Leaving the wasteland where the Castle of the Knights was located, Messaka embraced the blonde girl wrapped in her cloak in her arms. Occasionally encountered strange phenomena on the road, and Messaka covered the girl with her breath.

On the edge of a rock, Messaka stopped in his tracks, chanting obscure mantras incessantly, and the black mist around him turned into complicated lines and melted on the ground little by little.

After completing these arrangements, the girl in her arms opened her eyes, revealing a pair of indifferent and rare silver eyes.

Mesaka, who had already checked the girl's body, knew that the little girl in her arms was already an undead, with a strong death breath and negative energy accumulated in her body, she was probably a high-level necromancer.

"What's your name?" Probably the drowsiness effect on the girl hadn't completely passed, Messaka put down the girl, but the girl still couldn't stand up in her arms, and could only be half-held by Messaka.

The girl tried her best to pull the only black cloak covering her body, her voice was weak, "Aya."

Perhaps because of being an undead, the girl did not show any panic or panic, but looked at Mesaka suspiciously and asked, "Did you save me?"

Mesaka didn't answer, and the name Aya played around in her mind. She had been to Helaishi in her previous life, but she didn't find any impression from her memory. "You are bold enough to dare to come here alone if you are not in the legendary realm."

"..." Aya was silent for a while, and Mesaka, who had been detecting the other party's state, could even feel a flash of shyness, and then heard the other party explain blankly: "I am magic There were some mistakes in the experiment and they were summoned back..."

"..." Messaka rolled her eyes speechlessly. It takes a lot of rough nerves to turn summoning magic into anti-summoning magic.

At this time, a burst of green smoke exploded ten meters away, and a choking smell floated over. The black mist on Mesaka's body gently blocked the smell.And the one who came out of the green smoke was the Lich, Poison Cloud Harasa, who had just attended Ruth's banquet.

Holding a black witch staff, Harasa walked over slowly, the green ghostly fire in his eye sockets was burning, and his voice was hoarse and low, "Thank you for your cooperation, please give me this necromancer now, and you will have my eternal life." friendship."

It turned out that the Lich Harasa had asked Messaka to ask Ruth for this girl through sound transmission. Messaka didn't know that Ruth's Castle of the Knights had captured an outsider from Horace.

Mesaka glanced at the blond girl in her arms. The girl didn't show any reaction to being asked suddenly by others, and then she suddenly laughed ironically: "The friendship of a Lich, maybe Mr. Harasa is joking... ...."

Harasa, who was approaching, stopped abruptly, stared at Messaka quietly, and sighed after a while: "I can swear to the will of the plane with my real name, that I, Harasa, will never take the initiative to do anything to harm your interests. "

Messaka didn't make a sound, just looked at Harasa, Messaka's hand suddenly touched the neck of the blonde girl in his arms, this dangerous action caused the green light in the eyes of Harasa who was confronting Messaka.

However, in the next second, Messaka's finger just scratched the girl's neck, and finally placed it on the girl's shoulder, "It seems that Mr. Harasa is very concerned about this little girl named Aya."

Harasa suppressed his killing intent and stared at Mesaka coldly: "Tell me your conditions."

Messaka blinked, smiled slightly, with a dangerous look in his eyes, "Well, how about telling me how to defect from Boneland..."

Only after becoming Immortal Messaka did I realize how ridiculous the excuses I made back then were. No wonder "Knight" Ruth has always been skeptical of her. Immortals cannot survive leaving the Land of Bones and go to other planes. It will only lead to a slow loss of power until death.

However, in the previous life, Messaka learned from the Necromancers of Helaishi that their second councilor, Mr. Raggle, was once an immortal in the Land of Bones.

Messaka came to the Land of Bones to gain strength, she didn't want to stay in this kind of place forever, some people in the main plane were still waiting for her.

The green flames in Harasa's eye sockets swayed suddenly, tightly holding the witch staff in his hand, and countless green poisonous clouds spread to the surroundings, but they still only surrounded Mesaka, as if he had some fear and did not dare to make a real move.

The black mist wrapped around Mesaka's body enveloped the blond girl like water bubbles, and holding the girl in front of him, Harasa took back the poisonous cloud fearfully.

Mesaka breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. Although she didn't understand why the girl in her hand would make the other party pay so much attention, she still confirmed that this Harasa was the necromancer she had met in Heras in her previous life, the founder of Heras. Berks' most loyal follower, Raggle.

When Messaka met him at the banquet for the first time, he felt that Harasa's aura was a bit familiar, but he couldn't confirm it, but seeing the other party's important appearance now, it should be that Lager was right.It's just that the importance of the blond girl Aya is somewhat beyond her expectations. In Mesaka's impression, that Mr. Raggle only cares about the Berks plan. It seems that this Aya is very concerned about Berks. It was important, or important to some kind of plan Berkes had in mind.

