The Dahuang Mountains will usher in a rainy season every May. During the rainy season, there will be intermittent rain for about half a month, bringing water to the dry land in late spring.

The members of the Huangping tribe who have lived here for a long time also realized that the rainy season is coming, and they rushed to get back the potatoes in the field, otherwise the overripe potatoes would be soaked in water and even germinate when it rained.

Every family piled up a pile of firewood in the firewood room, turned out the quilts and clothes at home, washed them and dried them, and prepared for the rainy season.

The priest leaned on his crutches and looked at the gloomy sky in the mountains. The strong wind blowing from the river made him stagger, and Ah Huo helped him to stand still.

"The old people often say that the sky in May and June is the face of a baby, and it changes as soon as it changes. This year's day seems to be more powerful." The priest muttered to himself.

A long howl of wolves sounded in the forest in the distance, and it was the wolf king who was summoning his subjects.

The wolves, like the Huangping tribe, also have the habit of stockpiling food, and they want to take advantage of the last large-scale hunting before the rainy season.

The last time I heard such a big reaction from the wolves was before the cold winter, and the result was that the cold winter was more than a full month longer than usual.

"The wolf king also noticed that something was wrong. It seems that this rainy season is in trouble again." The priest turned to Ah Huo and said, "Go find the envoy."

Su Yao and Zhongli were also observing the weather. Through astrology and I Ching divination, coupled with their keener perception of the surrounding environment, they realized that there must be heavy rain and floods in this rainy season.

The Huangping tribe is located in a very good location, far from the river bed, and the terrain is also high.The swell of the river will not pose much danger to the tribe.

Most of the mountains behind the tribe are solid stones that will not collapse easily.

The only worry is that the flood water washed down from the mountain will flow into the tribe.

Su Yao took this into consideration when planning the new tribal housing, and what everyone has to do now is to dig a flood discharge dam on both sides of the tribe.

"My lord, the priest has come to look for you." Ah Huo knocked lightly on the outside of the gate.

"I'll go and open the door." Zhong Li put down the bamboo slips in his hand and turned around to welcome the priest in.

"God envoy, this rainy season may be more troublesome." Before he could sit still, the priest was the first to express his calculation.

"I think so too." Su Yao drew two sandy lines with a long stick on the simple sand table: "There are a lot of stones in the river, let the people in the tribe take the time to move some stones to both sides of the tribe, let's build the embankment. "

"Okay, I'll go get ready." The priest who had a breakthrough in witchcraft was healthier than ever, and there were more things he could do to help Su Yao.

The rapid sound of the wild cowhide drum sounded, and everyone gathered in the big field.

Su Yao briefly explained the situation of the rainy season and their measures to deal with the rainy season. Everyone hurriedly drove the bulls and horned horses to the wooden cart to transport stones into the river.

Su Yao's main purpose of building the embankment is to dredge the mountain torrents, so there is no need to build it as strong as a large dam.

It is only necessary to artificially open a shallow river ditch in the place where the torrent may flow under the ravine, and then pour the pebbles in the weak place where the torrent may overflow.

It just so happens that the soil dug out of the ditch can be piled up on both sides to make an earth dam, and it can also be used to fill the gaps in the stones.

The bulls and horned horses and the wooden carts pulled by manpower are all filled with big stones in one's arms, which tightly surround the tribe.

A shallow ditch under the ravine flows towards the tidal flats in the distance.The ditches are also carefully dug. If they are too shallow, they will not be able to divert water. If they are too deep, the flood will wash away the soil on both sides and cause collapse. It is better not to dig.

Based on the geographical environment of the Huangping tribe, a river depth of about one meter is sufficient.

More than 6000 people from the tribe rushed to work day and night, and finally tidied up the embankment when the rainy season came.

With the breeze blowing and the rain mixed in, everyone braved the drizzle to mow grass everywhere in the mountains and forests, and store food for the wildebeest and bulls in the rainy season.

Fortunately, there are fresh and tender weeds everywhere on the plains that have not yet been reclaimed. It is very interesting for everyone to mow the grass together.

After two consecutive days of strong winds, the rainy season came quietly.

First, the fine light rain fell for a whole day, and the grass and leaves on the mountain were washed away by the rain, showing a somewhat dark green color.

This kind of rain is nothing to the animals in the forest.

But in the middle of the night, there were a few thunderclaps in the sky, and the rain gradually became heavier.

Su Yao and the priest are not too worried about this, because as long as there is no heavy rain at the beginning of the rainy season, the forest and vegetation will have enough water storage capacity, and the land will also infiltrate part of the rainwater into the ground.

Such rain is a good thing for the wild plants and the overall ecology of the Dahuang Mountains. They can store enough water to cope with the upcoming hot summer heat.

However, heavy rains and flash floods often occur at the end of the rainy season. The ecosystem has already absorbed enough precipitation, and the rest can only be poured out in the form of floods.

The rainy season brought leisure time for everyone, and the vegetables in the yard became more lush because of the rainwater. At this moment, they felt more and more grateful for Su Yao's benefits.

During the rainy season last year, the tribe lacked salt to preserve the meat they hunted. They ate the stinky meat for half a month, let alone how it tasted. The lack of vegetables made it difficult for them to go to the toilet.

