"Captain, Daqi's family gave birth to a girl."

As soon as Shi Shi finished reading the news brought back by Xinniao, his soldiers ran over to announce the good news, saying that another child had been added to the tribe.

Since the food in the tribe was abundant and everyone lived a good life, more and more women in the tribe were pregnant.

The earliest ones have now been born one after another, and soldiers follow the old people who deliver babies every day to record the conditions of the mothers and children.

Then register in the register according to the requirements of the envoy, and use it as a household registration for the residents in the tribe.

New lives were born in the tribe one after another, and they all survived intact. This is a great joy for everyone.

Even the young Shitou showed a smile, and he ordered his subordinates: "According to the rules set by the envoy, send them thirty wild bird eggs and twenty catties of meat."

"Yes, Captain!" The soldier left happily.

Manpower is the foundation of the development of the tribe. Su Yao has established subsidies for newborns early on, including savage eggs and meat for mothers, extra holidays for children's families, and free physical examinations for newborns.

In this way, even young couples with little savings can boldly have children, and the tribe will subsidize a certain amount of food for the children every month according to the situation.

Spring brings the breath of life germination, coupled with the addition of the Xihe Tribe, the Divine Blessing Tribe is about to usher in the opportunity for a large increase in the number of newborns.

After Shitou dealt with this matter, he hurried to find Wuhe and the others. According to the news brought by the bird, the team participating in the rally would return soon. During this period, they had to prepare some houses in advance.

There are still many idle houses in the tribe. You only need to clean and ventilate in advance, and then install windproof cotton cloth and animal skin curtains to move in.

At this time, in Yunshui, which is not too far away from the Shenyou tribe, after receiving the news from the leader, the second leader, Yunyang, immediately called the tribe members together according to the order of the leader, and explained the situation overnight. Prey that cannot be taken away is slaughtered and marinated into jerky.

Then all the people packed their bags as a family, took food and tents needed for the journey, and hurriedly left the tribe where they had lived for many years.

The person who came back to make an interrogation was exhausted from the long journey, and passed out after passing only a general message. Yunyang simply sent a strong warrior to carry him forward.

The messenger slept for a whole day and night, and didn't wake up until the next night, while Yunyang and many worthy warriors in the tribe had been waiting for a long time.

It wasn't until the messenger explained the reason for the migration in detail that Yunyang himself knew the danger involved. If they hesitated a little longer, they might suffer disaster when the cubs from the Long Snake tribe came back.

After knowing the situation, Yunyang took the tribe members on a journey day and night, and at the same time, he did not forget to erase the traces they left, for fear that the people of the Long Snake tribe would catch up.

In the team that also returned to the tribe, Yunshan was also worried, because she was afraid that her fellow tribe would encounter some troubles and would not be able to reach the God Blessed Tribe on time.

However, such worries were quickly diluted by the scene in front of him.

After 20 consecutive days of rushing, they finally came out of the endless mountains.

After turning over the tallest mountain and turning the corner, a huge plain appeared in front of them. The wide avenue on the plain was like a long carefully woven rope, and the other end of the rope was tied to the God Blessed Tribe.

The weeds on the plain are in full bloom, and a few tall tents are set up in the middle of the lodging weeds, and chubby lambs are gnawing on the weeds leisurely.

"It's so beautiful!" Yunrou murmured standing beside Chu Shan.

Chu Shan responded: "Yes, this is what I told you, the way back."

There are at least a thousand lambs. If you have sharp eyes, you will find that the lambs are of different breeds, and there are more than a dozen strong young bulls in them.

"Everyone, work harder and try to get back to the tribe before midnight." Su Yao understood that they were anxious to go home after being away from the tribe for a long time, so he didn't talk about resting on the plain for one night before going back.

"Yes, my lord envoy!" The soldiers roared loudly.

When the warriors shepherding the sheep on the plain heard the movement, they hurried out of their tents to watch.

Seeing the very familiar totem floating in mid-air, Lao Yuan knew that his family had returned. He didn't even care about catching up with the sheep, so he ran to meet him.

"Master God Envoy, God Son~"

Running in the front is Dashan's nephew A Luo, who is also 17 years old now, tall and strong, and works very quickly, he is the little leader of this group of sheep-herding soldiers.

"This kid is really clever." The priest smacked his lips: "The eyes are also very bright."

Su Yao raised his eyebrows and glanced at the vinegar jar walking beside him, but made no comment.The weather has been so hot these two days, he doesn't want to be woken up in the middle of the night by someone pressing him against the heat.

Finally running to the front, A Luo saluted Su Yao and the others excitedly: "I have seen Mr. God Envoy, Mr. Zhongli, and Mr. Priest. You are finally back. The rice in the field is almost ripe!"

Immediately after the exchange of pleasantries, Ah Luo sent a few people to guard the tent and the sheep, and he followed them back to the tribe.

In the forest in the distance, there was a long howl of wolves at this time, followed by the wolves' responses one after another, as if they were conveying some news.

There were so many wailing voices that the soldiers couldn't help martial law, for fear that the wolves would make some trouble.

But Su Yao and Zhong Li knew very well that this was the wolves celebrating their return.