"Mr. Harasa...well, maybe I should call you Mr. Raggle." Messaka said with a smile, the black mist surrounding him was constantly squirming, and a cold breath came from the opposite side of Harasa Emerge from the body and slowly spread out.

"Who are you?" Harasa asked coldly.

Mesaka's eyes flickered, but she finally chose to believe in the other party, believing that the other party was still the Mr. Raggle in her memory, and she made several handprints with her hands at a very fast speed, and then whispered, "Azarido. "

A few sigils appeared in the air, and they were lightly tapped by Messaka's fingers. They fell to the ground and touched Messaka's previous arrangement. Countless black breaths gushed out from the ground, covering the whole world.This is a means for Messaka to isolate others from probing.

After completely isolating this place from the outside world, Mesaka said: "People from the main plane."

When Mesaka suddenly made a big noise just now, Harasa didn't choose to do it. He saw that it was just a means of isolating from the outside world. After being a person from the main plane, Halasana was really surprised for a moment.

The green flame in Harasa's eyes shook, "I heard that Your Excellency owns a kingdom of God, maybe we can talk in it with more peace of mind."

Obviously, Harasa believed in Mesaka to a large extent, otherwise he would not have put himself in a space completely controlled by Mesaka.

For Harasa's courage and determination, Messaka gave a secret praise in his heart, and said with a smile: "Please."


For the first time since the projection, the cemetery welcomed guests who dared to walk in.In the hall of the city council, the two ghosts simply set up the tables and chairs and then retreated. The meeting between the undead no longer required serving tea and water like humans did.

Mesaka and Harasa sat opposite each other, and the blonde girl Aya was placed on the top floor to meditate. Although the body of the undead did not feel tired, it felt bad that the power could not be recovered.

As the master, Messaka first explained his situation to the other party under such an absolute advantage. Messaka only made some concealed changes in some details.He said that he was originally a mage who practiced necromancy on the main plane. He strayed into the Land of Bones while exploring the ruins. He didn't expect to get a breakthrough here and become an immortal. .

After hearing this, Harasa was also amazed at Mesaka's experience, "I never thought you could make a breakthrough in such a dangerous place, so what is this kingdom of God?"

"It was built by a certain artifact that I got by accident. It is all thanks to its blessing that I can be promoted safely. When Ruth found me, I hadn't made a breakthrough. Fortunately, she didn't dare to enter to investigate my reality." Recalling that time What happened back then, Mesaka is also interesting and fortunate now.

"Perhaps you will trust me more after seeing this." As he spoke, Messaka restrained the aura of the immortal, and the iris emblem at the corner of his eyes even disappeared into the skin, and the cold aura belonging to the dead gradually disappeared. After that, even the whole person looks brighter, giving people a feeling of vitality.

Mesaka in this state is extremely weak. If Harasa has evil intentions, Mesaka will not even have time to activate the laws of the Kingdom of God.

Harasa was surprised by this, "You actually retain the breath of life, your strength is far stronger than I imagined. But how can you be sure that I have a way to break free from the restrictions of the land of bones? We must know that we cannot Leaving the Land of Bones is the rejection of powerful immortals from other planes."

For an existence like immortals, it will take a long time to build a space-time tunnel, but the problem is that those who descend to other planes, especially the main plane, have extremely strong wills, and it is difficult to survive for a long time, just like outsiders Like coming to the Land of Bones.

Mesaka leaned back against the armchair, crossed her hands on her lap and said with a slight smile: "Actually, I know a little prophecy magic." Harasa believed it too.

Seeing that the other party was still hesitant, Messaka added another sentence: "I saw you cooperating with the necromancers of Horace planning something in the Bone Land, and I also saw Mr. Harasa appearing in Harasa Lhasa is known as Lagar."

Harasa's expression suddenly became agitated, and his hoarse and deep voice became a little hurried, "Then in the future you see, what is the ending of the thing we planned...how?"

Mesaka shook his head, showing a look of regret: "It didn't work out, I just saw that you became a Necromancer in Horace."

In fact, Messaka didn't even know what Helaishi did to the Land of Bones. She only heard about such a plan in her previous life. At that time, she only thought about how to resurrect Wei, and she didn't care about these things, but now It is nothing more than occupying the land of bones or establishing a resource point in the land of bones.

"How could the teacher's plan fail!?" Harasa, who had always looked gloomy and mysterious, lost his composure, and green flames suddenly rose from his body, but it took only a moment for Harasa to recover, and smiled apologetically at Mesaka Laughing, "I made you laugh."

Messaka waved his hand, "Don't worry...it's the way to get out of the Land of Bones..."

Thinking for a moment, Harasa pulled his stiff lips and smiled slightly, "I do have a way to escape from the Land of Bones, but this way must rely on the assistance of Helaishi... I think we can do it again. deal."

Messaka squinted his eyes, his smile remained unchanged, "I would like to hear more about it."

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