"It's better to be an envoy." A few girls who were visiting together to learn how to remove the soles of their shoes whispered about their daughter's concerns: "If only I could find a handsome and capable partner like an envoy."

"You're not ashamed." The fair-faced girl tapped the forehead of the girl who just spoke with her hand: "Master Shenshi is as godlike as a person, so he should be worthy of our Lord Zhongli."

"That's right." Another girl responded quietly: "I see that Lord Envoy and Lord Zhongli are the best companions blessed by the gods, and Lord Zhongli will always smile in front of Lord Envoy."

Several sixteen or seventeen-year-old girls were giggling and laughing. It was the time when they were in love, and their innocent and innocent personalities could always be keenly aware of the difference.

Hua Lian on the side looked at the little girls laughing together, envious but also regretful, he should have a better future, just like Shitou and Su Ya.

Now in the tribe, apart from Su Yao Zhongli and the priest, the three with the highest status are Su Ya, Shitou and Chu Shu.

Chu Shu has a calm personality, and he is responsible for all the big and small things in the school, even the rules and laws of the tribe are managed by Chu Shu.

Suya and Shitou are even more important. Suya is the captain of the Mulan army or the successor of the priests; Shitou is the captain of more than 200 soldiers under him, and is also in charge of refining salt.

Both of them are deeply trusted by Su Yao and Zhongli. They are the most beautiful figures in the tribe besides the envoy and Zhongli, and they are also the most envied objects of Hualian.

Hua Lian was contemplating, when a little girl interrupted him: "Hey Hua Lian brother, please help me see how to sew this skirt so that it doesn't get wrinkled. I tried two or three times but it didn't work."

The short gown in the girl's hand was made of cotton, with a small bulge near her chest.

"Come on, let me have a look." Hua Lian smiled and corrected the little girl's mistakes in stitches little by little.

Originally, Hua Lian could not be allocated such a big house by himself, but Hua Lian worked hard on his own and spun fine cotton thread. The fine white and uniform cotton thread turned into a light and soft cotton cloth in his hands.

This kind of craftsmanship is unique in the tribe, so he often teaches other people in the tribe to spin and weave, and he also learns to make clothes from cotton cloth without a teacher.

Especially now that the weather is hot, cotton cloth is more comfortable to wear than animal skins. The women who come to him to learn crafts come to him every day.

Hua Lian's craftsmanship is very popular in the tribe. In order to reward him for not hiding his secrets, the tribe allocated him a bigger house.

Now there is a large spinning machine and a loom in this house, and there are some newly made clothes on the wooden shelves, which are common styles in the tribe.

The only difference is that the collar and sleeves of the women's clothes are ingeniously embroidered with a few light yellow flowers, which look extraordinarily delicate.

The rain gradually subsided in the afternoon, and the little girls took the opportunity to go home. Only Hualian and two fluffy little wild rabbits were left in the house.

Looking into the rain, Hua Lian remembered the conversation they had when Su Yao came to see him when his injury was about to heal.

Su Yao said: "In order to get rid of Zhong Kuo, you dare to use such a tragic method to deal with yourself. Are you not afraid? What if the priest and I didn't come that day?"

Hua Lian remembered his answer: "But you still came, which means I guessed right. Although I was hostile to you at first, it was just jealousy and comparison between two young people."

"I envy you, I'm jealous of you, and I know you a little bit, you won't let me be beaten to death by Zhong Kuo just like that."

Rabbit moved his ears to regain Hualian's sanity, and he smiled, showing a little admiration for his ignorant self before.

What did I know about God Envoy?His so-called understanding was nothing more than his trust in the envoy. From the bottom of his heart, he had already trusted Su Yao at that time.

Rubbing Huang Tu's belly, Hua Lian continued to cut the cloth, what a wonderful day it is now!

It was not in vain that he tried his best to anger Zhong Kuo, and even brought the bone knife used for cutting vegetables to the sleeping place. Zhong Kuo wounded him with the knife only under his intentional hint.

Although his injuries were deeper than he thought, he was lucky to survive and he won.

For Hua Lian, the current life is what he once dreamed of. Although he does not have the noble status he pursued before, it is not bad.

The rain only stopped for a while, and then it started to fall again. There were already signs of flash floods in the ravines on both sides of the tribe.

"Ah Yao, it's been raining for half a month." Zhong Li returned to the house after practicing swordsmanship, a look of worry flashed in his eyes.

He wasn't worried about the situation in the tribe. With the heavy rain, Zhong Li was afraid that the brine beds in the valley on the other side of the salt-alkali mountain would be washed away by the flood.

Su Yao put down the brush in his hand and patted his shoulder. The monk's physique couldn't resist the psychological fear of copying the text, especially the text in classical Chinese.

"Let's go. How about you help me see how it looks?"

The bamboo slips describe how to make ancient coins, and the way of bartering is no longer suitable for the current way of life in the tribe.

And Su Yao wanted to take this opportunity to try to mint a batch of coins, and use coins instead of exchange, which can save a lot of things.

However, the matter of coins is not easy to deal with for a while, and Su Yao only has a rough plan.

The author has something to say:

The third watch is over, good night and early sleep, love babies!

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