is about your age, maybe a year or two older, wears gold-rimmed glasses, and has a relatively tall figure." Thin, always carrying a drawing board."

Larry listened carefully, then said a little confused, "You mean, he's the Revelator?"

"It should be," said Siles.

Larry recalled for a while, then shook his head: "Sorry, Professor, as far as I know, the Historical Society does not have young painters with such characteristics."

Siles was slightly startled, and couldn't help but say, "If it's someone you don't know, is it possible?"

"It's not impossible." Larry first admitted this, and then said, "However, in the entire Lamifa City, the art-related circle is only so big.

"Young painter, gold-rimmed glasses, and a revelator... at least I have never heard of this person. Perhaps you can also ask Alva, who knows more about the painter's circle than I do. I'm afraid I can't help to you."

Siles nodded understandingly: "Thank you, Larry."

"It's nothing...Professor, I have to thank you." Larry said earnestly, "When I stepped into the realm of the revelator and joined the second corridor, I never thought that the secret hidden in the time track and The shadow and pollution in history will be so serious.

"It was you who saved my life. Therefore, you don't need to thank me. I think that in the Historical Society, there are countless people like me who are willing to help you within their ability. This is what you deserve."

Siles was slightly startled, and then whispered, "I see." He paused, and then said, "See you another day, Larry."

"See you another day, Professor Noel."

This meeting with Larry gave Siles a lot of ideas.He seemed to have underestimated, he thought, what the ritual of "reincarnation" meant to these revelators.

He quickly put these thoughts behind him, had lunch near Atherton Square, and then took a hired carriage to the northern suburbs, the mansion where the Grant family lived.

As expected, it was a very solemn and solemn old mansion, with very beautiful stained glass windows and artistic garden decorations.Dorothea was well dressed, even in an elegant long dress in winter, waiting for Sirius at the door.

"Good afternoon, Dorothea," said Sirius. "Don't you feel cold?"

"Good afternoon, Professor," said Dorothea, "so we can get to the drawing-room as soon as possible, and I must have a large cup of hot tea."

Siles could not help but smile because of the apprentice's words.When they walked into the warm room, they both breathed a sigh of relief.

Dorothea introduced: "You are not the only guest at home today, but an old friend of my grandpa's came to visit suddenly today with his grandson, and just happened to bump into you."

Siles was a little surprised to learn this.

Dorothea went on: "That's a painter, you may have heard his name..."

Siles realized something at the word "painter," and said, "Alden Bridges?"

" do you know?!" Dorothea looked at him in surprise.

Siles was startled, but he didn't expect that it was really the painter."I met him once before at the Ramifah Museum," he said.

Dorothea suddenly realized: "I didn't expect you already knew him."

This sentence made Siles feel inexplicable in his heart—he meant, "already already".

It sounds like a "prophet", doesn't it?

Not long after, he felt this subtle emotion again.

The living room of the Grant family is very large, and the beautiful winter scenery can be seen from the floor-to-ceiling windows: snow fields, woods, and frozen creeks.Presumably spring, summer, autumn and winter, the four seasons have different scenery.

Both walls of the living room are covered with ceiling-high shelves, with bookshelves on one side and display shelves on the other.The wall opposite the window is a fireplace, and hangs a very beautiful landscape painting.

The wooden floors are well maintained, showing the Grant family's rich family background and savings.On the sofa, two big and one small are sitting there.The two old men, Siles, had seen each other before, but unexpectedly, the young boy, Siles, had also seen it.

... Emile Harrison.One of the two seedlings in Deep Sea Dreamland.That Emil Harrison who was forced to learn to draw by his grandfather, got a Rubik's cube from Mr. Ghost, lost his father, and was about to go to school.

His grandfather turned out to be Alden Bridges!

On the one hand, Siles remained calm and composed, greeted the three people, and did not show that he knew Emil at all; but on the other hand, he thought with a little shock in his heart, this is too coincidental.

A coincidence of had happened so many times that it was hard for him to continue deluding himself that his fate was all right.

Of course, he already knew that behind his time travel, there must be a secret that no one knows.However, a secret that is not very sure of the inside story, and a "mysterious incident" that did happen to him, he thinks the latter is more anxiety-provoking.

Siles thought of something that had struck him as a coincidence not so long ago.

For example, Mrs. Lampson and Mrs. Collens knew each other; for example, detective Jon happened to be the one who discovered the calendula cup; for example, he found clues to the conversation record he had been looking for for a long time in the Darrow family archives.

In addition, there are some more ancient things, such as Dorothea and Angela are close friends; such as Angela's stepmother is his companion in another mysterious organization; Fonso Carlyle related.

One by one, it was as if a spider's web had spread around him.Everyone is caught, without exception.

Thinking of this, Siles could not help but take a deep breath.He picked up the hot tea on the table in front of him and took a sip. The slightly hot temperature caught him off guard, and at the same time, he suddenly pulled away from the thread-like thoughts.

Forget it.he thinks.Destiny - fate.Obviously, this has something to do with the dice, and it has something to do with his identity as the Keeper of Secrets.And he had known about this for a long time, but now, the situation was unfolding in front of him in a more dramatic way. many coincidences!

Siles closed his eyes slightly.When he opened his eyes, he had completely calmed down and turned his attention to the situation in front of him.

"...I read your thesis earlier. I didn't expect such a group of believers to be hidden in history, who believed in gods as wandering poets, but no one has ever discovered such a belief."

That painter, Alden Bridges, said so.

Dorothea's grandfather, Adolphus Grant, snorted before saying, "It's because no one pays attention to those tramps. However," his tone softened a little, "it's a good idea to find this out." It is indeed an achievement.”

Siles came back to his senses, followed up on what they said, and made a few more modest responses.They talked for a while about the paper, and then the conversation turned naturally to Dorothea's studies.

Speaking of his granddaughter, Adolphus's attitude improved a lot. He asked, "So, Professor Noel, how do you think Thea is doing?"

"Dorothea is a very aggressive student," said Sirius, "and she needs more time to turn this aggressiveness into practical results.

"in addition……"

He considered his words.

Dorothea was not here now, so that Celes could explain the matter to Adolphus more bluntly.

He said: "I think, perhaps because of her family background, Dorothea seems to pay too much attention to the god Atkinya. As a research scholar, the object of her research should not be limited to professional within such a specific area.”

Studying gods is not a bad thing.Now Ramifa University even has a seminary.

However, it was limited to only one god, and even the papers he wrote and the research topics he thought about were all related to this god. Sirius felt that this was obviously a waste of Dorothea's talent in the field of research.

However, his words made the atmosphere in the living room freeze for a moment.

Sitting on the sofa, Adolphus slowly narrowed his eyes, and he warned: "Professor Noel, since you know this is a family history, there is no need to comment on Thea's choice here. This is descendants of the Grant family should do."

What should be done?

Study the god Atkinya?

Siles was silent for a moment.

Alden smiled and smoothed things over: "Oh, old man, don't put it so harshly. Professor Noel is Thea's tutor, and he knows Thea's academic situation better than us.

"Perhaps, Thea really needs to study some other things to broaden her horizons, right?"

Adolphus was taken aback, and then his tone became a little calmer: "...I understand. Professor Noel, I'm sorry, I lost my composure just now."

As he spoke, he shook his head, with a heavy sigh and a sense of despair.

On the side, the young Emir stared at these adults with curious eyes, listening to them say something he didn't understand.

Alden said: "My old friend..." He also sighed suddenly, "Professor Noel, you also know Professor Calverley. He is a very dear and close friend of ours.

"He died this winter before it even really came

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