"Huh? Didn't the planting succeed?" Su Yao was so anxious that he simply dropped the vines in his hand and squatted in the ground to pick up the soil with his hands.

The soil brought out by the vines was relatively loose, and after a couple of pulls, several large potatoes could be seen from inside, weighing six to seven catties together, which shows how big the potatoes are.

"Not bad, not bad, I thought it was a failure." Su Yao patted the dirt off his hands and was very satisfied with the harvest: "The skin of the potatoes is still a little tender, and it may be harvested after another three or four days. Let's tell everyone when we go back Son, let them prepare baskets."

Potatoes take up a lot of weight, and it is troublesome to transport them outside with a basket. It is better to put them in a basket with a large opening and use a pole to pick them from the ground, and then put them in a wooden cart and pull them back to the tribe.

"Okay, let's go back to eat dumplings at night." Zhongli dug up a few more potatoes and prepared to take them back to eat together.

Su Yao raised his eyebrows: "You know how to do it?"

Zhongli nodded. He specially asked Su Yao to engrave a book on cooking from the jade slips in the space. He occasionally studied the cooking recipes in it when he was free. After a long time, he could create new ones. A few dishes come.

Su Yao had eaten it several times in modern times. In the province where the flying dance and music culture was prevalent, potato dumplings were a popular delicacy among the people.

At that time, he was just in college. When he went to his roommate’s hometown to travel, he tasted stir-fried dumplings and fell in love with the taste. It’s just that making stir-fried dumplings at home has high requirements for potatoes, and making them delicious also requires skill.

Su Yao tried to make it once when he was at home, and the result was that the dough was thin and not sticky, and the taste was like paste, which was quite unpalatable anyway.

Since then, Su Yao seldom eats stir-fries. Now that he heard that Zhong Li was going to do this, his first reaction was not suspicion but anticipation.

The inconvenient thing about big potatoes is that it takes too much time to cook. Eight or nine potatoes cook more than half of the pot, and two tender corns and eggplants cook a full pot.

Su Yao worked as a diligent burner, moved a small bench and sat by the stove to peel the onion and garlic for Zhong Li, and lay down his hands.

The thick tree hollowed out the center of the tree into a groove, and the size of the mallet was just right for the groove.

Zhongli cleaned the wooden hammer and the wooden groove several times, and then boiled seasoning water in a small clay pot.

The seasoning water is also very important to make the dough taste good.Then there is the soup of sauerkraut and shredded potatoes. The sauerkraut is sent by Su Ya. After the wild vegetables are chopped, they are scalded in boiling water and then put into clay pots. After a few days of fermentation, they will naturally become sour.

The potatoes in these pots are almost cooked. When the lid is lifted, the sweet smell of corn mixed with the smell of potatoes fills the whole kitchen. Both of them are not afraid of being hot, so they grab the potatoes and start peeling them.

The potatoes grown in the wild soil are round and smooth, with almost no potholes.

The peeled potatoes are squeezed into several pieces and placed in a wooden trough. When the heat dissipates and the potatoes are not so hot to the touch, they start to be smashed vigorously with a wooden hammer.

The potatoes turned into mashed potatoes under the impact, and then a little bit of strength turned into a somewhat tough texture.

Smashing and disturbing the ball is a laborious job, Zhong Li started sweating on his forehead after smashing for a while, he simply took off his outer clothes, leaving only a thin layer of underwear.

With his movements, the skin under the underwear was faintly visible, and the faintly appeared abdominal muscle lines made Su Yao feel a little afraid to look at it for some reason.

"You smash it, I'll gnaw some corn." Su Yao stood up and went to the pot to pick out the cool tender corn to eat.

Zhong Li seemed to have noticed something, and the dimples on his face flashed.

For dinner, I have been looking forward to the whole afternoon. The soil on the plain is fertile, and the potatoes grown are of good quality.

Food is abundant this spring, and the bamboo shoots in the tribe have survived much more than in previous years. Now they have grown into big bamboos, and the entire area of ​​the bamboo forest has widened a lot.

