The priest was speechless. What Su Yao was talking about was his hidden ambition. If he could stand on a high place and look at the mountains where countless generations of ancestors have been buried, he would be willing to pay some price.

"Okay, everyone has gone away, and we should go home." Su Yao casually gave birth to two melon seedlings and handed one to the priest: "Let Ah Huo find a soil pit and plant them, and we can eat them tomorrow." Fragrant and sweet big cantaloupe."

The priest pouted and shook his head aside: "You plant it yourself, and leave me a melon tomorrow."

Su Yao looked at this arrogant old man, knowing that he was still arguing about his ambition, so he smiled and coaxed: "OK, OK, I'll pick a big one for you tomorrow."

The two walked to the gate of the tribe. Su Yao looked at the slowly flowing river in the distance, and the long-conceived plan suddenly came to his mind.

"I'm going to catch some fish by the river, grandpa priest, you go back first?"

The priest raised his eyelids and looked at Su Yao, and after a long while he replied: "You seldom eat when Zhong Li is not around, and now you are catching fish. Can I trust you, old man? If you have something to say, maybe I can do it." How about a few words?"

Knowing that his excuses were seen through, Su Yao was not annoyed, and continued to ask the priest cheekily, "Priest, do you know if there are any tribes in the lower reaches of the river?"

The priest nodded: "There is a tribe called 'Shiyuan'. I went there once with the old priest when I was young, but the mountains are too high and too far away from our tribe."

Su Yao continued to ask: "Did this river pass through that tribe? Is the downstream of this river as smooth as what we see now?"

The priest seemed to be aware of Su Yao's thoughts, wanted to persuade but held back, and only carefully replied: "The river I've seen flows not very far, and it only took more than two months in one trip back then, but according to As far as I know, it's not much different, it's all so slow and calm."

The priest's eyes were full of respect for the great river that raised his tribe.

Su Yao, on the other hand, put his eyes on the river, and did not look back for a long time.

The weather cools down in the morning and evening, and the tribe has not organized men to go hunting together this year. Some people have no fresh meat to eat, and their mouths get hungry after a long time.

When Yunshan saw that the weather was not so hot, she made the dried meat she made at home into snacks. The flexible and chewy dried meat was wrapped in spicy vegetables and pepper powder. It tasted spicy and spicy, and it was very appetizing.

She tried to take out the dried meat and exchange it for vegetables and fruits in the tribe. She had just moved to the yard not long ago, and the vegetables she planted hadn’t grown yet.

Unexpectedly, jerky was very popular among the tribe, and a jar of jerky was exchanged in less than half a day.

And Yunshan also harvested vegetables such as cabbage, rapeseed, and big leafy vegetables, as well as various fruits such as pears, peaches, and wild grapes picked from the mountain.

Seeing that jerky is so popular, Yunshan is idle anyway, so she simply followed the example of carpenters and opened a shop at home to exchange for some things she lacked.

It didn't take long for Yunshan to harvest a lot of food, and even brought a lot of benefits to the families who often sent meat to her.

Su Yao looked at Yunshan's small shop and felt that human thoughts and social changes are sometimes surprisingly unified. This shop is the most primitive version of self-employed.

Su Yao found it interesting because he simply picked five clever slaves and taught them for a few days, and then he personally invested in the purchase of a large yard in the tribe.

During this period, he asked someone to give him the blueprint and let him quietly decorate the yard for a few days. The five slaves also bought a lot of goods from different places, including meat, seasoning, vegetables and fruits, and snacks from the tribe. None.

I also specially ordered cloth and ready-made clothes from the old people in the tribe who are good at weaving and tailoring, and put them in the shop for sale.

More than ten days later, a sign was quietly hung up in a large yard not far from the big market, with the words 'God Bless Department Store' written on it, flying around and looking very proud.

Two slaves in uniforms stood guard at the gate, and behind a half-person-high wooden counter stood a steward holding an abacus.

There were curious people who wanted to go into the store. They tried to go in without any obstacles, and there were two people inside who thoughtfully led them around and answered their full of questions.


There are three completely unobstructed rooms in the yard, and the things in each room are different. Vegetables and fruits occupy the middle room, and all kinds of meat occupy the largest space.

The remaining wooden products and iron tools occupied the room at the other end. The dazzling array of food tools and all kinds of novelties left everyone dumbfounded.

In less than an hour, the news that the God Envoy opened a department store in the tribe spread completely.

Everyone took their extra things and ran to exchange them. On the way, everyone looked at the partners who had the same purpose as their own, and thought they had to fight again to get what they wanted.

Unexpectedly, when they arrived at the entrance of the department store, everyone lined up honestly, orderly without fighting or grabbing, and there was no expected chaos at all.

Su Yao watched everyone's reactions with satisfaction. He had a fist-sized ball of light in his hand, and the radiant light enveloped the department store and the open space in front of him.

All kinds of magic circles are engraved in the light, but they have no other effect, they are all magic formulas for calming one's mind, stabilizing one's emotions, and clearing one's mind.

And the effect of this light sphere is as Su Yao expected, it is really perfect for controlling the current scene.

The affairs of the department store were handed over to the slaves, and Su Yao only needed to conduct inspections from time to time and check the accounts reported by the slaves.