"Speaking of the wolves, the wolves have helped us a lot since you left." Ah Luo said excitedly when he heard the voice of the wolves: "I don't know why the wild bears in the woods went crazy in the middle of the night. We ran into the sheepfold to steal sheep, but we didn’t even notice.”

"It was the roar of the wolves that alarmed the flock of sheep, so we ran out to have a look, only to find that the wild bear was only 10 meters away from the sheep pen." A Luo said more and more vigorously:

"For some reason, the wolves in the mountains have been quite noisy recently. When I went up the mountain a few days ago, I found that the wolves were driving a group of wild sheep to the tribe. I just asked me to pick up a cheap one and shoot two wild sheep to death. sheep."

Everyone couldn't help being amazed when they heard his words. Only Su wanted to look at A Luo, as if looking at a small animal, "A smart and soft little sheep, isn't it the favorite animal of the flock."

On the way back to the city, the footsteps were extremely eager, and I returned to the tribe an hour less than expected.

Everyone in the tribe was already waiting in the open space outside, and there was a lot of noise when everyone met.

The storage cellars in the tribe have been cleaned, Su Yao and Zhongli are going to record the supplies, Chu Shan leads people to sort the exchanged materials and move them to the cellar, Qing Shui takes the soldiers to resettle the wildebeests.

And everyone in the Yunshui Tribe was so shocked by what they saw along the way that they felt ashamed, and they didn't even know where to put their hands and feet.

Yun Shan rubbed the corner of his clothes nervously: "Priest, is this really our tribe?" This is much better than those so-called big tribes.

Everyone is busy at the moment, only the priest and the people from the Yunshui tribe are idle.

The priest nodded proudly: "This is all thanks to the envoy of the gods. Since he came, the tribe has changed every day. I never thought that I could see the tribe like this before I died. "

"God's envoy..." Yunshan couldn't help but softly said, "Could it be that he is really the envoy sent by the gods?"

An inexplicable light flashed in the eyes of the priest: "If you believe in him, then he is the incarnation of the gods. If you don't believe it, then he is just like you and me, the descendants of the gods."

"I believe." What he saw and heard along the way was enough for Yunshan to discover all kinds of extraordinary things about Su Yao, and also convinced him that his choice was not wrong.

"We believe it too." "Yes."

"No one in witch blood can be as powerful as an angel."

"Still so kind and gentle, like a god."

Everyone in the Yunshui Tribe echoed Yunshan's words. In their eyes, Su Yao was the best witch blood they had ever seen.

Soon all the materials were filed, and Su Yao walked towards the crowd with a smile on his lips: "Zhongli is still busy with something, I will take everyone to take a look at the place where you live."

Yun Shan bowed her head in thanks: "Thank you for the envoy of God."

"You're welcome, we will all be clan members from now on, as it should be." Su Yao led the way ahead, and the people from the Yunshui tribe quickly followed.

They stepped on the clean street, their minds were so dizzy that they didn't even know where to look.

In the yard on the left are tender and raw vegetables and fruits, and they have eaten many similar ones along the way.

Fresh dried meat hangs under the eaves on the right, and the quality is the best.

There is also the huge pool at the end of the road. The water flow is clear and clean. Even though the light at night is not very bright, they can still see the water in the pool flowing into the distance along the neat ditches.

"Isn't this the Kingdom of God?" The people of the Yunshui Tribe thought in a daze, how could such a beautiful tribe appear here?

Su Yao led people to the house that Shi Shi led and cleaned. The curtains had been installed, the house was cleaned, and the table, wooden chairs and other furniture were carefully placed in the house.

Su Yao casually opened the door of the first house and signaled everyone to go in: "There are still some tribesmen who have not come, and the number of remaining houses is too large, so everyone squeezes together first. Wait for two days to finish the work in hand." Build a house again."

"Thank you, Master Angel, this is already very good." Even if Yunshan is the leader of the clan, she has lived for so many years and today is considered an eye-opener.

"There are only two kangs in the room, everyone may have to sleep on the floor first." Su Yao opened the door one by one to introduce them.

Yun Rou covered her mouth and smiled lightly: "I'm going to sleep on the ground anyway, it's so hot today, it's so cool for everyone to sleep on the ground."

"That's right, Sister Rou is right." The girls followed suit: "It's agreed, our girls will sleep in this room, and you will sleep in the other room."

"It doesn't have to be all crowded here." Su Yao laughed: "There are more than 30 houses like this, and everyone can live in it. As for the rest, I will let Chu Shan come to let you know. If you don't understand anything, you can ask him."

The people who had been on the road for so many days roughly allocated a room, then hugged their bedding and hurriedly fell asleep, and it was dawn by this time.

Everyone knows that there are exhausted warriors returning from the journey in the tribe, so it was quiet all morning, until the sound of the buffalo drum at nine o'clock, there was no movement in the tribe.

Under the sunshine in the morning, the crops in the field are growing luxuriantly.

The rice in the paddy fields has turned yellow and it is time to harvest.

The author has something to say:

Ah, it's late today, everyone tap lightly, thank you Baoer for your watering, I love you all.

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