After receiving Su Yao's order to collect potatoes, everyone in the tribe excitedly chopped bamboo to weave baskets.

The blacksmiths and carpenters were also busy, and they had new jobs to do.

The blacksmiths began to make custom-made hoes for digging potatoes and sharp iron rakes with four forks according to the pattern that Zhongli had brought over.

The iron rake is specially used to dig potatoes from the ground. The larger potatoes are dug out by the iron rake, and the smaller soil lumps are broken by the iron rake.

Carpenters are also busy making wooden handles for shoulder poles and hoes. Good wooden handles are of the right thickness and are easy to use.

The hoe used for digging potatoes should be longer than ordinary hoe, so that it can dig deeper without damaging the skin of potatoes.

In the midst of everyone's busyness, the early summer harvest in the tribe has begun.

The weaker women and teenagers pulled up the potato vines in front, and the men took hoes to dig out all the potatoes that were buried in the ground and put them aside.

Children and old people put the intact potatoes into the baskets, and after picking up two full baskets, they carried them on the shoulder poles and carried them back on wooden carts by special pickers.

Everyone was working in full swing, and the joy of harvest filled everyone's face.

With Zhong Li and several other team leaders watching in the field, Su Yao and the priest were responsible for weighing and counting the picked potatoes, and then storing them in the cellar.

When building a new house, the tribe built more than 20 cellars, large and small, according to the temperature required for storing different foods.

The cellar for storing potatoes and ground roots and other rhizomes was dug very deep, surrounded by thick brick walls made of hard blue bricks.

The brick wall is well insulated against water and heat, and only Su Yao has the key to open the cellar. Even if the priest wants to fetch things, he must first obtain Su Yao's consent.

"Envoy of God, this load is 150 catties." The priest watched the people weigh the scales outside, and several people moved the potatoes that had been weighed to the depths of the cellar.

The ground in the cellar was covered with a thick layer of hay to prevent moisture, and the fresh potatoes were carefully placed on the hay one by one with mud on them.

After a full layer is placed, another layer of hay is covered on top of the potatoes, so that the potatoes have been piled up to half a person's height after repeated repetitions.

Leave a width of one meter between the haystacks for easy walking and moving.The potato pickers carefully picked out the potatoes with broken skins and wounds and put them in the baskets prepared in advance.

The temperature in this cellar is kept at about five degrees all year round, which is the best temperature for storing potatoes.

Use hay to keep potatoes hydrated and shield them from light. In an environment without light, potatoes at such temperatures can last a year without rotting.

However, it should be noted that the potatoes need to be picked up every three or four months to pick out the potatoes with signs of germination and deterioration, so as not to let them contaminate other intact potatoes.

Harvesting is always very lively. Although the body is very tired after a day of work, adults and children laugh all day long, and even go to the square to enjoy the cool and talk in the evening.

The men sat together and discussed the moves the fighters had trained recently, and stood up and gestured when they were excited.

Children in the wilderness don't have so many constraints. They were beaten in the mud in the mountains when they were young. In the evening, they compete in literacy and wrestling in pairs.

Whether it is literacy or wrestling, it is a five-round three-win system. The loser has to run ten laps around the big field by himself.

The women looked at their partners and children with satisfied smiles in their eyes, and occasionally said a few homely words.

"Captain Dashan, how many potatoes did your family share today?" An aunt asked Dashan with a smile.

Since starting to work, Su Yao has changed the method of equal distribution for each household, and started to distribute food according to labor intensity.

No matter how careful the potato diggers are, it is inevitable that some potatoes will be damaged. All these damaged potatoes will be picked up by a person in charge, and Zhongli will be responsible for distributing them equally to everyone when work is over every afternoon.

"Not much." Dashan held the soles of his shoes with a smile: "My younger siblings are about to give birth, and my younger brother is busy taking care of them. Only us and my parents are working."

The Huangping tribe does not have the concept of marriage and natal family. After becoming a couple, the young couple is a single family, and both parents have to take care of them regardless of their closeness.

