The end of time and space, the space-time dragon nest.

Pass through countless starlights and cast your sights to the bottom layer. It is a dark enclosed space. In this small place, only some red magic lines are constantly moving, accompanied by the sound of rustling chains and the impact of low-level forces. A sound wave that cannot be detected by creatures at all, it is the roar of a giant dragon.

Free! Free!! Free--!!!

A pair of scarlet eyes suddenly opened.


"We know that every plane has a repelling attitude towards powerful creatures, that's because our existence is actually quite a heavy burden on the plane, but every plane has an extremely powerful attitude towards native creatures Tolerance, so we immortals can live well in the Land of Bones because we have the original imprint of the Land of Bones...

The necromancers of Helaishi have traveled through the two planes several times. By comparing the differences between the immortals and them, they also found that they also have the original imprint belonging to the main plane.Moreover, due to the dominance of the main plane over the entire Ashan world, the strong who have the original imprint of the main plane do not need to worry about descending to other planes, they will die due to the loss of power, it is only a certain degree of power weakening And just encountered some resistance..."

In the empty city council hall, except for the phantom of the beam of light in the center, there are only two people sitting opposite each other around a small table in the east.

Mesaka in purple robe and Harasa in tattered black.What Harasa introduced to Messaka was something that was not recorded in the book and belonged to the knowledge of the upper level.

"The dragon of order is really kind to the main plane." Listening to Harasa's introduction, Mesaka couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"Hehe." Harasa smiled, "Then we found out that if we want to get rid of our dependence on the Land of Bones, we just need to replace our original imprint...with the original imprint of the main plane .”

"Can this be done?" Mesaka wondered.

Harasa laughed, "That's faith. Necromancers are actually priests of the Spider Goddess. As long as they pass the ceremony and become priests of the Spider Goddess, the original mark on us will naturally be replaced by the main plane."

"It turned out to be such a method..." Mesaka frowned. She was used to having no beliefs, and she suddenly wanted to be a priest of a certain god, which made it difficult for her to change her mood for a while.

"It's actually not as difficult as you imagine, because what we have mastered is the law of death, and the spider goddess represents the law of death... In fact, it was Mr. Berks who comprehended the law of death that prompted The projection of the death form of Yasha, the dragon of order--the birth of the spider goddess.

So as long as you understand the law of death, you can become the priest of the Spider Goddess. "

Harasa's attitude is very natural, and he has obviously accepted this method.Messaka nodded.

"Then what do I need to pay?" Whether it is this kind of information or the rituals required in it, these are all provided by Helaishi, although those people in Mesaka's cognition treat the practice of undead power The participants were very generous, but Harasa said that they needed a deal before, obviously they needed their help for something.

Sure enough, Harasa did not hesitate, and said directly: "As a powerful plane of the undead system, we are eager to set up resource points in the Land of Bones, and we need the assistance of you, the immortal, in this regard. Of course, regardless of success Or not, we will take you to Horace to complete the ceremony."

Messaka hesitated for a moment, but thinking that a year had passed on the main plane, and she didn't know how Wei and the others were doing, the eagerness to return still prevailed. She nodded and asked: "I need to do something. What?"

"Two things. The first thing is to provide a bridgehead for Helaishi to enter the Land of Bones, and the other is to assist me to resist the will of this plane for three days. I'm talking about the time of the main plane." Harasa said.

No matter which thing is very difficult, but in order to return to the main plane, Mesaka still reluctantly complied.

"Actually, the first thing is not as difficult as imagined. Usually, without the existence of a bridgehead, the Necromancers of Helaishi can forcibly lay down a territory with their strong strength, but it is only because of the strange phenomena in the Land of Bones. As a result, I couldn’t keep it.” Seeing Messaka’s distressed face, Harasa said in relief.

"Actually, the most important thing is the second thing, but after seeing your kingdom of God, I feel hopeful."