Now that the busy farming season in the tribe has passed, Su Yao dropped some of his staff and continued to burn bricks in the brick kiln. Whether it is small bricks for building houses or specially customized large green bricks, he must hurry up and burn them.

On the other hand, the land reclamation has not stopped. Thousands of slaves owned by the tribe have to reclaim new wasteland every day, and then plant these wastelands with crops.

The three-month period of the autumn harvest season is not short, and the plant growth cycle of most melons, fruits and beans is within three months.Su Yao provided all kinds of seeds, and the newly reclaimed wasteland was planted with mung beans, soybeans and other beans that matured quickly.

There are also pumpkins, wax gourds, pumpkins, corbel melons, snake melons and other climbing vine melons. These melons have a unified feature that they can grow and knot, and the long melons are big and easy to preserve.

Take the most common pumpkin in the north as an example. As long as there is enough space, a large plant can spread a large area, and the resulting large pumpkin weighs dozens of catties.

However, if the pumpkin is not injured and placed in a dry and cool place, it will not go bad for more than a month. The fried meat is delicious and sweet.

There are also all kinds of vegetables that are resistant to pickling and good storage. No matter whether they can mature before the cold winter, they can be eaten as long as the seedlings emerge. If they can’t be eaten, they can be pickled with salt water to make pickles. Anyway, there is no shortage of salt in the tribe now. , Put more salt and pickles are less likely to spoil.

All the things in the tribe are going on in an orderly manner. Su Yao also checked all kinds of materials stored in the cellar. Things like rice and salt are strictly guarded and protected with keys. Basically, only Regular inspections are required.

Foods such as potatoes and sweet potato roots that need to be stored at low temperature and turned regularly will be checked every once in a while, and the moldy and rotten ones will be picked out and cleaned out.

Su Yao always felt restless today. At first he thought it was because he was not used to being away from Zhong Li for a long time, but as his mood became restless, he realized that it might have something to do with the Dao of Heaven.

After inspecting the resources stored in the cellar, Su Yao immediately returned to his yard and sprinkled a glass of fruit wine against the blue sky, then took out yarrow and threw it on the table.

This is the oldest divination algorithm. As for the fruit wine, Su Yao just wanted to bribe the old man who brought him to this continent.

The yarrow stalks whirled on the table without wind and refused to fall.

At this time, Su Yao's inner irritability has been reduced a lot, it seems that everything is just his imagination.

But he quickly realized that this situation meant that his premonition had nothing to do with him.

Su Yao's expression changed, could it be that something happened to Zhong Li?

But when he parted, he put three barriers on Zhongli's body, and he didn't feel that the barriers were broken at the moment.

Moreover, the two temporarily concluded a temporary contract, and the contract did not respond abnormally.

Isn't it Zhongli?

There was a breeze blowing in the yard, as if to praise Su Yao's cleverness.

Su Yao calmed down completely at this time, he understood that Tiandao was giving him some kind of reminder again, but this reminder made him a little confused now.

All kinds of hints are undoubtedly closely related to him, but this relationship is not absolutely close, besides Zhongli, who else?

Su Yao eliminated everyone he knew now one by one, but after a round of elimination, there was no suitable candidate.

The breeze whirled and gradually turned into a strong wind, and Su Yao's hair was blown wildly in the air.Obviously the old man Tiandao was dissatisfied with his slowness, and the friendly reminder was almost irritable.

"Stop blowing it up, you'll be bald if you blow it again." Su Yao murmured, "There are only a few people I have a good relationship with, and I've ruled it out several times, but it's wrong. Are they all there?"

The strong wind stopped for a moment strangely, and then slammed into Su Yao's face fiercely, blowing him soberly that he woke up.

How could he have forgotten that in this barbaric world, apart from many people who had close ties with him, God's Blessed Tribe itself had the closest ties with him.

In other words, apart from Zhongli, his future partner, God's Blessed Tribe is everything he is closely related to.

The strong wind blowing against his face turned into a gentle breeze again, it gently brushed over Su Yao's hair, bringing a little coolness.

Su Yao's face darkened. Given the current situation of the God Blessed Tribe, there are only two possibilities for something to happen, either a plague or an earthquake.

If it is a plague, it is unlikely that a plague will occur under the current situation.The Great Wilderness Mountains are a complete mountain range system, and without major turmoil such as the collapse of the earth's crust and the collapse of the mountains, earthquakes will not easily occur here.

So where is the problem?

Su Yao took out three glasses of fruit wine again, and seriously sprinkled them in the air.Then take out 6 yarrow roots and sprinkle them on the ground with spiritual power.

The yarrow fell slowly to the ground and remained still.

Su Yao breathed a sigh of relief, as long as the yarrow can still show the hexagram, then things will not be as difficult as imagined.

The yarrow gathers towards the north, scattered but not chaotic, not related to each other but not far apart.

Su Yao quickly flashed through various divination images in his mind, and then found the corresponding annotations one by one.

Divination is not static, and the real secret cannot be deduced by rote memorization.

Only by combining the current actual situation can the most favorable judgment be drawn.

Half an hour later, a word 'cold' fell on the pen, and Su Yao frowned and got up and went to the priest's courtyard.

The author has something to say:

Quietly put an update, it's a bye this week, I have to save myself on Saturday.So if there is no accident, there will be two updates every day, thank you for your support, don't fatten me up this week!love you guys

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