Therefore, the friends of brothers are called sisters, the friends of elder brothers are called brothers and sisters, and the friends of younger brothers are called younger brothers and sisters.The partners of sisters and sisters are called brothers and sisters.

"I'm going to give birth soon? After all, she is strong, and she doesn't look pregnant. When did you give birth?" Giving birth is the top priority in the tribe. When the people around heard that Dashan's sister-in-law was about to give birth, they rushed to him Come and listen.

Dashan has also given birth to two children, and he doesn’t shy away from talking about these things: “I guess I’m pregnant before the cold winter, and it’s almost eight months. The priest said that the baby in my stomach is very fat. Serve carefully."

"It's great, the child will be strong only when he is fat." At that moment, several women who were already married but not yet pregnant with children sighed enviously.

The conditions in the wilderness are harsh, and children are often not easy to conceive, and sometimes they cannot be born even if they are conceived.

There are also women who have given birth to a child and said something: "You are an experienced person, and you should let Qiuhong move around more. It will be difficult to give birth when the child grows up. At that time, the adult will suffer a lot and the body will not be able to bear it."

Qiuhong is Dashan's younger brother and sister, and Dashan has always had a good relationship with her, so at this moment, she can't help feeling a little worried:

"We haven't suffered any crimes in this cold winter. We eat well and wear warm clothes. This child is too fat. These days, Dahe is at home every day to help Qiuhong walk around, and he is afraid of suffering during childbirth."

A group of women chattered and turned the topic back to childbirth. There were so many pregnant wives in the tribe, the priest had to pick a few houses to wander around every day, fearing that something might happen to the child.

"Having a baby is a challenge, so you have to be careful."

"I also want to conceive a child, but I don't know if I can ask God to make an adult do it?"

"Hurry up and hold back those words, and you're not afraid that Mr. Zhongli will stare at you with those gloomy eyes."

"It's true, Mr. Zhongli is scary just looking at it, I'd better wait!"

The moon quietly set on the branches, and the people enjoying the coolness also returned home, waiting for the next day's busy day.

Su Yao and Zhong Li were quietly looking at the small bamboo basket in front of them. The bamboo basket was filled with warm cotton, and the two small eggs in the cotton shook a few times without external interference.

"Is it about to break the shell?" Su Yao asked Zhongli cautiously while holding his breath.

"It probably won't be until noon tomorrow." Zhongli replied softly. He had seen many wild birds hatching, so he was not as nervous as Su Yao.

"Okay." Su Yao was a little disappointed, but when he thought that he would be busy harvesting potatoes and sweet potatoes tomorrow, he rested his mind for the whole night and went back to his room to rest.

Anyway, there are two little letter birds taking care of it, so there won't be any major problems, and he will come back at noon tomorrow.

Potato vines are not edible, so they are piled on the ground as usual, and when they are half-dried in the sun, they will be carried back to tie the grass man and the grass target.

Sweet potatoes and vines with ground roots can be eaten, but we can't finish eating the vegetables grown in the yard and the wild vegetables in the forest, and we don't want to eat these old vines with bad taste.

But these vines were not wasted, they were all gathered together and tied into a big haystack with half people hugging each other, and brought them back to feed the bulls and wildebeests in the tribe.

Nowadays, people in the tribe cherish the wild cows and wildebeest horses very much. They are afraid that the old vines will be too painful to chew. They even use a guillotine to chop the vines finely and feed them to the cows and horses with green grass.

After more than ten days of busy work, most of the sweet potatoes and potatoes in the field have been recovered.

The dug potatoes, sweet potatoes and ground roots were sliced ​​and dried according to the method Su Yao taught before, and some were finely ground to precipitate the starch inside to make vermicelli slightly thicker than vermicelli.

It's just that the noodles are too wasteful of potatoes, so every family only makes a little bit of early adopters.

And just when everyone was about to continue digging the few remaining potatoes, Su Yao keenly noticed that the humidity in the blowing wind seemed to be a little different.

The author has something to say:

Second update hehe, there is another update today!

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