Mesaka nodded. The cemetery is just a projection building. Even if it is completely destroyed, it is worthwhile to return to the main plane. As long as the resources are sufficient, it can be rebuilt at any time.And according to the personalities of the Necromancers of Helaishi, if they really get to that point, they will definitely compensate her a lot, and Mesaka doesn't feel bad knowing that the other party is playing the idea of ​​​​his own kingdom of God.

What made Mesaka puzzled was another detail, "But if you persist for three days, then it means that after three days, you will have the means to stabilize yourself from the will of the plane?"

Harasa smiled and pointed to the top.

"Aya?" Mesaka was surprised. Although she guessed that the girl was very important to them, she didn't expect that she would be the center of the plan.

Afterwards, what Harasa said made Mesaka almost bite her tongue in surprise. Harasa said with a smile: "That girl is actually the manifestation of the will of the Spider Goddess."

"What!?" Messaka suddenly changed his face, frowned and looked at Harasa, and actually involved the Spider Goddess, so this time Helaishi is no longer as simple as building a small resource point, " Are you going to use the will of the Spider Goddess to replace the plane will of the Land of Bones? To replace the will of the plane of the Land of Bones with the will of a god who has only been born for a hundred years? Are you crazy or am I thinking wrong?"

Harasa shook his head, "I really admire your wisdom. This method is also the most feasible method that we have thought about for a long time. But you are wrong about one point. The will of the Spider Goddess is not limited to a hundred years. Because the will of the spider goddess is the will of the death law of the main plane, and compared to the almost instinctive will of the plane, the spider goddess is a higher-level existence, as long as we can persist for three days to protect Aya from all aspects Hack us and we'll succeed."

Mesaka's complexion became a little better. Although she had a good impression of Helaishi because she was taken care of by Helaishi in her previous life, it was not what she wanted to be crazy with them or even die because of it. She just wanted to return to the Lord. Plane and Wei reunited.

"You guys are really generous." Mesaka said with a wry smile.In this way, although it is not possible to say that the entire Boneland is in the hands of Heles, once the Spider Goddess successfully replaces the will of the plane of the Boneland, then the immortals of the entire plane will become the High Priestess of the Spider Goddess up.

Even though the undead in the Land of Bones believe in survival, which is incompatible with the beliefs of the Necromancers of Horace, in this way, Horace has the qualification to freely enter the Land of Bones to snatch resources.

In this way, the previous struggle for survival between the two planes has evolved into an internal resource struggle of the undead sect.The gap in this nature is enormous.

"Then, is Helaishi's preparations for the invasion almost complete?"

"Of course." Harasa nodded.

"Where is?" Messaka asked.

"Originally, it was decided to be my territory, Poison Cloud City, but in my opinion, your cemetery is more suitable than my Poison Cloud City."

Think about it too.Mesaka smiled wryly, "You really trust me..."

After the deal, Harasa was obviously in a good mood, "You want to return to the main plane, and only we can make your wish come true."

Mesaka shrugged and sat up straight, "It's a pleasant cooperation."

"Happy cooperation." Harasa seemed to want to smile gently, but now his Lich appearance still looks very gloomy.

"By the way, if this is the case, then Aya will stay with you. Although the adult has not yet awakened in order not to attract the attention of this plane's will, but if you can get Aya's favor, your future in the Land of Bones There will be more facets of action."

Before leaving, Harasa kindly reminded.In fact, this is also a mutually beneficial behavior. At present, in the Land of Bones, there is no place that is safer and more concealed than Mesaka's cemetery, the Kingdom of God.

The author has something to say:

Reveal it here.

In fact, what Wei has experienced in the past year is the plot of the dungeon forces (the race is mainly dark elves).Originally, I planned to write a dungeon journey with Wei as the main perspective, but if I write it this way, it will take me at least another 20 days to write until the two meet.So the plot here in the dungeon will be suppressed first.I'll write a supplement later when I have time.

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