you are the strawberry flavor

Chapter 14 Girlfriend

Zhang Yuan suddenly felt dark in front of his eyes, and almost couldn't stop.

At that time, someone also posted a photo of him going to a gay bar on the forum, so he deliberately blocked the news and never saw it again.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?!"

"I thought you must know. Aren't you his friend? Besides, we have nothing to do with art majors. I just remembered..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhang Yuan had already thrown away the book, picked up the electric car key on the table and rushed out.

"No, brother Yuaner, where are you going? The exam is in the afternoon!"

Zhang Yuan turned a deaf ear and ran away from the door.

As soon as I left the dormitory, the wind was like a knife, and my face hurt.

Zhang Yuan paused on the spot for a while, and regained his composure.

When inserting the key into the electric car, he tried three times because his hands were shaking too much before he succeeded. Zhang Yuan wiped his face, took several deep breaths before he managed to regain his senses, started the car and rushed to the rental house.

You can't think about it, you must not think about it, right and wrong, you have to wait for Qi Shuyi to say it himself.

Qi Shuyi took a leave of absence for Christmas, and is currently preparing for Christmas at night in the rented house.

He is a person with a strong sense of ritual, and this kind of festival is the best medium for couples to express their feelings.

Looking down at the two pots of cactus in his hand, Qi Shuyi seemed to see Zhang Yuan grinning in disgust, couldn't help but smile, and put them on the coffee table.

When the door was opened, Qi Shuyi, who was sitting on the sofa playing with his mobile phone, was even taken aback for a moment. He knew that Zhang Yuan would take the last exam this afternoon, but he didn't expect him to come back at noon.

"Did something happen?"

Zhang Yuan walked into the room numbly, saw Qi Shuyi standing in the middle of the room wearing the home clothes he bought for him, couldn't help but shiver, silently took off the down jacket and put it on the hanger at the door, walked slowly come over.

Qi Shuyi was taken aback by his pale face, and hurriedly picked up the blanket on the sofa to wrap him up, and asked suspiciously, "Is it so cold outside?"

But Zhang Yuan grabbed his hand, swallowed with difficulty, and asked word by word: "You, have you kept anything from me?"

Qi Shuyi's face suddenly changed!

Almost at the same time, a great sadness welled up in Zhang Yuan's heart.

Having been together for more than half a year, he understands Qi Shuyi, this expression means there is.

"Listen to my explanation." Qi Shuyi's shoulders suddenly collapsed, and he stretched out his hand to pull Zhang Yuan away, but he threw it away.

"Okay, I'll listen to your explanation." Zhang Yuan endured the anger that almost collapsed in his heart, sat on the sofa and clenched his fists, and looked up at Qi Shuyi, "You are even engaged to provoke me?"

Zhang Yuan scratched his palms with his nails and kept telling himself to calm down, and he had to wait for Qi Shuyi to finish his sentence before reckoning with the big sin.

"The entire art major knows that you, Qi Shuyi, have a girlfriend who has been dating for several years! I was the last to know about it. You better explain it clearly, or I will beat you to death!"

That's what he said, but Zhang Yuan's heart was gloomy and uncertain.

Because he has clearly seen the essence.

Regardless of the explanation, the fact that Qi Shuyi is engaged and may be about to get married is equivalent to drawing a rest between them that is about to end.

Unless, the engagement doesn't exist, the wedding doesn't exist.

Qi Shuyi took Zhang Yuan's hand, knelt on one knee on the carpet and looked at him, fearing that he would walk away without listening to the explanation.

"I only cooperate with her in name, not in substance. I have never touched her."

"So?" Zhang Yuan wanted to cry when he heard it, and borrowed what Qi Shuyi said when he was angry with him, and said helplessly, "So your criterion for defining the relationship between a man and a woman is that you didn't touch her? Don't talk about those useless things, I just want to know about you How can a gay have a fiancée? Aren't you afraid of ruining the girl's life?"

"I'm gay, how could I harm other girls?" Qi Shuyi sighed helplessly, " just a friendly help, it won't affect our relationship."

"Wait a minute, I heard you right, what you mean is that the girl is willing to sacrifice her life's happiness and marry you without any plans?"

"It is." Qi Shuyi actually nodded seriously!

"What about me?" Zhang Yuan was stunned by this logic, "What am I when you are married?"

This also meant that Qi Shuyi had a girlfriend when she met him at the bar on the first day and had sex with him!This, this is so...

"I know it's unfair to you, but... I, I have to marry her..."

Zhang Yuan gasped immediately, feeling a little overwhelmed in his head.

Qi Shuyi's love for him is so clear, but she wants to marry someone else?

"During the summer vacation, you came back so late, didn't you just go to participate in the competition and busy with work? When you were talking on the phone with me, you were engaged to her?!"

Zhang Yuan couldn't bear his anger, and his voice became higher, but Qi Shuyi hurriedly suppressed his tendency to get up, and firmly held his hand.

"You should know how rare the opportunity to enter the exhibition is. Many people in the Academy of Fine Arts are worried about it. Someone wrote an anonymous letter and reported our matter to the school and the Artists Association."

"Sexual orientation is a matter of personal freedom. No one will really ask you for verification because of a letter, but as the influence of my works grows, the threat of this letter also increases..."

An endless report letter, but precisely because Qi Shuyi painted Zhang Yuan, left a doubt in people's hearts.

Homosexuality is not a crime, but there has never been less malice towards them in this world, and it will not sound good if it spreads. In order to prevent future public opinion troubles, the school and the Artists Association "suggest" Qi Shuyi to resolve it as soon as possible.

It is a suggestion, but it is actually an order. Although Qi Shuyi is a talent, the most indispensable thing in the Meixiehe school is talent.

"The United States Union School is still second. The matter has reached my dad. He can't accept the fact that I'm with a"

Qi Shuyi reached out and tentatively hugged Zhang Yuan in his arms. Seeing that he was not struggling, he breathed a sigh of relief, and slowly tightened his arms.

"I really can't help it... Zhang Yuan, you believe me, I only love you, can you forgive me?"

Zhang Yuan's gaze was blank for a moment, and his heart hurt so badly that he couldn't even smile. He unlocked the phone with trembling hands, pulled out the photos on the forum, and held them up in front of him.

In the photo, it was clear that Qi Shuyi hugged and kissed a gentle girl.

"You love me but you can kiss her? Qi Shuyi, do you know that you are cheating? Do you know that I have become the mistress in your marriage!"

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