"Priest, apart from last year, have there been any unusual changes in the previous cold winter?" Su Yao went in through the gate and asked directly to the priest who was enjoying the shade in the courtyard.

The priest stroked his beard and thought for a while: "Except for the extra long winter last year, there is no difference from previous years."

Su Yao frowned and counted quickly with his fingers, but no matter how he did the calculation, the result was the same.

"Think again." Su Yao's voice was deeper than usual: "I suspect that this year's cold winter will be more difficult than last year."

The priest sat up straight suddenly: "The emissary said that this year's cold winter is longer than last year?"

The cold winter is an extremely terrible test for the human race in the Great Wilderness Mountains. If they are not careful, the whole tribe will disappear. The fear of the cold winter is engraved in their bones.

"More than that," Su Yao said with serious eyes, "This year's cold winter may be colder than before, and it may even be so cold that it threatens our tribe."

Judging from the current equipment in the tribe, the degree of coldness last year was nothing at all.But the way of heaven is still warning, so it can only prove that this year's cold is extraordinary.

The calculations in Su Yao's hands still haven't stopped. His current cultivation base is only one barrier away from the seventh level of Qi training, but he still can't understand the trend of the world three months later.

He remembered reading the records of the cultivation world when he was young. According to the monks, the origin was turbulent, the secrets of heaven were deceived, and the way of heaven itself could not predict the future, let alone the human race bound by the way of heaven.

Su Yao once tried to explain it with scientific methods.It is that the world's operation has been disturbed in some way, resulting in changes in climate and magnetic field.

This year's cold winter is likely to become extremely cold for some reason and pose a threat to people living in the Great Barren Mountains.

The priest stroked his beard up and down, and his mind fell into memories. He suddenly remembered the neglected place: "In this way, I remembered some differences. The most obvious thing is that the cold winter more than 20 years ago was not as cold as it is now. There will be far fewer migrating animals in the cold winter than now."

Animals living in the wild are most sensitive to climate change, and as winters get colder, more and more animals migrate.

And because the animals migrated too much, the number of prey that could be caught in the forest decreased, so food shortages were caused when the tribe was in the tribe, and there were more and more cases of starvation and freezing to death.

The priest suddenly woke up: "The decline of Huangping also began at that time, could it be..."

Su Yao is already certain that the Great Wilderness Mountains have encountered the 'Little Ice Age', a common climate change in geology.

The Little Ice Age did not last long, usually about 20 to 30 years.The most typical feature is that the temperature drops, the food production decreases, causing famine and wars for food.

The most recent Little Ice Age in the modern age where Su Yao lived was five or six hundred years ago, and the people at the bottom of the time revolted because they were hungry and poor and could not survive, which eventually caused the decline of the entire dynasty and was forced to change the dynasty.

Obviously, today's Great Wilderness Mountains will also enter the coldest period. If they can't make it through, they will also starve to death and freeze to death.

"Then how should we deal with it?" The priest was obviously panicked.

Su Yao sprinkled a touch of spiritual power towards the priest, and after stabilizing his emotions, he said slowly: "We still have more than three months, don't worry."

What he thought was that Tiandao's warning might not be that simple.

Su Yao couldn't help but rejoice that there are still three months left, and he can still do a lot of things.

A dark letter bird flies into the sky, bringing news to Zhongli who is thousands of miles away.

And the people of God's Blessing Tribe gathered in the big field again. This time, Su Yao and the priest's expressions were not relaxed.

"The priest and I received a message from the gods that bad luck will come this winter, and the God Blessed Tribe must prepare for it." Su Yao's voice was convincingly calm: "From today onwards, everyone will be arranged by me and the priest." Let’s get through this difficult time together.”

Although everyone didn't know what would happen in the future, they had no doubts about the mission of Su Yao and the old priest.

"Starting from today, the vegetables grown in the field will be harvested as quickly as possible to make dried vegetables, which will be preserved by each family. The immature grains will be fertilized to speed up the ripening time."

"Three days later, the tribe will plan and plant the land in a unified way. I hope you will hurry up and complete the harvesting task." Su Yao made arrangements.

Now the fields planted by each family are divided after harvesting potatoes and sweet potatoes. It has been about two months, and although the vegetables planted have not yet grown up, they are already edible.

Su Yao plans to use all these lands, and then plant sweet potatoes again, and in order to save resources reasonably and effectively, he will plant all sweet potatoes this time.

Compared with potatoes and ground roots, the vines of sweet potatoes can be eaten, which can save more vegetable reserves in the tribe. The fresh and tender vines of sweet potatoes can be directly used as dried vegetables, and the old vines can also feed the cattle, sheep and horns of the tribe. horse.

And Su Yao quickly gave birth to a batch of early-maturing sweet potato seedlings that mature in summer. The growth cycle of early-maturing sweet potatoes in summer is about 110 to 120 days.

Its birthing saves time in the seedling raising period and can be planted directly, so that another batch of summer-ripe sweet potatoes can be harvested before the cold winter arrives.

The entire tribe, including more than 3 slaves, went out early and returned late at the same time. It took seven days to plant tens of thousands of acres of wasteland with sweet potatoes.

This was not enough. Immediately afterwards, the people in the tribe were divided into two teams. The first team was led by Suya and Wuhe to collect in the distant mountains and forests. The resources in the forests around the tribe have become saturated. Ecological imbalance.

The other couple, under the leadership of Xilou and the priest, rushed to burn green bricks day and night, and Su Yao wanted to build a city wall before the cold winter.

This city wall is not only to resist the cold, but also to prevent various dangers caused by the cold.

Fortunately, Su Yao had this plan before, and the brick kiln had been stockpiling bricks for building the city wall, but now he just advanced this plan.

Stone led the soldiers to pick black mud fruits overnight, and the construction of the city wall was on the agenda.

The God Blessed Tribe is located like an irregular "concave", surrounded by mountains on three sides and facing the wide plain, the wide river seems to add a touch to the periphery of the "concave", becoming a natural protective barrier .

What Su Yao has to do is to build a defensive wall and set up a checkpoint at the opening of the word 'concave'.

The city wall plays a defensive role, and it doesn't need to be too long or too high. The checkpoint is the most important thing.

Once outsiders dare to invade the tribe, the checkpoint is the first line of defense they face, and it is also the most powerful guarantee for the stability of the tribe.

The construction of the level is like building an enlarged house. Everyone in the God Blessed Tribe has a lot of experience in building such a building, so it is very fast to build.

And the black mud fruit on the mountain has been picked halfway up the mountain, which shows how many large green bricks and adhesives were used to build the level.

All the wildebeests and wild bulls in the tribe took action, pulling the heavy wooden cart full of big green bricks between the tribe and the checkpoint, and even the well-bred big rams were put on the cart frame, The boys in their teens lead the delivery of food and drink to those who build the checkpoint.

After five or six days of busy work, Su Ya and the others who went out to collect came back and brought abundant resources in the mountain forest.

The material reserves this time were the same as last year, they were not picky at all, and they collected everything they could eat.

During the collection process, they strictly followed Su Yao's rules to take six and keep four at most, and they would not go to the places they have been to for a second time in a short period of time.

After everyone has been busy for more than ten days, the foundation of the level has been completely laid, and the next step is the process of laying bricks a little bit. At this time, part of the manpower can be divided.

Su Yao had other arrangements for this part of the staff. Due to the emergency, the classes in the school were temporarily suspended, and Chu Shu had been taking care of the construction of the checkpoint.

And Shitou and the others had collected enough black mud fruits, Su Yao ordered Shito to take these people who had spared time to the Huangshui tribe.

The fruit of the gray cotton tree planted in the tribe is about to mature. There are still many kapok trees in the former Huangshui tribe that have not been transplanted, and now it is time to harvest.

What the stone has to do is to pick these ripe fruits as soon as possible, lest the fruits rot and lose a batch of heat preservation materials in vain.

Shitou followed Su Yao and the others to the Huangshui tribe, so Su Yao felt at ease with him.

At this time, even though everyone was working hard to build the city walls and checkpoints, Su Yao still felt that the time was a little tight and the manpower was not enough.

Moreover, the sweet potatoes that have been planted have grown buds, and the corn that has been planted before is already knee-high. It is time to take care of the vines and hoe the ground.

Manpower has become the most scarce resource in the tribe now.

Fortunately, the people who went out to collect came back to the tribe with the second batch of rich supplies. Su Yao simply allocated some of the people who collected them to take care of the crops in the field.

And those six or seven-year-old boys were also arrested, and each carried a small backpack to the mountains and plains to cut grass, and assumed the responsibility of raising livestock.

Everyone in the tribe has their own work to do, except Su Yao, who is still studying this blueprint.

It was a design drawing of a wooden boat, and the data was accurately marked in every place. Su Yao believed that as long as there were enough materials and manpower, the big boat could be perfectly reproduced after careful study for a period of time.

He vaguely felt that Tiandao's intention to remind him was not just for God to bless the tribe.Contacting the task assigned to him by Tiandao, Su Yao felt that Tiandao's ultimate goal was to let him keep more people in this ice and snow disaster.

So he wanted to test whether his idea was right or not, but due to traffic restrictions, the rescue time on land was too late to achieve better results.

And the calm big river outside the tribe can completely carry the road on the water.

If you go all the way down the river bank, Su Yao is [-]% sure that he can find the tribe and rescue him.

The blueprint of the wooden boat has been studied countless times. This time, the time was too short for the carpenters to discover and experiment with various data by themselves. Su Yao had to lead the carpenters to build quickly.

Dozens of carpenters obviously couldn't meet the needs of shipbuilding, so all the blacksmiths had to be dispatched to help.

These carpenters have the habit of stockpiling a large amount of wood. A kind of wood called 'iron wood' is extremely hard, and it is very suitable for the skeleton of the ship.

The parts and performance of the ship are different, and the materials used are also different. The most indispensable thing in the Great Wilderness Mountains is various tree resources.

In order to save time, Su Yao sneaked into the forest overnight to collect a large number of trees with spiritual power, and came back before dawn to continue building the ship.

The author has something to say:

Hollowed out jpg Thank you Baoer for your support, good night!

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